zine symposium in warsaw

– announcement via chaosXgrrlz zine

Grrrlz and boyz!
On 19th of May we organize first zine symposium in Warsaw, and we wanna invite you for that event.

Basically, a zine (pronounced “zeen”) is a publication that is created by someone – or a group of like-minded people – who wants to express themselves in a cheap, personal, DIY format. As a zine editor (or “zinester”), you have complete control over the production, design, and content of your zine. It’s pretty fun. It may surprise you, but in Poland zine culture is quite strong, and the symposium will be a great chance to get know about it a little bit more.

On the whole world there are regular meetings of zine makers and zine lovers. Our zine symposium will be a party by which we wanna present the zine culture, independent book and comic publishings, distributions and zine makers and other paper-art creators. Also it which be a chance to get to know lots of independent initiatives and political, non commercial ideas.

We plan a whole day, free entrance party, during which there will be some workshops, lectures, presentations, as well as exhibitions, film presentations, freeshop, zine reading room and, last but maybe most important, zine and book fair
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despre persecutia comunitatii lgbt

din articolul “Elita gay din Romania, in puscariile comuniste”:

Aproximativ 20 de persoane au fost inculpate pentru orientare homosexuala in 1959 si condamnate la ani grei de inchisoare. Cotidianul, cu ajutorul unuia dintre supravietuitori, reconstituie procesul si destinele citorva dintre homosexualii implicati.

informatiile sint foarte interesante si bine de stiut, iar articolul este excelent realizat, in afara de un punct important exprimat in comentariul de “hiddencop” pe site-ul cotidianul.ro:

Sincere aprecieri pentru articol, pentru decenta si “raceala” cu care a fost scris: o fasie de istorie dureroasa, pe care nu o poate intelege decat un gay care s-a ascuns si a fost terorizat de gandul ca va fi pedepsit pentru ca viata lui privata, intima nu este identica cu a majoritatii. Sau, desigur, un heterosexual apropiat de ceea ce inseamna a fi gay. Mai bine zis “a fi fost gay in vremuri de teroare”. Pentru ca astazi lucururile stau cu totul altfel.

Ce mi-ar placea sa stie si sa afle cititorii Cotidianului este ca inchisoare pentru orientarea homosexuala au facut multi altii, nu neaparat oameni ilustri precum cei amintiti in articol. Ca membru al comunitatii LGBT, am cunoscut un respectabil domn care prin anii 80 a ajuns in puscarie pentru simplul fapt ca numele lui era inscris in agenda unui alt gay: maniera aceasta in sine este inspaimantatoare, dealtfel, daca ne gandim cum se facea “vanatoarea de homosexuali”.

Asadar, sper sa citesc in curand un articol SI despre suferinta gay-ilor care nu au fost persoane publice (desi inteleg foarte bine ca, pe cat de picant este subiectul pentru pesoanele straight, pe atat de putin probabil este ca el sa fie reluat atata vreme cat nu povesteste despre “VIP”-urile de altadata sau din ziua de azi…)

si ar mai trebui adaugat, la “gay care nu au fost persoane publice”, gay care nu au fost barbati. se zice “lgbt”, nu doar g(bt), pentru un motiv. sint multe de aflat inca si despre femei care au fost inchise sau persecutate pentru orientarea sexuala…

pe wikipedia, la “Drepturi LGBT in Romania” sau “LGBT rights in Romania” nu exista nici o informatie despre persecutia persoanelor lgbt in perioada comunista. “Legislatia romaneasca privind relatiile homosexuale” ofera citeva detalii si repere istorice.

baieti, fete si eu

postul “Avril Lavigne is a whiny brat” (@ feministe) si comentariile de-acolo mi-au amintit de o formulare excelenta pentru felul in care de multe ori fetele se simt nevoite sa reactioneze la misoginia de peste tot din jurul nostru. ca sa te impui, ai doua optiuni: daca nu alegi feminismul (o alegere pe care mainstream-ul patriarhal iti spune s-o ocolesti cu orice pret), poti alege in schimb sa denunti celelalte femei si feminitatea in general amagindu-te ca ar exista de fapt “trei sexe: barbati, femei si tu” (cu alte cuvinte, imbratisind misoginia si declarindu-te pe tine ca exceptie de la regula). am scris mai mult despre expresia respectiva aici. dupa parerea mea, formularea asta pune in evidenta foarte bine problema cu alegerea din urma, care in mod firesc merge mina in mina cu o pozitie “post-feminista” sau pur “anti-feminista”; problema e ca aceasta alegere e o amagire si nu “functioneaza” deloc: regulile sistemului patriarhal, care prin definitie te dezavantajeaza pentru ca esti de sex feminin, nu se schimba pentru ca tu alegi sa le sustii si sa denunti si desconsideri genul de care societatea a decis ca apartii. dimpotriva! asa cum zice si andreea in textul ei din primul numar al zinei lf-ro, problema cu denuntul e foarte greu de constientizat si adresat tocmai pentru ca pina la un anumit punct misoginia si tot ce inseamna sustinerea ierarhiei de valori patriarhale iti ofera un refugiu, speranta de acces la un statut privilegiat (adica masculin), chiar daca esti fata. insa asta doar pina la un anumit punct, si mai ales doar cu victime colaterale, printre care te numeri si tu. in ultima instanta, ca fata, cu denuntul anti-feminin nu ajungi decit exact de unde pleaca feminismul (desigur, mai depinde si de ce fel de feminism e vorba, ca si ca “feminista” poti merge pe aceleasi principii individualiste si incerca sa determini “how can i use feminism to my advantage?” – heheh).

international summer school “Human trafficking”, Iasi, Ro

The European Law Students’ Association ELSA Iasi is proud to invite you to the international summer school “Human trafficking”

The event has its location in the city of Iasi, Romania (an old and beautiful city situated in the north-east of the country) and is scheduled between 19 to 26 August, 2007.

By organizing an International Summer School on this topic, ELSA Iasi is intending to treat in an academical manner the international impact problem that is human trafficking, in order to increase the degree of knowledge that students in general possess now. This happens in the context of Romania as a country with difficult issues to face in this domain, and we are willing to create a basis for future project of international cooperation. The project has as target group students both from faculties in Romania and the whole world and it contains 5 days of classes, presentations, workshops, trainings (about 6 hours per day).

The workshops will deal with:
– Definition (sociological, legal) and history of human trafficking
– Ways of trafficking
– Children trafficking
– The international adoptions’ phenomenon in Romania
– Human trafficking relating to the phenomenon of poverty in undeveloped and developing countries
– Prostitution: in countries where it is legalized (study case: Holland ) and in countries where it is illegal (study case: Romania )
– Institutions and other activities of fighting against human trafficking, both national and international
– Ways of financing youth programs (with emphasis on “Youth in Action”)
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call for submissions : women’s lives & gender relations in Eastern Europe

Collected Volume on Women’s Lives, Gender Relations and State Policy in Central and Eastern Europe under State Socialism

Deadline: June 15, 2007

Scholars working on gender and socialism in Central and Eastern Europe are invited to submit a 500-word abstract of an essay for a collected volume examining post-89 approaches to the study, research and analysis of women’s lives and issues of gender under state socialism.

The wealth of human and archival sources that have become available since the collapse of communism, combined with the increased use of cultural, social, gender, and oral history in studies of socialism, have provided crucial insight into gender in socialist societies — both as it was discursively represented and lived on an everyday level. This in turn has facilitated a more nuanced and complex understanding of women under socialism that challenges the bleak and homogenized portraits of women that were produced — in both feminist and non-feminist scholarship–prior to and immediately after 1989.

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Blogging Feminism: Websites of Resistance

You can check the S&F issue here!!!

About the issue

As blogging has more widespread interest, especially vis-รก-vis electoral politics, feminist activity on the internet has remained marginal to the mainstream. Thus, we were thrilled when Gwendolyn Beetham and Jessica Valenti proposed “Blogging Feminism: (Web)sites of Resistance” as a Scholar and Feminist Online journal topic, as well as a theme for a Barnard Center for Research on Women panel discussion. As Beetham and Valenti point out in their introduction, all too much feminist activity exists in the blogosphere invisibly. This theme runs through many of this journal’s contributions, and is taken up directly by Clancy Ratliff and Tedra Osell in the section entitled “Women and Politics in the Blogosphere.”

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