Femeile din Romania – slab educate, prost platite, neimplicate in luarea deciziei

Comunicat de presa
CPE – Centrul Parteneriat pentru Egalitate
Bucuresti, 26 septembrie 2007

Diferente de salarizare intre femei si barbati continua sa existe in majoritatea domeniilor de activitate. Cea mai mare diferenta se inregistreaza in industrie, unde salariul barbatilor este cu peste 60% mai mare decat cel al femeilor. Chiar si in domenii feminizate, ca administratie publica si comert, salariile barbatilor sunt mai mari decat cele ale femeilor cu peste 15%.

Un numar semnificativ de angajati barbati acceseaza concediul pentru cresterea si ingrijirea copilului, insa, ponderea majoritara, de peste 70%, ramane reprezentata de femei.

Nivelul de educatie in randul femeilor este foarte scazut: aproape trei sferturi dintre femei au maxim 8 clase si numai 3% au absolvit studii superioare, in timp ce numarul celor care nu au nici un fel de studii se situeaza intre 5 si 12%. Comparativ, nivelul de instruire al barbatilor este mai ridicat decat cel al femeilor, 60% dintre acestia avand maxim 8 clase, iar 4% studii superioare. Discrepanta cea mai mare se inregistreaza in cazul analfabetilor, numarul femeilor fara nici o instruire fiind de 2,8 ori mai mare decat cel al barbatilor in judetul Botosani si de peste 4 ori mai mare in judetul Giurgiu.

Participarea femeilor la luarea deciziei in plan local ramane extrem de scazuta, ponderea femeilor in Consiliile Judetene fiind intre 6,5% si 24,2%.

La nivelul Inspectoratelor Teritoriale de Munca nu s-au inregistrat plangeri pe motiv de discriminare intre sexe.
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really perfect definition of feminism

reading through “The Books that changed our lives”, i came upon this perfect description (lots of other great comments from some awesome feminists in the article):

feminism isn’t an argument or a position but a kind of sanity … a way of looking at the world that takes the humanity of female people seriously” – ariel levy [some discussion of levy’s most famous book mentioned in an older post here].

a bit about the books that changed my life here. to which i’d add this about bell hooks, this about gloria anzaldua, this on jane eyre and this on fiul risipitor. and a feminist reading list i made a while ago here.

Petition for the parents of the Roma children…

Liberty and justice for the parents of the Roma children burnt to death in the fire of Livorno fire on August 10th, 2007

The EveryOne Group and the “Amici degli Angeli” are asking concerned for the immediate release of the parents of the young victims, as well as immediate assistance, starting with a home and state benefit. The groups also request an all-out inquiry against GAPE, a gang of racist murderers, who are responsible for this monstrous crime.

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… and these appeal to women, HOW?

gallery of sexist ads, parts 10^20 and 10^20+1:

“Alicia Silverstone Strips for Animals?” (yeah, of course PETA is involved)

“Pornography of War (Literally)”
as “bonus,” some more depictions of women being demeaned/abused that are making the rounds… because it’s all part of the same continuum:
Video of domestic violence
Blonda batuta de concubinul ei [Blonde beaten up by her live-in boyfriend]
(make sure to check out the “average joe” responses to these: “so what,” “she deserved it,” “why didn’t she just leave?” are among the mildest reactions to the video on youtube, and most of them, especially on the romanian site, are truly vile, misogynistic and violent… while the video is being sent around as a “joke”)

CAREFUL, links 3-5 contain images that could be seriously triggering!

ateliere despre femei si tehnologie

“La lucru… Spatii libere temporare”
Reni Hoffmueller
—- Luni 24 octombrie, 12:00 — 20:00

Atelierele, discutiile si prezentarile care vor avea loc in decursul celor patru zile sub titlul „La lucru… Spatii libere temporare” vor avea subiecte ca: relatia dintre gen si tehnologie, rolul free software si open source in promovarea libertatii informatiei, femeile ca producatoare de continut in domeniul culturii si tehnologiei, etc. Continuturile atelierelor si discutiilor nu sunt prestabilite, acestea hotarandu-se impreuna cu participantele/participantii in cadrul unei situatii non –ierarhice, intr-o atmosfera de lucru democratica. Fotografiile de documentare facute in timpul atelierelor si discutiilor vor fi folosite apoi pentru o apropriere simbolica a spatiului orasului. Locuri din Bucuresti care au o importanta pentru o istorie alternativa a femeilor vor fi marcate cu aceste fotografii reprezentand femei in situatii non-stereotipice, atat in spatiul real cat si pe o harta virtuala a Bucurestiului, harta gazduita de site-ul proiectului. Reni Hofmüller este artista, muziciana, compozitoare si activista in domeniul folosirii noilor medii, tehnologiei si a insemnatatii politice a acestora. Reni Hofmüller traieste si lucreaza in Graz.

@ Str. Arthur Verona nr 19

cafenea, proiectii ACCEPT

Cafeneaua “Eu, tu… si mai cine”
Asociatia ACCEPT
—– Vineri 21 octombrie, 19:00

Prezentarea unor filme documentare legate de probleme LGBT pe plan international, filme din arhiva ACCEPT.
—– Sambata 22 octombrie, 19:00

1. “Politics of the heart / Politica sentimentelor” (Canada 2005, documentar, 68 minute, Regia: Nancy Nicol)

2. “Heneini / Aceasta sunt eu” (SUA 2005, documentar, 62 minute, Regia: Irena Fayngold)

3. “They still smile / Ei totusi zambesc” (Belarus 2002, documentar, 16,47 min, Regia: Irina Sizova)

@ Str. Arthur Verona nr 19

“any skinny moderatly attractive bruntette would fill the hole”

another must read: “Ignorance abounds… on Youtube” @When She Speaks I Hear the Revolution – it’s really about a very common attitude towards female musicians… about how male-centric almost all rock music is (and more importantly is assumed to be), STILL!

ps: alison (vv) from the kills used to be in the punk band discount… and she was awesome!

must read

some excellent points on “the personal is political”

Obviously, what people mean but won’t spell out when they say, “It’s easier,” is that it’s easier to give into patriarchal pressure than not. It’s the same reason that a lot of women find it “easier” to do all the housework, though it seems at first blush that it would be easier to share the housework. I’ve called it the “Nagging Differential” in the past, which is that women have to do more work around the house no matter what—either they have to do all the work or all the nagging, and sometimes all the work is easier than all the nagging. […] it’s often smart for an individual woman to go along with the patriarchy. At the end of the day, resistance will cost you more than compliance, which is how oppression, you know, works.