d.i.y. feminist spaces

We’d like to build spaces without harassment, without having to worry about jerks, and more ambitiously, with active encouragement to explore. The culture we’re developing supports making, learning, and teaching, which is a goal we share with many other hackerspaces. Ours is starting with a few extra values; intersectional feminism, support for feminist activism and strong respect for personal boundaries. We’re trying to build structures that help us form strong social ties and share responsibility.

It’s very exciting. I know what you’re thinking. You want a feminist hackerspace full of creative, talented non-jerks near you!

“The Rise of Feminist Hackerspaces and How to Make Your Own” by Liz Henry @ MODEL VIEW CULTURE
— via aic

tabara feminista internationala autogestionata – moroieni, 6-16 august

Ce au in comun tinerele feministe ale Europei? Ce ne solidarizeaza? Ce ne desparte? Cum putem lucra impreuna?
Va invitam sa dezbatem in cadrul Taberei Tinerelor Feministe, 6-16 august, Zona turistica Moroeni, jud. Dambovita.

Tabara este afiliata miscarii internationale World March of Women si va avea participante din tari precum: Franta, Spania, Germania, Elvetia, Polonia, Cehia, Armenia, Portugalia, Brazilia, Canada, Turcia, Grecia.

Garantam o experienta feminista unica, cu ateliere, discutii intense si schimburi de experienta la finalul carora vom produce un Manifest comun.
Tabara a avut prima editie anul trecut in Franta. Tinerele feministe au discutat despre solidaritate, discriminari multiple, economie, mediul inconjurator, violenta, sanatate, sexualitate, promovarea feminismului. (Manifestul din 2011)

Agenda de anul acesta va fi stabilita in timpul taberei. Fiecare participanta poate propune subiecte si teme de dezbateri, le vom selecta impreuna.

Costurile pentru cazare, masa si transport sunt asigurate de Asociatia FRONT, prin programul de finantare “Tineret in Actiune”.
* cazarea este in regim de campare cu corturile proprii. Ne ghidam dupa principiul auto-gestiunii (fiecare participanta va ajuta la sarcinile comune).

Asteptam inscrieri pana la data de 25 IULIE.
Locurile sunt limitate.
Pentru inscriere si selectie, va rugam sa ne trimiteti **3 propuneri de teme feministe** pe care sa le includem pe agenda de discutii din timpul taberei.

new book: girls to the front … the true story of the riot grrrl revolution

Riot Grrrl roared into the spotlight in 1991: an uncompromising movement of pissed-off girls with no patience for sexism and no intention of keeping quiet. Young women everywhere were realizing that the equality they’d been promised was still elusive, and a newly resurgent right wing was turning feminism into the ultimate dirty word. In response, thousands of riot grrrls published zines, founded local groups, and organized national conventions, while fiercely prophetic punk bands such as Bratmobile, Heavens to Betsy, Huggy Bear, and Bikini Kill helped spread the word across the US and to Canada, Europe, and beyond.

Girls to the Front, the first-ever history of Riot Grrrl, is a lyrical, punk-infused narrative about a group of extraordinary young women coming of age angrily, collectively, and publicly. A dynamic chronicle not just of a movement but of an era, this is the story of a time when America thought young people were apathetic and feminism was dead, but a generation of noisy girls rose up to prove everybody wrong.

more about the book here: http://www.girlstothefront.com/

ginecologie do-it-yourself

despre o zina care face parte din mobilobiblioteca fia [vom actualiza pagina in curind – o versiune mai recenta a catalogului se gaseste pe site-ul bibliotecii alternative, unde poposeste momentan mobilobiblioteca! UPDATE 19.07.2010: catalog actualizat]:

Hot Pantz begins with the sentence, “Patriarchy sucks,” and goes on to say:

It’s robbed us of our autonomy and much of our history. We believe that it’s integral for women to be aware and in control of our own bodies. The recipes we present here have been known for centuries, passed down from mother to daughter, and have survived the censorship of the witch hunts. Our intent is simple and practical: to help break away from the medical establishment’s tentacular grip on our bodies and our approaches to health and healing.

Hot Pantz provides readers with an understanding of anatomy, recipes to conquer yeast infections and hormonal imbalances, an extensive glossary of self-healing herbs, a list of aphrodisiacs, and it provides instructions on how to give foot massages that will alleviate cramps! …

Herbs predate history; women have been using herbs to treat cramps and bring on their menses for a long time. It’s no secret that natural medicine has been swept under the rug because of the pharmaceutical industry … While medical advancements have certainly provided more access to birth control and hormone therapy than ever before, I have a hard time believing the multi-billion dollar industry that creates these hormonal drugs is super concerned about women’s health. While we have access to these drugs, we do not have control over what goes into them, and pharmaceutical companies are not required to tell us. …

Perhaps part of the reason we talk so little about herbs is because we don’t want to knock drugs that have gone hand-in-hand with women’s liberation. In a recent interview with Bitch, Laura Eldridge (author of In Our Control: The Complete Guide to Contraceptive Choices for Women) spoke of how it is difficult to think critically of the Pill, especially as “acceptance of the Pill was an integral part of second wave feminism and as such allowed for many of the gains women have made.” It is indeed difficult to be critical of the Pill. It is also difficult to be taken seriously while talking about and promoting the use of herbs.

Hot Pantz makes it very clear that the zine is not intended to provide diagnosis or prescriptions. The zine is “an informative guide to help you better understand your body and your health”. They also make sure to state that if you are in doubt, you should not hesitate “to consult an herbal practitioner, naturopath, physician or gynecologist.” I also want to make it clear that I am not against the use of pharmaceuticals. They work for a lot of people. However, I do have a problem with the lack of transparency within the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry that makes decisions about what is going to be available for women to put into their bodies. And I do think that herbal remedies should be more widely available and considered more seriously.

From the Bitch Library: Hot Pantz: Do It Yourself Gynecology

Atelier de grafica organizat de FIA pentru crearea de materiale destinate proiectului “papergirl” – partea a II a

“Papergirl” este o punere la feminin a conceptului-cliseu din SUA al “baiatului cu ziare”, doar ca fata cu ziare imparte de fapt productii artistice. Ale cui? Ale non-artistilor. Proiectul este “participativ, analog, non-comercial”. Fetei cu ziare nu ii pasa daca am facut liceul sau facultatea de arte. Fata cu ziare provoaca la libertate de expresie, oricat de novici am fi in ale artei. Fata cu ziare va  face mai tarziu o expozitie cu lucrarile noastre adunate, pe care le va imparti la final la intamplare.

Colectivul FIA te provoaca la randul sau la participarea la proiectul papergirl, deoarece stie ca sunt multe lucruri nespuse despre ce inseamna a fi “celalat sex” in spatiul acesta si despre ce inseamna roluri subintelese si stricte pentru fete si baieti. FIA crede in arta pe post de portavoce, in arta ca statement la nivel social. FIA  iti da tot ce iti trebuie: hartie, culori, lipici, foarfece, ac si ata si proiectii, zine si reviste de citit si decupat  pentru a broda, desena, cola impreuna idei si imagini despre feminism /feminin/ masculin/ feminitate/ masculinitate. Daca doresti, poti veni si tu cu propriile materiale si resurse de folosit si impartasit !

O sa mai avem proiectii, discutii despre roluri de gen/experiente in cadrul tiparelor impuse, povesti la trecut despre Ladyfest,  limonada

Cand ? Duminica, 20 iunie , ora 17:00

Unde? Biblioteca alternativa, Str. Bogdan Voda nr. 9, Bucuresti (7-8 minute de mers pe jos de la Gara de Nord)





Atelier de grafica organizat de FIA pentru crearea de materiale destinate proiectului “papergirl”

‘Atelier de grafica organizat de FIA pentru crearea de materiale destinate proiectului “papergirl

Conceptul de “papergirl” este o punere la feminin a conceptului-cliseu din SUA a “baiatului cu ziare”, doar ca fata cu ziare imparte de fapt productii artistice. Ale cui? Ale non-artistilor. Proiectul este “participativ, analog, non-comercial”. Fetei cu ziare nu ii pasa daca am facut liceul sau facultatea de arte. Fata cu ziare provoaca la libertate de expresie, oricat de novici am fi in ale artei. Fata cu ziare va  face mai tarziu o expozitie cu lucrarile noastre adunate, pe care le va imparti la final la intamplare.

Colectivul FIA te provoaca la randul sau la participarea la proiectul papergirl, deoarece stie ca sunt multe lucruri nespuse despre ce inseamna a fi “celalat sex” in spatiul acesta. FIA crede in arta pe post de portavoce, in arta ca statement la nivel social. FIA  iti da tot ce iti trebuie: hartie, culori, lipici, foarfece, ac si ata si proiectii, zine si reviste de citit si decupat  pentru a broda, desena, cola impreuna idei si imagini despre feminism /feminin / feminitate. Daca doresti, poti veni si tu cu propriile materiale si resurse de folosit si impartasit !

Cand ? Duminica, 16 mai, ora 13:00

Unde? Biblioteca alternativa, Str. Bogdan Voda nr. 9, Bucuresti (7-8 minute de mers pe jos de la Gara de Nord)

Contact : email FIA : fia [la] riseup [punct] net

Parte din ce-am produs (continuam la urmatorul atelier):



lucrare neterminata! :D


GRITtv: Kathleen Hanna: Three-Dimensional Role Model

Kathleen Hanna came into a music scene in the 90s that was angry, violent, and full of men. She and her bandmates in Bikini Kill, along with the rest of the riot grrrl movement, pushed back against that culture and helped usher in a new “wave” of feminism. After Bikini Kill, Hanna went on to make feminist dance music with Le Tigre and has kept pushing boundaries ever since. Recently, she donated her zine archive to NYU’s Fales Library as part of its new Riot Grrrl collection. She joins Laura (GRITtv) in studio to talk feminism, rock’n’roll, and why she’s hopeful for the future.

And for those who want to find out more about what Kathleen Hanna is up to, her blog is here!!!