tabara feminista internationala autogestionata – moroieni, 6-16 august

Ce au in comun tinerele feministe ale Europei? Ce ne solidarizeaza? Ce ne desparte? Cum putem lucra impreuna?
Va invitam sa dezbatem in cadrul Taberei Tinerelor Feministe, 6-16 august, Zona turistica Moroeni, jud. Dambovita.

Tabara este afiliata miscarii internationale World March of Women si va avea participante din tari precum: Franta, Spania, Germania, Elvetia, Polonia, Cehia, Armenia, Portugalia, Brazilia, Canada, Turcia, Grecia.

Garantam o experienta feminista unica, cu ateliere, discutii intense si schimburi de experienta la finalul carora vom produce un Manifest comun.
Tabara a avut prima editie anul trecut in Franta. Tinerele feministe au discutat despre solidaritate, discriminari multiple, economie, mediul inconjurator, violenta, sanatate, sexualitate, promovarea feminismului. (Manifestul din 2011)

Agenda de anul acesta va fi stabilita in timpul taberei. Fiecare participanta poate propune subiecte si teme de dezbateri, le vom selecta impreuna.

Costurile pentru cazare, masa si transport sunt asigurate de Asociatia FRONT, prin programul de finantare “Tineret in Actiune”.
* cazarea este in regim de campare cu corturile proprii. Ne ghidam dupa principiul auto-gestiunii (fiecare participanta va ajuta la sarcinile comune).

Asteptam inscrieri pana la data de 25 IULIE.
Locurile sunt limitate.
Pentru inscriere si selectie, va rugam sa ne trimiteti **3 propuneri de teme feministe** pe care sa le includem pe agenda de discutii din timpul taberei.

FRIDA Launches First Call for Proposals!

FRIDA | The Young Feminist Fund mobilizes resources, funds and strengthens the participation and leadership of young feminist activists globally. The goal of The Young Feminist Fund (FRIDA) is to provide accessible, strategic and responsive funding for young feminist-led initiatives, and to strengthen the capacity of young feminist organizations to both leverage their own resources and increase their social change impact. FRIDA invites applications from groups led by young women and transgender youth under 30 years of age for grants of up to USD 5,000.


extended deadline : Feminist strategies for change – Interface journal call for activist contributions

Feminist strategies for change: activist debate
Interface journal call for contributions (extended deadline – September 1st 2011)

In the heyday of the second women’s movement, feminist utopias and strategies for a world without patriarchy were the stuff of lively debate and defined different kinds of feminist politics and theory. In the grey light of 2011 – the darkness before the dawn? – is it still possible to imagine a post-patriarchal society? Can we imagine what kinds of feminist revolution or transformation might make this possible? And what sorts of everyday collective practice can social movements engage in to bring such a future closer?

Interface: a journal for and about social movements < +> is produced by activists with an eye to theory and social movement researchers as a practitioner journal for people engaged in or studying the practice of social movement, and aiming to stimulate discussion and learning between people in different regions and continents, different
political situations and theoretical traditions, and different movement contexts. After issues on movement knowledge, civil society, revolutions, activist media and repression, we are now working on an issue devoted to feminism, women’s movements and women in movement.

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Call for papers: Interface 3/2, “Feminism, women’s movements and women in movement”

Interface: a journal for and about social movements

Call for papers, issue 3/2 (November 2011, deadline for submissions May 2011)
“Feminism, women’s movements and women in movement”

Issue editors: Catherine Eschle, Cristina Flesher Fominaya, Sara Motta, Laurence Cox

Feminist theory is a direct product of women’s movements, which in turn have been among the most powerful movements of recent decades and have had dramatic effects across societies. Despite this, much
contemporary feminist theory avoids questions of collective agency, and is often disconnected from movement activism. Conversely most scholarship on social movements ignores feminist analysis or at best
includes it as an add-on question about gendered participation. Arguably, such scholarship is reliant on restrictive conceptual frames that result in the invisibilisation, de-legitimisation and silencing of contemporary forms of feminism, women’s movement and women in movement. Both frameworks are therefore weak on understanding and conceptualising the nature of contemporary feminism-as-movement,
engaging with women’s agency in the construction of new forms of popular politics and opening up productive questions about political strategy.

This is particularly strange since women’s movements, and movements dominated by women (particularly those described as popular movements, movements of the poor or community movements), play a distinctive and characteristic role in local, national and global politics. They often expand the praxis of popular politics and social change in ways that politicise the subjective and the everyday, and include the spiritual, cultural and affective in their practices of resistance. Furthermore, feminist historical accounts in recent decades have highlighted the importance of women’s mobilisation, theories, pedagogies and approaches in everything from anti-imperialist movements, struggles around social reproduction and trade union organising to religious activism and top-down mobilisation in support of conservative regimes.

For this issue, we invite contributions on how feminist theory can help us understand the ways in which participation and collective action are gendered within social movements generally. We are equally
interested in the ways in which women’s movements, feminist activism and movements strongly marked by women’s participation but without a feminist identification have distinct approaches to politics ? or
operate in similar ways to other movements – and the political and strategic implications of their activities.

We are looking for contributions from feminist activists and scholars, participants in and students of women’s movements and movements marked by a feminisation of resistance, and social movement researchers with an interest in women’s agency, or how agency is gendered, in movements of all kinds.

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Declaratia femeilor rome activiste – Suntem rome si nu tiganci! Numiti-ne cu numele nostru!

“Noi, femeile rome activiste, participante la Conferinta Nationala Incluziunea sociala a femeilor rome, 27-28 noiembrie 2010, organizata de Asociatia Femeilor Rome din Romania, ne exprimam dezacordul fata de propunerea legislativa a domunului deputat Silviu Prigoana privind schimbarea denumirii oficiale a persoanelor de etnie roma din “rom” in “tigan”, inregistrata la Senatul romaniei in septembrie 2010.”
–> Citeste DECLARATIA (.tif)

Chemare la protest “Me Sem Rom”, marti 30 noiembrie, ora 11:00 (.pdf)

The Feminist Poster Project: Call for action – call for contributions!

The Feminist Poster Project: A space to find + share feminist posters

The Feminist Poster Project is a new initiative to encourage designing, printing, sharing and distributing feminist posters and putting up them in public places. Sexist advertisement and misogynist media are all around us. If we want to fight this patriarchal propaganda, we have to produce our own images and messages. I would like to see feminist posters on walls, feminist signs over sexist ads, feminist stickers on street signs and feminist postcards in our letterboxes. I would like to see a change in our environments and a change in people’s minds. I hope the Feminist Poster Project can help to achieve this.

Take a look at:

Atelier de grafica organizat de FIA pentru crearea de materiale destinate proiectului “papergirl” – partea a II a

“Papergirl” este o punere la feminin a conceptului-cliseu din SUA al “baiatului cu ziare”, doar ca fata cu ziare imparte de fapt productii artistice. Ale cui? Ale non-artistilor. Proiectul este “participativ, analog, non-comercial”. Fetei cu ziare nu ii pasa daca am facut liceul sau facultatea de arte. Fata cu ziare provoaca la libertate de expresie, oricat de novici am fi in ale artei. Fata cu ziare va  face mai tarziu o expozitie cu lucrarile noastre adunate, pe care le va imparti la final la intamplare.

Colectivul FIA te provoaca la randul sau la participarea la proiectul papergirl, deoarece stie ca sunt multe lucruri nespuse despre ce inseamna a fi “celalat sex” in spatiul acesta si despre ce inseamna roluri subintelese si stricte pentru fete si baieti. FIA crede in arta pe post de portavoce, in arta ca statement la nivel social. FIA  iti da tot ce iti trebuie: hartie, culori, lipici, foarfece, ac si ata si proiectii, zine si reviste de citit si decupat  pentru a broda, desena, cola impreuna idei si imagini despre feminism /feminin/ masculin/ feminitate/ masculinitate. Daca doresti, poti veni si tu cu propriile materiale si resurse de folosit si impartasit !

O sa mai avem proiectii, discutii despre roluri de gen/experiente in cadrul tiparelor impuse, povesti la trecut despre Ladyfest,  limonada

Cand ? Duminica, 20 iunie , ora 17:00

Unde? Biblioteca alternativa, Str. Bogdan Voda nr. 9, Bucuresti (7-8 minute de mers pe jos de la Gara de Nord)





Atelier de grafica organizat de FIA pentru crearea de materiale destinate proiectului “papergirl”

‘Atelier de grafica organizat de FIA pentru crearea de materiale destinate proiectului “papergirl

Conceptul de “papergirl” este o punere la feminin a conceptului-cliseu din SUA a “baiatului cu ziare”, doar ca fata cu ziare imparte de fapt productii artistice. Ale cui? Ale non-artistilor. Proiectul este “participativ, analog, non-comercial”. Fetei cu ziare nu ii pasa daca am facut liceul sau facultatea de arte. Fata cu ziare provoaca la libertate de expresie, oricat de novici am fi in ale artei. Fata cu ziare va  face mai tarziu o expozitie cu lucrarile noastre adunate, pe care le va imparti la final la intamplare.

Colectivul FIA te provoaca la randul sau la participarea la proiectul papergirl, deoarece stie ca sunt multe lucruri nespuse despre ce inseamna a fi “celalat sex” in spatiul acesta. FIA crede in arta pe post de portavoce, in arta ca statement la nivel social. FIA  iti da tot ce iti trebuie: hartie, culori, lipici, foarfece, ac si ata si proiectii, zine si reviste de citit si decupat  pentru a broda, desena, cola impreuna idei si imagini despre feminism /feminin / feminitate. Daca doresti, poti veni si tu cu propriile materiale si resurse de folosit si impartasit !

Cand ? Duminica, 16 mai, ora 13:00

Unde? Biblioteca alternativa, Str. Bogdan Voda nr. 9, Bucuresti (7-8 minute de mers pe jos de la Gara de Nord)

Contact : email FIA : fia [la] riseup [punct] net

Parte din ce-am produs (continuam la urmatorul atelier):



lucrare neterminata! :D


Belgrade Pride cancelled – call for action and aftermath

“Serbia seeks far-right bans after gay pride threat”

BELGRADE, Sept 25 (Reuters) – Serbia’s public prosecutor has asked for two far-right groups to be banned after their threats led to the cancellation of a gay pride parade in Belgrade last weekend, an official said on Friday.

Serbian authorities withdrew approval for gay activists to hold a rally in central Belgrade on Saturday after soccer hooligans and the extremist groups Obraz (Face) and Association 1398 threatened to attack the parade.

“The two groups were identified as those which must be outlawed immediately,” prosecutor Slobodan Radovanovic told B92 television.

Serbia’s Ministry of Human and Minority Rights asked prosecutors to seek the ban from the constitutional court after five foreigners were beaten, one critically, in central Belgrade last week. …

For more info and background on the situation:


CALL sent out September 19, 2009 by Belgrade Pride organizers:

Serbian police have cancelled permission for the pride to be held in its planned location in the centre of the city.

This morning organisers Beograd Pride held their final press conference before tomorrows pride parade. Except pride will not be held, due to high security risks and a lack of cooperation on the part of state and police to secure the event. Serbian police have cancelled permission for the pride to be held in its planned location in the centre of the city.

This is after months of planning by the organising team, and repeated assurances from government at all levels, the minister for minorities, and the Serbian premier and president, that the pride will be secured and protected.
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