ziua barbatului care se dispretuieste, se pare

de citit: “leapsa: ziua femeii, ziua barbatului” de jo @ the essential bystander [link transmis de cristina]

din arhive:

un post de anul trecut in care propuneam ca daca tot ne intereseaza sa cream zile-de-militare-pentru-dreptul-barbatului-de-a-nu-lasa-capacul-de-la-wc-si-alte-trasaturi-masculine-definitorii de ce nu facem si o “zi a barbatului de origine europeana” sau “o zi a dictaturii comuniste” si tot felul de alte “zile” hilare prin care sa sarbatorim regresul si backlash-ul impotriva miscarilor anti-opresiune?! e ce zice si jo si e bineinteles un punct foarte simplu. (dar ma indoiesc ca cei vizati de leapsa vor pricepe ceva.)

si inca un post in care eu chiar celebrez o “zi a barbatului” si ma solidarizez cu barbati care au nevoie de sustinere pentru ca pricep si rezista presiunilor patriarhale (si reclamelor la bere s.a.m.d.).

despre solutii care agraveaza problema – si solutii reale

intr-un caz recent de violenta domestica din canada, o tanara agresata de partenerul ei a fost retinuta de politie in momentul in care a refuzat sa depuna marturie impotriva agresorului. despre caz – si felul in care in numele “protectiei” victimelor sistemul abuzeaza, in loc sa ajute, persoanele cele mai vulnerabile – la: “stop abuse with abuse” @ woc phd.

este doar un exemplu de esec al legilor contra violentei domestice si implementarii lor, atata timp cat se acorda prea putina atentie factorilor multipli ce intervin in vietile femeilor ne-majoritare. mai multe informatii (si resurse) in acest post mai vechi despre istoria si criticile aduse miscarii contra violentei de gen (en).

o alta ilustratie a aceleiasi probleme e data de alexandra oprea (in textul ei despre necesitatea integrarii experientelor femeilor rome in orice activism “feminist”, ca si in orice activism antirasist):

In Romania exista numeroase bariere in orice proces ce implica violenta domestica; spre exemplu: victimei ii revine sarcina de a inainta o plangere preliminara inainte ca agresorul sa fie arestat, un certificat medical eliberat in conditiile legii este necesar pentru a inregistra o plangere, nu exista reprezentare legala gratuita, de multe ori politia impiedica aducerea in instanta a cazurilor si este o mare criza de adaposturi in toata tara. In 2002, in Romania erau in total sapte adaposturi pentru victime ale violentei domestice.
Aceste bariere afecteaza femeile rome in mod disproportionat din cauza pozitiei lor la intersectia intre rasism, saracie si sexism. Cerinta de a obtine un certificat medico-legal inseamna o mare greutate pentru femeile rome carora deseori le sunt refuzate tratamentele medicale in spitale din cauza rasismului. Problema inregistrarii unei plangeri fara a avea acces la reprezentare legala gratuita inseamna o alta bariera pentru femei rome sarace, multe dintre care, pe langa faptul ca nu au o stabilitate financiara, nu detin nici capitalul social necesar pentru a naviga sistemul legal. Pe langa faptul ca sunt atat de putine adaposturi in Romania in general, numarul de adaposturi care sa fie accesibile femeilor rome este probabil zero, din cauza atitudinilor rasiste prevalente in societatea romaneasca. In plus, apelarea la politie inseamna o bariera cat se poate de serioasa, data fiind brutalitatea epidemica a politiei impotriva comunitatilor rome. Cand femeile rome suna la politie, de multe ori politia refuza sa vina in zone populate de romi – mai ales in ghetto-uri…

… O abordare de jos in sus a acestei probleme ne-ar obliga sa luam in considerare femeile rome sarace, care de multe ori se tem sa dea telefon la politie din cauza brutalitatii acesteia fata de comunitati rome, carora de multe ori le este refuzat tratamentul medical la spitale si care nu au acces la tribunal si la sistemul legal, sau slujbe care sa le permita sa paraseasca situatii abuzive. Folosirea acestor experiente ca fundatie pentru cercetarea pe violenta domestica din Romania ar avea ca rezultat un discurs mai aproape de realitate.

din pacate, chiar informatiile-stas oferite ca ajutor de organizatii altfel pozitive ca artemis (si chiar si aceasta brosura in care noi am preluat acele informatii) se fac vinovate de trecerea cu vederea a diverselor circumstante in care se pot afla persoanele agresate. subiectul este de maxima importanta si actualitate: pe langa faptul ca aplicarea legii 217/2003 privind combaterea violentei domestice lasa in continuare foarte mult de dorit, anul acesta asteptam imbunatatiri si sa fie introdus ordinul de restrictie [ca fapt divers, Moldova tocmai a promulgat si ea o lege anti-violenta] si in acelasi timp “deputatii cer masuri europene pentru stoparea discriminarii romilor”. insa asa cum arata alexandra, numai o abordare de jos in sus si luand in considerare factori ca genul, etnia, statutul economic etc. impreuna ne poate fi de vreun folos daca vrem sa rezolvam ceva si sa existe ajutoare reale pentru toti cei care se gasesc in situatii vulnerabile!

(un articol recent, de asemenea util aici: “Rom European – Discriminare la medic?”)

Oppose attempts to ban abortion in Lithuania

An appeal to solidarity from January 2008:

Dear European feminists,

On behalf of the parliamentary group on Population and Development, Reproductive Health and Rights of the Lithuanian Republic and on behalf of all educated and progressively thinking women and men of Lithuania I address you and ask for a moral support and solidarity in stopping the attempt of the conservative parliamentarians and social organizations to ban abortion in our country. The project of the law to safeguard an unborn life, to force women give birth even to an abnormal child, to criminalize abortion is backed up by the Lithuanian Catholic Church, which negates women reproductive rights.

read the open letter (francais)

Now, there is increased need for action. More at the f-word and feministing.

Oaxaca, Mexico: 2 Indigenous Women Journalists Murdered

April 7th, 2008. Oaxaca, Mexico.


Two indigenous triqui women who worked at the community radio station La Voz que Rompe el Silencio (The Voice that Breaks the Silence), in the autonomous municipality of San Juan Copala (Mixteca region), were shot and murdered while on their way to Oaxaca city to participate in the State Forum for the Defense of the Rights of the Peoples of Oaxaca. Three other people were injured.
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Reimaginarea justitiei sociale de jos in sus: Includerea femeilor rome

O traducere integrala a lucrarii “Re-envisioning Social Justice from the Ground Up: Including the Experiences of Romani Women” de Alexandra Oprea (link la fisier PDF) – cu multumiri Crinei pentru editari

Lucrarea de fata se concentreaza pe excluderea femeilor rome din discursurile feministe si anti-rasiste dominante (in mainstream) in Europa. Aceasta excludere este atribuita intersectionalitatii si politicilor de identitate problematice. Lucrarea discuta invizibilitatea femeilor rome perpetuata de programe si rapoarte ale organizatiilor ne-guvernamentale (ONG-uri) si explica absenta femeilor rome din discursuri rome si feministe, privirea ne-critica asupra culturii rome si vulnerabilitatea femeilor rome din Romania la violenta domestica. Textul pune accentul pe faptul ca analiza problemelor sociale trebuie facuta de jos in sus, luand in considerare experientele celor care intampina greutati multiple, cum ar fi femeile rome sarace. In concluzie, lucrarea discuta importanta recunoasterii privilegiilor ca fundatie a unor discursuri si a unei cercetari atotcuprinzatoare.

International Roma Day

8 aprilie a fost adoptata ca Zi Internationala a Romilor in 1971, in cadrul Primului Congres international al romilor de pretutindeni, care a avut loc la Londra. Tot atunci s-au stabilit imnul (Gelem, Gelem, compus de Jarko Jovanovic) si steagul international al romilor. Romii din tarile blocului comunist nu au celebrat aceasta zi, pana spre finele anilor 90’. In ultimii ani, semnificatia zilei de 8 aprilie a inceput sa fie recunoscuta la nivel mondial. Pe 28 martie 2006, Plenul Camerei Deputatilor a adoptat, cu majoritate de voturi, proiectul de lege privind declararea zilei de 8 aprilie drept “Sarbatoarea etniei romilor din Romania”. (info de la Romani Criss)

Vienna, 7 April 2008

“European Union needs common action to make equality a reality for the Roma”

Statement by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) on the occasion of International Roma Day
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the “new” romania – message from the h.arta girls

[versiunea in lb. romana]

Dear friends!

We have just returned from Bucharest, where between 2-4 of april took place the biggest NATO summit in history.Some people, (between 50 and 100) wanted to express their opinions about this summit, about war and militarization and a space was rented in Bucharest as a place for discussion, workshops, projections (and, in the “worst”case and only in the opinion of some of the participants, as a starting point for peaceful, quiet march in the city,in the conditions in which any public manifestation, no matter as peacefull, was oficially forbidden during the summit ). On the 2nd of april, the first day of summit, the riot police entered this space, beaten up people and arrested everybody inside without any legal basis, just on the presumption that “something might happen”. Later on that day they had to release everybody, as a consequence of the interventions of human rights groups and of people piqueting the police stations. But even if the detained people were released, the surveillance and the threats from the part of police continued.

It would be quit a lot to say about what happened there, about the atmosphere of terror, about the mass-media campaign that started weeks before the summit to construct an image of the “dangerous anarchists” that will destroy the city and our image of nice, obeying country, about people denied entry at the border on the reason that they had on them flyers against NATO and against violence, about the harassment of the people involved and also of their families and friends, about the surveillance of phones and internet activity made official and legal, etc. If you are interested you can read about these on indymedia romania site (http://romania.indymedia.org/) and also in other independent media.

We wanted to tell you also about what is happening to us. In September 2007, we were part of a project called Spatiul Public Bucuresti | Public Art Bucharest 2007 (http://www.projectspacebucharest.blogspot.com/, www.spatiul-public.ro), project in the frame of which we conceived and organized the events of a Project Space. Some of the people with whom we worked at Project Space were also involved in organizing a program of cultural events in reaction to the NATO summit in Bucharest. During the anti NATO protests in Bucharest and now, after we have return to Timisoara we realized that we were under the observation of the secret police even since September when we were working at the Project Space. Our phones are listened to, we are followed on the street (and our followers don’t even hide) and we have just discovered some strange connections in our laptops which allow remote access to all the data inside to some persons that we don’t know (we used our laptops during Project Space events and many people had access to them).
Although it is definitely distressful to know that you are constantly watched, it is not the case that they could find the evidence of any illegal activity whatsoever from our part. The only thing that we did, and that we will continue doing, is to express our citizen right to the freedom of speech. And only because of this, our private lives are wide opened to the eyes of some people payed from our tax money to harass us. The only reaction we can think off is to make this harassment as visible as possible, to tell everyone about it. This is the reason of this email.

One of the main critiques of Romanian communism is in relation to the constant surveillance, to the fact that you could not trust anybody and that all your moves and all your words were constantly observed. Now, when in our country any idea of the Left is so righteously condemned as “totalitarian” and “communist” with the purpose to reinforce even more capitalism as the only possible alternative, the constant surveillance is still part of the everyday life. It is enough to state publicly your opinions and you will be subjected to the same sort of surveillance as before 1989, even if now we are living the “freedom” times of capitalism.

Best wishes from us!
Maria, Rodica, Anca