“fii chiar tu media!”: proiectie de filme realizate de copii la Clubul Taranului

Asociatia Komunitas va invita joi, 4 iunie, la Clubul Taranului din Sos.Kisselef nr.3, intre orele 13-16, la vizionarea filmelor realizate in cadrul proiectului “A mobile cinema – images connecting people”, sprijinit printr-un grant primit de la CEE Trust (Trust for Civil Society in Central and Eastern Europe).

afis proiectie filme

Filmele au fost realizate de elevi din urmatoarele institutii educationale: Scoala Generala nr 136, Colegiul National “Mihai Viteazul”, Colegiul National “George Cosbuc”, Liceul International de Informatica. 
Ideile de la baza proiectului au fost: ridicarea gradului de implicare civica a tinerilor prin accentuarea ideii ca ei insisi pot fi media (be-the-media); promovarea educatiei non-formale impotriva discriminarii prin mijloace audio-video; facilitarea accesului tinerilor la produse de new-media, avind la baza conceptul de do-it-yourself (nu trebuie sa fii doar consumator, ci poti crea tu insuti mesaje si lucruri). 
Filmele proiectate sint: Orasul nimanui (documentar despre politici urbanistice si discriminare economica in spatiul public bucurestean); Womanizer project (documentar ce abordeaza pozitia femeilor in societate si diverse forme de discriminare ce rezulta din aceasta); Aerul, libertatea si normalitatea (film work-in-progress ce documenteaza intilnirile din cadrul proiectului cu elevi ai Scolii Generale 136 din Prelungirea Ferentari); Normalitate? (film-colaj ce aduce laolalta diverse perspective asupra “normalitatii”); Mozaic (film despre persoane de culoare care traiesc in Romania si felul in care se simt ele aici).

the “new” romania – message from the h.arta girls

[versiunea in lb. romana]

Dear friends!

We have just returned from Bucharest, where between 2-4 of april took place the biggest NATO summit in history.Some people, (between 50 and 100) wanted to express their opinions about this summit, about war and militarization and a space was rented in Bucharest as a place for discussion, workshops, projections (and, in the “worst”case and only in the opinion of some of the participants, as a starting point for peaceful, quiet march in the city,in the conditions in which any public manifestation, no matter as peacefull, was oficially forbidden during the summit ). On the 2nd of april, the first day of summit, the riot police entered this space, beaten up people and arrested everybody inside without any legal basis, just on the presumption that “something might happen”. Later on that day they had to release everybody, as a consequence of the interventions of human rights groups and of people piqueting the police stations. But even if the detained people were released, the surveillance and the threats from the part of police continued.

It would be quit a lot to say about what happened there, about the atmosphere of terror, about the mass-media campaign that started weeks before the summit to construct an image of the “dangerous anarchists” that will destroy the city and our image of nice, obeying country, about people denied entry at the border on the reason that they had on them flyers against NATO and against violence, about the harassment of the people involved and also of their families and friends, about the surveillance of phones and internet activity made official and legal, etc. If you are interested you can read about these on indymedia romania site (http://romania.indymedia.org/) and also in other independent media.

We wanted to tell you also about what is happening to us. In September 2007, we were part of a project called Spatiul Public Bucuresti | Public Art Bucharest 2007 (http://www.projectspacebucharest.blogspot.com/, www.spatiul-public.ro), project in the frame of which we conceived and organized the events of a Project Space. Some of the people with whom we worked at Project Space were also involved in organizing a program of cultural events in reaction to the NATO summit in Bucharest. During the anti NATO protests in Bucharest and now, after we have return to Timisoara we realized that we were under the observation of the secret police even since September when we were working at the Project Space. Our phones are listened to, we are followed on the street (and our followers don’t even hide) and we have just discovered some strange connections in our laptops which allow remote access to all the data inside to some persons that we don’t know (we used our laptops during Project Space events and many people had access to them).
Although it is definitely distressful to know that you are constantly watched, it is not the case that they could find the evidence of any illegal activity whatsoever from our part. The only thing that we did, and that we will continue doing, is to express our citizen right to the freedom of speech. And only because of this, our private lives are wide opened to the eyes of some people payed from our tax money to harass us. The only reaction we can think off is to make this harassment as visible as possible, to tell everyone about it. This is the reason of this email.

One of the main critiques of Romanian communism is in relation to the constant surveillance, to the fact that you could not trust anybody and that all your moves and all your words were constantly observed. Now, when in our country any idea of the Left is so righteously condemned as “totalitarian” and “communist” with the purpose to reinforce even more capitalism as the only possible alternative, the constant surveillance is still part of the everyday life. It is enough to state publicly your opinions and you will be subjected to the same sort of surveillance as before 1989, even if now we are living the “freedom” times of capitalism.

Best wishes from us!
Maria, Rodica, Anca

eveniment in punkoteca pirat pe 25 nov

duminica, 25 nov, este ziua internationala impotriva violentei impotriva femeilor. aceasta zi inseamna in romania si inceputul unei campanii de 16 zile impotriva violentei de gen. ne am gandit sa pregatim si noi o proiectie de filme pe teme de violenta, trafic, hartuire si o discutie despre violenta impotriva femeilor in spatiile pe care le frecventam des (ne vom concentra asupra violentei in cluburi/baruri – studiu de caz: punkoteca pirat). intalnirea va avea loc la orele 18,00 la punkoteca (str. atelierului nr.14, langa hotel IBIS, Gara de nord) si va fi urmata de un party mic, de duminica, cu trupe care au femei in componenta (muzica nu-i live, ci din computer). afis/flyer pt eveniment nu este inca gata (am inceput organizarea cam tarziu), dar va puteti nota in agenda evenimentul asta :), organizat de un grup informal, cu sprijinul ladyfest romania.

The anarcha-feminist magazine RAG #1 (Dublin) – Rape Culture

Sexual violence is a huge problem in our society. Sexual assault is not something that happens to other people elsewhere but is something that has happened to a significant number of people in any community, group or setting. Yet sexual violence is rarely talked about, the extent of it is not widely known and outside the feminist movement it is seldom taken up as a political issue.

—- This article sprang from a case of rape in a community of activists which, in the various meetings, workshops and discussions that followed, forced people to try to deal with a problem which is usually hidden. The whole issue proved to be quite divisive. It became clear to anyone listening that sexual violence is something of which a shocking number of women have their own personal experience. Continue reading

Românii: Oaspeţi nedoriţi în Italia

de Uli Schmetzer (traducere)

Un decret de urgenţă pentru expulzarea românilor săraci ilustrează încă odată intoleranţa noastră în creştere faţă de ceilalţi.

Veneţia, Italia, 3 Nov 2007 – Vechii romani îşi extinseseră cetăţenia şi protecţia formidabilelor legiuni asupra vasalilor europeni loiali. Romanii moderni sunt mult mai circumspecţi: săptămâna aceasta au decis să-şi ofere ospitalitatea doar acelor cetăţeni europeni care se ridică deasupra liniei sărăciei.
Ceilalţi – cei fără mijloace suficiente sau cei care locuiesc în rulote sau adăposturi ilegale – se află la discreţia prefecţilor locali şi pot fi expulzaţi din Italia printr-un decret al cărui ţintă principală sunt românii, cei mai recenţi membri ai Uniunii Europene liberi să călătorească şi să lucreze în orice ţară UE.

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Romanians: unwanted guests in Italy

by Uli Schmetzer

An emergency decree to expel poor Romanians illustrates once again our growing intolerance towards others.

Venice, Italy, Nov 3, 2007 – The ancient Romans extended citizenship and the protection of their formidable legions to loyal European vassals. Modern Romans are more circumspect: This week they decided to offer their hospitality only to those fellow European citizen classified above the poverty line.
At the discretion of local prefects the rest, those without sufficient means of support or living in campers and illegal cabins, can be expelled from Italy under a decree whose main target are the Romanians, the latest members of the European Community (EU) free to travel and work in any EU nation.

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