Disney, Casino Capitalism and the Exploitation of Young Boys: Beyond the Politics of Innocence

“Disney, Casino Capitalism and the Exploitation of Young Boys: Beyond the Politics of Innocence”"Disney is in the forefront of finding ways to capitalize on the $50 billion dollars spent worldwide by young boys between the ages of 6 and 14." (Photo: Thomas Hawk / Facebook)
by Henry A. Giroux, t r u t h o u t | Perspective

[…] As a group, young people are vulnerable to corporate giants such as Disney, who make every effort “to expand inwardly into the psyche and emotional life of the individual in order to utilize human potential” in the service of a market society.[4] Since children’s identities have to be actively directed toward the role of consumers, knowledge, information, entertainment and cultural pedagogy become central in shaping and influencing every waking moment of children’s daily lives. In this instance, Disney, with its legion of media holdings, armies of marketers and omnipresent advertisers, set out not to just exploit young boys and other youth for profit; they are actually constructing them as commodities and promoting the concept of childhood as a saleable commodity.

[…] Children are increasingly exposed to a marketing and advertising pedagogical machinery eager and ready to transform them into full-fledged members of the consumer society. And the amount of time they spend in this commercial world defined by Disney and a few other corporations is as breathtaking as it is disturbing. […]
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Ziua Europeana a Drepturilor Pacientilor si comunicatul de presa al Grupului Femeilor Vatamate de Sterilizarea Fortata

Buna ziua!

Pentru a ne solidariza cu colegele noastre, femei rome din Cehia vatamate prin sterilizare fortata si pentru a marca ziua de 18 aprilie – Ziua Europeana a Drepturilor Pacientilor, Editia a IIIa, va transmitem comunicatul de presa – limba romana, cu privire la prezentarea Elenei Gorolová, purtatoare de cuvant a Grupului Femeilor Vatamate de Sterilizarea Fortata, ce va avea loc pe 21 aprilie 2009 la Geneva cu ocazia Conferintei Durban II/ONU.

Comunicatul a fost tradus la initiativa unui grup de femei rome si nerome din Romania cu scopul mediatizarii acestuia in randul mass mediei si a altor persoane interesate din Romania.

Sarbatori fericite, asa cum va doriti!
Crina Morteanu


Elena Gorolová, purtatoare de cuvant a Grupului Femeilor Vatamate de Sterilizarea Fortata calatoreste la Geneva pentru a face o prezentare la Conferinta Durban II a ONU
Prezentarea acestei luptatoare pentru drepturile femeilor va avea loc pe 21 aprilie 2009
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