
completeaza ca sa afli de cite tratamente ai nevoie: :)

The Hysteria Quiz


water massage treatment
for hysteria cca 1860.

e foarte important [pt. localizarea uterului – posibil s-o fi luat-o iar la plimbare, vezi.]!

sau citind-o pe jessica de la feministing,

“You can see just how many leeches on your vag you’ll need to cure you of your love of reading and bike-riding. Fun!”


ISTERÍE s.f. Boală nervoasă manifestată prin tulburări ale sensibilităţii, prin convulsii etc., nejustificate de existenţa unor leziuni. [Gen. -iei, var. histerie s.f. / cf. fr. hystérie < gr. hystera – uter]. Continue reading

un sat in africa interzice violenta domestica

o stire extrem de interesanta:

Violenta impotriva femeilor poate fi oprita – Aceasta convingere sta la baza muncii de-o viata a Rebeccai Lolosoli, o femeie indigena din grupul etnic Samburu din Kenya, care a reusit sa-si transforme propria viata si pe cea a comunitatii ei. Rebecca a stabilit Umoja, un sat condus de femei intr-o zona rurala din Kenya, care s-a declarat “Zona fara Violenta Impotriva Femeilor”.

Persoanele care locuiesc in Umoja au supravietuit violenta de gen si sint hotarite sa construiasca un viitor mai bun pentru ele si copiii lor. In colaborare cu organizatia pentru femei MADRE, dedicata drepturilor omului, femeile din Umoja isi apara dreptul la o viata fara violenta, dezvoltind noi modele pentru promovarea sanatatii si drepturilor economice ale femeilor. Femeile din Umoja fac parte dintr-un grup ce a intentat un proces impotriva armatei britanice pentru violul a peste 1400 de femei Samburu. Umoja a inspirat deja si alte comunitati sa copieze acest model.

mai multe la Umoja: How an African Village is Banning Violence Against Women pe site-ul organizatiei MADRE si la feministe

De ce?

De ce imi place sa-mi petrec timpul cu feministe? Pentru ca scriu posturi ca asta, pentru ca ne putem gasi linistite la o bere si sa aberam ore in sir dar si sa discutam serios cand e cazul, punand punctul pe i in cazul unor probleme care ne privesc in mod direct. Pentru ca fac parte din acea categorie de oameni care nu vad totul in alb si negru, sunt acei oameni care incearca sa darame stereotipurile. Pentru ca sunt cele mai libere persoane pe care le cunosc, departe de gandul mintilor indoctrinate. Pentru ca ne distram impreuna, pentru ca facem skanking pe scena atunci cand e barul gol. Pentru ca putem purta o conversatie fara sa ne intrerupem una pe alta, pentru ca varsta nu conteaza. Pentru ca sunt femei destepte, care au ceva de zis, sunt femei din lumea artei, sunt talentate si au demonstrat`o de nenumarate ori, pentru ca sunt persoane interesate de binele celor din jur. Pentru ca sunt dispuse sa invete, pentru ca sunt interesate de calculatoare, de electronica (chiar daca unii spun ca treburile astea tin strict de barbati). Pentru ca nu se resemneaza. Pentru ca nu se complac. Pentru ca au auzit de Emma Goldman. Pentru ca sunt riot grrrls! Pentru ca nu discrimineaza. Pentru ca nu stau in bucatarie pentru simplul fapt ca sunt femei. Pentru ca gasesc reclama la FengPui la fel de enervanta ca si mine. Ptr. ca au rabdare si pot argumenta. Pentru ca atunci cand ma enervez, sunt impulsiva si exista ele sa ma calmeze si sa-mi spuna ca n`are rost.. pentru ca imi trimit citate ca:

“There is always something to do. There are hungry
people to feed, naked people to clothe, sick people to
comfort and make well. And while I don’t expect you to
save the world I do think it’s not asking too much for
you to love those with whom you sleep, share the
happiness of those whom you call friend, engage those
among you who are visionary and remove from your life
those who offer you depression, despair and
disrespect.” (nikki giovanni)

intreaba-ma orice despre feminism

“as all advocates of feminist politics know most people do not understand sexism or if they do they think it is not a problem. masses of people think that feminism is always and only about women seeking to be equal to men. and a huge majority of these folks think feminism is anti-male. their misunderstanding of feminist politics reflects the reality that most folks learn about feminism from patriarchal mass media.” – bell hooks

pornind de la un comentariu recent, si pentru ca tot e la moda prin diferite locuri, m-am gindit sa deschidem si acest blog intrebarilor de orice fel despre ce inseamna feminismul. orice vi se pare neclar, nebulos, incomprehensibil despre acest subiect, puteti pune o intrebare lasind un comentariu aici sau scriind la una din adresele de la sectiunea “contact”, mai sus. noi le vom lua in consideratie pe toate, atita timp cit sint rezonabile si de buna credinta. avem de gind sa fim foarte ingaduitoare si rabdatoare, dar ramine la latitudinea noastra sa decidem ce e rezonabil.


ps: nimeni nu reprezinta toate feministele, nici o opinie in particular nu reprezinta toate opiniile feministe, deci noi nu vom incerca sa facem asta.

Despre Eden

de Nita Mocanu
septembrie 2006

atelier de cusatorie
Odata cu proiectul “Made in Italy”, o colaborare intre Candida Tv (un grup de video activisti din Roma, Italia http://candidatv.tv) si grupul din care fac parte, D Media din Cluj (asociatie pentru media alternativa http://www.dmedia.ro), am inceput discutiile despre delocalizarea firmelor italiene spre estul Europei si cum afecteaza aceasta situatie viata femeilor.

“The reality of foreign investment was very different from the initial promise: labor rules were not respected, working conditions were poor, the unions were absent, and many companies delocalized further east when wages began to increase, leaving the workers without a job from one day to the next. Many people left to work abroad rather than compete for jobs paying 70 euro per month at Italian firms in Romania. Italy has become the leading destination for Romanian migrants, with some 2 million workers, mostly clandestine. We thought it important to highlight this connection because public discourse in Romania has uncritically celebrated foreign investment as a panacea that would save the nation. This is even more true now, in the midst of a wave of EU euphoria and following the rise to power of a newly elected neoliberal government that has reformed the tax structure and labour code in order to attract more foreign capital.” “Memoirs of a Video Activist” by Joanne Richardson

Continue reading

six easy steps to invincible ignorance

six easy steps to invincible ignorance.

coffeeandink launches an exciting new product: tired of discussions of racism in literature, television, and film? worn out from the unexpected criticism of your leisure pursuits? exhausted by the effort of having to respond to each new argument carefully and conscientiously?
we can help!
we’ll teach you how to suppress discussion of racism in six easy steps. soon suppressing dissent will be so easy you can do it in your sleep!
especially designed for your online needs!
find out what how to suppress discussions of racism can do for you. in just 6 easy steps, you can make sure any discussion of race is so unpleasant that nobody will ever broach the subject in your earshot again.

1.control what your audience sees
2.attack the person, not the argument
3.argue against straw men
4.deflect attention away from the specific criticism
5.racism, however ugly, is better than the alternative
6.prove your opponent has mistaken some other quality for racism


via alternet

Helping Women Who Sell Sex: The Construction of Benevolent Identities

Abstract: Social interventions aimed at helping the group positioned as most needy in Europe today, migrant women who sell sex, can be understood by examining that time, 200 years ago, when ‘the prostitute’ was identified as needing to be saved. Before, there was no class of people who viewed their mission to be ‘helping’ working-class women who sold sex, but, during the ‘rise of the social,’ the figure of the ‘prostitute’ as pathetic victim came to dominate all other images. At the same time, demographic changes meant that many women needed and wanted to earn money and independence, yet no professions thought respectable were open to them. Simultaneous with the creation of the prostitute-victim, middle class women were identified as peculiarly capable of raising them up and showing the way to domesticity. These ‘helpers’ constructed a new identity and occupational sphere for themselves, one considered worthy and even prestigious. Nowadays, to question ‘helping’ projects often causes anger or dismissal. A genealogical approach, which shows how governmentality functioned in the past, is easier to accept, and may facilitate the taking of a reflexive attitude in the present.


despre intersectia feminism-critica nationalismului

o foarte buna sinteza a raspunsului la intrebarea de ce nationalismul este un subiect relevant pentru feminism si viceversa (de thinking girl) [en]

… Nationalism is replacing democracy. Nationalism … is a disguised form of racism, and democracy becomes a tool for nationalist racism to flourish through “freedom of speech” that allows freely spoken hatred – this “freedom” is a freedom of the speaker, not a freedom of those spoken about. When nationalism creates images and rhetoric of homogeneity in its population, marginalizing on the basis of race, gender, and sexuality, the freedom of marginalized groups to speak back against hate speech with speech of their own is compromised, because their speech is not as powerful and valuable as that of the dominant group. Hate speech is one-sided; how is that “freedom”? “equality”? Outsiders in a nation cannot use freedom of speech to challenge the inside ofthat nation; their speech is rejected.

Language about nations is largely highly gendered. We talk about the “mother” or “fatherland”, the “mothertongue.” Nationalism is often spoken in terms of family, headed by a masculine figure, and embodied as a woman. The patriarchal family unit is privileged in nationalistic discourses. The feminine is mother, nurturer, caregiver, in this family, and so the nation’s women are mothers of all the children of the nation. This makes women particular targets in ethnic cleansing regimes as warring groups rape and impregnate women, forcing them to literally be the mothers of a new fantasmic nation of their own design. The women themselves get lost in these violent acts; ethnic cleansing/genocidal rape is seen as worse than “regular” rape, partially because the crime has men as the intended victims as well as the raped women: genocidal rape is meant to eliminate a population of people, not just eliminate the woman. And here, of course, “people” includes the most important citizens: male citizens. At the same time that victims of genocidal rape are forced to be mothers to a new nation, they are eliminated as the mothers of the old nation, used to break apart the national family. And this fiction is legitimized along racial lines but it plays out on gender lines, normalizing gender violence by leaving it unnamed. Male-male rape in war is not mentioned because it destabilizes the very idea of gender central to nationalism. And, of course, in all of this ideology about the patriarchal family unit, gay, lesbian, bisexual, and trans people are completely invisible, because sexuality is invisible…