[zina lf-ro’05] The ghost in the shell

Emma Goldman spunea ca doar femeile insele se pot elibera de opresia lor “interioara”. (in “Living my life”)

Cred ca multe femei nu iau in considerare ca aceasta opresie exista. Personal ma intalnesc cu foarte multe femei care considera ca eu exagerez vorbind despre feminism si lupta impotriva sexismului si a patriarhatului, ce sa mai spun despre abolirea capitalismului si exploatarii.
Si de fapt ce inseamna opresia “interioara”?
Mai intai, trebuie sa te descoperi pe tine ca femeie in interiorul tau, privindu-te cu ochii tai, si nu prin filtrul moralitatii si al culturii in care traiesti, nu prin intermediul mediei mainstream (TV sau cinematograf) si bineinteles nu prin ochii barbatilor; un exercitiu destul de greu de realizat pentru mine personal.

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Talibanism in Technology by Deepa Kandaswamy


The article examines the global phenomenon of “technological talibanism” and seven reasons why women in science and technology have remained invisible through out the ages.

Seven reasons why women in technology remain invisible…

Most of us have heard of the Taj Mahal, one of the seven wonders of the
modern world. We also know it was built in memory of Mumtaz Mahal.
But how many of us know of her aunt, Nor Mahal? She invented the
device to perform attar distillation from flowers to make perfumes.
Despite 4,000 years of contribution, we do not know about most
pioneering women in technology—like Empress Shi Dun, who invented
paper, Penthesilea, who invented the battle axe, and Catherine Green,
who invented the cotton gin (though Eli Whitney holds the patent).
Florence Nightingale, the famous nurse, was also a brilliant
mathematician, and her contribution as the inventor of the pie chart that
businesses, technologists, researchers and governments throughout the
world use today, is virtually unknown.

This continues even in this ‘Information Age’ where we boast of living in
knowledge-based societies. How many of us know of Helen Greiner, a
scientist and the only woman to run a robot company in the world or of
Vanitha Rangaraju who is the only Indian woman to win an Oscar for her
technical work for the movie Shrek?
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Despre Eden

de Nita Mocanu
septembrie 2006

atelier de cusatorie
Odata cu proiectul “Made in Italy”, o colaborare intre Candida Tv (un grup de video activisti din Roma, Italia http://candidatv.tv) si grupul din care fac parte, D Media din Cluj (asociatie pentru media alternativa http://www.dmedia.ro), am inceput discutiile despre delocalizarea firmelor italiene spre estul Europei si cum afecteaza aceasta situatie viata femeilor.

“The reality of foreign investment was very different from the initial promise: labor rules were not respected, working conditions were poor, the unions were absent, and many companies delocalized further east when wages began to increase, leaving the workers without a job from one day to the next. Many people left to work abroad rather than compete for jobs paying 70 euro per month at Italian firms in Romania. Italy has become the leading destination for Romanian migrants, with some 2 million workers, mostly clandestine. We thought it important to highlight this connection because public discourse in Romania has uncritically celebrated foreign investment as a panacea that would save the nation. This is even more true now, in the midst of a wave of EU euphoria and following the rise to power of a newly elected neoliberal government that has reformed the tax structure and labour code in order to attract more foreign capital.” “Memoirs of a Video Activist” by Joanne Richardson

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Eclectic Tech Carnival – about

Eclectic Tech Carnival 2006, a carnival of exchanging
computer-related skills, ideas and art. By women and for women.
/etc2006, 4-8 September, Timisoara, Romania

Since 2001, the network of women who help organize the
Eclectic Tech Carnival or /etc has grown both far and wide.
We are geographically some-what diverse and we have varied
experiences and expertise in computing, technology, art
and activism. We are an eclectic bunch. Since the northern
summer of 2002, we (or some subset there of) have successfully organized an annual Eclectic Tech Carnival.

To connect, to network in real life. The global village
has come at the price of community. We are interested in
tech things and like to play with it. We know there are
other women who are also interested. There is little
opportunity for us to get together. And there is even
less open space for women to learn new skills. It is
especially hard for those with little resources to make
a start.
We want to change that!
We want to help women feel confident enough to ‘hack’
their own way into northern and male domination of digital
We can do it!
We want to help women learn to use Free/Libre and
Open Source Software.

Why the name /etc?
Well, /etc is a directory of the linux file system. In
this directory called /etc (short for etcetera) are all
the important configuration files for your computer and
its networking (hostname, hosts, networks). We asked
ourselves, “If we were part of the linux file system,
what would we be?” The /etc directory seemed the best
place for a carnival of ideas and then the name Eclectic
Tech Carnival or /etc for short was born.

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The Traveling Zines

Mihaela si geamantanul

Colectia de zine care a fost adunata pana acuma a fost scanata, merci Elena, urmeaza sa fie tradusa in romana (o parte din texte). Am construit un blog pentru zine, si o pagina pe myspace.com, unde se poate comenta, discuta, lua legatura, ar mai trebui adaugat un text despre istoria zinelor in general, riot girls, in romana.


Zinele ar trebui sa se plimbe intre grupuri de prieteni, sa ajunga la cat mai multe persoane. Blogul este un fel de inventar a ceea ce este si pe unde este, plus cateva referinte legate de istoria si continutul lor… Cineva sugera sa le copiem ca sa nu fie distruse, cred ca putem face si asta.

Momentan zinele calatoare vor merge cu mine la Timisoara la Eclectic Tech Carnival. De la Arad voi mai adauga cateva care ma asteapta acolo. Trebuie sa facem rost de un geamantan solid. ;)