Call for Papers : heterosexuality

Editor: Yasco Horsman
Book Series: Thamyris / Intersecting: Place, Sex, and ‘Race’
Publisher: Rodopi (Amsterdam / New York)
Series Editor: Ernst van Alphen
Deadline for Proposals: July 1, 2007

“Thamyris / Intersecting,” a book series on place, sex and ‘race’ seeks contributions to an upcoming volume on heterosexuality.

Heterosexuality has long been considered the norm, the unmarked category from which all ‘perversions’ deviate – in short, something that is in itself not in need of an explanation. With the emergence of queer theory in the 1990’s, and its insistence on the constructed and flux nature of all sexual identities, straightness itself was shown to be neither as monolithic nor as stable as had once been assumed. This opened the doors for a project that Calvin Thomas has recently dubbed ‘straight queer theory,’ a rigorous analysis of the cultural and social construction of heterosexuality that refuses to take sexual identity as fixed.

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Radical cheerleaders need your help: fwd widely

Dearest Ladyfest,

Radical Cheerleading is often a part of workshops and performances at Ladyfests across the world and we were hoping for some help through your vast networks to get the word out about our project to document the last 10 years of Radical Cheerleading. Could you please post the following information on your myspace and/or pass the “call for submissions for the Radical Cheerleading Anthology” on to all those that you may think would be interested. Our first deadline for submissions is June 1st and is approaching fast.
If you have any suggestions on how to get more publicity and involvement in our book through feminist networks we would most appreciate your advice. look fwd to your response.
thanks so much.
cheers, brackin firecracker, jeanne vaccaro, aimee and cara jennings
please fwd/ post the following:

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down the global feminist wire

miss universe protest in mexico

A group of women wearing white dresses splashed in fake blood, proclaiming themselves Miss Juarez, Miss Atenco and Miss Michoacan in reference to places in Mexico where women have been raped or killed protest beside the stage where the Miss Universe’s native dress fashion show was held in Mexico City, Sunday, May 20, 2007.

(AP Photo/Eduardo Verdugo)

Justice for the Women of Juárez and Chihuahua, more background

rasismul si sexismul ok, doar sa fie “nepublice”

“Basescu n-a catadicsit sa-si ceara scuze personal ziaristei talharite si insultate”

de fapt, n-a catadicsit sa-si ceara scuze deloc:

„Nu-mi place cand sunt jignit gratuit si uneori izbucnesc. Si nu imi place cand se intra in intimitatea vietii mele. Ca, de exemplu, sa profiti de o discutie pe care o ai cu sotia, in masina, dupa care, ca pe vremea Securitatii, sa fii judecat pentru ce ai gandit nepublic sau pentru o apreciere nepublica”.

minunat. victima si cel jignit in toata povestea e basescu. apelativele de genul “mai, pasarica” pentru o femeie sint doar “izbucniri” firesti in fata unor “jigniri gratuite” ale jurnalistelor care, ca niste “tiganci imputite si agresive”, il filmeaza cind n-are chef. cit despre folosirea “aprecierilor” de genul “tiganca imputita si agresiva”, asta este prerogativul oricarui cetatean in conversatii private cu sotia. iar, pentru basescu, critica publica a atitudinilor sexiste si rasiste, cind ele au fost “nepublice”, e “ca pe vremea securitatii” – o incalcare de drepturi.

eu banuiesc ca basescu confunda “oficial” cu “public” dinadins, ca sa para cit de cit logic cind spune “ca pe vremea securitatii”.

toata reactia/anti-cererea-de-iertare imi suna ca o versiune neironica a parodiei sexiste/rasiste cu “ziua barbatului alb” pe care o asteptam.

23 maiDecizia CNCD: sexismul e ok (7 voturi pro si 2 contra), iar rasismul nu e complet ok (pedepesindu-se, din cite inteleg, cu un fel de incruntare din partea membrilor cncd). bine ca exista cncd sa lamureasca treburile astea si sa faca dreptate! nu stiu de ce nu ma surprinde decizia.

wikipedia, women, feminism links

biblio for workshop: