Ajutor pentru studiu de asistenta sociala

Am primit urmatorul mesaj cu rugamintea de a-l posta pe site:

… Sunt studenta la asistenta sociala si fac o cercetare pe tema “Dimensiunea socio-umana a incestului”. Desi este un subiect delicat, tabu, totusi exista multe cazuri incestioase in societatea in care noi traim si parca trecem cu vederea asemenea fapte monstruoase.

Devenind “familista” ma gandesc mai mult la acest subiect nu prea discutat… In cercetarea mea vreau sa aflu care este nivelul de informare si atitudinea comunitatii vis-a-vis de incest (ma intereseaza mai mult a parintilor pt ca in primii ani de viata ei sunt responsabili de educatia copiilor). In urma acestei cercetari se poate evalua nevoia unor programe de educare a copiilor, parintilor, intregii comunitati cu privire la implicatiile incestului (factori de risc, consecinte – care nu sunt putine – asupra copiilor victime ale abuzului sexual, informare juridica).

Sper ca prin aceste cuvinte sa va conving sa-mi raspundeti la chestionarul atasat.
Daca aveti intrebari sau sugestii sunt bine venite!
Multumesc mult!


Chestionarul poate fi descarcat AICI, completat si trimis inapoi la adresa gabyciobanu(@)yahoo(.)com (fara paranteze).

articol interesant dar si mai si

Interesant, tot mai mult despre problematica de gen si in presa romaneasca…


Femeia aduce stabilitate sociala
20 Martie 2007
Andreea Romanovschi

Si mai interesante mi se par comentariile pe forum, si absolut savuroase in sensul foarte trist, insa si foarte echilibrate, unele si aducand informatii.

Cam asa se formeaza opinia “publica”, incet si cu multe eforturi. Avem nevoie insa de mai multe modele. Toate interventiile cu exceptia uneia (“cuviosul …”) sunt extrem de superficiale, extremiste, complet in afara subiectului, evidentand marturii ale “rezistentei” interioare vizavi de o gandire critica asupra subiectului.


mary (m…..w@yahoo.com), 2007-03-20 01:00:39
femeia este principala si esentiala cauza a tuturor conflictelor, crizelor si razboaielor. cauzele de alta natura sunt cele vizibile de suprafata doar invocate de prosti.
tocmai feminizarea si favorizarea excesiva a femeii sunt cauzele care vor arunca terra in intunericul definitiv. grav e ca aceasta politica perversa a feminismului afecteaza in ultima instanta si conditia femeilor demne care stiu ca orice exces nu e bun, e doar o capcana pentru nelegiuite, pentru desfrau, o sursa de distrugere a familiei, credintei, armoniei, moralitatii si adevarului. e drept astazi prostituatele fac legea de la natalitate pana la politica. feminismulul a sporit si a alimentat toate aberatiile si deviatiile; homo-pedo-zoo-para-sexualitatea, suicidul, alcoolismele, consumul de droguri, crima. important e ca evz sa nu cada in abordari neobiective, profeministe care zapacesc lumea .all the best evz!!!”

Deci pentru noi care cautam cauzele conflictelor, crizelor si razboaielor – iata o noua directie de investigat! Suna foarte similar cu discursul inchizitiei din evul mediu pe baza caruia sute de mii de femei au fost persecutate cateva secole.

Ina C.

reading on feminism(s) and rroma women

“Re-envisioning Social Justice from the Ground Up: Including the Experiences of Romani Women” by Alexandra Oprea, a paper that:

… centres on the exclusion of Romani women from mainstream feminist and antiracist discourses in Europe. This exclusion is explained through the lens of intersectionalism and problematic identity politics. It discusses their invisibility as perpetuated by programmes and reports from non-governmental organizations (NGOs). It explains the absence of Romani women from Romani and feminist discourses, the uncritical view of Romani culture, and the vulnerability of Romanian Romani women to domestic violence. It emphasizes that analyses of social problems must be performed from the bottom up, looking at the experiences of those who are multi-burdened, such as poor Romani women. The paper concludes by discussing the value of recognizing privilege as the foundation for inclusive scholarship and discourse.

Several other analyses in addition to the sources here:

“The Erasure of Romani Women in Statistical Data: Limits of the Race-versus-Gender Approach” by Alexandra Oprea

“Child Marriage a Cultural Problem, Educational Access a Race Issue? Deconstructing Uni-Dimensional Understanding of Romani Oppression” by Alexandra Oprea

“Double Discrimination Faced by Romani Women in Europe” by Angela Kocze

“Breaking the Barriers – Romani Women and Access to Public Health Care”: European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia report

Also discussing mainstream bias and reactionaryism to anti-discrimination work, the fact that “anti-Gypsyism is often combined with other types of discriminatory practices such as xenophobia, sexism and homophobia”…:

“Fourth arm of the state. Romania’s press becomes a willing partner in prejudice” by Valeriu Nicolae

update sept. 2008; a few other good materials:

“Economic Aspects of the Condition of Roma Women”, Berliner Institut für Vergleichende Sozialforschung, 2006 [PDF]

“A Place at the Policy Table: Report on the Roma Women’s Forum”, OSI, 2004

“Broadening the Agenda: The Status of Romani Women in Romania”, OSI, Laura Surdu and Mihai Surdu, 2006

“Romani Women: Between Two Cultures” in Bending the Bow. Targeting Women’s Human Rights and Opportunities. OSI, Network Women’s Program, 2003 (thanks c.)

“The Situation of Roma/Gypsy Women in Europe”, Nicoleta Bitu, 1999 (thanks c.)

more: Roma Women Association, Romania: Reports

British women’s peace camper arrested for nuclear protest

At the start of the week that sees a vote on Trident replacement (14 March), Juliet McBride from Aldermaston Women’s Peace Camp was arrested on Saturday 10 March 2007, after spending over two hours on a high security fence surrounding the new Orion laser at the Atomic Weapons Establishment, Aldermaston.

Juliet was subsequently held for more than 10 hours and charged with Criminal Trespass under the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005. The Attorney General must now decide whether to proceed with a prosecution.

Her anti-nuclear protest was made just before parliament prepares to vote on the government motion on Trident Replacement: “That this house supports the government’s decision as set out in the white paper The Future of the United Kingdoms Nuclear Deterrent (CM6994) to take the steps necessary to maintain the UK minimum strategic nuclear deterrent beyond the life of the existing system and to take further steps towards meeting the UK’s disarmament responsibilities under Article VI of the Non-Proliferation Treaty.”

While the White Paper outlined its belief in the need for imminent decisions on replacing the submarine fleet and missile bodies, the government claims that decisions on future nuclear warheads will not be required until the next parliament. However, work is already well under way on the new Orion laser – before any decision is made in parliament, at an estimated cost of over £180 million (see building work in pictures). Orion will be able to replicate the conditions of a nuclear explosion, can only be needed and intended to design new nuclear warheads.


For more info contact 07887 802879.
For photos go to http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2007/03/364870.html or http://www.aldermaston.net/news/169

High resolution photographs available here:
(Note, free single use in print or web – with credit: Aldermaston Women’s Peace Camp(aign). For all other permissions please contact us)

A range of groups are organising events to say “no” to Trident replacement on 14 March. See http://tridentvoteday.org.uk
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Portugalia legalizeaza avortul

preluat de pe: http://pumukli.weblog.ro

Parlamentul Portugaliei a legalizat avortul la cerere pana la 10 saptamani de sarcina, in 9 martie.

60% din electorat se pronuntase in favoarea masurii in cadrul unui referendum, dar rezultatul a fost anulat din lipsa participarii la urne de 50 %.

Proiectul mai trebuie promulgat de presedintele portughez.

[In Europa] Avortul este interzis doar in Irlanda, Malta si Polonia.


stiri anterioare

Prostitution… give them all a share of it!

I was eagerly preparing to read an article entitled “Romanian Authorities promise to legalize prostitution”. I was comforted, somehow, to find that title, and amazed at how fast Romania is progressing in promoting Human Rights, even if it joined the European Union only 3 months ago. The topic of prostitution and whether it should be legalized in Romania has been brought up for discussion before. This generated heated exchanges between antagonist parties everywhere in the media, the Orthodox Church and its followers being the chief opponents of legalization. Well, I must say that in a society where sexuality is still not tackled enough as a subject of discussion even between partners; where sexual education in schools is still often approached in biological terms of how humans “breed”; where “sexual and reproductive rights” is a neologism that most people have never heard about; where sexual orientation is considered by many a “politically correct” disguise of “perversion”, and where a big part of the heterosexual population believe that they are immune to HIV because they aren’t gay – yes, Romania doesn’t seem to be ready for such a legislative “liberalization” of commercial sex.

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