About ioana


Do YOU want to grow a penis?

I seem to live in a world that tells me that to feel and behave “like a woman” is belittling, demeaning, disparaging, and degrading my credibility. And myself together with it. How often is it that as women, we hear the words “how typically feminine!” being said about us or to us in a disappointed tone when we argue our points of view? That being said, from then on, we have no more credibility, thus nothing more we say will be heard or listened to. That is also the moment when we become guilty of committing a disgraceful act: “I believed you were my equal but I realize you’re still just a woman”.

And obviously in many years of feminist workout we still couldn’t claim that back. We still are reversed sexists if we say “how typically masculine is of you to pretend you’re right when even you know you’re not”.

Pretending that you know something that you don’t seems to be a value in itself in this society. It’s the road to a successful career for example. Reason why I see it very often in the work relationships I have with others. If we talk about an issue that I don’t know exactly or at all about, if they name a word that I never heard before, I pretend that I know what we are talking about while quietly making a little note in my head or on a piece of paper so that I can “google” it later. Why do I do that? It’s because otherwise I risk to lose my credibility, the respect I gained from others as professional and to change the way the others see and respectively, relate to me.

So I keep appearances in a certain way so that I will keep other’s opinions on me high above my own opinions on my own self. It’s obviously more important who they think I am then who I think I am. And is not something particular I identify in my case only. I learned it from many others. I learned it mainly from a society in which is “typically masculine” to know everything and “typically feminine” not to know.

Probably this is only one example of many talking about how “typically masculine” is then the world in the way is constructed and in the values it holds. So when the system is “typically masculine”, “typically feminine” is another anomaly that has to be corrected and I, as a woman, have to work very hard at growing a penis from day one in order to be respected, listened to or treated equally.

Do YOU want to grow a penis?

fwd: Autonomous Feminist Womyn’s Gathering 2009

Easter 2009 an All-European Autonomous Feminist Womyn’s Gathering will take place in Vienna, Austria. We invite you to participate with workshops, actions and more.

Find details online on http://feministgathering.wolfsmutter.com

We are looking forward to your suggestions and ask for forwarding this invitation to interested women. Thanks.

feminist greetings from Vienna
the organizers

Autonomous Feminist Womyn’s Gathering
April 9 – 14, 2009 – Vienna, Austria

lf-ro2007 si critica negativista media

Scriu pentru ca au fost 2 articole post-ladyfest in presa mainstream – care au si fost cam singurele (in afara de alte cateva anunturi care informau ca festivalul are loc intre…, la… si contine…) – 2 articole care m-au dezamagit prin continutul negativist si abordarea critica mai mult destructiva decat orice altceva.

failure is impossible

revino mai tarziu pentru mai mult…

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marsul gay si gayfest 2007

Nu uitati ca saptamana asta suntem in plin Gayfest (intrarea la toate evenimentele este gratis): mai multe detalii si program la: http://www.accept-romania.ro/fest/

…Si nu uitati marsul gay!! Sambata, 9 iunie, ora 17:00. Traseul va fi ca anul trecut (Bd. Unirii – Piata Unirii – Piata Constitutiei) ne strangem tot la Nerva Traian doar ca pe partea cealalta ca o sa mergem pe contrasens sa nu ne mai arunce oua un cap :P


Pai sper sa ne vedem acolo :):):)

Take Back the Blog! Blogswarm

Take Back the Blog! Blogswarm in support of the rights of women to participate fully in all aspects of our society, including specifically online in the world of blogging but indeed everywhere and at all times, day and night, without fear of harassment, intimidation, sexual harassment, online stalking and slander, predation or violence of any sort.

…and what exactly is a BLOGSWARM?
A “blogswarm” is when a bunch of people blog about the same crap ON PURPOSE! It is a premeditated thing, as opposed to the usual randomness that tends to rule the Internet. Order from chaos. Entropy. Call it whatever you want.

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Prostitution… give them all a share of it!

I was eagerly preparing to read an article entitled “Romanian Authorities promise to legalize prostitution”. I was comforted, somehow, to find that title, and amazed at how fast Romania is progressing in promoting Human Rights, even if it joined the European Union only 3 months ago. The topic of prostitution and whether it should be legalized in Romania has been brought up for discussion before. This generated heated exchanges between antagonist parties everywhere in the media, the Orthodox Church and its followers being the chief opponents of legalization. Well, I must say that in a society where sexuality is still not tackled enough as a subject of discussion even between partners; where sexual education in schools is still often approached in biological terms of how humans “breed”; where “sexual and reproductive rights” is a neologism that most people have never heard about; where sexual orientation is considered by many a “politically correct” disguise of “perversion”, and where a big part of the heterosexual population believe that they are immune to HIV because they aren’t gay – yes, Romania doesn’t seem to be ready for such a legislative “liberalization” of commercial sex.

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When Feminism Rocks. Revolution. Grrrl-style.


Pentru un consumator de mainstream (rock sau nu) pare sa existe putine modele feminine in muzica, artiste care sa insemne mai mult decat interprete ale unor melodii foarte populare, compuse si produse de alti muzicieni. In spatele unei industrii rock suprasaturate de ‘masculi feroce’ chiar exista multe femei care manuiesc instrumente muzicale, care isi compun propria muzica, artiste care aleg ca mod de exprimare aceasta arta… Doar ca ele nu sunt la fel de proeminente ca Britney Spears.

O parte dintre aceste muziciene sunt incluse in miscarea Riot Grrrl (RG).


Riot Grrrl nu este doar o tendinta vestimentara[1] sau o ‘moda’ care sa dispara la scurt timp dupa ce a fost ‘lansata’, cum se intampla cu acest gen de fenomene. Riot Grrrl nu este doar un curent muzical, chiar daca muzica a jucat un rol foarte important in cadrul ei. Prin intermediul miscarii au fost discutate si rediscutate multe chestiuni politice si sociale legate de sexism, hartuire si abuz, homofobie si fat oppression[2], atat prin muzica, arta, cat si prin literatura, publicatii (zines[3]) si impartasirea unor experiente.
Contrar cu ceea ce unii sustin de la ‘media black out’-ul din toamna 1992, RG nu a disparut.[4]

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[zina lf-ro’05] are you a boy or a boi?

De cate ori nu ti s-a intamplat sa mergi la o toaleta publica, sa vrei sa intri pe usa pe care personajul desenat intr-un mod stilizat poarta fustita, si sa te trezesti ca esti redirectionata catre usa de alaturi, spunandu-ti-se politicos: “toaleta de barbati este alaturi”? Hm… De cate ori nu ti s-a cerut sa platesti intrare in cluburile unde intrarea pentru fete era gratuita? Si in fine, de cate ori nu te-ai gasit in ipostaza penibila de a spune: “dar sunt fata”?

Probabil ca tot de atatea ori ti-ai dat seama si ca locul tau in sistemul binar de impartire a lumii intre cele 2 sexe “opuse” de fapt nu exista, ca esti exclusa pentru ca nu alegi una dintre extreme. Cum de si-ar permite cineva sa poarte par scurt, haine care nu ii evidentiaza apartenenta la un sex sau altul, sa nu isi scoata in evidenta sanii, sa prefere femeile si, colac peste pupaza, sa mai se si supere cand o iei drept baiat? Pe drept cuvant, nu incurca asta prea mult felul cum lumea a fost simplificata prin taiere in doua? Nu e mai simplu sa adaptezi indivizii la un sistem pre-costruit decat sa te chinui sa mulezi sistemele pe identitatile individului? Nu e mai simplu ca in acte, recensaminte, formulare de aplicatie etc., la rubrica de “gender” sau pe romaneste rubrica inca denumita “sex”, sa fie doua optiuni clar notate cu “M” sau “F” intre care sa fii nevoita sa alegi? Inchipuie-ti cum ar fi daca la acea rubrica locul ar fi lasat liber si fiecare ar avea libertatea sa se autoidentifice. Am gasi acolo alaturi de masculin si feminin termeni ca: altfel (other), androgin, intergendered, genderqueer, transgendered, transsexual, queer, pansexual, cisgendered, gender-neutral si tot asa… poate chiar “boi” ar scrie cineva. Ce s-ar intampla atunci cu hainele din magazinele de copii… ar trebui facute in toate culorile in loc de binecunoscutele albastru pentru baietei vs roz pentru fetite. Pe deasupra, ar mai trebui si sa invatam sa intelegem ce inseamna “political corectness”, “libertate de exprimare”, “identitati de gen”, sau diferenta dintre “gen” si “sex”. Nu ar insemna asta sa facem mai multe eforturi pentru a ne depasi propriile prejudecati si stereotipuri? Nu ar fi asta cam greu pentru mintile lenese care traiesc in inertie si prefera comoditatea modelelor prestabilite decat initiativa construirii propriilor lor sisteme de valori? Nu este asta inspaimantator pentru ei, cei care si-au inghitit curajul de a fi ei insisi si au preferat sa aleaga una dintre cele doua extreme care le-a asigurat un loc sigur in oranduirea sociala traditionala?
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