Atelier de grafica organizat de FIA pentru crearea de materiale destinate proiectului “papergirl” – partea a II a

“Papergirl” este o punere la feminin a conceptului-cliseu din SUA al “baiatului cu ziare”, doar ca fata cu ziare imparte de fapt productii artistice. Ale cui? Ale non-artistilor. Proiectul este “participativ, analog, non-comercial”. Fetei cu ziare nu ii pasa daca am facut liceul sau facultatea de arte. Fata cu ziare provoaca la libertate de expresie, oricat de novici am fi in ale artei. Fata cu ziare va  face mai tarziu o expozitie cu lucrarile noastre adunate, pe care le va imparti la final la intamplare.

Colectivul FIA te provoaca la randul sau la participarea la proiectul papergirl, deoarece stie ca sunt multe lucruri nespuse despre ce inseamna a fi “celalat sex” in spatiul acesta si despre ce inseamna roluri subintelese si stricte pentru fete si baieti. FIA crede in arta pe post de portavoce, in arta ca statement la nivel social. FIA  iti da tot ce iti trebuie: hartie, culori, lipici, foarfece, ac si ata si proiectii, zine si reviste de citit si decupat  pentru a broda, desena, cola impreuna idei si imagini despre feminism /feminin/ masculin/ feminitate/ masculinitate. Daca doresti, poti veni si tu cu propriile materiale si resurse de folosit si impartasit !

O sa mai avem proiectii, discutii despre roluri de gen/experiente in cadrul tiparelor impuse, povesti la trecut despre Ladyfest,  limonada

Cand ? Duminica, 20 iunie , ora 17:00

Unde? Biblioteca alternativa, Str. Bogdan Voda nr. 9, Bucuresti (7-8 minute de mers pe jos de la Gara de Nord)





Do YOU want to grow a penis?

I seem to live in a world that tells me that to feel and behave “like a woman” is belittling, demeaning, disparaging, and degrading my credibility. And myself together with it. How often is it that as women, we hear the words “how typically feminine!” being said about us or to us in a disappointed tone when we argue our points of view? That being said, from then on, we have no more credibility, thus nothing more we say will be heard or listened to. That is also the moment when we become guilty of committing a disgraceful act: “I believed you were my equal but I realize you’re still just a woman”.

And obviously in many years of feminist workout we still couldn’t claim that back. We still are reversed sexists if we say “how typically masculine is of you to pretend you’re right when even you know you’re not”.

Pretending that you know something that you don’t seems to be a value in itself in this society. It’s the road to a successful career for example. Reason why I see it very often in the work relationships I have with others. If we talk about an issue that I don’t know exactly or at all about, if they name a word that I never heard before, I pretend that I know what we are talking about while quietly making a little note in my head or on a piece of paper so that I can “google” it later. Why do I do that? It’s because otherwise I risk to lose my credibility, the respect I gained from others as professional and to change the way the others see and respectively, relate to me.

So I keep appearances in a certain way so that I will keep other’s opinions on me high above my own opinions on my own self. It’s obviously more important who they think I am then who I think I am. And is not something particular I identify in my case only. I learned it from many others. I learned it mainly from a society in which is “typically masculine” to know everything and “typically feminine” not to know.

Probably this is only one example of many talking about how “typically masculine” is then the world in the way is constructed and in the values it holds. So when the system is “typically masculine”, “typically feminine” is another anomaly that has to be corrected and I, as a woman, have to work very hard at growing a penis from day one in order to be respected, listened to or treated equally.

Do YOU want to grow a penis?