Call for Papers : Writing Lesbian Culture: Theories and Praxis’

(closing date for proposals is 14th of december)

Lesbian Lives XV: Friday 15 – Saturday 16 Feb 2008

Writing Lesbian Culture: Theories and Praxis’

A 2-Day, International, Interdisciplinary Conference to be held at the Women’s Education, Research and Resource Centre (WERRC), School of Social Justice, University College Dublin, Ireland

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… and these appeal to women, HOW?

gallery of sexist ads, parts 10^20 and 10^20+1:

“Alicia Silverstone Strips for Animals?” (yeah, of course PETA is involved)

“Pornography of War (Literally)”
as “bonus,” some more depictions of women being demeaned/abused that are making the rounds… because it’s all part of the same continuum:
Video of domestic violence
Blonda batuta de concubinul ei [Blonde beaten up by her live-in boyfriend]
(make sure to check out the “average joe” responses to these: “so what,” “she deserved it,” “why didn’t she just leave?” are among the mildest reactions to the video on youtube, and most of them, especially on the romanian site, are truly vile, misogynistic and violent… while the video is being sent around as a “joke”)

CAREFUL, links 3-5 contain images that could be seriously triggering!

cafenea, proiectii ACCEPT

Cafeneaua “Eu, tu… si mai cine”
Asociatia ACCEPT
—– Vineri 21 octombrie, 19:00

Prezentarea unor filme documentare legate de probleme LGBT pe plan international, filme din arhiva ACCEPT.
—– Sambata 22 octombrie, 19:00

1. “Politics of the heart / Politica sentimentelor” (Canada 2005, documentar, 68 minute, Regia: Nancy Nicol)

2. “Heneini / Aceasta sunt eu” (SUA 2005, documentar, 62 minute, Regia: Irena Fayngold)

3. “They still smile / Ei totusi zambesc” (Belarus 2002, documentar, 16,47 min, Regia: Irina Sizova)

@ Str. Arthur Verona nr 19

re: legalization of prostitution

(see also “Prostitution… give them all a share of it!” from the blog archives/lf zine — & in romanian: “Prostitutia… dati fiecaruia partea lui!” “MAI promite legalizarea prostitutiei?”, “Prostitutie I”, “Prostitutie II”)


*Not For Sale*
Women speak out about sexual exploitation in prostitution and trafficking
A video by Marie Vermeiren

The film (23 min) challenges the traditional views and myths on prostitution and sexual exploitation of women’s bodies. It includes interviews with women survivors of trafficking for sexual exploitation and prostitution, women sharing their life experiences and demanding governmental action and responsibility to combat violence against women, including trafficking and prostitution. The film is part of the joint project EWL-CATW on trafficking in women for sexual exploitation.

To see the film online:


‘It’s like you sign a contract to be raped’

If you believe their PR, Nevada’s legal brothels are safe, healthy – even fun – places in which to work. So why do so many prostitutes tell such horrific tales of abuse?
— The Guardian, Friday September 7, 2007

There is only one place in the US where brothels are legal, and that’s Nevada – a state in which prostitution has been considered a necessary service industry since the days when the place was populated solely by prospecters. There are at least 20 legal brothels in business now. Not so many, you might think, but these state-sanctioned operations punch above their weight in PR terms.

full article

video ladyfest vilnius/”gender sabotage”

from the Intergenerational Feminist Dialogue affinity group for the European Feminist Forum (happening in Poland, 13 -15 june 2008):
Click here to download and view the video from the women’s festival “Gender Sabotage” in Vilnius, which took place on May 10-12, 2007. The video includes clips from performances by various artists, clips of lectures and an interview with one of the organizers.
Ladyfest Vilnius ’07

din arhive – cartarescu vs. feminism

mi-am amintit de niste rinduri scrise de mircea cartarescu la un moment dat: “Exista multe standarde pentru aprecierea gradului de civilizatie al unei societati. S-a vorbit despre cantitatea de sapun folosita anual, despre libertatile cetatenesti, despre calitatea invatamantului. … Dar eu cred ca unul dintre criteriile cele mai sensibile, care practic nu da gres niciodata, este felul in care, intr-o societate, femeia este privita si se priveste pe sine. Din acest punct de vedere, mai mult decat din toate celelalte, lumea romaneasca e una primitiva cu asupra de masura. Poate ca economia noastra o sa se acomodeze, cat de cat, in timp, cu cea europeana. Poate-o sa invatam mai multe limbi straine si-o sa renuntam la proverbiala noastra smecherie. Dar atata vreme cat nu respectam femeia de langa noi ca pe noi insine n-am facut nimic si nici n-o sa facem. …”

–> restul textului, si comentarii despre cartarescu, feminism, si (bineinteles) “de ce iubim femeile”: “necesar, dar nerecomandat”

bonus — o discutie mai in detaliu despre “de ce iubim femeile”: “de ce gindim binar despre femei si barbati”

what affects us

two great posts over at feministe:

this one, on roma issues, by someone from greece (go read her blog)
— and this slightly older one, on feminists and femininity

but the former has 4 comments so far, while the latter… 587!

why do we, as women (feminists, anti-feminists, and anyone in between), get more passionate about matters of body image than anything else? why does what we look like or what we DON’T look like where femininity is concerned seem to constitute such a huge chunk of who we are, and why does it depend so strongly on what others look like or don’t look like by comparison?

personally, as i suggested in a comment on another feministe thread a while ago, i think that it’s not even so much what we look like, really, or how much we cater to “femininity” or not, in the end… it’s the lesson that we should care about this issue above all else that we absorb so well and can’t seem to stop following, in all kinds of different contexts, and that‘s what puts us in a bind, drives us crazy, encourages us to sometimes be ok with what we know is misogyny, and perpetuates it all.

that second post is titled “Something I never understood…” – but even if we don’t articulate it in our minds, i think we know what’s going on. this stuff affects us, and it’s disfunctional! we know very well that as a woman you may choose to comply with femininity – in which case you have it hard because the whole performance is not an easy thing to put on and maintain, and though you’ve complied you also become an object of scorn (as besides being the socially acceptable choice for women femininity is deemed silly, frivolous etc. etc. in the grand scheme of things), OR you may choose to not comply – in which case you will have it hard because you’re going against the grain and thus become an object of scorn, too. you can’t really win. and oftentimes these “choices” aren’t entirely up to you. and then there’s the degrees. and then, the battle with choosing which parts of oneself to appreciate and which to scorn. and so on… given all that, of course we, as women, feel compelled to judge other women so that we can feel at least temporarily good about whatever our choice has been, while knowing it won’t bring us complete comfort or contentment – can’t stop us from being women living in a patriarchy – anyway.

the system works so well precisely because it’s set up so that femmes can ridicule those who aren’t “feminine” enough, while those who’ve escaped the trappings of femininity can ridicule femmes, each in their own special (pointless, damaging) way. (and “feminists,” like anyone else, do ridicule and attack women who are typical “tools of the patriarchy” – or “sluts” or “happy hookers” or what have you… – to say it doesn’t happen, to say that kind of language is not used or that stance taken, is a lie or at best a delusion.) of course, neither stance disrupts the social order at all; they’re misogyny, at their core, and of course men, who are not women, have access to – and oftentimes make use of – both. the basis is the patriarchal system, which relies on 1. the gender binary and 2. the patriarchal value scale; and so, by definition, a woman must be feminine — BUT femininity is inferior and mockable — but NON-femininity is mockable and not ok in women –> and the vicious cycle continues, reinforced by men and women.

my question is – why isn’t feminism helping us to break out of that cycle for ourselves? shouldn’t it, after all?! (and i think that’s essentially the same question as renegade evolution‘s in that much commented post.)

however, my other question is: why do we waste so much time and energy on stuff that’s ultimately not what we want to care about?

[zina lf-ro#2] Ecofeminism

The animals of the earth exist for their own reasons. They were not created for humans any more than women were created for men, or blacks for whites. — Alice Walker
Notiunea de „ecofeminism” poate fi descrisa cel mai bine ca o umbrela pentru diverse teorii si practici ce tin deopotriva de feminism si ecologism, bazate pe constientizarea relatiei dintre felul in care atat femeile cat si animalele sunt „alterizate” de ideologia dominanta pentru a justifica gama de atitudini patriarhale la care ele sunt supuse conform traditiilor si conventiilor socio-culturale. Critica ecofeminista puncteaza ca dezumanizarea femeilor si altor grupuri de oameni va exista si va functiona in societate atata timp cat consideram ca „alte” fiinte sunt automat la dispozitia oamenilor asa incat noi, cei din oficiu „superiori”, sa gasim scuze pentru a nu ne comporta etic si echitabil fata de cei „inferiori”, pentru a nega drepturile acestor fiinte si a ne folosi de ele oricum gasim de cuviinta in propriile noastre interese. Ideea e ca exploatarile se intrepatrund si nu pot fi separate sau eliminate altfel decat impreuna; iar societatea patriarhala si ierarhica depinde de dominatia fata de tot ce este privit ca fiind „aproape de natura” si deci considerat inferior si exploatabil: femeile (si in diferite contexte orice categorie de fiinte umane „de rangul al doilea” – persoane de culoare, din tari ale estului si sudului global, din medii rurale…) ca si animalele, resursele din natura si mediul in general.
Scopurile principale ale feminismului nu sunt aceleasi cu cele asociate de obicei cu feminismul liberal. Ecofeministele(-istii) nu urmaresc o simpla egalitate a femeilor cu barbatii, ci o schimbare radicala ce presupune, printre altele, eliberarea femeilor ca femei si recunoasterea valorii unor activitati traditional asociate cu femeile (cum are fi cele din sfera domestica). O problema care intervine aici este ca prin accentul pus pe revendicarea de catre femei a unor aspecte ale „feminitatii” traditionale, ecofeminismul poate insemna o intarire a stereotipurilor opresive si tinde spre esentializarea sexelor. Sau nu.

Femeile si natura
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[zina lf-ro#2] Masculinizarea heterosexualitatii

De fapt, titlul este derutant pentru ca heterosexualitatea noastra nu devine pe zi ce trece mai masculinizata, ci este deja de mult astfel, si cred ca de fapt astazi incepem sa diversificam practica sexuala hetero – atat barbati, cat si femei – si sa devenim mai inventivi in modul in care facem dragoste unul cu celalalt.
M-am surprins recent nedoritoare, in mod ostentativ, sa fac acel lucru pe care orice cuplu fata & baiat in care exista dragoste, chemistry si posibilitate, si lipsesc constrangerile de ordin religios, moral sau sa zicem biologice, il face. Pentru ca de regula acest lucru nu se intampla la mine, am recurs la scurte dialoguri bogate in eufemisme si puncte de suspensie cu prietene care au si ele relatii stabile, parteneri, soti si despre care am buna presupunere ca sunt fericite si satisfacute in respectivele relatii. Am aflat urmatoarele: 1. ca este „okay“ sa nu vrei, chiar sa nu vrei timp mai indelungat (sa zicem o luna, chiar o luna jumate … o colega buna mi-a spus ca ea nu s-a lasat atinsa 7 luni de sotul ei!!! Credeti ca este un argument faptul ca era si gravida in tot acel timp?!?), 2. ca nu poti sa ai orgasm intotdeauna (in timp ce el va veni fara gres), 3. ca intr-o relatie in primul an faci mult sex, in al doilea mai putin, in al treilea de-abia si in al patrulea nici macar nu exista viata sexuala (poftim?), 4. ca de regula partenerii de viata nu sunt cei mai buni la pat dintre toti care ti-au trecut prin asternuturi si 5. ca eu sunt o raritate in ce priveste modul in care fac sex: „iau initiativa“.
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