pro si contra urii ca modus operandi

apropos de raspunsuri tipice ale romanilor la xenofobia indreptata asupra lor, mai sint si luari de atitudine impotriva xenofobiei si urii chiar din partea unora din presa (via crina):

“Jurnalul prostiei naţionale: să schimbăm “rrom” cu “ţigan””

Mai întîi, scuze pentru violenţă, nu-mi stă în fire, dar chiar a fost atinsă limita prostiei cu o ultimă “campanie” demarată de Jurnalul Naţional.

Recrudescenţa infracţiunilor comise de ţigani în Italia şi nu numai, precum şi asocierea acestor fapte cu poporul român prezentat ca un popor de violatori, hoţi are efecte negative nu numai asupra ţării noastre ca imagine, ci şi asupra românilor de bună-credinţă care merg în străinătate să câştige un ban cinstit. S-a ajuns la situaţii paradoxale, în care România nu mai înseamnă pentru presa şi opinia publică din străinătate ţara Nadiei Comăneci, a lui Constantin Brâncuşi sau a lui George Enescu, nu mai este ţara cu tradiţii şi frumuseţi tulburătoare, ci o ţară de barbari care fură, violează, dau în cap. Şi totul porneşte de la o nefericită confuzie de termeni: rom/români, termeni care în alte limbi, cum ar fi italiana – rom-rumeno, se aseamănă foarte mult, iar diferenţele dispar în mentalul colectiv, astfel că aceste cuvinte devin sinonime şi nimeni nu mai ştie dacă acela care a furat sau a violat este român sau rom.

Un monument de ignoranţă, de venin de mahala strîns într-un articol în ziar de tiraj mare. Dacă spun un lucru de bun simţ cum că cetăţenii romani sînt cetăţeni romani şi trebuie să răspundem cu “imaginea” pentru ei pentru că sînt rezultatul corupţiei tuturor, îmi vor sări în cap ăia care au învăţat fraza cu “corectitudinea politică”. E pur şi simplu bun simţ. Şi nişte idioţi care au ajuns să-şi vîndă ziarul gîdilînd sensibilităţi periculoase. Prefer cele 10 ţîţe tabloidale din Libertatea şi Click acestui soi de campanie jurnalistică tembelă.

Deci sulemeneala feţei zbîrcite a patriei era problema! Nu faptul că ăia sunt tot cetăţeni romani! Asta ne doare pe noi, etnia. Poate strîngem semnături să le schimbăm tuturor etniilor numele după cum vor romanii verzi. La prostia din Jurnalul îşi aduc preţioase contribuţii (în ediţia print) şi Păunescu sau Ludovic Orban. Citiţi şi comentariile cititorilor şi veţi ajunge în metastaza mizantropiei…

Inca ceva…

Un articol excelent publicat de Cotidianul acum ceva timp despre cuvintul ”rrom”: aici.

In limba rromani, cuvantul “tigan” nu exista. Termenul nu are nici o legatura cu autoidentificarea in limba rromani a etniei rromilor, ci este un cuvant profund peiorativ folosit de alteritate/nerromi pentru a insulta rromii. (Delia Grigore)

(de Costi Rogozanu de la Cotidianul)

este vorba de aceasta petitie/campanie demarata azi de Jurnalul National, preluata pe site-ul alaturi de o imagine care e un afis rasist de la noua dreapta – daca mai era vreun dubiu despre natura de instigare la ura si rasismul cras al pozitiei respective (via)

pentru o analiza mai elaborata, citeva discutii de pe lista f.i.a.: Continue reading

8 martie!

istorii, spatii libere, democratie participativa, justitie economica

8 martie – Ziua Internaţională a Femeilor!

Spatiul h.arta
Str. Zugrav Nedelcu nr. 11, Timişoara
(intrarea din Splaiul Tudor Vladimirescu)
si spatiul public al orasului

Ziua de 8 martie are o istorie legata de luptele pentru egalitate sociala, o istorie a eforturilor şi sacrificiilor depuse de femei obisnuite pentru drepturi in campul muncii. Aceasta istorie a unei zile care sa celebreze femeile care muncesc (facand atat munca salariata cat si muncile casnice neplatite, atat munca productiva cat si munca reproductiva) este acoperita de identificarea zilei de 8 martie nu cu o zi a femeilor care militeaza pentru drepturile lor ci cu o zi a femeilor pasive, care sunt, prin menire si destin doar mame si consumatoare.

Va invitam sa sarbatorim ziua de 8 martie avandu-le in minte pe femeile care s-au opus si se opun inegalitatilor de multiple feluri, pe cele care prin atitudinile si actiunile lor au participat si participa la construirea unei realitati mai echitabile.

Program Continue reading

Action Research & Feminism Conference, Cluj


Location: Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences, Room 5, Floor 4, Str. G-ral Traian Moşoiu nr. 71

11:00 – 12:30 (public lectures)
Well-come talk by Gabriel Bădescu (head of the Department of Political Sciences)
Barbara Einhorn: Mass dictatorships and gender politics
Sue Thornham: Feminism, post-feminism and the academy
Jasmina Lukič: Problems of disciplinization of an ‘interdisciplinary discipline’

Location: Tranzit House, Str. Bariţiu nr. 16
15:00 – 16:30
Panel 1/ Interdisciplinarity and participatory research Continue reading

Fw: call for papers European Roma Women’s Magazine

via crina

Timisoara, 03.11.2008.

Dear colleague and friend,

The Association of Gypsy Women ‘For Our Children’ from Timisoara and of Foundation Desire from Cluj, Romania, launches a new journal, entitled European Roma Women’s Magazine. This became possible due to the financial support of the Open Society Foundation’s Roma Participation Program.

The magazine will be published once in a year in English with Romani abstracts. We prepare and print out its first issue by the end of March 2009 (collecting its articles by the end of January 2009).

Our Magazine addresses the complex and complicated issue of “Roma women” at the intersection of their geopolitical position, ethnicity, social and economic status and age with the aim to represent the socio-cultural diversity of the European Roma women, seen in their immediate communities, and in the context of their relationship with both Roma men and non-Roma women. Crucial for us is the understanding of how they are subjected to multiple and intersectional discrimination, but also how they are acting as powerful agencies by fighting for the enhancement of the society within which they live, and for the changing into better the condition of their own, but as well as of other subordinated and disadvantaged social categories.
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some recent things of interest/citeva lucruri recente

  • Dates for the 16 Days of Activism for the Elimination of Violence Against Women
    25 November to 10 December 2008

    25 Nov International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women
    01 Dec World AIDS Day
    06 Dec Anniversary of the Montreal Massacre
    10 Dec International Human Rights Day

  • Norway to introduce “Swedish model”

    Dear Friends,
    I just received the news that the Norwegian Parliament passed the legislation that prohibits the purchase of a sexual service – 44 votes vot, 28 against. The Law will come into force on January 1, 2009!!!

    This is indeed a great victory for all of us. Congratulations to the all the women in Norway and internationally who worked to hard to get the law passed!!!!
    Warmest greetings to all of you!
    ———— ——— —
    Gunilla S. Ekberg
    Co-Executive Director/Co- Directrice Exécutive

    Coalition Against Trafficking in Women International/ Coalition Internationale contre la Traite des Femmes (CATW)
    International Secretariat/ Sécretariat International
    Mailing address/Adresse: rue Washington 40, B-1050 Brussels, BELGIUM
    E-mail address/Adresse de courriel: gsekberg@catwintern
    Phone/Tel.: +32 2 346 2350
    Fax: +32 2 344 2003
    Website/ Site Web:

  • RO: femeia europeana 2008, fwd nicoleta bitu, via crina

    Fostul ministru al justitiei, Monica Macovei, a fost aleasa miercuri “Femeia Europei” in 2008 de catre un juriu format din europarlamentari si jurnalisti, relateaza NewsIn. Premiul urmeaza sa-i fie decernat de catre presedintele Parlamentului European, Hans Gert Poettering.

    Monica Macovei fusese desemnata candidata Romaniei pentru acest premiu la 16 iunie de catre un juriu format din 25 de reprezentanti ai societatii civile si jurnalisti romani. Contracandidatele ei din Romania au fost Anamaria Marinca, actrita care a detinut rolul principal in filmul “4 luni, 3 saptamani si 2 zile” castigator in 2007 al trofeului Palme d’Or al Festivalului de la Cannes, Margareta Matache, activista pentru drepturile minoritatilor, Iulia Motoc, expert in drept international, si Marta Petreu, profesor de filosofie la Universitatea Babes-Bolyai din Cluj.

    Pentru a desemna reprezentanta Romaniei, juriul a avut in vedere anumite criterii cum ar fi activitatea dedicata promovarii valorilor europene si a rolului Europei in lume, angajament si initiative personale pentru sustinerea procesului de integrare europeana sau initiative originale si eficiente ale candidatei.

    Apreciata de europarlamentari pentru reformele in domeniul justitiei si luptei anticoruptie, Monica Macovei a fost ministru al justitiei in perioada 2004-2007, in prezent fiind consultant special al premierului Republicii Macedonia pe probleme de combatere a coruptiei. De asemenea, este expert al Comisiei Europene in domeniul pregatirii personalului de specialitate din tarile candidate ale UE in domeniul combaterii coruptiei si reformei sistemului juridic.

    Printre reformele care i-au adus aprecierea in UE, dar si critici acerbe din partea parlamentarilor romani, s-au numarat introducerea obligativitatii declaratiilor de avere pentru demnitari, infiintarea Directiei Nationale Anticoruptie, care pentru prima oara a inceput anchete de coruptie la nivel inalt.

  • Ads target men who use trafficked women

    MEN who buy sex from women trafficked into Ireland for prostitution are being targeted for the first time in an advertising campaign that warns they could go to jail.

  • Woman Fed To Dogs: Taslim Solangi and an End to Civility

    I am grown up enough now to believe that not every Pakistani household has its own feudal lord – though a significant amount of them are at the mercy of some lameass patriarchal messiah of sorts -and I am also firmly aware of the bitter truth that a very stringent sort of sexism prevalent in a large part of that country (as in mine) means a daily, almost ritualistic, persecution and defilement of women – emotionally, mentally, physically – as well as a thorough disregard for women’s rights.

    Despite my usual preparedness for the abnormally grim, stories like Solangi’s still manage to scare me insane and fuel unbridled rage within me. Wrath is what I can feel right now, rising from the absolute pit of my stomach. Unadulterated and unmitigated anger. And I want to use this anger in a way that pulverizes the very core of our enforced patriarchal inheritance. I want my anger to be as brutal and as devoid of mercy as these murdering charlatans are.

    I need revenge. We need revenge.

    I could have chosen to satirize in my usual blasé manner because I find in humor – especially dark humor – a rock-hard and unshakable crutch. But this is not the time to seek crutches, it’s the time to demolish.

    I beseech those academically fortified women amongst us, who love to deliberate about ethnocentric feminism’s strides in the warm comfort of their Ikea-decorated living rooms, to stand up and address this. Now. Without politeness and political correctness corrupting their ire. Because when young girls are left for dogs to feed on, very little room is left for civility.

  • Obama Expected to Overturn Global Gag Rule

    The new president is also expected to lift a so-called global gag rule barring international family planning groups that receive U.S. aid from counseling women about the availability of abortion, even in countries where the procedure is legal, said Cecile Richards, the president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America. When Bill Clinton took office in 1993, he rescinded the Reagan-era regulation, known as the Mexico City policy, but Bush reimposed it.

    “We have been communicating with his transition staff” almost daily, Richards said. “We expect to see a real change.”

    The Global Gag Rule literally kills thousands and thousands of women every year by putting already over-stretched clinics in an impossible position. They must generally choose between either having no money to provide life-saving care, or providing care while breaking doctor-patient trust and actively doing harm by deceit. What the hell do you choose?

    Different organizations have different answers, but the fact is that it shouldn’t be a question. Doctors should be able to answer their patients’ inquiries honestly. Abortion should be treated as the routine and sometimes life-saving medical procedure that it is. And women deserve quality reproductive health care, whatever their needs. No woman should die because “pro-life” organizations on another continent have a superiority complex and think their tax dollars should only go to providing care for women they deem worthy enough.

    Repealing the Global Gag Rule is only a start, but it’s a huge first step towards a real culture of life — one that respects and cares for the lives of women. And it’s absolutely at the very top of my list of things President Obama can do quickly and decisvely to make the world a better place within his first hours in the Oval Office. If he intends to live up to his campaign promises to protect women’s health and show the world that we’re more than a bunch of self-absorbed ideological assholes, he absolutely must do it. And I eagerly look forward to the moment when he does, because it will not come a moment too soon.

Canada: Indigenous Women and Violence (in English and French)

FAQNW [en/fr]

  • “Indigenous Women and Violence”. A report presented to Yakin Ertürk, UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women, its Causes and Consequences
    Published in January 2008; View document
  • “Les femmes autochtones et la violence au Canada”, mémoire présenté à la Rapporteure spéciale des Nations unies contre la violence à l’égard des femmes, ses causes et ses conséquences.
    Publié en janvier 2008; Consultez le document

Studies have shown that indigenous women have a greater risk than any other group in Canada of being victims of domestic violence. According to the available evidence, they are also significantly more likely than non Indigenous women to report the most severe and potentially life- threatening forms of violence, including being beaten or choked, having had a gun or knife used against them, or being sexually assaulted. This study examines some of the possible reasons behind these figures, as well as providing some historical background on indigenous populations within Quebec. It notes that contributing factors include: systemic discrimination against Indigenous peoples, creating insecurities and tensions; economic and social deprivation; high levels of alcohol and substance abuse; poor, overcrowded living conditions; and the breakdown of traditional systems that granted indigenous women positions of equality and authority within their communities as a result of colonisation. Despite the problems faced by indigenous women, they often have restricted access to services such as women’s refuges because they cannot travel the long distances to reach them, or leave behind their jobs and families to do so. They are also often afraid their children will be taken from them by provincial or white authorities or by Indigenous child welfare workers. The report concludes that there is a need for better funded shelters and other services that indigenous women can access easily.

Violence Against Indigenous Women resources @ International Indigenous Women’s Forum [en/es]

h/t crina

RebELLEs [fr/en]

Manifeste du Rassemblement pancanadien des jeunes féministes [en below]

Nous sommes les jeunes RebELLEs qui ont répondu à un appel féministe et nous sommes fières de nous dire féministes. Nous reconnaissons qu’il existe de multiples interprétations du féminisme et nous célébrons et intégrons cette diversité. Nous sommes engagées à favoriser l’expansion continue de la pluralité de nos voix. Nous sommes engagées dans un processus constant de réflexion autocritique visant à alimenter et transformer notre mouvement. Nous reconnaissons qu’au cours de l’histoire, le mouvement féministe occidental majoritaire a exclu les femmes « altérisées » qui sont représentées comme « autres » ou extérieures à la norme blanche par l’idéologie colonialiste. Nous sommes déterminées à apprendre de notre passé, à honorer les luttes menées par nos prédécesseures et à nourrir nos rêves pour l’avenir. Nous apprécions le soutien de nos alliés qui appuient nos luttes féministes pour l’équité et la justice.

Nous sommes des femmes de diverses capacités, ethnicités, origines, sexualités, identités, classes, âges et « races ». Nous comptons parmi nous des femmes employées, sous-employées et sans-emploi, des mères, des étudiantes, des décrocheuses, des artistes, des musiciennes, et des femmes dans l’industrie du sexe. Nous pensons que les personnes trans, bispirituelles et intersexuées font partie intégrante de notre mouvement. Nous reconnaissons et respectons la fluidité des genres et appuyons le droit à l’auto-identification. Nos espaces non mixtes sont ouverts à toutes celles qui s’identifient et vivent socialement comme femmes.

On nous dit que le féminisme est dépassé. Si c’était vrai, nous n’aurions pas besoin de dénoncer le fait que :
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