Anunt: Gender & Peacebuilding -Training la Cluj

Program international de training “Gender and Peacebuilding”

Institutul Roman pentru Pace (PATRIR) in colaborare cu reteaua TRANSCEND pentru Pace si Dezvoltare anunta programul international de training “Gender and Peacebuilding” ce se va desfasura in Cluj Napoca, intre 29 ianuarie si 2 februarie, 2007.

Programul ofera o introducere in studiile de gen si o analiza a complexitatii relatiilor dintre gen si constructiile sociale, dintre gen, rasa si privilegii de clasa. Pe parcursul cursului se vor explora interdependenta dintre gen si relatiile de putere, cu accent pe teoria si practica rolurilor de gen in diferite societati. Cursul va explica cum intelegerea constructiilor sociale de gen poate contribui la abordarea inegalitatilor de gen si la promovarea unei culturi a pacii. Cursul va aborda si notiuni de militarism, pace si sisteme de razboi – ca expresii ale unor constructii sociale de gen. Va demonstra o conexiune directa intre militarism si violenta bazata pe gen, pozitiile sociale ce au la baza diviziunile de gen si societatile violente, prin exemple din Orientul Mijlociu, Asia de Sud-Est, Europa de Vest si de Est, cu un accent pus pe SUA si zona balcanica.

Costurile cursului sunt acoperite de organizatori, participantii fiind responsabili de drum, cazare si masa pe perioada trainingului (5 zile). Organizatorii pot aranja cazarea si masa participantilor contra unei sume de 180 Euro (cazare pentru 6 nopti si masa pentru 5 zile). Limba de desfasurare a programului de training este engleza.
Trainer: Gal Harmat, Israel.

Cei interesati pot trimite un CV si o scrisoare de motivatie pe adresa pana joi, 25 ianuarie, 2007.

Informatii suplimentare: 0264-420298

–> the info in english: Continue reading

BOOK REVIEW: “A Brief History of Misogyny” by Jack Holland

A Brief History of Misogyny: The World’s Oldest Prejudice, by Jack Holland
(London: Constable & Robinson Ltd, 2006, ISBN 1-84529-371- 1) 320 pp.

Book review by Joy Wood


Jack Holland gives a background to his perceived origins of the misogyny we see today. One of the main strands is ancient Greek thought, and the other is Christianity and related monotheistic religions. The Greek myth of Pandora (p13) echoes the Jewish Adam and Eve myth, in that the original human was man. In the Pandora myth, men were alone until the demi-god Prometheus, who had created men, stole fire from heaven so that they would not have to eat meat raw, like animals. According to Hesiod, Zeus punished the theft by creating Pandora as a ‘gift’ for men. When Pandora disobeyed the command not to open the box she let loose “pains and evils among men” (p14). She was to blame for men being subject to all the ills of life on earth. A central belief of both Greek and Judeo-Christian thought is that man was created separately from the animals, ie above them. This may be a key to misogyny; because men desire women, they ‘give in’ to their animal nature against their will (the Greek phrase for Pandora translates as ‘the beautiful evil’ (p13)) and then blame their lack of willpower on the ‘earthiness’ of women rather than accept their own human nature. Consequently men dehumanise women (by equating the latter with nature) and hold them in contempt. Compounding the effect of the Pandora myth, Greek philosophy and science affirmed this dualistic view of man -v- nature. Aristotle held that women’s role in pregnancy was as an incubator, to carry the male seed, which backs up the idea that men are independent of women, and that women are more animal-like. The so-called cradle of democracy, Ancient Greece, was a slave-owning state, as was Ancient Rome (p20).

Holland holds that “Plato’s Theory of Forms is the philosophical basis for the Christian doctrine of Original Sin” (p31). He maintains that the Theory of Forms (which elevated ‘thought’ as the true Reality, with a capital ‘R’) provided a powerful philosophical basis to the allegories of both Pandora and the Fall of Man and introduced the dualistic vision of reality, where man forever fights against the world of the senses and, because it was woman which caused the split from God, man despises her since she stands to remind him that he too is only human. Holland displays a dry sense of humour; on page 32 he quotes Bertrand Russell who said, in response to the claim by Aristotle (as proof of their inferiority) that women have fewer teeth than men, “Aristotle would never have made this mistake if he had allowed his wife to open her mouth once in a while.”

“Aristotle also introduced the concept of purpose as fundamental to science” (p32). He maintained that women were inferior to men and made to be ruled by men and to carry the man’s child. A ‘scientific’ belief that women are mere vessels led to the denial of their humanity. Moreover, Aristotle claimed that an excess of menstrual fluid in the mother’s womb means the child will not reach its full human potential but become female instead because, as Aristotle says, “the female is, as it were, a mutilated male” (p33). Deformed and sickly male babies and ‘mutilated males’ (ie girl children) were abandoned because of this Aristotelian belief, and the practice carried on throughout antiquity until Christianity became the dominant religion of the Roman Empire (p33) (although of course selective abortion and abandonment of female babies goes on today in parts of India and China). Not all females died, however, since exposed infants were automatically reduced to slave status, so brothel keepers raised some of them as prostitutes (p34).

Holland moves from Ancient Greece, though the Roman Empire to the roots of Christianity. At page 72 he lightens the tone a little. After a quote from Isaiah, 3:16-24 where God lists the dreadful things he will do to women who dress up in finery and parade about, Holland responds with, “The God of the Old Testament was remarkable, if not unique, among divinities, in being both grandiose and extraordinarily petty, one minute creating the universe, the next making women’s hair fall out.” The Old Testament, in common with Platonic thought, disparages the pleasures of the flesh. As Holland puts it, “Homosexuality was forbidden, as was any wasteful spilling of man’s seed, including sodomy, masturbation and oral sex. Not a drop could be spared from the business of begetting” (p71). Holland finds similarities between St Paul and Plato, including that the equality they offered for women with men could only be granted if women became like men. For Plato, this was for the elite women who became Guardians along with the elite group of men and, for St Paul, sexual differences disappear in the Kingdom of Heaven (p79). According to Holland, when St Augustine read Platonic works he could equate The Idea, The Pure Form with God and although Origen was the first to begin to synthesise Platonic thought with Jewish scriptures, it was St Augustine “the greatest thinker since Plato” who established the philosophical edifice which propped up Christianity, “including its misogynistic vision” (p90). Augustine was concerned with breaking away from bodily desires. The only way Mary, the ‘mother of God’ could be venerated was if she was a virgin, and had not felt any sexual desire when conceiving Jesus (in other words, she was unlike any other woman) (p102). This echoes the doctrine of Plato – the dualistic split from, and denigration of, the body. As Holland puts it, “The ‘Word became Flesh’ signalled the end of dualism but the cult of the Virgin Mary meant that the old contempt for matter was perpetuated” (p103). Pope Innocent III permanently barred women from hearing confession and preaching and in everyday life he advocated that men make use of women as a necessary object “who is needed to preserve the species or to provide food and drink” (p112).
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Support needed for the women of Oaxaca, Mexico

4 January 2007
[edit: Traducerea si informatii suplimentare in romana]

In November the Global women´s Strike met with women from Oaxaca, Mexico, and we committed ourselves to spreading information about their struggle, their demands, their leading participation in the Asamblea Popular de los Pueblos de Oaxaca (APPO) – Popular Assembly of the People of Oaxaca, the great unity it has achieved and the harsh repression attempting to defeat it.

Your support is needed:

– Sign and return this letter. We will forward it to the authorities and the media. Send protest emails and faxes to the authorities.

– Donations. We are sending $1000 to the women of Oaxaca knowing that we can count on international support. We will send everything we collect.

To send a donation in US dollars make cheques payable to Global Women´s Strike, PO Box 11795, Philadelphia, PA 19101, USA; in pound sterling to Global Women’s Strike, Crossroads Women’s Centre, 230a Kentish Town Road, London NW5 2AB, England; in euros to Huelga Mundial de Mujeres, Centro Las Mujeres Cuentan, Radas 27 Local, 08004 Barcelona, Spain or by bank transfer to Huelga Mundial de Mujeres, Caixa Penedes, IBAN: ES94 2081 0249 50 3300003442.
Please write Oaxaca on the back of the cheque.

– Circulate this information as widely as possible.


It is claimed that agriculture was born in Oaxaca (and in a few other regions of the world). Its historical has been given Humanity Cultural Heritage status. Oaxaca is a tourist city, expensive for its low income inhabitants. The majority live in Indigenous communities, poor neighbourhoods on the outskirts of the city (colonias), often headed by women whose husbands or sons have emigrated to other states or to the US in search of employment.

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Postgraduate Course in Dubrovnik: Feminist Critical Analysis: Race, Discourse, Biopolitics

Postgraduate Course in Dubrovnik
Feminist Critical Analysis: Race, Discourse, Biopolitics


May , 21st – 25th 2007

Call for Proposals

Rutgers (State University of New Jersey) Women’s and Gender Studies
Department and Belgrade Women’s Studies and Gender Research Center,
Belgrade University are pleased to announce the 8th annual postgraduate course in Feminist Critical Analysis: Race, Discourse, Biopolitics. The course will be held at the Inter-University Centre, Dubrovnik ( on May 21st – 25th, 2007. The course will be co-directed by Dasa Duhacek of the Belgrade Women´s Studies, Belgrade Universirty and Ethel Brooks of the Women’s and Gender Studies Department, Rutgers University.

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Noul “Spintecator”: violenta (impotriva femeilor) ca divertisment

Cand e vorba de crime impotriva femeilor, se pare ca desi suntem in 2006 nu s-au schimbat prea multe de acum 30 (sau 100) de ani. Politia, presa, si majoritatea publicului nu gasesc nimic ciudat in a dezumaniza victimele si a trata violenta ca divertisment, iar crimele nu sunt adresate si rezolvate mai eficient. Se stie ca primul mars “Reclaim the Night” din Anglia s-a organizat in 1977 ca protest fata de o serie de omoruri cunoscute ca “Yorshire Ripper Murders”, si in special fata de faptul ca politia nu facea destul pentru siguranta femeilor si tinea sa deosebeasca “prostituatele” de “victime inocente”. Acum ca a aparut o situatie similara si 5 femei au fost deja omorate in Ipswich, Suffolk, MB, femeile sunt din nou indemnate sa nu iasa seara pe strazi. Este singura “solutie” si masura preventiva oferita de politie pe moment. In acelasi timp, felul in care se vorbeste despre victime (in principal ca “fete” si “prostituate”), sau detalii despre cat de “dezbracate” erau cand au fost gasite si atentia cu tente pozitive care i se da criminalului nu face decat sa dezumanizeze victimele si sa glorifice violenta.

Citand-o pe Twisty de la I Blame the Patriarchy:

“Ipswich spree killer: obviously dominated by women”

Ipswich’s murdering psycho has been so obligingly villainous, the media have promoted him, in quaint British tradition, to ‘Ripper’ status. Men murder women all the time (about 11 times a day in the US alone), but ‘Ripper’ is the pet name reserved for a special class of male murderer who, in the popular imagination, is particularly evil, brilliant, fascinating, ruthless, predatory, depraved, cop-taunting, and of course, hooker-hating. He also has a grippingly seedy life history (”a loner who never fit in”), one that tabloid pop psychologists can modify into a reassuring, explanatory ‘motive’, or, even better, into a pyschokiller narrative revealing to a prurient public explicit, lingerie-ripping details of woman-hating violence.*

In a departure from Rippers past, the Ipswich killer doesn’t mutilate. He wins the exalted ‘Ripper’ crown in part because of the stunning dispatch with which he ‘works’ — he is, it is noted unfailingly, and with a sangfroidesque blend of awe and admiration, the fastest serial killer in British history — but mostly because all his victims appear to have been female sex workers, an important prerequisite for Ripperdom.

The Ipswich killer’s upgrade from random violent schlub to a mythic personage capable of waging “a campaign” means a concomitant downgrade for his victims. These people are demoted instantly from human women to ‘prostitutes,’ from ‘prostitutes’ ** to ‘vice girls’. From there it’s just a short hop to ‘heroin addicts’ and finally, to the lowest form of life imaginable, ’single mothers.’ Their first names are always used as if they were children. Tabloids, as Guardian columnist Joan Smith notes with dismay [in her article “Prostitutes deserve as much sympathy as any murder victim”], even allude to their hair color (“blonde Gemma”). It’s as though they were hotties in Hustler rather than murdered women; no report omits to describe the women’s corpses as ‘naked’ or ‘having been stripped.’

Why celebrate the murderer and dehumanize the victims as fetish objects? Because the public is enamored of the delusion that only nutcase criminal masterminds hate women enough to murder them, and that prostitutes more or less have it coming to them.

* The Sun’s ‘top criminal psychologist’ speculates that “the maniac [has a] history of being dominated by women.” Funny how every single woman on the planet has a history of being dominated by men, yet the world remains puzzlingly bereft of crazed chicks rampaging around on tabloid-quality murder sprees.

Dar de ce ne-ar surprinde ca acestui criminal i se gasesc deja “circumstante atenuante”? Jack the Ripper este considerat un subiect fascinant, despre felul in care a mutilat si omorat femei se vorbeste cu mult interes si un minim de compasiune – mai ales ca si atunci victimele erau prostituate! “The Yorkshire Ripper”, care a omorat cel putin 13 femei, a fost lasat de curand sa viziteze locul unde se afla cenusa tatalui sau.

Iar in presa romaneasca stirea despre omorurile recente poate fi gasita prezentata de parca ar fi vorba de o noua ecranizare a istoriei lui Jack the Ripper: “Jack Spintecatorul s-a intors: Dupa 118 ani, prostituatele britanice sunt in pericol din nou” (Ziua, 12 decembrie 2006) – un articol pe care (“Indexul stirilor din Romania”) il indexeaza la sectiunea de “Divertisment”!


Zilele acestea se incearca pregatirea unui Reclaim the Night ca raspuns la situatia din Ipswich.

call for submissions

call for submissions


past forward

Exhibition and meetings: March 9 to March 31, 2007
Opening: March 8, 2007, International Women’s Day

past forward, cyber fems virtual real:
Exhibition of virtual works: Paper hangings and presentation of online
works as room installation projections.

past forward, cyber fems real saturday meetings:
Real appearance, presentations, panels, discussions, performances,
concerts, happenings, djane actings …


Dear Artists!

We would like to invite women artists working in the fields of
cyberfeminism and new media to an open exhibition starting on March 8,
2007, the International Women’s Day, in the rooms of the Austrian
Association of Women Artists, Vienna. The founding of this first artists
association in Austria in 1910 was a reaction to the general exclusion
of women artists from the artworld and resulted from the first women’s
movements and its international networking. We see feminisms today for
the most part as being depoliticized. Therefore, past forward focuses on
the question: how are depoliticizing aspects emerging today in light of
global politics?

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Inegalitatea dintre sexe agraveaza saracia

11 Decembrie, 2006 (BBC Romania)

Organizatia ONU pentru copii, UNICEF, publica luni raportul anual privind situatia copiilor in lume.

Dar, spre deosebire de anii precedenti, raportul se concentreaza nu pe aspecte anume ale vietii copiilor si pe vietile femeilor.

UNICEF cere guvernelor sa faca mai multe eforturi pentru a impune egalitatea intre sexe care, subliniaza organizatia, va insemna nu doar vieti mai bune pentru femei ci si pentru copii lor.

Potrivit UNICEF, capacitatea femeilor de a decide asupra propriilor vieti este indeaproape legata de sanatatea si bunastarea copiilor.

intregul articol [mai putin decat profesionale si necesare, comentariile editoriale despre faptul ca “raportul nu va fi o lectura placuta pentru barbati” si UNICEF-ul nu cere “instaurarea matriarhatului”!]

pentru detalii:
Comunicatul UNICEF privind raportul

… The report argues that recent progress in women’s status has not come far enough. Millions of girls and women continue to live in poverty, disempowered and discriminated against. They are disproportionately affected by HIV/AIDS, less likely to attend school and often subject to physical and sexual violence. In most places, men continue to earn more pay than women for the same jobs.

Women need a voice
… Empowering women, explains the report, saves children’s lives – and the impact is too important to ignore. … Moreover, the report finds, in families where women are the main decision-makers, a far greater proportion of household resources is devoted to child health, nutrition and education than in families where women do not have a voice.

Seven key interventions
The report suggests seven key interventions for gender equality:

* Abolish school fees and invest in girls’ education
* Invest government funding in gender equality
* Enact legislation to create a level playing field for women, and to prevent and respond to domestic violence as well as gender-based violence in conflict
* Ensure women’s participation in politics
* Involve women’s grassroots organizations early on in policy development
* Engage men and boys so the importance of gender equality can be understood by all
* Improve research and data on gender issues, which are critical if progress is to be made

Promoting gender equality is the focus of Millennium Development Goal 3. If this goal is achieved, UNICEF believes its benefits will be felt not just among women and children but in many other spheres—from poverty and hunger reduction to global health and environmental sustainability.

The State of the World’s Children 2007 shows that in the long run, empowering women will enhance efforts to reach all of the other Millennium Development Goals by 2015.


Stire UNICEF din 18 Octombrie 2006:
Unul din patru copii traieste in saracie

Un raport al Agentiei Natiunilor Unite pentru copii, UNICEF, arata ca in Europa de est, Asia Centrala si Rusia unul din patru copii traieste in saracie, in ciuda cresterii economice din aceste regiuni.

“Ura virtuala e reala. Da DELETE la ura!”


In seria de activitati anti-discriminare si combaterea prejudecatilor fata de grupurile vulnerabile, Agentia de Monitorizare a Presei deruleaza un program cu scopul de a monitoriza si combate propagarea xenofobiei, intolerantei, discriminarii si rasismului in spatiul virtual.

In acest context, vom organiza un eveniment ce are ca scop constientizarea publicului asupra faptului ca ”Ura virtuala e reala” si ii vom invita pe cei prezenti sa ”Dea DELETE la ura!”. Evenimentul marcheaza Ziua Internationala a Drepturilor Omului si se va desfasura duminica, 10 decembrie, incepand cu orele 18.00, la Casa de Cultura a Studentilor, Calea Plevnei nr. 61, sector 1, Bucuresti.
Astfel, sub sloganul ”Ura virtuala e reala. Da DELETE la ura”, se va lansa campania de constientizare a publicului larg, dar mai ales a tinerilor si a altor utilizatori de servicii Internet, cu privire la riscurile rasismului si discriminarii in mediul virtual.

Evenimentul va fi deschis cu vizionarea a trei filme:
· Dureri ascunse, regia Michelle Kelso & Alexandru Alexe
· Gay pride, produs de You and Me cu sprijinul MMA
· Vopseste romaneste, produs de D MEDIA

La orele 20.00 vor urca pe scena artisti din mai multe zone culturale, printre care formatiile Altar, Kadja Clouds Society (MC Cogeamite Galigan, DJ Flore &DJ Rusu, Implant pentru Refuz si Electric Brother.

Evenimentul va fi precedat de o conferinta de presa in care vor fi prezentate obiectivele majore ale proiectului nostru: problema cyber-hate-ului in spatiul virtual romanesc si campania de constientizare. Conferinta va avea loc incepand cu orele 16.30, la sediul Agentiei de Monitorizare a Presei, Calea Plevnei nr 98, Bl. 10C, sector 1, Bucuresti.

La conferinta vor participa reprezentanti ai AMP si ai celor care vor purta mesajul anti-discriminare in cadrul concertului.

keep on living

le tigre, “keep on livin'”

(video creat in colaborare cu paper tiger television)

You hide inside, so not okay
(keep on, keep on livin’)
What if you remember more today?
(keep on, keep on livin’)
The phone rings but there’s too much to say
(keep on, keep on livin’)
You tell them to go when you wish they would stay
(keep on, keep on livin’)

You gotta keep on (keep on livin!)
You gotta keep on (keep on livin!)
You gotta keep on (keep on livin!)
You gotta keep on (keep on livin!)

Disprportionate reactions just won’t fade
(keep on, keep on livin’)
Every dude you see puts you in a rage
(keep on, keep on livin’)
Or stupid shit keeps making you cry
(keep on, keep on livin’)
Your friends are worried you won’t tell them why
(keep on, keep on livin’)

You gotta keep on (keep on livin!)
You gotta keep on (keep on livin!)
You gotta keep on (keep on livin!)
You gotta keep on (keep on livin!)

Look up to the sky sky sky
Take back your own tonight
You’ll find more than you see
It’s time now now get ready
So you can taste that sweet sweet cake and
Feel the warm water in a lake (y’know)
What about the nice cool breeze and
Hear the buzzing of the bumble bees
Live past those neighborhood lives and
Go past that yard outside and
Push thru their greatest fears and
live past your memories tears cuz
You don’t need to scratch inside just please
Hold onto your pride
So don’t let them bring you down and
Don’t let them fuck you around cuz
Those are your arms that is your heart and
No no they can’t tear you apart cuz

This is your time this is your life and
This is your time this is your life and
This is your time this is your life and
This is your time this is your life and….

You gotta keep on(keep on livin!)
Gotta keep on(keep on livin!)
You gotta keep on(keep on livin!)
Gotta keep on(keep on livin!)
You gotta keep on(keep on livin!)
Gotta keep on(keep on livin!)
You gotta keep on(keep on livin!)
Gotta keep on(keep on livin!)