Anunt: Gender & Peacebuilding -Training la Cluj

Program international de training “Gender and Peacebuilding”

Institutul Roman pentru Pace (PATRIR) in colaborare cu reteaua TRANSCEND pentru Pace si Dezvoltare anunta programul international de training “Gender and Peacebuilding” ce se va desfasura in Cluj Napoca, intre 29 ianuarie si 2 februarie, 2007.

Programul ofera o introducere in studiile de gen si o analiza a complexitatii relatiilor dintre gen si constructiile sociale, dintre gen, rasa si privilegii de clasa. Pe parcursul cursului se vor explora interdependenta dintre gen si relatiile de putere, cu accent pe teoria si practica rolurilor de gen in diferite societati. Cursul va explica cum intelegerea constructiilor sociale de gen poate contribui la abordarea inegalitatilor de gen si la promovarea unei culturi a pacii. Cursul va aborda si notiuni de militarism, pace si sisteme de razboi – ca expresii ale unor constructii sociale de gen. Va demonstra o conexiune directa intre militarism si violenta bazata pe gen, pozitiile sociale ce au la baza diviziunile de gen si societatile violente, prin exemple din Orientul Mijlociu, Asia de Sud-Est, Europa de Vest si de Est, cu un accent pus pe SUA si zona balcanica.

Costurile cursului sunt acoperite de organizatori, participantii fiind responsabili de drum, cazare si masa pe perioada trainingului (5 zile). Organizatorii pot aranja cazarea si masa participantilor contra unei sume de 180 Euro (cazare pentru 6 nopti si masa pentru 5 zile). Limba de desfasurare a programului de training este engleza.
Trainer: Gal Harmat, Israel.

Cei interesati pot trimite un CV si o scrisoare de motivatie pe adresa pana joi, 25 ianuarie, 2007.

Informatii suplimentare: 0264-420298

–> the info in english:

Gender and Peacebuilding

A Five-Days International Training Programme for Practitioners, Policy Makers, International and National Agency Staff and NGOs working in peacebuilding, conflict transformation and post-war recovery

Organised by TRANSCEND and the Peace Action, Training and Research Institute of Romania (PATRIR)

January 29 – February 2, 2007, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

For more information or to apply please contact: Alexandra Nerisanu, Programme Coordinator,,

Trainer: Gal Harmat, Israel.

This course offers an introduction to gender studies, analysis of the complex relationships between gender and social constructions and between gender, race and class privileges. During the course we will explore the interdependency between gender and power and focus on theory and practices of gender roles in different societies. The course will seek to explore how understanding of gendered social constructions can help in addressing gender inequalities and promote gender equity and cultures of peace.

The course will then focus on militarism, the war system and peace – as expressions of social and gender-based constructions. It will demonstrate a direct connection between militarism and gender based violence, gender based societal positions and violent societies through examples from the Middle East, South East Asia, Western and Eastern Europe, with emphasis on the Balkans and the US.

Gender identity will be examined, via dichotomies such as passivity-activity, hero-victim (heroism-victimhood / victimization), femininities-masculinities, strong-weak and peace-war. It will highlight gender issues related to war such as rape as a tool of war, human and women’s security and protection strategies such as community based security, national and international intervention and peace keeping operations in relation to gendered power relationships.

Participants coming from Romania are not required to pay participation fee. They need to cover their own travel expenses and expenses related to accommodation and meals for the whole duration of the program. The organizers can provide accommodation and meals for 180 euro.

Deadline for receipt of applications (CV and letter of intent): January 25, 2007.

For more information, call 0264-420298.

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