changing things? opting out? (punk rock and hip-hop too)

interesting discussion over here: “It Ain’t Sexism, It’s Punk Rock!”

which goes over the same ground we covered in the past couple of years in discussions within the ladyfest collective:

and i’ve got “punk rock is ice cream-eating macho guys” and also “remember, kids, punks are macho!” :)
oh, yeah, and “ziua barbatului, yaaay” (with some examples of feminist punk guys/songs)

looking at the comments over at bastante already, i can’t help but be surprised (and kind of saddened) by how little of an opportunity people seem to have had for these kinds of discussions, how little information there seems to be out there about books like Pretty in Punk or even about the riot grrrl movement… again, i find “Results of a misspent youth” so useful to revisit:
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HURDORRE – Alianta pentru Educatia si Protectia Copilului Rrom

Alianta pentru Educatia si Protectia Copilului Rrom

Aceasta campanie este organizata de Agentia pentru comunicare si gestionare crize “Aven Amentza”, pentru a gandi si pune in aplicare o strategie care sa deblocheze criza prelungita a situatiei copiilor de etnie roma, sa reduca dependentele determinate de ineficienta sistemului institutional romanesc si european.

ref: “Cazul asistentei maternale capătă iz de ură rasială”

Aven Amentza

target women episodes

un show despre diverse chestii absurde din mass media si publicitate despre/”pentru” femei [en]:

“yogurt edition”

“feeding your f*ing family”


“wedding shows”

“birth control”

prezentatoarea este comediana sarah haskins

si apropos de feminism si umor:

PETITIE: Hrana pentru toti


… In 1996, “Declaratia de la Roma asupra securitatii alimentare mondiale”, a reafirmat “accesul la hrana sigura si nutritiva ca drept al tuturor”. De asemenea, semnatarii si-au luat un angajament politic fata de “eradicarea foametei in toate tarile”.

In 2008, subnutritia si infometarea nu numai ca sunt in crestere in multe colturi ale lumii, dar ele ating noi culmi ale suferintei. Recoltele diminuate si irosite, preturile care cresc vertiginos, practicile zootehnice nesustenabile sunt numai cativa din factorii care impreuna supun oamenii vulnerabili la riscuri ce le ameninta viata.

Nu este acceptabil ca in situatia actuala in care foametea si malnutritia omoara aproape sase milioane de copii in fiecare an, procente enorme din recoltele disponibile sa fie folosite ca hrana pentru animalele de ferma.

In numele umanitatii, o comunitate globala responsabila nu mai poate sa-si permita sa investeasca 7-16 kg de cereale sau soia, pana la 15.500 litri de apa si 323 m2 de teren pentru pasunat in producerea a numai unui kilogram de carne de vita pentru cei care isi permit sa-l cumpere. Avem nevoie cu disperare de modalitati mai accesibile si sustenabile de a asigura hrana pentru toti.

Din nefericire, desi expertii Organizatiei pentru Hrana si Agricultura considera ca „zootehnia reprezinta o amenintare majora pentru mediu”, acestia doar recomanda diferite procedee tehnice in agricultura, din care unele implica riscul de a degrada si mai mult, probabil in mod ireversibil, un mediu deja vulnerabil.

Toti oamenii infometati, milioanele de vegetarieni si cei care cauta alternative sanatoase la practicile traditionale distructive au dreptul sa se astepte la o investigatie stiintifica a tuturor optiunilor existente, inclusiv a vegetarianismului, din partea celor care iau decizii, guvernelor si organizatiilor internationale. Acest stil de viata ce economiseste resursele si salveaza vieti este demn de un efort de cercetare impartial cat si de promovare, nu in ultimul rand datorita potentialului sau de a conduce lupta dezlantuita pe marginea dilemei „hrana sau furaj” la o concluzie in favoarea umanitatii. …

semneaza petitia

from the anti-women stupidity knows no bounds files

“Lawyer Files Antifeminist Suit Against Columbia”

“Mini-skirts banned to stop “provoking” rape in Mexico”

“How the Left censored the blindingly obvious truth about rape” (Peter Hitchens, Daily Mail, 16.08.08) a.k.a.
“Geez, When Will Women Stop Getting Themselves Raped Already?”

vulnerability to trafficking and exploitation… and solutions

2 presentations about the vulnerability to sex trafficking and exploitation, one focused on moldova and one on the u.s.:

h/t londonfeministnetwork & discussion about organizations, like GEMS (whose mission is “to empower young women, ages 12-21 years, who have experienced sexual exploitation and violence to exit unsafe and abusive lifestyles and to develop their full potential”), that provide the most vulnerable girls and women “with empathetic, consistent support and viable opportunities for positive change” – which arose as a reaction to the news about the “Guide to Brothels” from the Women’s Institute in UK: “Women’s Institute ladies toured the world in search of the perfect brothel” (story also in romanian: “Doua bunici, reprezentante ale Institutului Femeilor din Marea Britanie, au facut turul pamantului pentru a gasi bordelul perfect”)

on the absurdities of nationalism, and more – situation in georgia

“Russia and Georgia: Darkness Falls”
by Natalia Antonova, GlobalComment

… The unthinkable is already happening before us, and history has entered a gloomy and bewildering chapter. This is the sort of thing that happens when empires fail; it’s bloody and vile. It reeks of gunpowder and rot and the dried-up glue that used to hold together our old, red memorial wreaths.

Now, for all the understandable grief surrounding the loss of life, I have found something to be bitterly amused about:

It’s hilarious how quickly some start shouting that “hey those are Russian citizens we are fighting for!!!” Yes, that is factually true, many South Ossetians do have Russian passports now, and Moscow has to take responsibility for these people whether it wants to or not.

But isn’t it funny how the people of that region, normally viewed as “black-assed thugs,” have suddenly become our brothers and sisters, our secret lovers and best friends?

Obviously this isn’t the philosophy of all Russian people, I am pointing this out because those I have seen beating their chests about how Moscow is being “overtaken” by “darkies” are the same people beating their chests over the fate of South Ossetians.

The absurdities of nationalism know no bounds.

The joy with which such people greet pictures of dead Georgians is diabolical. Their desire to see Russian soldiers fall due to some misguided notions regarding “glory” is equally diabolical. They do not value Georgian lives, but neither do they value the lives of their own troops or the lives of South Ossetians they are supposed to care about.

The loudest of the loud among us do not have sons serving in the Russian army, or so I have noticed.

This isn’t to say that I am a fan of Georgia’s President Saakashvili, however. I think it’s laughable that some writers are busy painting a picture of the genteel Saakashvili and uniformly bloodthirsty, fanged Russians. Have we learned nothing from Georgia’s squashed opposition? Do we really think that Saakashvili has the best interests of his people in mind? Or the best interests of the South Ossetians who are, predictably, almost invisible in this conflict?

Political elites benefit from grand-standing, regular people just lose their limbs in the process.

The West is no better in this regard. We have shouted all we could about Kosovo, OMIGOD Kosovo! The BBC quickly points out lawlessness in South Ossetia, but it takes years for anyone to mention lawlessness in aforementioned Kosovo. This is because it was easy to get involved in the Balkans, and not so easy to do the same in this part of the world.

Ultimately, the nations who have encouraged Georgia to join Nato will wash their hands of this conflict. When it comes to what matters more, Tbilisi or Moscow, Moscow will win out. It’s expedient to kick smaller nations to the curb in favour of the big guys, and I say this as someone who has a hell of a lot in common with the Russian Federation and its interests.

Who knows? Perhaps this entire conflict will serve to benefit Russian-American relations. On Air Force One, high above the toils of ordinary life and death, people who will benefit from this disaster can toast each other while the dead are being buried. …

see also: latest coverage on RFE/RL, Institute for War and Peace Reporting, and Democracy Now!