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Category Archives: links
adresind violenta normalizata
doua initiative importante:
“Because it’s no longer enough to be a decent person. It’s no longer enough to shake our heads and make concerned grimaces at the news. True enlightened activism is the only thing that can save humanity from itself. I’ve always had a bent towards apocalyptic fiction, and I’m beginning to understand why. I look and I see the earth in flames. Her face was nothing but red.” – Joss Whedon, May 20 2007,
Yet more evidence as to why the newly devised Anti-Rape Demonstrations are so important when the legal system actively condones and promotes male sexual violence against women and girls. No clearer message than this can be sent to all men and boys that they can continue committing rape and sexual abuse with impunity. As regards women and girls – well, make-up, clothing, sexual precociousness etc. are the REAL RAPISTS not men. Yet another male judge believes and actively condones myths concerning male sexual violence against women and girls. Continue reading
Comunicat de presa
CPE – Centrul Parteneriat pentru Egalitate
Bucuresti, 18 iunie 2007 informeaza-te ca sa te poti apara!
CPE a lansat, primul site despre fenomenul hartuirii sexuale in Romania. Site-ul cuprinde descrierea comportamentelor de hartuire, informatii despre pedepsele prevazute de lege, institutiile care le pot aplica si pasii pe care o victima trebuie sa ii urmeze. isi propune sa fie un mijloc de informare pentru victimele hartuirii sexuale la locul de munca, dar si un ghid pentru organizatiile care vor sa previna aceste comportamente sau au nevoie de suport pentru gestionarea corecta a situatiilor de hartuire sexuala.
Lansarea acestui site face parte dintr-o campanie de informare derulata la nivel national de catre CPE. Continue reading
let’s all evolve past this
fwd from the AGITATE list:
Von: Gloria W
/etc interested | international
Hi everyone,
I was asked by several sources to write an article about how to make tech environments more female friendly. The finished product even shocked me, I had no idea all of the info was stored in the recesses of my brain. I was also asked to talk about it in Linz [@ next /etc]. …
“Let’s All Evolve Past This: The Barriers Women Face in Tech Communities”
I’d like to hear your experiences from other countries …
(one can leave comments for the author by following the article link)
Libertatea cuvantului,totusi nu atat de libera
Cu siguranta ziua de ieri (sambata,9 iunie) a fost o zi controversata,aglomerata si agitata,plina de incidente care au avut loc cu ocazia Gay Fest-ului.
Probabil mai toata lumea s-a uitat la televizor si a vazut ce s-a intamplat in aceasta zi.
Ziua de sambata a inceput pentru mine la 8 dimineata,nu am avut timp nici sa-mi beau cafeaua sau sa fac prea multe lucruri ca am si iesit in jumatate de ora pe usa.Nu,nu am fost sa sustin ideea Noii Drepte (hehe),al carei mars pentru “normalitate” a inceput la ora 10.Consider ca cele/cei care vor citi acest blog sunt informati in ceea ce priveste aceasta grupare de extrema dreapta,grupare ce promoveaza homofobia,rasismul,xenofobia,nationalismul si alte -isme,ascunzandu-le in spatele doctrinei crestine,toate manifestatiile si actiunile lor fiind “in numele lui Dumnezeu si pentru o viata morala,crestina”.
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marsul gay si gayfest 2007
Nu uitati ca saptamana asta suntem in plin Gayfest (intrarea la toate evenimentele este gratis): mai multe detalii si program la:
…Si nu uitati marsul gay!! Sambata, 9 iunie, ora 17:00. Traseul va fi ca anul trecut (Bd. Unirii – Piata Unirii – Piata Constitutiei) ne strangem tot la Nerva Traian doar ca pe partea cealalta ca o sa mergem pe contrasens sa nu ne mai arunce oua un cap :P
Pai sper sa ne vedem acolo :):):)
cine te defineste
Radical cheerleaders need your help: fwd widely
Dearest Ladyfest,
Radical Cheerleading is often a part of workshops and performances at Ladyfests across the world and we were hoping for some help through your vast networks to get the word out about our project to document the last 10 years of Radical Cheerleading. Could you please post the following information on your myspace and/or pass the “call for submissions for the Radical Cheerleading Anthology” on to all those that you may think would be interested. Our first deadline for submissions is June 1st and is approaching fast.
If you have any suggestions on how to get more publicity and involvement in our book through feminist networks we would most appreciate your advice. look fwd to your response.
thanks so much.
cheers, brackin firecracker, jeanne vaccaro, aimee and cara jennings
please fwd/ post the following:
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ziua barbatului, yaaay
si ca tot am amintit din nou “ziua barbatului”, eu ma gindeam s-o sarbatoresc azi. de ce azi? hm, dar de ce nu?
deci cu ocazia acestei zile, cintece feministe de trupele mele preferate de tipi feministi:
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miss universe protest in mexico
A group of women wearing white dresses splashed in fake blood, proclaiming themselves Miss Juarez, Miss Atenco and Miss Michoacan in reference to places in Mexico where women have been raped or killed protest beside the stage where the Miss Universe’s native dress fashion show was held in Mexico City, Sunday, May 20, 2007.
Justice for the Women of Juárez and Chihuahua, more background