marsul gay si gayfest 2007

Nu uitati ca saptamana asta suntem in plin Gayfest (intrarea la toate evenimentele este gratis): mai multe detalii si program la:

…Si nu uitati marsul gay!! Sambata, 9 iunie, ora 17:00. Traseul va fi ca anul trecut (Bd. Unirii – Piata Unirii – Piata Constitutiei) ne strangem tot la Nerva Traian doar ca pe partea cealalta ca o sa mergem pe contrasens sa nu ne mai arunce oua un cap :P


Pai sper sa ne vedem acolo :):):)

Call for Papers : heterosexuality

Editor: Yasco Horsman
Book Series: Thamyris / Intersecting: Place, Sex, and ‘Race’
Publisher: Rodopi (Amsterdam / New York)
Series Editor: Ernst van Alphen
Deadline for Proposals: July 1, 2007

“Thamyris / Intersecting,” a book series on place, sex and ‘race’ seeks contributions to an upcoming volume on heterosexuality.

Heterosexuality has long been considered the norm, the unmarked category from which all ‘perversions’ deviate – in short, something that is in itself not in need of an explanation. With the emergence of queer theory in the 1990’s, and its insistence on the constructed and flux nature of all sexual identities, straightness itself was shown to be neither as monolithic nor as stable as had once been assumed. This opened the doors for a project that Calvin Thomas has recently dubbed ‘straight queer theory,’ a rigorous analysis of the cultural and social construction of heterosexuality that refuses to take sexual identity as fixed.

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Radical cheerleaders need your help: fwd widely

Dearest Ladyfest,

Radical Cheerleading is often a part of workshops and performances at Ladyfests across the world and we were hoping for some help through your vast networks to get the word out about our project to document the last 10 years of Radical Cheerleading. Could you please post the following information on your myspace and/or pass the “call for submissions for the Radical Cheerleading Anthology” on to all those that you may think would be interested. Our first deadline for submissions is June 1st and is approaching fast.
If you have any suggestions on how to get more publicity and involvement in our book through feminist networks we would most appreciate your advice. look fwd to your response.
thanks so much.
cheers, brackin firecracker, jeanne vaccaro, aimee and cara jennings
please fwd/ post the following:

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Take Back the Blog! Blogswarm

Take Back the Blog! Blogswarm in support of the rights of women to participate fully in all aspects of our society, including specifically online in the world of blogging but indeed everywhere and at all times, day and night, without fear of harassment, intimidation, sexual harassment, online stalking and slander, predation or violence of any sort.

…and what exactly is a BLOGSWARM?
A “blogswarm” is when a bunch of people blog about the same crap ON PURPOSE! It is a premeditated thing, as opposed to the usual randomness that tends to rule the Internet. Order from chaos. Entropy. Call it whatever you want.

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call for photos from feminist org


samira_ahmed_l.jpgFawcett (UK) needs YOU!

Stand up for feminism by sending in a photo of yourself wearing a “This is what a feminist looks like” t-shirt.

We want to show that feminists come in all shapes, sizes, races, ages and sexes. What we have in common is a commitment to real equality between women and men.

There’s a prize for the best picture and at a special event on 12 September there will be an exhibition of all the photos of supporters and celebrities. You could find yourself on the wall next to Patrick Stewart or Shami Chakrabarti – check out our online gallery now.

Take pictures with your friends, family and colleagues, the more unusual the photograph the better. So far we have received pictures from Nepal, Canada, Italy and Cambodia !


Ladyfest-Romania 2007 CAUTA designerE pt LOGO NOU!!!

Ladyfest-Romania (editia 2007 care va avea loc la Bucuresti in Octombrie) are nevoie de un nou logo. Cine este interesata sa vina cu propuneri poate trimite la:

DEADLINE : 14 Mai 2007

Designul castigator va fi ales pe baza de vot, si artista castigatoare va primi: 2 bilete pass-partout la festival si un tricou (sau pentru cele din afara bucurestiului ajutor cu costul transportului)

Logo-ul respectiv va fi folosit pentru: afisul festivalului, bilete/pass-uri, coperta brosurii, si pe website.

Trimiteti imaginile in format jpg, tif sau gif nu mai mari de 500Kb

Afisul editiei 2005 poate fi vazut aici :

Ajutor pentru studiu de asistenta sociala

Am primit urmatorul mesaj cu rugamintea de a-l posta pe site:

… Sunt studenta la asistenta sociala si fac o cercetare pe tema “Dimensiunea socio-umana a incestului”. Desi este un subiect delicat, tabu, totusi exista multe cazuri incestioase in societatea in care noi traim si parca trecem cu vederea asemenea fapte monstruoase.

Devenind “familista” ma gandesc mai mult la acest subiect nu prea discutat… In cercetarea mea vreau sa aflu care este nivelul de informare si atitudinea comunitatii vis-a-vis de incest (ma intereseaza mai mult a parintilor pt ca in primii ani de viata ei sunt responsabili de educatia copiilor). In urma acestei cercetari se poate evalua nevoia unor programe de educare a copiilor, parintilor, intregii comunitati cu privire la implicatiile incestului (factori de risc, consecinte – care nu sunt putine – asupra copiilor victime ale abuzului sexual, informare juridica).

Sper ca prin aceste cuvinte sa va conving sa-mi raspundeti la chestionarul atasat.
Daca aveti intrebari sau sugestii sunt bine venite!
Multumesc mult!


Chestionarul poate fi descarcat AICI, completat si trimis inapoi la adresa gabyciobanu(@)yahoo(.)com (fara paranteze).

Call for papers: Roma and Gadje

CALL FOR PAPERS: For a special issue of the Anthropology of East Europe Review on Roma and Gadje, scheduled for Fall 2007.
We are seeking papers that consider the ways Romani individuals and communities negotiate, resist and reproduce the places Roma occupy in the social and political contexts of non-Romani spheres, as well as sociological analyses of the lifeworlds and counterpublics of Roma.

As a liberal order consolidates throughout the Eastern European region, Roma everywhere are taken up either as (to borrow a term from Saidiya Hartman) the “imaginative surface” of the woes of postsocialism or as a romanticized remnant of a bygone past. Roma seem to exist in the shadow of culture – timeless, errant and enchantingly Other – while the social worlds they inhabit are circumscribed by their intensifying economic and spatial marginalization and the continued pathologization of their behavior as inadaptable and often criminal. The historical roots of such stereotyping run deep and resonate powerfully in our particular moment: the Zigeuner/Tigani/Cikán/Cigany Other continues to function within discussions of transnational European identities, even as these discourses claim a complete break with the ethnonational identities of the past. Gadje, in turn, are rarely, if ever, explicitly implicated in the public figurations of difference through which Romani and Gadje identities are mutually constituted and that set the terms of much of the scholarly and activist engagement with Romani lives.

We seek contributions that situate their analysis within this specular constitution of otherness in specific historical, political and social milieux. How are individual Roma and Gadje interpolated by the dynamic and shifting boundaries that inform the dialectics of identity? What are the micro-physics of the negotiations along this border, and how do they sustain the production of difference? How are the ambiguities and indeterminacies encountered along these borders stabilized and made commensurate in acts of recognition (or rejection) of otherness? And how does the figuration of Zigeuner/Tigani/Cikán/Cigany difference symbolically secure the emergent political orders in the eastward progression of “Europeanization?”
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Monologurile vaginului – AUDITIE 6-7 feb. 2007

Asociatia social culturala Baraka organizeaza in cadrul campaniei mondiale Ziua V o reprezentatie a piesei “Monologurile Vaginului”, a autoarei americane Eve Ensler, alaturi de cateva alte evenimente complementare.

Vrei sa fii parte a echipei de actori?

Poti ajuta evenimentul si ca voluntar!!! Sau ca membru al echipei tehnice de realizare a piesei de teatru. Nu exista nici o conditie in acest sens decat sa ne contactezi si sa fii motivat sa lucrezi alaturi de noi!

Trimite formularul de inscriere la: pana pe 5 februarie 2007 sau suna la unul din telefoanele de mai jos:

V Day Bucuresti secretariat:
Ana Gradinariu: 0724129394
Cristina Spanu: 0722676704

Descarca formularul de inscriere AICI

Exista, in principiu, o singura conditie: sa fii femeie si sa iti conduci viata ca femeie. Si sa te simti confortabil cu textul piesei si aparitia pe scena. Cautam femei si fete din toate mediile sociale, nivelele educationale, de toate varstele, care cred ca problema violentei trebuie dezbatuta in societatea romaneasca. Daca cele de mai sus ti se potrivesc, atunci te invitam la auditie pe 6 -7 februarie 2007.

Poti ajuta evenimentul si ca voluntar!!! Sau ca membru al echipei tehnice de realizare a piesei de teatru. Nu exista nici o conditie in acest sens decat sa ne contactezi si sa fii motivat sa lucrezi alaturi de noi!

Participarea in proiect constituie munca de voluntariat pentru toate formele de implicare (actrite, echipa organizare, realizare materiale, promovare, parteneriate, etc.)

Ziua V este o miscare la nivel mondial ce militeaza impotriva violentei impotriva femeilor. Ziua V este un catalizator pentru evenimente creative ce au ca obiective : constientizarea publicului, strangerea de fonduri si revitalizarea spiritului organizatiilor anti-violenta ce exista deja. Ziua V atrage atentia asupra luptei pentru incetarea violentei impotriva femeilor, incluzand violul, bataia, incestul, mutilarea genitala feminina si sclavia sexuala. Continue reading

call for submissions

call for submissions


past forward

Exhibition and meetings: March 9 to March 31, 2007
Opening: March 8, 2007, International Women’s Day

past forward, cyber fems virtual real:
Exhibition of virtual works: Paper hangings and presentation of online
works as room installation projections.

past forward, cyber fems real saturday meetings:
Real appearance, presentations, panels, discussions, performances,
concerts, happenings, djane actings …


Dear Artists!

We would like to invite women artists working in the fields of
cyberfeminism and new media to an open exhibition starting on March 8,
2007, the International Women’s Day, in the rooms of the Austrian
Association of Women Artists, Vienna. The founding of this first artists
association in Austria in 1910 was a reaction to the general exclusion
of women artists from the artworld and resulted from the first women’s
movements and its international networking. We see feminisms today for
the most part as being depoliticized. Therefore, past forward focuses on
the question: how are depoliticizing aspects emerging today in light of
global politics?

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