sexele se razboieste deoarece sexele e in razboi. qed

asa… sa zicem ca eu sunt o invatatoare, si ca m-am hotarit ca elevii mei trebuie sa arate urmatoarele aptitudini ca sa ia nota 10 (sau ce nota maxima se ia in ziua de azi):

– sa fie atenti la si sa poata interpreta cu acuratete felul in care se exteriorizeaza oamenii din jurul lor
– sa se orienteze folosind mai multe indicii, nu doar recurgind la propriile reflexe
– sa dea dovada de flexibilitate, sa poata analiza din diverse puncte de vedere si indeplini simultan mai multe sarcini
– sa interactioneze eficient cu altii, fiind dispusi sa compromita si sa se consulte
– sa stie sa delege responsabilitati si la nevoie sa ofere incurajament si suport
– sa cintareasca situatiile si sa caute sa minimizeze riscurile la care se supun pe ei insisi si pe cei din jur
– sa nu se impacienteze usor, sa faca fata presiunilor si sa se descurce la activitati facute contra cronometru
– sa aiba un vocabular bogat si sa comunice cit mai bine
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[zina lf-ro#2] Ecofeminism

The animals of the earth exist for their own reasons. They were not created for humans any more than women were created for men, or blacks for whites. — Alice Walker
Notiunea de „ecofeminism” poate fi descrisa cel mai bine ca o umbrela pentru diverse teorii si practici ce tin deopotriva de feminism si ecologism, bazate pe constientizarea relatiei dintre felul in care atat femeile cat si animalele sunt „alterizate” de ideologia dominanta pentru a justifica gama de atitudini patriarhale la care ele sunt supuse conform traditiilor si conventiilor socio-culturale. Critica ecofeminista puncteaza ca dezumanizarea femeilor si altor grupuri de oameni va exista si va functiona in societate atata timp cat consideram ca „alte” fiinte sunt automat la dispozitia oamenilor asa incat noi, cei din oficiu „superiori”, sa gasim scuze pentru a nu ne comporta etic si echitabil fata de cei „inferiori”, pentru a nega drepturile acestor fiinte si a ne folosi de ele oricum gasim de cuviinta in propriile noastre interese. Ideea e ca exploatarile se intrepatrund si nu pot fi separate sau eliminate altfel decat impreuna; iar societatea patriarhala si ierarhica depinde de dominatia fata de tot ce este privit ca fiind „aproape de natura” si deci considerat inferior si exploatabil: femeile (si in diferite contexte orice categorie de fiinte umane „de rangul al doilea” – persoane de culoare, din tari ale estului si sudului global, din medii rurale…) ca si animalele, resursele din natura si mediul in general.
Scopurile principale ale feminismului nu sunt aceleasi cu cele asociate de obicei cu feminismul liberal. Ecofeministele(-istii) nu urmaresc o simpla egalitate a femeilor cu barbatii, ci o schimbare radicala ce presupune, printre altele, eliberarea femeilor ca femei si recunoasterea valorii unor activitati traditional asociate cu femeile (cum are fi cele din sfera domestica). O problema care intervine aici este ca prin accentul pus pe revendicarea de catre femei a unor aspecte ale „feminitatii” traditionale, ecofeminismul poate insemna o intarire a stereotipurilor opresive si tinde spre esentializarea sexelor. Sau nu.

Femeile si natura
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[zina lf-ro#2] Masculinizarea heterosexualitatii

De fapt, titlul este derutant pentru ca heterosexualitatea noastra nu devine pe zi ce trece mai masculinizata, ci este deja de mult astfel, si cred ca de fapt astazi incepem sa diversificam practica sexuala hetero – atat barbati, cat si femei – si sa devenim mai inventivi in modul in care facem dragoste unul cu celalalt.
M-am surprins recent nedoritoare, in mod ostentativ, sa fac acel lucru pe care orice cuplu fata & baiat in care exista dragoste, chemistry si posibilitate, si lipsesc constrangerile de ordin religios, moral sau sa zicem biologice, il face. Pentru ca de regula acest lucru nu se intampla la mine, am recurs la scurte dialoguri bogate in eufemisme si puncte de suspensie cu prietene care au si ele relatii stabile, parteneri, soti si despre care am buna presupunere ca sunt fericite si satisfacute in respectivele relatii. Am aflat urmatoarele: 1. ca este „okay“ sa nu vrei, chiar sa nu vrei timp mai indelungat (sa zicem o luna, chiar o luna jumate … o colega buna mi-a spus ca ea nu s-a lasat atinsa 7 luni de sotul ei!!! Credeti ca este un argument faptul ca era si gravida in tot acel timp?!?), 2. ca nu poti sa ai orgasm intotdeauna (in timp ce el va veni fara gres), 3. ca intr-o relatie in primul an faci mult sex, in al doilea mai putin, in al treilea de-abia si in al patrulea nici macar nu exista viata sexuala (poftim?), 4. ca de regula partenerii de viata nu sunt cei mai buni la pat dintre toti care ti-au trecut prin asternuturi si 5. ca eu sunt o raritate in ce priveste modul in care fac sex: „iau initiativa“.
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[zina lf-ro#2] A fi “unul dintre punkisti”

Prin `97-`98 am gustat prima data din ceea ce mai general se numeste “altfel de muzica decat ce ne dau sa inghitim posturile de televiziune sau de radio”. Odata cu stilul muzical diferit de al “majoritatii”, au venit un altfel de stil vestimentar, frecventarea unor altfel de locuri, altfel de obiceiuri si, per total, o altfel de atitudine, care ma detasa complet de “majoritate”. Ceea ce intelegeam mai putin la momentul respectiv era ca aceasta atitudine ma detasa mai degraba de celelalte fete de varsta mea, decat de o majoritate generala. Spre deosebire de muzica ascultata de ceilalti, in care se regaseau frecvent destule modele feminine, muzica rock si toate derivatele ei pareau o “chestie de baieti”. Putinele femei care realmente cantau in trupe de gen erau aproape complet masculinizate si in general despre ele se spuneau lucruri de genul “tipa asta e extraordinara, nici nu-ti vine sa crezi ca-i femeie” sau “ce bine ca reuseste totusi sa se remarce printre atatia barbati”. O “rockerita” era echivalentul de atunci al unei femei sofer de tir [ambele stereotipuri inca persista].
De atunci am trecut prin cateva asa numite “scene”, fara sa-mi pun intrebarea de ce felul in care ma comport si muzica pe care-o ascult e considerata “o chestie de baieti” si de ce asta e unul dintre motivele pentru care eu credeam ca ma regasesc in ea. Prima explicatie care imi vine acum in minte e ca acea muzica era asociata unui mesaj profund, fie sentimental, fie politic, profunzime care era, desigur, apanajul baietilor care de altfel se si pricepeau mult mai bine la matematica decat fetele, in vreme ce fetele erau asociate cu superficialitate, pantofi, culoarea roz si pisicute pufoase. Eu insami asociam fetele cu aceleasi lucruri si presiunea familiei, venita odata cu trecerea anilor, de a fi “mai mult ca o fata”, ma facea sa le urasc.
Incet-incet, muzica pe care o ascultam la inceput a intrat in mainstream si am descoperit punk-ul, o muzica si o cultura aparte ce se doreau a fi “pentru toata lumea”, indiferent de categoria sociala din care facea parte. Insasi provenienta termenului o declara clar. Un “punk” era denumit la inceput un fel de gunoi al societatii, un respins, sau chiar, in sens mai restrans, un detinut de sex masculin care “servea” drept parte pasiva in relatiile sexuale dintre detinuti. Asadar, punk-ul era pentru toti si aduna la un loc pe toti cei ce nu se regaseau in alte culturi, cu toate astea, fetele erau la fel de putine daca nu chiar mai putine ca in celelalte scene prin care trecusem, iar lucrul asta m-a facut, in sfarsit, sa ma gandesc ca poate, pe undeva, se face o nedreptate. N-a fost nevoie sa ma intreb de ce, explicatia venea chiar din versurile unor trupe foarte populare in randul punkistilor sau din spusele putinelor fete care ascultau si “traiau” punk [“e greu ca fata sa fii punk”, “cele mai multe fete o fac doar ca sa impresioneze, sa para altfel”, etc.].
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more normalized bigoted violence

Lesbians sentenced for self-defense
All-white jury convicts Black women

By Imani Henry
New York
Published Jun 21, 2007 2:58 AM

On June 14, four African-American women—Venice Brown (19), Terrain Dandridge (20), Patreese Johnson (20) and Renata Hill (24)—received sentences ranging from three-and-a-half to 11 years in prison. None of them had previous criminal records. Two of them are parents of small children.

Their crime? Defending themselves from a physical attack by a man who held them down and choked them, ripped hair from their scalps, spat on them, and threatened to sexually assault them—all because they are lesbians.

The mere fact that any victim of a bigoted attack would be arrested, jailed and then convicted for self-defense is an outrage. But the length of prison time given further demonstrates the highly political nature of this case and just how racist, misogynistic, anti-gay, anti-youth and anti-worker the so-called U.S. justice system truly is.

The description of the events, reported below, is based on written statements by a community organization (FIERCE) that has made a call to action to defend the four women, verbal accounts from court observers and evidence from a surveillance camera.

The attack

On Aug. 16, 2006, seven young, African-American, lesbian-identified friends were walking in the West Village. The Village is a historic center for lesbian, gay, bi and trans (LGBT) communities, and is seen as a safe haven for working-class LGBT youth, especially youth of color.
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si doua subiecte (si) locale

  • “Poluarea excesiva scurteaza viata bucurestenilor”

    Traim mai putin, din cauza defrisarilor! Speranta de viata a bucurestenilor este cu patru ani mai mica decat in restul tarii. … Un studiu european arata ca romancele traiesc cel mai putin, in timp ce barbatii lor traiesc ceva mai mult decat lituanienii si estonienii.

    vezi si:
    o initiativa a locuitorilor din Drumul Taberei
    Trees for Cities – Bucharest, Romania (Bucharest, the capital of Romania with a population of 2.5 million people, has sadly become one of the most polluted cities in Europe. Ever increasing traffic, industrial activity, poor waste disposal and above all a dramatic loss of trees and green space have all contributed to the high levels of pollution. Over the last decade there has been a staggering 50% loss in the amount of green space in the city, which has fallen from 35 million square metres in 1989 to only 17 million square metres in 2001. In addition much of the green belt around the city has been cleared to make way for new housing and this in turn has fuelled the air pollution problem as dust from the Romanian Plain can now enter the city more easily.”)
    articol cu date despre speranta de viata pentru romani/romance printre alte statistici

  • “Europa ataca sexismul din publicitate” (28 iunie 2007)

    Parlamentarii europeni atrag atentia asupra discursului sexist din publicitate. Imaginea femeilor este cea mai afectata, mai ales in reclamele cu target masculin. …

    niste pareri si critici de pe lista de discutii lf-ro:
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from the global feminist newswire

Egypt Moves to Ban Female Genital Mutilation (6/29/2007)
Egypt’s health ministry announced yesterday that it would close a legal loophole allowing female genital mutilation (FGM), days after a 12-year-old girl died from the procedure…

UNFPA Briefing on New Report Focuses on Urbanization (6/28/2007)
The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) released its annual report on the State of World Population at a briefing this week at the National Press Club…

Setback for Saudi Business Women (6/28/2007)
Under new segregation rules, female bankers in Saudi Arabia are being separated from their male counterparts and supervisors…

New Anti-Rape Law in Thailand (6/25/2007)
The National Legislative Assembly of Thailand approved a new law last week that criminalizes marital rape…

Colombia to Pass Law Giving Rights to Same-Sex Couples (6/18/2007)
With backing from President Alvaro Uribe, a Colombian bill giving same-sex couples rights to health insurance, inheritance, and social security that recently passed by a 62-43 vote in Congress is likely to become law…

Fatal Shooting Outside Afghan Girls’ School (6/14/2007)
Two gunmen killed two girls and wounded six others, including a teacher, outside a girls’ school in Logar Province, Afghanistan on Tuesday…

Over 100 Women Activists Arrested in Zimbabwe (6/13/2007)
More than 100 members of Women of Zimbabwe Arise (WOZA) were arrested June 11 in Filabusi, Zimbabwe during a peaceful demonstration to launch the Peoples’ Charter, which includes demands for social rights and liberties…

Kuwaiti Women Barred from Working at Night (6/13/2007)
The Kuwaiti Parliament unanimously passed a law earlier this week to restrict women’s rights by restricting the hours that women are allowed to work…

Ministers in UK Government Draft New Anti-Discrimination Legislation (6/12/2007)
The United Kingdom government published today a consultation document that included proposals for a Single Equality Bill that will cover England, Wales, and Scotland…

Mozambique Considers Lifting Abortion Ban to Protect Women’s Lives (6/11/2007)
In order to improve the health and safety of women, policymakers in Mozambique have announced that they will consider lifting the country’s ban on abortion…

Afghan Radio Owner and Reporter Killed (6/6/2007)
Zakia Zaki, the owner and manager of Peace Radio and a headmaster of a girls’ school in Parwan province, was shot dead inside her home early this morning…

Report Links Discrimination Against Women and HIV Infection Rates (5/31/2007)
Physicians for Human Rights released a report on Friday demonstrating that discriminatory views against women contribute to the spread of HIV…

Mexican Supreme Court Will Consider New Abortion Law (5/31/2007)
The Mexican Supreme Court announced on Tuesday that it will hear a case filed by the National Human Right’s Commission (NHRC) and the Attorney General’s Office to determine whether Mexico City’s law allowing abortion in the first three months of pregnancy is constitutional…

Women’s Rights Activist Suspended from Afghan Parliament (5/22/2007)
Women’s rights activist and lawmaker Malalai Joya, a 29-year-old from the Farah province, was suspended from the Afghan Parliament yesterday after she described the Parliament as a barn full of animals…

and more…

some anti-violence history

from Rethinking Rape – A Site for Resistance and Activism:
(Laws and Definitions)

History of Rape Laws in the US:

In the mid-seventeenth century, Sir Matthew Hale introduced the idea of “a woman scorned” into English common law. The myth of the woman who is rejected by a man and then seeks revenge by falsely accusing him of rape remains prevalent in society even today. The creation of the myth of this vindictive woman serves to exonerate perpetrators of rape and in essence, perpetuate the notion that real rape is a rare offense that occurs between strangers. Until the 1970’s in America, jurors in rape cases were read Hale’s warning that although rape is a horrific crime “it is an accusation easy to be made, hard to be proved, but harder to be defended by the party accused, though innocent” (Reeves Sanday, 1996). Until only recently in our nation’s history, women in the United States were subject to male violence and had little to no recourse or any means of achieving justice.

The women’s movement of the 1960’s spawned the anti-rape movement which incited change in the legal arena and was the first time that acquaintance rape was identified and studied. Rape crisis centers, Take Back the Night marches, Speak Outs, feminist organizations, and published research accounts challenged the public’s ideologies regarding the definitions as well as the prevalence of the act of rape.

Rape law reform was an important aspect of the anti-rape movement. At this time, many traditional ideas and commonly held notions about rape were challenged; such as, the idea that the degree of a woman’s resistance was the deciding factor as to whether a rape occurred. Since the 70’s, resistance has become a less important determining factor in the law and the issue of verbal consent has become increasingly significant. The link between rape and alcohol, as well as other sedating substances, has only recently come into the anti-rape discourse and laws. Even today, the idea that a man could rape his wife is considered impossible to many in our society; in fact, marital rape remains noticeably absent from many state’s rape laws.

For a more thorough account of the evolution of rape laws in America check out Peggy Reeves Sanday’s amazing book: A Woman Scorned: Acquaintance Rape on Trial (1996)


More from the history of the movement, its impact on laws, policies and public views and attitudes, its successes and failures:
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