A text about the “generousity” of men explaining things to women by Rebecca Solnit
Category Archives: men/male allies
Reimaginarea justitiei sociale de jos in sus: Includerea femeilor rome
O traducere integrala a lucrarii “Re-envisioning Social Justice from the Ground Up: Including the Experiences of Romani Women” de Alexandra Oprea (link la fisier PDF) – cu multumiri Crinei pentru editari
International Roma Day
8 aprilie a fost adoptata ca Zi Internationala a Romilor in 1971, in cadrul Primului Congres international al romilor de pretutindeni, care a avut loc la Londra. Tot atunci s-au stabilit imnul (Gelem, Gelem, compus de Jarko Jovanovic) si steagul international al romilor. Romii din tarile blocului comunist nu au celebrat aceasta zi, pana spre finele anilor 90’. In ultimii ani, semnificatia zilei de 8 aprilie a inceput sa fie recunoscuta la nivel mondial. Pe 28 martie 2006, Plenul Camerei Deputatilor a adoptat, cu majoritate de voturi, proiectul de lege privind declararea zilei de 8 aprilie drept “Sarbatoarea etniei romilor din Romania”. (info de la Romani Criss)
Vienna, 7 April 2008
“European Union needs common action to make equality a reality for the Roma”
Statement by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) on the occasion of International Roma Day
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presa romaneasca si uber misoginii reprezentativi
pentru cine isi mai aduce aminte de “minunata” postare a tipului cu subiectiv.ro despre “noi” (sau, mai degraba, despre niste probleme de-ale lui) – am observat recent ca omul, care e clar de o misoginie psihopata, scrie pe hotnews.ro… SUPER!
deci asta e ce ne putem astepta de la mass media… a se observa ca pe langa alex mihaileanu, varzaru de la catavencu e chiar feminist iar jurnalistul de la romania libera e seful feminismului! asa ca sa zicem mersi ca ei au scris de lf07 – putea fi mai rau.
re: prostitution – read both
from worldwatch on global population
The average woman worldwide is giving birth to fewer children than ever. Nonetheless, an estimated 136 million babies were born in 2007, bringing the global population to about 6.7 billion. Governments must improve access to good health care and family planning to see further declines in childbearing and increases in life expectancy…
More: Population, Nature, and What Women Want
For the Worldwatch Institute, human population has always been a sustainability issue. Our earliest writings confirmed a stable balance between population and the environment as an essential ingredient of the equitable and enduring society our mission advances. And over the years we have highlighted the polices needed in all nations to encourage this balance through healthy reproduction, voluntary family planning, gender equality, and the free decisions of women and couples about childbearing.
Since our founding, however, the issues surrounding population have become ever more sensitive and delicate, discouraging many environmentalists and policymakers from taking on the topic. Now, Worldwatch Vice President for Programs Robert Engelman, a 16-year veteran of the population and reproductive health field, has broken new ground in his own fresh take on this perennially difficult issue. In More: Population, Nature, and What Women Want, Engelman leads readers on a journey from humanity’s first steps on two feet to the 21st century and beyond to explore whether women want more children or more for their children, and how their childbearing intentions have fared in a male-dominated world. The answers he finds not only surprise but offer new hope for real and lasting global sustainability.
Rich in historical detail, contemporary stories, and provocative ideas, More is the keystone of a new initiative at the Worldwatch Institute to return population and women’s reproductive decision-making to their critical role in the environment, the economy, and human rights.
Vital Signs Update: Fertility Falls, Population Rises, Future Uncertain.
de citit – despre necuratenia femeilor… care este, de la d-zeu
movies for radical queer d.i.y. film festival
+++++++++++++++++++++++callout english+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Entzaubert radical queer d.i.y. film festival 15-18 May 2008 in Berlin on a queer squatted truck site.
for the second time we will create a space for queer films, their
directors and their audience. for 4 days the open air belongs to films,
which question heteronormativity and capitalism, promote diversity and
deconstruction of socially accepted constructions.
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international women’s day in bucharest
March 8th – Day of Women’s Activism vs Romanian Woman’s Day
8 martie – Ziua femeilor militante vs Ziua femeii in Romania
9 martie, in Underworld, str.Atelierului nr 14
Pe tot parcursul serii va asteptam sa veniti cu idei creative pentru a face o zina ad-hoc. Pornim de la feminism si putem ajunge… oriunde!
PROIECTIE FILM LIBERTARIAS (1996, regia Vicente Aranda)
Dupa proiectii, muzica si party.
more march 8th in the uk
[other events worldwide here and here]
Million Women Rise
raise your voices against violence against women
International Women’s Day has passed largely unnoticed in this country for many years except for local events and protests organised predominately by refugee and migrant communities.
This year a coalition of individuals and women’s organisations (see www.millionwomenrise.com for list of supporters) are co-ordinating a national march to raise the issue of gendered violence against women.
Violence against women happens everywhere, and takes many forms. Women and girls of all ages, from all classes, from all ethnic backgrounds, regardless of their immigration status, their colour, their sexuality or their disability, experience it.
Violence devastates the lives of women, their families, and their communities.
We call on women to come together to raise our voices, join forces, gain strength from each other and create an immovable force for change that challenges the oppression of women in its most brutal manifestations. It is an opportunity to remember, to celebrate and to plan for the future.
How to support the event
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