xy: barbati, masculinitati si politici de gen

am mai mentionat site-ul XY: men, masculinities, and gender politics. este excelent in general si toate articolele de-acolo ar trebui citite de toti, dar citeva texte afisate recent merita recomandari speciale:

  • “Won’t Believe the Hype” (Word)
    Bryan Proffitt outlines the ongoing struggle against sexual violence.
  • “Men As Partners In Primary Sexual Violence Prevention” (Word)
    Brad Perry explores the work of male allies in primary prevention with sexual assault crisis centers.
  • “Changing Men: Best practice in sexual violence education” (PDF)
    A review of what works and doesn’t work in violence prevention education with men, focused on educational strategies which are face-to-face.
  • What men can do to stop sexism and male violence (Word)
    A collection of lists and guides, compiled by Michael Flood.
  • “Gay Patriarchy” (PDF)
    Gay men didn’t escape patriarchal male conditioning.
  • “Feminist. Man. Feminist man.” (Word)
    By Alankaar Sharma.
  • “An Open Letter to Gentlemen” (Word)
    On behalf of feminists, Erica Little-Heron offers some simple truths for men.
  • Monologurile vaginului – AUDITIE 6-7 feb. 2007

    Asociatia social culturala Baraka organizeaza in cadrul campaniei mondiale Ziua V o reprezentatie a piesei “Monologurile Vaginului”, a autoarei americane Eve Ensler, alaturi de cateva alte evenimente complementare.

    Vrei sa fii parte a echipei de actori?

    Poti ajuta evenimentul si ca voluntar!!! Sau ca membru al echipei tehnice de realizare a piesei de teatru. Nu exista nici o conditie in acest sens decat sa ne contactezi si sa fii motivat sa lucrezi alaturi de noi!

    Trimite formularul de inscriere la: asociatia.baraka@gmail.com pana pe 5 februarie 2007 sau suna la unul din telefoanele de mai jos:

    V Day Bucuresti secretariat:
    Ana Gradinariu: 0724129394
    Cristina Spanu: 0722676704

    Descarca formularul de inscriere AICI

    Exista, in principiu, o singura conditie: sa fii femeie si sa iti conduci viata ca femeie. Si sa te simti confortabil cu textul piesei si aparitia pe scena. Cautam femei si fete din toate mediile sociale, nivelele educationale, de toate varstele, care cred ca problema violentei trebuie dezbatuta in societatea romaneasca. Daca cele de mai sus ti se potrivesc, atunci te invitam la auditie pe 6 -7 februarie 2007.

    Poti ajuta evenimentul si ca voluntar!!! Sau ca membru al echipei tehnice de realizare a piesei de teatru. Nu exista nici o conditie in acest sens decat sa ne contactezi si sa fii motivat sa lucrezi alaturi de noi!

    Participarea in proiect constituie munca de voluntariat pentru toate formele de implicare (actrite, echipa organizare, realizare materiale, promovare, parteneriate, etc.)

    Ziua V este o miscare la nivel mondial ce militeaza impotriva violentei impotriva femeilor. Ziua V este un catalizator pentru evenimente creative ce au ca obiective : constientizarea publicului, strangerea de fonduri si revitalizarea spiritului organizatiilor anti-violenta ce exista deja. Ziua V atrage atentia asupra luptei pentru incetarea violentei impotriva femeilor, incluzand violul, bataia, incestul, mutilarea genitala feminina si sclavia sexuala. Continue reading

    BOOK REVIEW: “A Brief History of Misogyny” by Jack Holland

    A Brief History of Misogyny: The World’s Oldest Prejudice, by Jack Holland
    (London: Constable & Robinson Ltd, 2006, ISBN 1-84529-371- 1) 320 pp.

    Book review by Joy Wood


    Jack Holland gives a background to his perceived origins of the misogyny we see today. One of the main strands is ancient Greek thought, and the other is Christianity and related monotheistic religions. The Greek myth of Pandora (p13) echoes the Jewish Adam and Eve myth, in that the original human was man. In the Pandora myth, men were alone until the demi-god Prometheus, who had created men, stole fire from heaven so that they would not have to eat meat raw, like animals. According to Hesiod, Zeus punished the theft by creating Pandora as a ‘gift’ for men. When Pandora disobeyed the command not to open the box she let loose “pains and evils among men” (p14). She was to blame for men being subject to all the ills of life on earth. A central belief of both Greek and Judeo-Christian thought is that man was created separately from the animals, ie above them. This may be a key to misogyny; because men desire women, they ‘give in’ to their animal nature against their will (the Greek phrase for Pandora translates as ‘the beautiful evil’ (p13)) and then blame their lack of willpower on the ‘earthiness’ of women rather than accept their own human nature. Consequently men dehumanise women (by equating the latter with nature) and hold them in contempt. Compounding the effect of the Pandora myth, Greek philosophy and science affirmed this dualistic view of man -v- nature. Aristotle held that women’s role in pregnancy was as an incubator, to carry the male seed, which backs up the idea that men are independent of women, and that women are more animal-like. The so-called cradle of democracy, Ancient Greece, was a slave-owning state, as was Ancient Rome (p20).

    Holland holds that “Plato’s Theory of Forms is the philosophical basis for the Christian doctrine of Original Sin” (p31). He maintains that the Theory of Forms (which elevated ‘thought’ as the true Reality, with a capital ‘R’) provided a powerful philosophical basis to the allegories of both Pandora and the Fall of Man and introduced the dualistic vision of reality, where man forever fights against the world of the senses and, because it was woman which caused the split from God, man despises her since she stands to remind him that he too is only human. Holland displays a dry sense of humour; on page 32 he quotes Bertrand Russell who said, in response to the claim by Aristotle (as proof of their inferiority) that women have fewer teeth than men, “Aristotle would never have made this mistake if he had allowed his wife to open her mouth once in a while.”

    “Aristotle also introduced the concept of purpose as fundamental to science” (p32). He maintained that women were inferior to men and made to be ruled by men and to carry the man’s child. A ‘scientific’ belief that women are mere vessels led to the denial of their humanity. Moreover, Aristotle claimed that an excess of menstrual fluid in the mother’s womb means the child will not reach its full human potential but become female instead because, as Aristotle says, “the female is, as it were, a mutilated male” (p33). Deformed and sickly male babies and ‘mutilated males’ (ie girl children) were abandoned because of this Aristotelian belief, and the practice carried on throughout antiquity until Christianity became the dominant religion of the Roman Empire (p33) (although of course selective abortion and abandonment of female babies goes on today in parts of India and China). Not all females died, however, since exposed infants were automatically reduced to slave status, so brothel keepers raised some of them as prostitutes (p34).

    Holland moves from Ancient Greece, though the Roman Empire to the roots of Christianity. At page 72 he lightens the tone a little. After a quote from Isaiah, 3:16-24 where God lists the dreadful things he will do to women who dress up in finery and parade about, Holland responds with, “The God of the Old Testament was remarkable, if not unique, among divinities, in being both grandiose and extraordinarily petty, one minute creating the universe, the next making women’s hair fall out.” The Old Testament, in common with Platonic thought, disparages the pleasures of the flesh. As Holland puts it, “Homosexuality was forbidden, as was any wasteful spilling of man’s seed, including sodomy, masturbation and oral sex. Not a drop could be spared from the business of begetting” (p71). Holland finds similarities between St Paul and Plato, including that the equality they offered for women with men could only be granted if women became like men. For Plato, this was for the elite women who became Guardians along with the elite group of men and, for St Paul, sexual differences disappear in the Kingdom of Heaven (p79). According to Holland, when St Augustine read Platonic works he could equate The Idea, The Pure Form with God and although Origen was the first to begin to synthesise Platonic thought with Jewish scriptures, it was St Augustine “the greatest thinker since Plato” who established the philosophical edifice which propped up Christianity, “including its misogynistic vision” (p90). Augustine was concerned with breaking away from bodily desires. The only way Mary, the ‘mother of God’ could be venerated was if she was a virgin, and had not felt any sexual desire when conceiving Jesus (in other words, she was unlike any other woman) (p102). This echoes the doctrine of Plato – the dualistic split from, and denigration of, the body. As Holland puts it, “The ‘Word became Flesh’ signalled the end of dualism but the cult of the Virgin Mary meant that the old contempt for matter was perpetuated” (p103). Pope Innocent III permanently barred women from hearing confession and preaching and in everyday life he advocated that men make use of women as a necessary object “who is needed to preserve the species or to provide food and drink” (p112).
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    [zina lf-ro’05] are you a boy or a boi?

    De cate ori nu ti s-a intamplat sa mergi la o toaleta publica, sa vrei sa intri pe usa pe care personajul desenat intr-un mod stilizat poarta fustita, si sa te trezesti ca esti redirectionata catre usa de alaturi, spunandu-ti-se politicos: “toaleta de barbati este alaturi”? Hm… De cate ori nu ti s-a cerut sa platesti intrare in cluburile unde intrarea pentru fete era gratuita? Si in fine, de cate ori nu te-ai gasit in ipostaza penibila de a spune: “dar sunt fata”?

    Probabil ca tot de atatea ori ti-ai dat seama si ca locul tau in sistemul binar de impartire a lumii intre cele 2 sexe “opuse” de fapt nu exista, ca esti exclusa pentru ca nu alegi una dintre extreme. Cum de si-ar permite cineva sa poarte par scurt, haine care nu ii evidentiaza apartenenta la un sex sau altul, sa nu isi scoata in evidenta sanii, sa prefere femeile si, colac peste pupaza, sa mai se si supere cand o iei drept baiat? Pe drept cuvant, nu incurca asta prea mult felul cum lumea a fost simplificata prin taiere in doua? Nu e mai simplu sa adaptezi indivizii la un sistem pre-costruit decat sa te chinui sa mulezi sistemele pe identitatile individului? Nu e mai simplu ca in acte, recensaminte, formulare de aplicatie etc., la rubrica de “gender” sau pe romaneste rubrica inca denumita “sex”, sa fie doua optiuni clar notate cu “M” sau “F” intre care sa fii nevoita sa alegi? Inchipuie-ti cum ar fi daca la acea rubrica locul ar fi lasat liber si fiecare ar avea libertatea sa se autoidentifice. Am gasi acolo alaturi de masculin si feminin termeni ca: altfel (other), androgin, intergendered, genderqueer, transgendered, transsexual, queer, pansexual, cisgendered, gender-neutral si tot asa… poate chiar “boi” ar scrie cineva. Ce s-ar intampla atunci cu hainele din magazinele de copii… ar trebui facute in toate culorile in loc de binecunoscutele albastru pentru baietei vs roz pentru fetite. Pe deasupra, ar mai trebui si sa invatam sa intelegem ce inseamna “political corectness”, “libertate de exprimare”, “identitati de gen”, sau diferenta dintre “gen” si “sex”. Nu ar insemna asta sa facem mai multe eforturi pentru a ne depasi propriile prejudecati si stereotipuri? Nu ar fi asta cam greu pentru mintile lenese care traiesc in inertie si prefera comoditatea modelelor prestabilite decat initiativa construirii propriilor lor sisteme de valori? Nu este asta inspaimantator pentru ei, cei care si-au inghitit curajul de a fi ei insisi si au preferat sa aleaga una dintre cele doua extreme care le-a asigurat un loc sigur in oranduirea sociala traditionala?
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    [zina lf-ro’05] nu imi plac fetele (versiunea 6)

    nu tin minte exact cand a fost prima oara cand am spus “nu imi plac fetele” sau poate “nu imi plac fetele in general” sau poate chiar “urasc fetele”, in orice caz ceva de genul asta. probabil eram destul de mica atunci cand am inceput sa am acel sentiment si sa-l exprim cu glas tare.

    prima oara cand am realizat ca exista o separare intre fete si baieti a fost cand m-am mutat de la bunici la parinti sa incep clasa i-a. la noi in bloc erau f. multi copii, cam 14 in jurul aceleiasi varste dintre care doar 3 dintre noi eram fete. cand am iesit pe-afara prima oara am cautat imediat sa gasesc fetele, se jucau in spatele blocului cu cateva alte fete de la alte scari. insa am auzit-o pe mama mea ca ma striga, si cand m-am dus sa vad ce era mi-a spus ca trebuie sa ma joc in fata blocului ca sa poata sa ma vada din cand in cand.
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    de ce are nevoie feminismul?

    numarul din vara 2006 al jurnalului pentru studiul religiilor si ideologiilor:

    What Does Feminism Need? Challenges and Developments in Gender Studies

    din cuprins:

    • Gender Policies in Romania: from Infrastructure to Action
    • The woman in the communist regime. Meta – analysis about a gender study
    • The Gender Sterotype Threat And The Academic Performance Of Women’s University Teaching Staff
    • Perceptia discriminarii de gen la nivelul populatiei educate tinere din Romania – o abordare cantitativa (The Perception of Gender Discrimination at the Level of Young Educated Romanians – A Quantitative Approach)
    • Diferenta dintre genuri in alocarea timpului liber in Romania (Gender Difference in Allotting Leisure Time in Romania)
    • Expresii si reprezentari sociale ale femininului in practicile divinatorii (Expressions and Social Representations of the Feminine in Divination Practice)
    • Who’s Afraid of Feminism in Romania? Misconceptions, prejudices, stereotypes
    • Media and gender: Constructing feminine identities in a postmodern culture
    • Words and Women. An eligible bachelor vs. an eligible spinster
    • Sexual Harassment at the Workplace: Converging Ideologies
    • Contributii si limite ale feminismului in asistenta sociala (Contributions and Limitations of Feminism in Social Work)

    • An Overview of Political Torture in the Twentieth Century

    un numar mai vechi din jurnal: Gen si/in Ideologii