Peace Women

The website has many useful resources on women, peace and security issues and women’s peace-building initiatives in areas of armed conflict. Two reports:

• • • • from the 1325 Peace Women E-Newsletter:

Psychosocial Challenges and Interventions for Women Affected by Conflict
– Critical Half, Bi-annual journal of Women for Women International, September 2006 Vol. 4 No. 1 –
The articles in this journal edition highlight the psychological and social difficulties encountered by conflict-affected women. The general hardship and trauma of conflict is often compounded further by gender-based violence, which takes a heavy toll on women’s mental health. Both during war and afterward, women may feel ongoing anxiety and fear as they worry about soldiers who might torture or kill them and their loved ones. Women who have been sexually violated can suffer humiliation and shame, and even become ostracized by those who consider rape to bring dishonour to a woman’s family and community. Women may also lack the social support that normally provides solace or assistance in grieving. The authors discuss ways to design effective psychosocial programs that facilitate healing and encourage women’s active participation in the reconstruction of their communities. Case studies from Sudan, Afghanistan, Indonesia, the United Kingdom, Gaza, Croatia, and Nigeria are provided. Read the full report (PDF)

• • • • from Women, Peace and Security Resources:

Action on Gender Based Violence and HIV/AIDS: Bringing Together Research, Policy, Programming and Advocacy
– Center for Women’s Global Leadership, January 2007 –
In response to the human rights and public health crises posed by both the HIV pandemic and the unabating levels of gender-based violence (GBV), policy makers, activists and programmers at international, regional and national levels have in recent years bolstered attention to the conceptual and methodological intersections of work in these areas. A small group of organizations and experts working at the intersection of GBV and HIV came together to share lessons learned from working from a variety of entry points, including human rights, gender, feminism, sexuality, and sexual rights, at global, national and local levels, using various methods and within different country contexts. This brief report summarizes discussions, outcomes, and recommendations from the consultation. Read the full report (PDF)

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More about Peace Women: Continue reading

Recenzie a evenimentului Ladyfest Romania pentru cele 16 zile contra violentei

publicata in revista Beyond Gender a GAD Committee – Romania:

bg_winter06_p9.jpg bg_winter06_p10.jpg — de Cristina


  • Mai multe despre War Zone
  • Mai multe despre Take Back the Night
  • Versiunea in limba romana a recenziei: Continue reading

    Some good international news

    from Women’s eNews:

    * Portugal, one of four European nations where most abortions are illegal, will vote next month in a referendum to liberalize its laws. The election occurs amid efforts to challenge Portuguese and Irish anti-choice laws in European court.

    * Three hundred men have joined a Burlington, Vermont, U.S., campaign against domestic abuse, the Burlington Press reported Jan. 23. Members of the White Ribbon Campaign, which was formed last December, wear white ribbons to symbolize their commitment to challenging violence against women. Members agree to speak to at least one boy and man to raise awareness.

    * A group of Israeli women has petitioned the nation’s high court to prohibit bus companies from telling women to sit in the back in Orthodox Jewish neighborhoods, Reuters reported Jan. 24. Some members of the Orthodox sects of Judaism follow teachings that ban any public contact between men and women. The Israeli government has recently backed transport companies that run gender-divided buses on 30 public routes.

    * The United Nations will deploy its first all-female peacekeeping force to the conflict-torn West African nation of Liberia on Jan. 29, the Associated Press reported. The 103-member team, which has trained since September and is drawn from India, will help conduct local elections and assist with prison security.

    * Under pressure from activists and eager for approval to join the European Union, Turkey has launched a major campaign against honor killings, the Los Angeles Times reported Jan 21. Pop stars and soccer celebrities have produced TV spots and billboard ads condemning violence against women, while Turkish imams have declared honor killings a sin.

    * More than 500 international manufacturers of cosmetic and body care products have vowed to eliminate toxic ingredients from their products, the San Francisco-based Campaign for Safe Cosmetics announced Jan. 25. The pledge’s signatories have agreed to replace ingredients linked with cancer, hormone imbalances and birth anomalies with safer alternatives by 2010.

    * Saudi Arabia’s most prominent princess, Lolwah Al-Faisal, said that she would allow women to drive if she were queen for a day during comments made at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, the Times of London reported Jan. 25. Al-Faisal is vice-chair of the board of trustees and general supervisor of Jeddah’s Effat College. Her remark was broadly received as a direct challenge to the nation’s driving ban, imposed by religious order in 1990.

    * When Israel holds a high-level meeting on national security starting Jan. 21, Israeli women’s groups will meet on the sidelines to discuss the harmful effects of last summer’s war on Lebanon and recommend ways to defuse nuclear tensions in the region.

    * A U.K. labor union plans to bring a barrage of cases that will test the significance for female workers of a recent European Court of Justice decision. Advocates hope it will ease the penalty for taking time out of the paid work force.

    Anunt: Gender & Peacebuilding -Training la Cluj

    Program international de training “Gender and Peacebuilding”

    Institutul Roman pentru Pace (PATRIR) in colaborare cu reteaua TRANSCEND pentru Pace si Dezvoltare anunta programul international de training “Gender and Peacebuilding” ce se va desfasura in Cluj Napoca, intre 29 ianuarie si 2 februarie, 2007.

    Programul ofera o introducere in studiile de gen si o analiza a complexitatii relatiilor dintre gen si constructiile sociale, dintre gen, rasa si privilegii de clasa. Pe parcursul cursului se vor explora interdependenta dintre gen si relatiile de putere, cu accent pe teoria si practica rolurilor de gen in diferite societati. Cursul va explica cum intelegerea constructiilor sociale de gen poate contribui la abordarea inegalitatilor de gen si la promovarea unei culturi a pacii. Cursul va aborda si notiuni de militarism, pace si sisteme de razboi – ca expresii ale unor constructii sociale de gen. Va demonstra o conexiune directa intre militarism si violenta bazata pe gen, pozitiile sociale ce au la baza diviziunile de gen si societatile violente, prin exemple din Orientul Mijlociu, Asia de Sud-Est, Europa de Vest si de Est, cu un accent pus pe SUA si zona balcanica.

    Costurile cursului sunt acoperite de organizatori, participantii fiind responsabili de drum, cazare si masa pe perioada trainingului (5 zile). Organizatorii pot aranja cazarea si masa participantilor contra unei sume de 180 Euro (cazare pentru 6 nopti si masa pentru 5 zile). Limba de desfasurare a programului de training este engleza.
    Trainer: Gal Harmat, Israel.

    Cei interesati pot trimite un CV si o scrisoare de motivatie pe adresa pana joi, 25 ianuarie, 2007.

    Informatii suplimentare: 0264-420298

    –> the info in english: Continue reading

    Support needed for the women of Oaxaca, Mexico

    4 January 2007
    [edit: Traducerea si informatii suplimentare in romana]

    In November the Global women´s Strike met with women from Oaxaca, Mexico, and we committed ourselves to spreading information about their struggle, their demands, their leading participation in the Asamblea Popular de los Pueblos de Oaxaca (APPO) – Popular Assembly of the People of Oaxaca, the great unity it has achieved and the harsh repression attempting to defeat it.

    Your support is needed:

    – Sign and return this letter. We will forward it to the authorities and the media. Send protest emails and faxes to the authorities.

    – Donations. We are sending $1000 to the women of Oaxaca knowing that we can count on international support. We will send everything we collect.

    To send a donation in US dollars make cheques payable to Global Women´s Strike, PO Box 11795, Philadelphia, PA 19101, USA; in pound sterling to Global Women’s Strike, Crossroads Women’s Centre, 230a Kentish Town Road, London NW5 2AB, England; in euros to Huelga Mundial de Mujeres, Centro Las Mujeres Cuentan, Radas 27 Local, 08004 Barcelona, Spain or by bank transfer to Huelga Mundial de Mujeres, Caixa Penedes, IBAN: ES94 2081 0249 50 3300003442.
    Please write Oaxaca on the back of the cheque.

    – Circulate this information as widely as possible.


    It is claimed that agriculture was born in Oaxaca (and in a few other regions of the world). Its historical has been given Humanity Cultural Heritage status. Oaxaca is a tourist city, expensive for its low income inhabitants. The majority live in Indigenous communities, poor neighbourhoods on the outskirts of the city (colonias), often headed by women whose husbands or sons have emigrated to other states or to the US in search of employment.

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    Noul “Spintecator”: violenta (impotriva femeilor) ca divertisment

    Cand e vorba de crime impotriva femeilor, se pare ca desi suntem in 2006 nu s-au schimbat prea multe de acum 30 (sau 100) de ani. Politia, presa, si majoritatea publicului nu gasesc nimic ciudat in a dezumaniza victimele si a trata violenta ca divertisment, iar crimele nu sunt adresate si rezolvate mai eficient. Se stie ca primul mars “Reclaim the Night” din Anglia s-a organizat in 1977 ca protest fata de o serie de omoruri cunoscute ca “Yorshire Ripper Murders”, si in special fata de faptul ca politia nu facea destul pentru siguranta femeilor si tinea sa deosebeasca “prostituatele” de “victime inocente”. Acum ca a aparut o situatie similara si 5 femei au fost deja omorate in Ipswich, Suffolk, MB, femeile sunt din nou indemnate sa nu iasa seara pe strazi. Este singura “solutie” si masura preventiva oferita de politie pe moment. In acelasi timp, felul in care se vorbeste despre victime (in principal ca “fete” si “prostituate”), sau detalii despre cat de “dezbracate” erau cand au fost gasite si atentia cu tente pozitive care i se da criminalului nu face decat sa dezumanizeze victimele si sa glorifice violenta.

    Citand-o pe Twisty de la I Blame the Patriarchy:

    “Ipswich spree killer: obviously dominated by women”

    Ipswich’s murdering psycho has been so obligingly villainous, the media have promoted him, in quaint British tradition, to ‘Ripper’ status. Men murder women all the time (about 11 times a day in the US alone), but ‘Ripper’ is the pet name reserved for a special class of male murderer who, in the popular imagination, is particularly evil, brilliant, fascinating, ruthless, predatory, depraved, cop-taunting, and of course, hooker-hating. He also has a grippingly seedy life history (”a loner who never fit in”), one that tabloid pop psychologists can modify into a reassuring, explanatory ‘motive’, or, even better, into a pyschokiller narrative revealing to a prurient public explicit, lingerie-ripping details of woman-hating violence.*

    In a departure from Rippers past, the Ipswich killer doesn’t mutilate. He wins the exalted ‘Ripper’ crown in part because of the stunning dispatch with which he ‘works’ — he is, it is noted unfailingly, and with a sangfroidesque blend of awe and admiration, the fastest serial killer in British history — but mostly because all his victims appear to have been female sex workers, an important prerequisite for Ripperdom.

    The Ipswich killer’s upgrade from random violent schlub to a mythic personage capable of waging “a campaign” means a concomitant downgrade for his victims. These people are demoted instantly from human women to ‘prostitutes,’ from ‘prostitutes’ ** to ‘vice girls’. From there it’s just a short hop to ‘heroin addicts’ and finally, to the lowest form of life imaginable, ’single mothers.’ Their first names are always used as if they were children. Tabloids, as Guardian columnist Joan Smith notes with dismay [in her article “Prostitutes deserve as much sympathy as any murder victim”], even allude to their hair color (“blonde Gemma”). It’s as though they were hotties in Hustler rather than murdered women; no report omits to describe the women’s corpses as ‘naked’ or ‘having been stripped.’

    Why celebrate the murderer and dehumanize the victims as fetish objects? Because the public is enamored of the delusion that only nutcase criminal masterminds hate women enough to murder them, and that prostitutes more or less have it coming to them.

    * The Sun’s ‘top criminal psychologist’ speculates that “the maniac [has a] history of being dominated by women.” Funny how every single woman on the planet has a history of being dominated by men, yet the world remains puzzlingly bereft of crazed chicks rampaging around on tabloid-quality murder sprees.

    Dar de ce ne-ar surprinde ca acestui criminal i se gasesc deja “circumstante atenuante”? Jack the Ripper este considerat un subiect fascinant, despre felul in care a mutilat si omorat femei se vorbeste cu mult interes si un minim de compasiune – mai ales ca si atunci victimele erau prostituate! “The Yorkshire Ripper”, care a omorat cel putin 13 femei, a fost lasat de curand sa viziteze locul unde se afla cenusa tatalui sau.

    Iar in presa romaneasca stirea despre omorurile recente poate fi gasita prezentata de parca ar fi vorba de o noua ecranizare a istoriei lui Jack the Ripper: “Jack Spintecatorul s-a intors: Dupa 118 ani, prostituatele britanice sunt in pericol din nou” (Ziua, 12 decembrie 2006) – un articol pe care (“Indexul stirilor din Romania”) il indexeaza la sectiunea de “Divertisment”!


    Zilele acestea se incearca pregatirea unui Reclaim the Night ca raspuns la situatia din Ipswich.

    16 Zile la Cluj – PATRIR SI ARTEMIS

    Institutul Roman pentru Actiune, Instruire si Cercetare
    in domeniul Pacii

    25 Noiembrie -10 Decembrie 2006


    Eveniment: Vernisajul Expozitiei de fotografie pe tema „Femei din viata noastra”

    Locatie: Club Insomnia, str. Universitatii nr. 2

    Data: 30.11.2006, ora 18:00

    Avem deosebita placere sa va invitam sa participati la Expozitia de fotografie pe tema „Femei din viata noastra”, eveniment in cadrul Campaniei celor 16 zile impotriva violentei asupra femeilor. Expozitia va fi insotita de proiectii de imagini si clipuri pe tema violentei asupra femeii.

    Campania se desfasoara in cadrul celor “16 Zile Internationale de Activism impotriva Violentei asupra Femeii” fiind sprijinita in Romania de peste 30 de organizatii care deruleaza o serie de activitati comune si specifice. Obiectivele acestei campanii sunt constientizarea si atragerea atentiei publice privind implicatiile fenomenului violentei asupra femeilor si necesitatea eficientizarii legislatiei in domeniu. Atasam prezentei invitatii planul de campanie la nivelul municipiului Cluj-Napoca, cu descrierea evenimentelor si a locatiilor acestora.

    Prin aceasta expozitie dorim să atragem atentia, prin intermediul imaginilor vizuale asupra unui fenomen ce are grave consecinte asupra dezvoltarii sociale a unui mare numar de indivizi. Acest eveniment vine in completarea actiunilor desfasurate anual de Institutul Roman pentru Pace in perioada 25 noiembrie–10 decembrie.

    Din programul celor 16 Zile la Cluj:

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    Eveniment LF pentru cele 16 zile contra violentei

    Sambata 25 noiembrie 2006,

    la inceputul celor 16 Zile de Activism Impotriva Violentei Asupra Femeilor,

    Ladyfest Romania organizeaza un eveniment cu prezentari si discutii.

    Din PROGRAM (incepand cu ora 18):
    – Lansarea unui proiect-site de marturii despre violenta
    – Despre evolutia miscarii de femei contra violentei in lume si in Romania
    – Slide-show despre Marsul Take Back the Night
    – Proiectie film: “War Zone”, despre hartuirea pe strada
    – Discutii despre violenta domestica si sexuala, planuri pentru TBTN

    Prin acest eveniment Colectivul Ladyfest Romania vrea sa ofere un spatiu in care cei interesati de activism grassroots sa poata discuta problema violentei – ce inseamna, cum ne afecteaza pe toti, cum a fost si este adresata in special prin actiuni concrete, si cum se poate implica fiecare din noi in eradicarea sa.

    In urma atelierelor de la Festivalul din 2005, am sesizat nevoia de astfel de forumuri de discutii pentru a constientiza si aborda o varietate de probleme de gen.
    In acelasi timp, dorim sa celebram si noi “16 ani de 16 zile: Progres in Drepturile Omului – Eliminarea Violentei Impotriva Femeilor”.

    Inainte si dupa discutii, cei prezenti la eveniment vor putea rasfoi:
    * noua brosura Ladyfest-Ro pe violenta si activism
    * zina LF-RO #1 si biblioteca noastra de grrrl-zines
    * resurse de la organizatii feministe din Romania

    Toata lumea este bine-venita! Daca doresti sa participi sau sa afli mai multe, ia legatura cu noi la

    Te asteptam cu drag,
    Colectivul Ladyfest Romania.

    [zina lf-ro’05] vrem noaptea inapoi

    Cum ar fi, oare, sa nu cunosti nici o fata care a fost atacata sau hartuita sexual? Sau sa cunosti doar putine? Cum ar fi sa stii ca poti iesi unde vrei, la ce ora vrei fara sa te gandesti la pericolul de-a fi violata? Cum ar fi, de exemplu, ca data viitoare cand auzi pasi in spatele tau in timp ce mergi seara neinsotita pe strada sa nu te temi mai mult decat s-ar teme un baiat in locul tau? Cum ar fi sa te simti automat in siguranta, fara protectia unui barbat, macar o data? Si cum s-ar putea ajunge acolo, cum sa iti faci curaj si sa le dai si altora si cum poti pune lucrurile astea in atentia cat mai multor oameni, la modul cel mai concret?

    Pentru mine, prima oara cand am participat la un mars Take Back the Night a marcat o etapa noua in ceea ce as numi “feminismul” meu, pentru ca dintr-o data am inteles ce inseamna o actiune directa cu adevarat si am inceput sa vad care ar fi niste raspunsuri concrete la intrebari extrem de dificile ca cele de mai sus.

    Termenul “Take Back the Night” (TBTN) sau “Reclaim the Night”, care in limba romana s-ar traduce “Ia noaptea inapoi” sau “Revendica noaptea”, este folosit pe plan international ca metafora pentru abordarea directa a unei probleme adeseori trecute sub tacere – omniprezenta violentei sexuale si teama sub semnul careia ca femei suntem invatate sa traim de mici. Originea ideii de TBTN pare sa fie intr-un protest din 1877 al unui grup de muncitoare si prostituate din Anglia fata de nesiguranta resimtita de femei pe strazi in special noaptea. In intruchiparea sa moderna de mars impotriva violentei al femeilor, TBTN s-a tinut pentru prima oara in 1973 in Germania, ca reactie la o serie de incidente in care femei au fost violate si omorate. Curand dupa aceea au inceput sa se organizeze marsuri asemanatoare si in alte locuri. Primul TBTN de amploare din Statele Unite a fost cel din San Francisco din 1978, cand cateva mii de femei au iesit noaptea in districtul rosu al orasului cu ocazia unei conferinte pe rolul pornografiei in subjugarea si opresiunea femeilor. A fost o actiune de revendicare a dreptului la libertatea de miscare, chiar si intr-o zona stiuta drept unul din cele mai periculoase locuri in care se poate gasi o femeie, mai ales noaptea. De atunci, in stransa legatura cu miscarea anti-violenta ce include programe de “rape crisis” si ajutor pentru victimele violentei domestice, marsul s-a extins la alte orase si campusuri universitare din Statele Unite cat si la alte locuri de pe glob (pe tot continentul american, multe tari europene, India), si a evoluat intr-o actiune ce adreseaza violenta sexuala, violenta domestica, si discriminarea sexuala in general.
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