Latest WorldWatch: sustainable economies

Seven Principles for a Sustainable Global Economy

Ideas about how the world works that don’t accord with reality can be unhelpful … That’s especially true about mainstream economics. But in recent decades, economists and researchers have suggested a variety of reforms that would make economics truer, greener, and more sustainable. … seven of these from Chapter 1 of the Worldwatch Institute’s latest report, State of the World 2008: Innovations for a Sustainable Economy:
1) Scale.
2) Stress development over growth.
3) Make prices tell the ecological truth.
4) Account for nature’s services.
5) The precautionary principle.
6) Commons management.
7) Value women.

Read: “Green Economics”: Turning Mainstream Thinking on Its Head

Maintaining Climate, Maintaining Peace

Climate stability, reduced poverty, and less inequality should be key goals of a far-sighted security policy … Even though peacekeeping budgets have been on a welcome incline in recent years, a comparison with world military spending indicates where most governments are really prepared to put their money.

Read: Peacekeeping, a Study in Contradictions.
Vital Signs Update: Peacekeeping Budgets and Personnel Soar to New Heights.

Living Sustainably

“More is better”—the modern economic mantra—is under attack as the environmental, economic, and personal downsides of consumerism become evident. Harried, overworked, and indebted consumers are increasingly open to a focus on quality of life rather than more stuff …

Read: State of the World 2008, Chapter 4: The Challenge of Sustainable Lifestyles (pdf).
Vote: What would you ask your community leaders to do to encourage sustainable lifestyles?

Sarbatori ECO-fericite!

Bucuresti, 6 decembrie 2007, Comunicat WWF – Semnificatia religioasa deosebita, frenezia cadourilor, momentele petrecute cu cei dragi, bucatele traditionale si datinile stravechi fac din sarbatorile de iarna un prilej de bucurie pentru fiecare dintre noi. Acestea presupun insa si o crestere impresionanta a consumului, intr-o mica masura corelat cu nevoile reale si cu spiritul sarbatorilor. Rezultatele? Tone de deseuri, milioane de brazi taiati si o mare risipa de energie.

La nivel mondial, raportul dintre consumul de resurse si cantitatea de deseuri generate, pe de o parte, si capacitatea de regenerare a mediului, pe de alta parte, este ingrijorator: consumam resursele a 1.2 planete. Stilul de viata de pe continentul Nord-American duce la un consum echivalent cu resursele a 5 planete, iar cel din Europa de Vest la un consum echivalent cu resursele a 3 planete. In Romania, consumam resursele a 1.5 planete, iar tendinta este in crestere.

In conditiile unui consum din ce in ce mai ridicat, corelat cu reducerea dramatica a resurselor naturale, este important ca fiecare dintre noi sa constientizeze ca activitatea cotidiana, stilul de viata si chiar modul in care alegem sa ne petrecem sarbatorile de iarna contureaza viitorul planetei noastre. Continue reading

Women Climate Activists Blockade the Department for Trasport (UK)

Dec 7 8am

Women have this morning blockaded the Department for Transport preventing staff from getting to work and carrying out their policies which are catapulting us towards dangerous run-away climate change. This action comes in response to the Transport Secretary Ruth Kelly confirming the government’s intentions to build a third runway and a sixth terminal at Heathrow and co-incides with the opening of their first ‘consultation’ exhibition.

This protest is part of a growing direct action movement against climate change inspired by the Camp for Climate Action (1). On Wednesday over 30 climate activists including the columnist George Monbiot invaded and occupied Britain’s biggest ever open-cast coal mine at Ffos-y-fran in South Wales. On 28th November, protesters from climate action group Plane Stupid disrupted the proceedings of the Transport Select Committee who were hearing evidence from BAA boss, Steven Nelson and Aviation Minister, Jim Fitzpatrick in protest at the Heathrow expansion plans. This weekend thousands of people will march on the streets of London to protest about climate change. This protest is a call to all to stand up and take action against the governments and corporations who are fueling climate chaos.

Why the DfT?

Transport is the fastest growing source of climate change gases in the UK, now accounting for 26% of emissions (2). In a time when we desperately need to reduce emissions, the DfT plans to build more roads and more airports encouraging us to drive and fly more. The DfT was targetted during the Camp for Climate Action in August, and women have returned today to re-emphasise the role of our government in dangerous transport expansion plans. Groups will continue to return to the DfT until the government reviews its policies.

Why women?

Women have acted today in solidarity with the residents of Sipson, especially the women who continue to campaign to protect their homes, despite bullying and pressure from BAA, and the women all over the world who fight everyday to survive in the face of increasing climate chaos. …
[the full press release]

The Camp for Climate Action

an image and its message

apropos of the old “sexual politics of meat” debate…

here is a classic misogynistic illustration used to promote meat by telling us to “break the dull beef habit” (by imagining a woman‘s body made up of “tender juicy” beef cuts);

and here are two possible ways of making use of that image in order to promote vegetarianism:

  • peta‘s take, which casts a real woman in the same pose, makes the same “cuts of meat” markings on her body and just adds the text “all animals have the same parts”:
  • an example of what i would consider a critical take, whose message to the viewer is no longer a plea to look at a cow’s body in the same way as at a woman’s body and viceversa, but rather to STOP viewing anyone – human and non-human animals alike – as being made up of “cuts” and ready for consumption, because we all should have the same right to bodily autonomy and integrity (the ecofeminist message):
  • women and tech stuff

    because unfortunately the tech-related discussions planned for ladyfest were all cancelled in one way or another, i’m listing here the materials i’d prepared for some of it, in case someone finds them useful as resources:

    fwd h.arta

    Miercuri, 03.10.2007 la orele 19:00 va invitam la Project Space, pe strada Pictor Arthur Verona nr 19 (sediul OAR) la o prezentare sustinuta de Emil Moise: Scolile publice din Romania: instrumentele Bisericii pentru perpetuarea discriminarii de gen.

    Prezentarea va avea ca subiect modul in care, prin predarea confesionala a disciplinei Religie in scolile publice, dar si prin actiunile colaterale ce decurg din acest fapt se transmit si astfel se perpetueaza relatiile de putere in general, relatiile de putere cu continut de gen, in special.

    Emil Moise este activist si profesor de discipline socio-umane. Are ca domenii de interes: cultura si atitudine civica, etica aplicata, drepturile fiintei umane, teoria deciziei sociale, promovarea tolerantei si a respectului fata de fiinta umana si mediul inconjurator.

    Project Space este parte din proiectul Spatiul Public Bucuresti / Public Art Bucharest 2007.

    [zina lf-ro#2] Ecofeminism

    The animals of the earth exist for their own reasons. They were not created for humans any more than women were created for men, or blacks for whites. — Alice Walker
    Notiunea de „ecofeminism” poate fi descrisa cel mai bine ca o umbrela pentru diverse teorii si practici ce tin deopotriva de feminism si ecologism, bazate pe constientizarea relatiei dintre felul in care atat femeile cat si animalele sunt „alterizate” de ideologia dominanta pentru a justifica gama de atitudini patriarhale la care ele sunt supuse conform traditiilor si conventiilor socio-culturale. Critica ecofeminista puncteaza ca dezumanizarea femeilor si altor grupuri de oameni va exista si va functiona in societate atata timp cat consideram ca „alte” fiinte sunt automat la dispozitia oamenilor asa incat noi, cei din oficiu „superiori”, sa gasim scuze pentru a nu ne comporta etic si echitabil fata de cei „inferiori”, pentru a nega drepturile acestor fiinte si a ne folosi de ele oricum gasim de cuviinta in propriile noastre interese. Ideea e ca exploatarile se intrepatrund si nu pot fi separate sau eliminate altfel decat impreuna; iar societatea patriarhala si ierarhica depinde de dominatia fata de tot ce este privit ca fiind „aproape de natura” si deci considerat inferior si exploatabil: femeile (si in diferite contexte orice categorie de fiinte umane „de rangul al doilea” – persoane de culoare, din tari ale estului si sudului global, din medii rurale…) ca si animalele, resursele din natura si mediul in general.
    Scopurile principale ale feminismului nu sunt aceleasi cu cele asociate de obicei cu feminismul liberal. Ecofeministele(-istii) nu urmaresc o simpla egalitate a femeilor cu barbatii, ci o schimbare radicala ce presupune, printre altele, eliberarea femeilor ca femei si recunoasterea valorii unor activitati traditional asociate cu femeile (cum are fi cele din sfera domestica). O problema care intervine aici este ca prin accentul pus pe revendicarea de catre femei a unor aspecte ale „feminitatii” traditionale, ecofeminismul poate insemna o intarire a stereotipurilor opresive si tinde spre esentializarea sexelor. Sau nu.

    Femeile si natura
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    [zina lf-ro#2] Feminism “made in China”

    [english version here]

    Am o prietena care s-a intors acum vreo 3 saptamani din Noua Zeelanda. Impreuna cu tone de povesti si fotografii minunate ale padurilor, muntilor si vailor, ea mi-a adus o mica revista feminista: MUSE – “o zina din Wellington, care incearca sa acorde spatiu vocilor tinerelor feministe din Aotearoa (denumirea Maori pentru Noua Zeelanda)”. Sa o citesc a fost pentru mine o experienta aproape mistica, pentru ca parea atat de strain si exotic sa stiu ca aceasta mica fanzina venea dintr-o tara atat de indepartata, despre care nu stiam nimic. Asa ca ma bucuram sa am o experienta directa cu anumite subiecte, pe care le mentionam in mod obisnuit doar ca pe fapte teoretice generale (precum „restul lumii” sau „Asia”) si despre care nu prea aveam cunostinte. Realizez din ce in ce mai bine cat de centrata pe valorile europene am crescut. Realizez cum lipsa mea de prejudecati inca vocifereaza sfios de sub o patura groasa de egocentrism, importanta proprie si auto-indulgenta, devenita deja „intrinseca” civilizatiei noastre occidentale. Eforturile exprimate de articolele scrise de catre femei in MUSE nu sunt de cealalta parte a planetei doar din punct de vedere geografic, dar si foarte departe de problemele cu care ne luptam noi aici. Si mi-am dat seama ca lupta mea pentru egalitate si dreptate poate deveni, fara ca eu sa intentionez asta si fara sa-mi dau seama, un dusman al luptei pentru egalitate si dreptate a altor femei, aflate in zone straine si indepartate. Precum efectul fluturelui… cauzat in special de lipsa de informare asupra acestor experiente, culturi si viziuni politice “exotice”. Unul dintre articole vorbeste despre cum experientele femeilor asiatice in spatii feministe au fost adeseori concentrate in intregime pe analiza de gen si a raportului femei-barbati, si cum de multe ori ele simteau ca “dinamica dintre femeile albe si cele de culoare este de cele mai multe ori lasata deoparte”. De asemenea, se spune ca “inca si mai putin discutat este impactul pe care drepturile femeilor albe liberale l-au avut [si probabil inca il mai au] asupra femeilor de culoare”.
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    si doua subiecte (si) locale

    • “Poluarea excesiva scurteaza viata bucurestenilor”

      Traim mai putin, din cauza defrisarilor! Speranta de viata a bucurestenilor este cu patru ani mai mica decat in restul tarii. … Un studiu european arata ca romancele traiesc cel mai putin, in timp ce barbatii lor traiesc ceva mai mult decat lituanienii si estonienii.

      vezi si:
      o initiativa a locuitorilor din Drumul Taberei
      Trees for Cities – Bucharest, Romania (Bucharest, the capital of Romania with a population of 2.5 million people, has sadly become one of the most polluted cities in Europe. Ever increasing traffic, industrial activity, poor waste disposal and above all a dramatic loss of trees and green space have all contributed to the high levels of pollution. Over the last decade there has been a staggering 50% loss in the amount of green space in the city, which has fallen from 35 million square metres in 1989 to only 17 million square metres in 2001. In addition much of the green belt around the city has been cleared to make way for new housing and this in turn has fuelled the air pollution problem as dust from the Romanian Plain can now enter the city more easily.”)
      articol cu date despre speranta de viata pentru romani/romance printre alte statistici

    • “Europa ataca sexismul din publicitate” (28 iunie 2007)

      Parlamentarii europeni atrag atentia asupra discursului sexist din publicitate. Imaginea femeilor este cea mai afectata, mai ales in reclamele cu target masculin. …

      niste pareri si critici de pe lista de discutii lf-ro:
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