call for submissions

call for submissions


past forward

Exhibition and meetings: March 9 to March 31, 2007
Opening: March 8, 2007, International Women’s Day

past forward, cyber fems virtual real:
Exhibition of virtual works: Paper hangings and presentation of online
works as room installation projections.

past forward, cyber fems real saturday meetings:
Real appearance, presentations, panels, discussions, performances,
concerts, happenings, djane actings …


Dear Artists!

We would like to invite women artists working in the fields of
cyberfeminism and new media to an open exhibition starting on March 8,
2007, the International Women’s Day, in the rooms of the Austrian
Association of Women Artists, Vienna. The founding of this first artists
association in Austria in 1910 was a reaction to the general exclusion
of women artists from the artworld and resulted from the first women’s
movements and its international networking. We see feminisms today for
the most part as being depoliticized. Therefore, past forward focuses on
the question: how are depoliticizing aspects emerging today in light of
global politics?

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[zina lf-ro’05] draga c

Draga C*

De f. mult timp nu am mai reusit sa comunicam, de fapt adevarul este ca tu te-ai purtat mult mai frumos cu mine decat eu cu tine. Eu ori nu ti-am dat atentie ori m-am uitat la tine cu dispret cu toate ca tu, sincera sa fiu, m-ai ajutat sa ajung aici, asa cum sunt.

La inceput am crezut ca lucrurile se vor ameliora de la sine daca as continua sa te ignor, iar dupa un timp m-am simtit nenorocoasa sa te fi stiut, mai ales cand ma uitam prin jur si tu erai diferit de restul. Si eu eram diferita dar am crezut ca prin tine as putea sa nu ies in evidenta.
Cateodata te-am urat si alte ori mi-a fost mila de tine, dar niciodata n-am vbit cu tine, decat poate sa te analizez si sa-ti spun ce nu imi place la un nivel indiferent.

Recent insa am stat mai mult impreuna cu adevarat, am ajuns sa imi dau seama ca putem colabora. Am fost impreuna la un concert iar tu m-ai ajutat sa ma simt mai bine si mai sigura pe mine, si tin minte cand am fost cu bicicleta acum niste luni la 2 dimineata si m-am simtit libera si fericita. N-as fi putut face asta fara tine.
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[zina lf-ro’05] nu imi plac fetele (versiunea 6)

nu tin minte exact cand a fost prima oara cand am spus “nu imi plac fetele” sau poate “nu imi plac fetele in general” sau poate chiar “urasc fetele”, in orice caz ceva de genul asta. probabil eram destul de mica atunci cand am inceput sa am acel sentiment si sa-l exprim cu glas tare.

prima oara cand am realizat ca exista o separare intre fete si baieti a fost cand m-am mutat de la bunici la parinti sa incep clasa i-a. la noi in bloc erau f. multi copii, cam 14 in jurul aceleiasi varste dintre care doar 3 dintre noi eram fete. cand am iesit pe-afara prima oara am cautat imediat sa gasesc fetele, se jucau in spatele blocului cu cateva alte fete de la alte scari. insa am auzit-o pe mama mea ca ma striga, si cand m-am dus sa vad ce era mi-a spus ca trebuie sa ma joc in fata blocului ca sa poata sa ma vada din cand in cand.
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Helping Women Who Sell Sex: The Construction of Benevolent Identities

Abstract: Social interventions aimed at helping the group positioned as most needy in Europe today, migrant women who sell sex, can be understood by examining that time, 200 years ago, when ‘the prostitute’ was identified as needing to be saved. Before, there was no class of people who viewed their mission to be ‘helping’ working-class women who sold sex, but, during the ‘rise of the social,’ the figure of the ‘prostitute’ as pathetic victim came to dominate all other images. At the same time, demographic changes meant that many women needed and wanted to earn money and independence, yet no professions thought respectable were open to them. Simultaneous with the creation of the prostitute-victim, middle class women were identified as peculiarly capable of raising them up and showing the way to domesticity. These ‘helpers’ constructed a new identity and occupational sphere for themselves, one considered worthy and even prestigious. Nowadays, to question ‘helping’ projects often causes anger or dismissal. A genealogical approach, which shows how governmentality functioned in the past, is easier to accept, and may facilitate the taking of a reflexive attitude in the present.

call: videos on the theme “gender identity”

call: videos on the theme “gender identity”
final deadline: 1 March 2006

VideoChannel is looking for videos on the theme of “gender identity”, to be included in the online collection on, as well as the DVD video collection to be presented on festivals and media exhibitions. Continue reading



Marie Curie SocAnth is a new EU funded training programme aiming to promote the development of Anthropological research and teaching in central, eastern and South-eastern Europe. Continue reading