recentele rapoarte pe gen ale parl. eu.

Doua rapoarte adoptate de Parlamentul European atrag atentia asupra inegalitatilor intre femei si barbati si asupra perpetuarilor prin intermediul mass-media a stereotipurilor de gen. Un obstacol major in calea egalitatii il reprezinta violenta impotriva femeilor, fiind una dintre cele mai raspandite incalcari ale drepturilor omului.

In pofida progreselor semnificative inregistrate, persista multe inegalitati intre femei si barbati, se mentioneaza in raportul elaborat de eurodeputata Iratxe García Pérez.
Membrii Parlamentului European au salutat raportul Comisiei pe aceeasi tema, care sustine abordarea dubla propusa in ceea ce priveste egalitatea de gen, promovand, pe de o parte, masuri care sa asigure egalitatea intre femei si barbati, iar pe de alta parte, masuri specifice pentru reducerea discriminarii.
“Violenta impotriva femeilor – principalul obstacol in calea egalitatii”

cele doua rapoarte pot fi descarcate de la urmatoarele adrese:

informatiile oferite sint utile, dar rapoartele ignora faptul ca datele despre “femei” pe care le prezinta, si concluziile/sugestiile pt. pasi de facut, se aplica numai la unele categorii specifice de femei. de ex., la capitolele joburi si educatie, raportul comisiei porneste de la sesizari ca: “participarea femeilor la ocuparea fortei de munca a progresat in mod continuu, iar nivelul de educatie al femeilor este in prezent superior fata de cel al barbatilor” – ca si cum aceste concluzii ar fi universal valabile pt. femei indiferent de status social, etnie etc. sau ca si cum numai femeile pt. care sint valabile conteaza si au nevoie de solutii). in realitate, exista nenumarate exemple de perspective din care nu e adevarat ca participarea femeilor la ocuparea fortei de munca e pe calea cea buna [rapoartele “Femmes et Hommes – Regards sur la parité”, “Economic aspects of the condition of Roma Women”] sau nivelul de educatie al femeilor superior [raportul “A Place at the Policy Table”].

in esenta: “din pacate … nu am gasit nici un aspect despre “diversitatea femeilor” sau ceva in legatura cu aceasta… . se are in vedere “diversitatea europei”, insa nu si a cetatenelor si cetatenilor ei…” (c.)

fwd de la: crina, hajni

Filippine workers in textile company in Romania

“We have to work like horses!” – Filipina Textile Workers in Sibiu, Romania
by Ana Cosel

Like many other companies in the Romanian textile and construction sectors, textiles firm Mondostar has had to struggle with a persistent labour shortage for several years. Amongst the local workers hardly anyone is willing to work for the low wages paid in the textile industries. Since three months ago Mondostar has employed 95 women from the Philippines in order to counteract the shrinking supply of labour. Hoping for a good job in Europe, the workers from the Philippines borrowed money while still in their home country. They needed the money in order to be able to pay the high fees of the recruitment agency in Manila. The agency recruited them for Mondostar, signing a contract which entitled the workers to a basic wage of US-Dollar 400 and 100 per cent extra for overtime. In fact the women were never paid this wage. The following report is based on conversations with some of the Filipina workers. more

original text in german

must read

“Why That Police Brutality Stuff Matters” by brownfemipower

… [she] didn’t do anything to deserve it.

And then I went back and thought of all the other dismissals about the police brutality we’ve seen.

What were those protesters expecting?
What did they think was going to happen?
Why were they even there?
Who cares, it’s their own fault for causing trouble!

It’s just a bunch of old hippies and troublemakers looking for attention!

I’ve heard all this before. I’ve heard all this before over and over and over again.

What was she thinking?
What was she expecting was going to happen?
Why was she even there?
Who cares, it’s her own fault for causing trouble!
It’s just some fat bitch looking for some attention!

… I think that for violence against women to end, violence on all levels must be questioned, challenged and interrogated–violence on all levels regardless of who is committing it, must stop making sense. Police brutality at protest events matter because it exposes where violence makes sense to us, or where power makes sense to us.

It exposes where victim blaming begins, and exactly how those in positions of power write themselves into power by using victim excuse making…

… Where does it end? How does it end?

When do we get to stop asserting that a woman that is forced to comply against her will to any form of power didn’t deserve it?

When will we stop checking to make sure she didn’t deserve it–just in case she did?

changing things? opting out? (punk rock and hip-hop too)

interesting discussion over here: “It Ain’t Sexism, It’s Punk Rock!”

which goes over the same ground we covered in the past couple of years in discussions within the ladyfest collective:

and i’ve got “punk rock is ice cream-eating macho guys” and also “remember, kids, punks are macho!” :)
oh, yeah, and “ziua barbatului, yaaay” (with some examples of feminist punk guys/songs)

looking at the comments over at bastante already, i can’t help but be surprised (and kind of saddened) by how little of an opportunity people seem to have had for these kinds of discussions, how little information there seems to be out there about books like Pretty in Punk or even about the riot grrrl movement… again, i find “Results of a misspent youth” so useful to revisit:
Continue reading

target women episodes

un show despre diverse chestii absurde din mass media si publicitate despre/”pentru” femei [en]:

“yogurt edition”

“feeding your f*ing family”


“wedding shows”

“birth control”

prezentatoarea este comediana sarah haskins

si apropos de feminism si umor:

PETITIE: Hrana pentru toti


… In 1996, “Declaratia de la Roma asupra securitatii alimentare mondiale”, a reafirmat “accesul la hrana sigura si nutritiva ca drept al tuturor”. De asemenea, semnatarii si-au luat un angajament politic fata de “eradicarea foametei in toate tarile”.

In 2008, subnutritia si infometarea nu numai ca sunt in crestere in multe colturi ale lumii, dar ele ating noi culmi ale suferintei. Recoltele diminuate si irosite, preturile care cresc vertiginos, practicile zootehnice nesustenabile sunt numai cativa din factorii care impreuna supun oamenii vulnerabili la riscuri ce le ameninta viata.

Nu este acceptabil ca in situatia actuala in care foametea si malnutritia omoara aproape sase milioane de copii in fiecare an, procente enorme din recoltele disponibile sa fie folosite ca hrana pentru animalele de ferma.

In numele umanitatii, o comunitate globala responsabila nu mai poate sa-si permita sa investeasca 7-16 kg de cereale sau soia, pana la 15.500 litri de apa si 323 m2 de teren pentru pasunat in producerea a numai unui kilogram de carne de vita pentru cei care isi permit sa-l cumpere. Avem nevoie cu disperare de modalitati mai accesibile si sustenabile de a asigura hrana pentru toti.

Din nefericire, desi expertii Organizatiei pentru Hrana si Agricultura considera ca „zootehnia reprezinta o amenintare majora pentru mediu”, acestia doar recomanda diferite procedee tehnice in agricultura, din care unele implica riscul de a degrada si mai mult, probabil in mod ireversibil, un mediu deja vulnerabil.

Toti oamenii infometati, milioanele de vegetarieni si cei care cauta alternative sanatoase la practicile traditionale distructive au dreptul sa se astepte la o investigatie stiintifica a tuturor optiunilor existente, inclusiv a vegetarianismului, din partea celor care iau decizii, guvernelor si organizatiilor internationale. Acest stil de viata ce economiseste resursele si salveaza vieti este demn de un efort de cercetare impartial cat si de promovare, nu in ultimul rand datorita potentialului sau de a conduce lupta dezlantuita pe marginea dilemei „hrana sau furaj” la o concluzie in favoarea umanitatii. …

semneaza petitia

from the anti-women stupidity knows no bounds files

“Lawyer Files Antifeminist Suit Against Columbia”

“Mini-skirts banned to stop “provoking” rape in Mexico”

“How the Left censored the blindingly obvious truth about rape” (Peter Hitchens, Daily Mail, 16.08.08) a.k.a.
“Geez, When Will Women Stop Getting Themselves Raped Already?”