Un studiu realizat cu putin inainte de Ziua Internationala a Femeii, moment de bilant pentru miscarile feministe europene, arata ca inegalitatea dintre sexe ramane o problema.
— “Profesional, femeile nu castiga teren in fata barbatilor” (Curentul, 26.2.2008)
alte studii/campanii/pozitii institutionale (en):
- “Economic aspects of the condition of Roma Women”
- Former Irish president Mary Robinson now chairs a club for female heads of state; and with their help, she hopes to change the world.
- March 8th in UK: capitalwoman, now in its eighth year, will kick off International Women’s Day on Saturday 8 March at Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre and Central Hall Westminster.
Don’t miss this chance to see Angela Davis, one of the most iconic faces of black politics in 1970s America, talk about her life and take questions.
- Feb. 25th: The United Nations has launched a campaign to combat violence against women and girls, calling it a global scourge affecting a third of the world’s female population. The campaign will run until 2015, which is also the deadline for the U.N. Millennium Development Goals aimed at halving poverty.
– Gender inequities must be reduced if the Government is to reduce poverty because: (i) most of the poor are women, and they disproportionately bear the burden of poverty due to their multiple roles and disadvantaged position; (ii) women are traditionally primary production managers, small enterprise traders, primary cash earners, smallcredit users, and key agriculturists, yet their potentials have not been realized due to institutional, resource, and cultural barriers; and (iv) women are more likely to stimulate demand for better education and health delivery.
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