a band that’s breaking up, unfortunately:
gather, “who belongs” (beyond the ruins, 2006)
Monthly Archives: March 2007
Despre 8 Martie ca zi de activism la nivel global
Proiect-Marturii.ro pe combaterea violentei de gen
Impartaseste, informeaza-te, actioneaza! Pe site-ul:
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— CITI marturii despre violenta si povestiri despre hartuire
— sau TRIMITE propriile marturii pentru a fi afisate.
DESPRE PROIECT: Ideea de a crea un asemenea site “pentru marturii” este legata de faptul ca povestile despre violenta suferita in special de femei, atat pe strazi si in alte spatii publice cat si in casele lor, sunt in majoritatea cazurilor ascunse, ne-impartasite, un secret “rusinos” cu care cele (si uneori cei) care supravietuiesc trebuie sa se lupte singuri.
Mai multe informatii utile despre violenta se pot gasi pe PAGINA DE RESURSE a site-ului.
E bine sa stii ca:
– Nu e niciodata vina victimei! “Victimele” sunt persoane care au supravietuit violentei si merita sprijin si respect.
– Ca persoana care a supravietuit, ai tot dreptul sa vorbesti despre ce ti s-a intamplat si sa gasesti ajutor.
—> http://www.proiect-marturii.ro <-- -- -- -- --
Acest proiect este initiativa unui grup informal si divers de femei.
new beginning
tracy chapman, “new beginning” (new beginning, 1995)
Stop the Clash: 90 seconds to change the world
From New York to Baghdad, Madrid to Beirut, talk is rising of a ‘clash of civilizations’ between the West and Islam — no end in sight to the catastrophe in Iraq, war brewing between the US and Iran, Lebanon torn apart again, and still no real Israeli-Palestinian talks. But we know this clash is not about religion or culture. The real cause is politics – the politics of divide-and-rule, on all sides.
This is not the world we want. But it’s the world we’ll end up with, unless we act now. It’s time for the peaceful majority – us – to make a stand. So watch our new ‘Stop the Clash’ video now for a fresh, empowering take on these conflicts, and a concrete first step we can all take today:
According to the UN among others, the Palestinian- Israeli conflict is the driving symbol of this “clash” between Islam and the West. But opinion polls show most people around the world agree that policy is the problem – big majorities everywhere want peace in the Middle East, as do most Israelis and Palestinians. If progress toward peace is made there, it will spread.
So let’s take the first step, and call for REAL Middle East peace talks now.
Tens of thousands of people have already signed the petition and supported an ad that ran on the front page of the Financial Times worldwide and in major Palestinian and Israeli newspapers.
Now we need to raise the pressure, ratcheting up to a major international day of action on June 5th – the 40th anniversary of the
1967 war that began the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza. We want to hit every international summit and decision moment from now till then with the same demand. Can you help get us to 50,000 new voices for peace in the next 24 hours?
We agree on what matters most. We all oppose war, tyranny, terror and the killing of innocent civilians. We know these conflicts are caused not by some inevitable culture clash, but by bad politics. The ‘Stop the Clash’ video is a good way to remind friends, family and colleagues of the big picture of all we share – and signing the Real Talks petition is a step every one of us can take.
Cartea “Copilul Vegetarian” – lansare pe 8 martie
Lansarea cartii “Copilul vegetarian” de Elena Pridie va avea loc joi 8 martie, ora 18, la sala publica din str. Labirint 116, Bucuresti. La eveniment vor participa medici (MedInvest, Dr. Stroescu, CSMPR Herghelia), firme (Sano Vita, Granovita) si Societatea Vegetarienilor din Romania. Recomandari, prefata si extrase din carte pot fi gasite aici.
Copilul vegetarian – “ba al nostru e mai sanatos”
Rm. Valcea, 27 februarie, 2007
Casa de Editura Advent anunta lansarea cartii „Copilul vegetarian”, sub semnatura autoarei Elena Pridie. Volumul, foarte asteptat pe o piata a alimentatiei sanatoase din ce in ce mai bogata si provocatoare in informatii si produse, vine sa umple un gol resimtit de-a lungul anilor: cum sa ne hranim copiii sanatos? Poate fi vegetarianismul un stil de viata optim chiar si pentru cei mici?
Elena Pridie a scris din nou. Ne-a scris din nou. Dupa zecile de mii de exemplare vandute din cele cinci titluri de pana acum, care o recomanda, fara indoiala, printre cele mai bine vandute autoare din Romania, Elena Pridie a ales sa scrie o carte cu totul noua. Probabil ca aceasta trebuia sa fie prima. Iar daca abia acum iese pe piata, este doar pentru ca experienta acumulata sa asigure temelia unui mesaj pe cat de provocator, pe atat de vrednic de a fi implinit.
Dincolo de gospodina eficienta, de femeia care tine intreaga casa si masa printr-o administrare inteleapta – tinta constanta a titlurilor anterioare – Elena Pridie pluseaza acum o imagine cu cel mai mare impact in familie: sanatatea copiilor nostri.
Continue reading
MAI promite legalizarea prostitutiei?
n-am cuvinte pt. cit de aiurea e pusa problema in stirea asta, de la felul in care e abordat subiectul de catre oficialitati (cum s-ar putea exploata mai tare prostituatele), la felul in care e discutat atit de ei, cit si in presa si in general: “vesti bune pentru romanii burlaci”! nu c-ar fi o noutate – a se vedea de ex. protestul din 2005 privind abordarea la nivel guvernamental a problemei prostitutiei.
parlamentarilor, lui v. blaga (care, vai, nici nu poate intelege cum de nu se trece mai repede la legalizare), ca si majoritatii populatiei, sigur li se pare chiar nastrusnica ideea ca prostituatele sint oameni si ar putea avea mai multe drepturi, sau ca daca prostituatele sint criminale si “burlacii” care cumpara servicii sint tot criminali… si sa poarte discutiile la acest nivel.
nu mai discutam poza, iresponsabilitatea presei cind e vorba de orice care perpetueaza exploatarea sexista in general.
– inca o analiza: “Fiinţele umane au preţ: 1% din PIB”
hartuirea sexuala normala
… in destul de multe ziare (Ziua, Romania Libera, Jurnalul National am apucat sa citesc, am auzit si discutii la radiouri FM din Bucuresti) au aparut articole mari (1/2, o pagina) despre un studiu facut de Centrul pentru Parteneriat pentru Egalitate … despre hartuirea sexuala.
Studiul a fost facut de IMAS in Iasi, Constanta, Cluj si Bucuresti, majoritatea celor chestionati sunt barbati, si concluziile sunt ca 90% dintre cei chestionati considera hartuirea sexuala o problema grava, dar doar 54% stiu ca exista o lege care pedepseste aceste fapte.
Atitudinea de blamare a victimei este inca foarte raspandita, majoritatea dintre respondenti chiar cred ca victima este cea care provoaca, prin tinuta si comportament.
Mai grav cred ca este faptul ca in Romania au fost facute doua sau trei plangeri, fara NICI O URMARE in ce priveste pedepsirea in vreun fel a hartuitorului, desi majoritatea au spus ca au fost victime sau au cunostinte/ prieteni victime ale hartuirii.
Centrul care a cerut studiul a facut si un ghid practic pentru persoana hartuita. …
mai multe:
Pe site-ul Centrului Parteneriat pentru Egalitate, cu link la raport (Word)
Un comentariu cu date, informatii
“War Zone” (alte date si idei intr-un post mai vechi)
International Women’s Day 2007
– DON’T FORGET to: (sign up here)
– “8 martie – ziua femeilor militante” (2006) [ro]
“march 8th – day of women’s activism” (2006) [en]
– Global Women’s Strike 2007
Celebrating International Women’s Day around the world
INVEST IN CARING NOT KILLING! Women & girls do 2/3 of the world’s work, most of it unwaged. $1 trillion/year is spent on the military worldwide, more than half by the US. 10% of this would provide the essentials of life for all: water, sanitation, basic health, nutrition, literacy, and a minimum income.
The Global Women’s Strike network, with national co-ordinations in 11 countries and participating organisations in over 60 countries, is demanding the return of military budgets to the community, beginning with women the main carers of people and the planet. Women, and men who support our goals, take action together on 8 March, International Women’s Day, and throughout the year. In this way each grassroots struggle is backed by our collective power. …
– “Ending Impunity for Violence against Women and Girls”
Is the theme for International Women’s Day 2007
Learn more about how United Nations celebrate IWD
In 1975, during International Women’s Year, the United Nations began celebrating 8 March as International Women’s Day. Two years later, in December 1977, the General Assembly adopted a resolution proclaiming a United Nations Day for Women’s Rights and International Peace to be observed on any day of the year by Member States, in accordance with their historical and national traditions. For the United Nations, International Women’s Day has been observed on 8 March since 1975. The Day is traditionally marked with a message from the Secretary-General.
Why dedicate a day exclusively to the celebration of the world’s women?
In adopting its resolution on the observance of Women’s Day, the General Assembly cited two reasons: to recognize the fact that securing peace and social progress and the full enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms require the active participation, equality and development of women; and to acknowledge the contribution of women to the strengthening of international peace and security. For the women of the world, the Day’s symbolism has a wider meaning: It is an occasion to review how far they have come in their struggle for equality, peace and development. It is also an opportunity to unite, network and mobilize for meaningful change.
Read more about the International Women’s Day:
* History of International Women’s Day
* “Engendering the Global Agenda: The Story of Women and the United Nations”, a book by Hilkka Pietilä
* UN Cyberschool Bus page about International Women’s Day
Previous years and themes:
2006: Women in decision-making
2005: Gender Equality Beyond
2005: Building a More Secure Future
2004: Women and HIV/AIDS
2003: Gender Equality and the Millennium Development Goals
2002: Afghan Women Today: Realities and Opportunities
2001: Women and Peace: Women Managing Conflicts
2000: Women Uniting for Peace
1999: World Free of Violence Against Women
1998: Women and Human Rights
1997: Women at the Peace Table
1996: Celebrating the Past, Planning for the Future