the SAGE project / great statement re: legalizing prostitution

fwd sarah l., londonfeministnetwork list

Standing Against Global Exploitation (SAGE)

“The mission of the SAGE Project is to improve the lives of individuals victimized by, or at risk for sexual exploitation, violence and prostitution through trauma recovery services, substance abuse treatment, vocational training, housing assistance and legal advocacy.”

SAGE was founded by Norma Hotaling, a woman who had experienced homelessness, addiction and prostitution, and in their own words: “Many of the STAR Center staff are survivors of sexual exploitation and/or are recovering addicts. Some of us also have incarceration experiences.”

Q: Does SAGE support legalizing prostitution?
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fwd: Eclectic Tech Carnival has started!

The seventh Eclectic Tech Carnival is happening from Sunday the 25th
until Saturday the 31st of May in Amsterdam.

Inviting All Women.
Including gender minorities and female-identified persons.
(The evening programme is open for men, also)

The /ETC is a unique tech skill-share that has been held annually since
2002. The emphasis has always been women sharing their experiences,
knowledge and skills around free software, open hardware and universal
interoperability of systems in a fun way.

*Programme* Continue reading

must reads

“Who determines our ‘most important ideas’?” (on marketing, propaganda, anti-racism, and conversations about social justice) @ Theriomorph

… Marketing is selling ideas/products (you sell the product by selling the idea). It is advertising; manipulation and fundamental brainwashing to achieve an end. The insertion into the minds of the masses the ‘spin’ on reality we want them to take to benefit our wallets, our status, our social power, or our issue.

As more and more social-justice-oriented and political activists of whatever-labeled progressive stripes begin to embrace the tools of marketing to fight back against the increasing destructive power of extreme conservatism and fundamentalism and Nationalism in this country, I’ve been thinking a lot about whether or not this tactic can be made to work well for the ‘Left.’

Propaganda in and of itself is a value-neutral word.

The history of propaganda in usage, however, is anything but value neutral, as any number of examples from global history show (I will use this example not for shock value or direct conflation, but because the propaganda of this era shows the clearest quick-reference link I know of between the marketing of ideas, socio-behavioral modification, the rewards for collaboration, and the punishments for resistance, which is also how marketing works).

I continue to feel profound unease about this adoption of marketing/propaganda strategies even as – perhaps especially as – more and more people who identify as politically progressive are doing it. …

On the pure-mind level, it’s not complicated at all. Propaganda = defocusing manipulation to achieve and retain power. Marketing = lying. Lying and abusing power becomes a self-perpetuating habit.

On the actual-life and solutions level, it gets complicated fast.

I want to see progressive people concerned with social justice in positions of power to effect change.

I want to see feminists publishing feminist books that a lot of people read.

I want to see members of targeted and oppressed groups achieving professional and personal success, and using their newfound social power to become institutional ‘gatekeepers’ – active allies to those who have not yet had the boot taken off their throat. …

[But] The big payoff comes in more for more, not more for few. …

Maybe that’s what we should be marketing, if we really think marketing can work: if we really are so dumbed-down all we can navigate are propaganda slogans, let’s do ‘More For More.’ …

…we live in a deeply damaged world which has shown very little capacity for handling complexity. In some very basic ways, just getting out the incredible notion that women are human is the major triumph.

But which women? The ones with the most privilege already?

If the 3% of feminism the people get continues to perpetuate disunity and active destruction of the alliances essential to real change, if ‘palatable’ means the same people saying the same things in the same way they have always been said, pocketing the pay, and leaving the majority to die, I want no part of it, and I do not call it social justice.

“One simple thing” @ A View from A Broad

… You won’t be popular as a feminist. You can’t prettify its message, make it palatable to those who use and abuse women, or convince people who don’t want to be bothered. Feminism is action instead of reaction, movement instead of cultural inertia, and thought instead of rote acceptance. Merely by demanding action it is threatening. Cultures by their nature, once established, tend to roll along until stopped. Feminism is the mechanism that stops a culture in its tracks and changes its direction.

Don’t expect to be liked for it. And don’t expect to educate people who claim to be looking for information. While feminism is a lot of things, they’re all very simple. Start at the bottom of the pyramid and look at the centuries of oppression and excuses and see how those inform today’s thought on women. Go to the next level. It all builds on itself. You can’t demand to jump ahead when you haven’t mastered the source material. Even so, the concept remains simple and threatening: Women have been denied their humanity too long. Women have been the scapegoats of society forever. If this threatens someone or confuses them, ask yourself why. But don’t expect it to be easy or popular.

“feeling like a macho man” @ la chola

Bloggers are in a position of relative privilege. … We have the time and the money to slow down and create a type of media justice movement that not only will last, but will center the needs of those who are the most marginalized in our communities. We have our history that teaches us we were at our strongest and our best when we were working in the community as a part of the community–that things went all to fucked up hell shit and back when we left OUR job as community builders in the hands of political advocates and interest groups. That things went to hell because political advocates and interest groups are not a part of our community no matter who they are or where they come from. They have a job that is dependent on finding ways to best market human beings to a mass consumer base.

We have all this knowledge, and yet over and over again we insist that the only way to go is up–even when we’ve been shown by people who know and have way more experience than us that from the bottom and to the left is a better road to follow.

… Whether it’s from spite or ignorance or hatefulness or fear, our communities are always looking in the wrong direction when it comes to women of color. And in turning our heads towards the power, we turn our hearts away from the woman in the corner–we leave her so alone the only thing she has left is her taunt, her macho man taunt.

Why is it so easy for us to look the other way? …

also see the rest of the texts Femostroppo Awards for 2007 @ Hoyden About Town

Oaxaca, Mexico: 2 Indigenous Women Journalists Murdered

April 7th, 2008. Oaxaca, Mexico.


Two indigenous triqui women who worked at the community radio station La Voz que Rompe el Silencio (The Voice that Breaks the Silence), in the autonomous municipality of San Juan Copala (Mixteca region), were shot and murdered while on their way to Oaxaca city to participate in the State Forum for the Defense of the Rights of the Peoples of Oaxaca. Three other people were injured.
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Reimaginarea justitiei sociale de jos in sus: Includerea femeilor rome

O traducere integrala a lucrarii “Re-envisioning Social Justice from the Ground Up: Including the Experiences of Romani Women” de Alexandra Oprea (link la fisier PDF) – cu multumiri Crinei pentru editari

Lucrarea de fata se concentreaza pe excluderea femeilor rome din discursurile feministe si anti-rasiste dominante (in mainstream) in Europa. Aceasta excludere este atribuita intersectionalitatii si politicilor de identitate problematice. Lucrarea discuta invizibilitatea femeilor rome perpetuata de programe si rapoarte ale organizatiilor ne-guvernamentale (ONG-uri) si explica absenta femeilor rome din discursuri rome si feministe, privirea ne-critica asupra culturii rome si vulnerabilitatea femeilor rome din Romania la violenta domestica. Textul pune accentul pe faptul ca analiza problemelor sociale trebuie facuta de jos in sus, luand in considerare experientele celor care intampina greutati multiple, cum ar fi femeile rome sarace. In concluzie, lucrarea discuta importanta recunoasterii privilegiilor ca fundatie a unor discursuri si a unei cercetari atotcuprinzatoare.

the “new” romania – message from the h.arta girls

[versiunea in lb. romana]

Dear friends!

We have just returned from Bucharest, where between 2-4 of april took place the biggest NATO summit in history.Some people, (between 50 and 100) wanted to express their opinions about this summit, about war and militarization and a space was rented in Bucharest as a place for discussion, workshops, projections (and, in the “worst”case and only in the opinion of some of the participants, as a starting point for peaceful, quiet march in the city,in the conditions in which any public manifestation, no matter as peacefull, was oficially forbidden during the summit ). On the 2nd of april, the first day of summit, the riot police entered this space, beaten up people and arrested everybody inside without any legal basis, just on the presumption that “something might happen”. Later on that day they had to release everybody, as a consequence of the interventions of human rights groups and of people piqueting the police stations. But even if the detained people were released, the surveillance and the threats from the part of police continued.

It would be quit a lot to say about what happened there, about the atmosphere of terror, about the mass-media campaign that started weeks before the summit to construct an image of the “dangerous anarchists” that will destroy the city and our image of nice, obeying country, about people denied entry at the border on the reason that they had on them flyers against NATO and against violence, about the harassment of the people involved and also of their families and friends, about the surveillance of phones and internet activity made official and legal, etc. If you are interested you can read about these on indymedia romania site ( and also in other independent media.

We wanted to tell you also about what is happening to us. In September 2007, we were part of a project called Spatiul Public Bucuresti | Public Art Bucharest 2007 (,, project in the frame of which we conceived and organized the events of a Project Space. Some of the people with whom we worked at Project Space were also involved in organizing a program of cultural events in reaction to the NATO summit in Bucharest. During the anti NATO protests in Bucharest and now, after we have return to Timisoara we realized that we were under the observation of the secret police even since September when we were working at the Project Space. Our phones are listened to, we are followed on the street (and our followers don’t even hide) and we have just discovered some strange connections in our laptops which allow remote access to all the data inside to some persons that we don’t know (we used our laptops during Project Space events and many people had access to them).
Although it is definitely distressful to know that you are constantly watched, it is not the case that they could find the evidence of any illegal activity whatsoever from our part. The only thing that we did, and that we will continue doing, is to express our citizen right to the freedom of speech. And only because of this, our private lives are wide opened to the eyes of some people payed from our tax money to harass us. The only reaction we can think off is to make this harassment as visible as possible, to tell everyone about it. This is the reason of this email.

One of the main critiques of Romanian communism is in relation to the constant surveillance, to the fact that you could not trust anybody and that all your moves and all your words were constantly observed. Now, when in our country any idea of the Left is so righteously condemned as “totalitarian” and “communist” with the purpose to reinforce even more capitalism as the only possible alternative, the constant surveillance is still part of the everyday life. It is enough to state publicly your opinions and you will be subjected to the same sort of surveillance as before 1989, even if now we are living the “freedom” times of capitalism.

Best wishes from us!
Maria, Rodica, Anca

Call for Rebel Girl, Rebel Worlds: An Anthology of International Grrrl Zines

Rebel Girl, Rebel Worlds: An Anthology of International Grrrl Zines

By Elke Zobl (Austria) with Red Chidgey (UK), Sonja Eismann (Germany/Austria) and Hayde Jimenez (Mexico/USA)


We are zine activists who believe that the cut’n’paste revolution is an important part of contemporary movements for social change; whether it’s talking about messed up beauty standards, how to change rape culture, or how to fix the wheels on your bike, zines are crucial documents for everyday change, empowerment, and education.

To create a living archive of feminist zines from across the globe, we are working on an overview of the international Grrrl Zine Network; bringing together primary documents on a wide range of topics with analyses of the strengths and challenges of the Third Wave feminist movement. Based on Elke’s web site GRRRL ZINE NETWORK – A resource site for international grrrl, lady, queer and trans folk zines, distros and DIY projects ( ), we are compiling this anthology to document the variety and fierceness of pro-girl zinesters’ voices and are looking for your contributions!
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fwd: Anche a Torino: 8 MARZO di lotta!

Tra la festa, il rito e il silenzio, scegliamo la lotta!

Il 23 e 24 febbraio in più di 400, femministe e lesbiche, ci siamo incontrate a Roma per dare un seguito al percorso nazionale iniziato con la manifestazione del 24 novembre contro la violenza maschile sulle donne.

Oggi le sommosse di Torino (dlfto @ inventati. org) accolgono e rilanciano l’appello alla mobilitazione delle donne di Torino per l’autodeterminazione:

In questo clima di continui e generalizzati attacchi ai diritti delle donne e di precarizzazione della vita di native e migranti.

Scendiamo in piazza come in molte altre città 8marzo.jpg

Per l’autodeterminazione delle donne cioè libera scelta di decidere su ogni aspetto delle nostre vite
Contro ogni forma di violenza sulle donne
Contro l’eterosessualità obbligatoria e la violenza sulle lesbiche
Giù le mani dalla 194!
Libere di decidere su sessualità, maternità, contraccezione, aborto

ORE 15,30

Portiamo le nostre idee senza bandiere di partiti o sindacati!!!