Invitation to 2008 AWID Forum

animateforum.gifThe 11th AWID International Forum on Women’s Rights and Development

The Power of Movements

November 14-17, 2008
Cape Town, South Africa

The struggle for women’s rights continues to face formidable challenges.

Fundamentalist forces have gained ground around the world, exerting an increased control on women’s lives. The Millennium Development Goals alongside the new aid architecture have restructured development assistance with women’s rights taking a back seat. The HIV and AIDS pandemic has continued to spread, with women being disproportionately affected. Migration has become an increasingly feminized phenomenon, particularly in relation to issues of labour and sexual exploitation. Militarization has increased, with particularly devastating impacts on women, while at the same time “security” agendas have obscured global strategies for human development and the eradication of poverty. Continue reading

the SAGE project / great statement re: legalizing prostitution

fwd sarah l., londonfeministnetwork list

Standing Against Global Exploitation (SAGE)

“The mission of the SAGE Project is to improve the lives of individuals victimized by, or at risk for sexual exploitation, violence and prostitution through trauma recovery services, substance abuse treatment, vocational training, housing assistance and legal advocacy.”

SAGE was founded by Norma Hotaling, a woman who had experienced homelessness, addiction and prostitution, and in their own words: “Many of the STAR Center staff are survivors of sexual exploitation and/or are recovering addicts. Some of us also have incarceration experiences.”

Q: Does SAGE support legalizing prostitution?
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must reads

“Who determines our ‘most important ideas’?” (on marketing, propaganda, anti-racism, and conversations about social justice) @ Theriomorph

… Marketing is selling ideas/products (you sell the product by selling the idea). It is advertising; manipulation and fundamental brainwashing to achieve an end. The insertion into the minds of the masses the ‘spin’ on reality we want them to take to benefit our wallets, our status, our social power, or our issue.

As more and more social-justice-oriented and political activists of whatever-labeled progressive stripes begin to embrace the tools of marketing to fight back against the increasing destructive power of extreme conservatism and fundamentalism and Nationalism in this country, I’ve been thinking a lot about whether or not this tactic can be made to work well for the ‘Left.’

Propaganda in and of itself is a value-neutral word.

The history of propaganda in usage, however, is anything but value neutral, as any number of examples from global history show (I will use this example not for shock value or direct conflation, but because the propaganda of this era shows the clearest quick-reference link I know of between the marketing of ideas, socio-behavioral modification, the rewards for collaboration, and the punishments for resistance, which is also how marketing works).

I continue to feel profound unease about this adoption of marketing/propaganda strategies even as – perhaps especially as – more and more people who identify as politically progressive are doing it. …

On the pure-mind level, it’s not complicated at all. Propaganda = defocusing manipulation to achieve and retain power. Marketing = lying. Lying and abusing power becomes a self-perpetuating habit.

On the actual-life and solutions level, it gets complicated fast.

I want to see progressive people concerned with social justice in positions of power to effect change.

I want to see feminists publishing feminist books that a lot of people read.

I want to see members of targeted and oppressed groups achieving professional and personal success, and using their newfound social power to become institutional ‘gatekeepers’ – active allies to those who have not yet had the boot taken off their throat. …

[But] The big payoff comes in more for more, not more for few. …

Maybe that’s what we should be marketing, if we really think marketing can work: if we really are so dumbed-down all we can navigate are propaganda slogans, let’s do ‘More For More.’ …

…we live in a deeply damaged world which has shown very little capacity for handling complexity. In some very basic ways, just getting out the incredible notion that women are human is the major triumph.

But which women? The ones with the most privilege already?

If the 3% of feminism the people get continues to perpetuate disunity and active destruction of the alliances essential to real change, if ‘palatable’ means the same people saying the same things in the same way they have always been said, pocketing the pay, and leaving the majority to die, I want no part of it, and I do not call it social justice.

“One simple thing” @ A View from A Broad

… You won’t be popular as a feminist. You can’t prettify its message, make it palatable to those who use and abuse women, or convince people who don’t want to be bothered. Feminism is action instead of reaction, movement instead of cultural inertia, and thought instead of rote acceptance. Merely by demanding action it is threatening. Cultures by their nature, once established, tend to roll along until stopped. Feminism is the mechanism that stops a culture in its tracks and changes its direction.

Don’t expect to be liked for it. And don’t expect to educate people who claim to be looking for information. While feminism is a lot of things, they’re all very simple. Start at the bottom of the pyramid and look at the centuries of oppression and excuses and see how those inform today’s thought on women. Go to the next level. It all builds on itself. You can’t demand to jump ahead when you haven’t mastered the source material. Even so, the concept remains simple and threatening: Women have been denied their humanity too long. Women have been the scapegoats of society forever. If this threatens someone or confuses them, ask yourself why. But don’t expect it to be easy or popular.

“feeling like a macho man” @ la chola

Bloggers are in a position of relative privilege. … We have the time and the money to slow down and create a type of media justice movement that not only will last, but will center the needs of those who are the most marginalized in our communities. We have our history that teaches us we were at our strongest and our best when we were working in the community as a part of the community–that things went all to fucked up hell shit and back when we left OUR job as community builders in the hands of political advocates and interest groups. That things went to hell because political advocates and interest groups are not a part of our community no matter who they are or where they come from. They have a job that is dependent on finding ways to best market human beings to a mass consumer base.

We have all this knowledge, and yet over and over again we insist that the only way to go is up–even when we’ve been shown by people who know and have way more experience than us that from the bottom and to the left is a better road to follow.

… Whether it’s from spite or ignorance or hatefulness or fear, our communities are always looking in the wrong direction when it comes to women of color. And in turning our heads towards the power, we turn our hearts away from the woman in the corner–we leave her so alone the only thing she has left is her taunt, her macho man taunt.

Why is it so easy for us to look the other way? …

also see the rest of the texts Femostroppo Awards for 2007 @ Hoyden About Town

Apel la actiune pentru munca decenta, viata decenta

Decent Work Decent Life Call to Action
fwd Doina

În ciuda creşterii economice mondiale, populaţia globului nu îşi vede viaţa ameliorată ca rezultat.

Pe lângă şomajul semnificativ, mulţi sunt într-o situaţie de angajare precară sau neplătiţi pentru munca efectuată. Jumătate din forţa de muncă a planetei câştigă mai puţin de 2 $ pe zi. 12, 3 milioane de oameni muncesc in sclavie. 200 de milioane de copii sub 15 ani muncesc în loc să meargă la şcoală. 2,2 milioane de oameni mor datorită accidentelor de muncă şi bolilor profesionale în fiecare an. Oamenii din ţările în curs de dezvoltare şi din ţările dezvoltate muncesc mai mult pentru un salariu mai mic, şi din ce în ce mai mulţi oameni – în marea lor majoritate femei – sunt forţaţi să-şi câştige traiul în aşa-numita economie informală, pe piaţa neagră, în slujbe nesigure şi fără protecţie socială sau drepturi. În acest timp, companiile se folosesc de ameninţarea cu delocalizarea unităţilor de producţie pentru a diminua salariile şi drepturile câştigate cu greu cum ar fi dreptul la contractul colectiv de muncă şi la grevă. Sindicaliştii care se luptă împotriva acestor tendinţe sunt daţi afară, ameninţaţi, încarceraţi sau chiar omorâţi.

Doar un sistem internaţional bazat pe solidaritate şi respect pentru drepturile oamenilor, înscrise în convenţiile Naţiunilor Unite şi a Organizaţiei Internaţionale a Muncii pot opri această tendinţă. Cerem guvernelor să semneze aceste convenţii, să le implementeze urgent şi să facă din munca decentă centrul preocupărilor lor politice.

În iulie 2006, reprezentanţii guvernelor la Comitetul Economic şi Social al Naţiunilor Unite au adoptat o Declaraţie ministerială care exprimă în primul articol următoarele:

„Suntem convinşi de nevoia urgentă de a crea la nivel naţional şi internaţional un climat care să conducă la angajare deplină şi productivă şi muncă decentă pentru toţi ca bază a dezvoltării sustenabile.”

Apelul lor trebuie însoţit de ratificarea şi implementarea standardelor Organizaţiei Internaţionale a Muncii, într-un moment în care agenţiile internaţionale folosesc noul pachet de măsuri al Naţiunilor Unite pentru a canaliza munca decentă şi angajarea ca prim pas pentru o mai mare coerenţă a politicilor şi convergenţă în îndeplinirea angajamentului de muncă decentă pentru toţi.

Timpul de a îndeplini această promisiune este ACUM.

Considerăm că munca decentă este esenţială pentru eradicarea sărăciei, pentru îmbunătăţirea traiului oamenilor şi pentru a le asigura o viaţă în pace şi demnitate. De aceea cerem celor responsabili să:
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despre solutii care agraveaza problema – si solutii reale

intr-un caz recent de violenta domestica din canada, o tanara agresata de partenerul ei a fost retinuta de politie in momentul in care a refuzat sa depuna marturie impotriva agresorului. despre caz – si felul in care in numele “protectiei” victimelor sistemul abuzeaza, in loc sa ajute, persoanele cele mai vulnerabile – la: “stop abuse with abuse” @ woc phd.

este doar un exemplu de esec al legilor contra violentei domestice si implementarii lor, atata timp cat se acorda prea putina atentie factorilor multipli ce intervin in vietile femeilor ne-majoritare. mai multe informatii (si resurse) in acest post mai vechi despre istoria si criticile aduse miscarii contra violentei de gen (en).

o alta ilustratie a aceleiasi probleme e data de alexandra oprea (in textul ei despre necesitatea integrarii experientelor femeilor rome in orice activism “feminist”, ca si in orice activism antirasist):

In Romania exista numeroase bariere in orice proces ce implica violenta domestica; spre exemplu: victimei ii revine sarcina de a inainta o plangere preliminara inainte ca agresorul sa fie arestat, un certificat medical eliberat in conditiile legii este necesar pentru a inregistra o plangere, nu exista reprezentare legala gratuita, de multe ori politia impiedica aducerea in instanta a cazurilor si este o mare criza de adaposturi in toata tara. In 2002, in Romania erau in total sapte adaposturi pentru victime ale violentei domestice.
Aceste bariere afecteaza femeile rome in mod disproportionat din cauza pozitiei lor la intersectia intre rasism, saracie si sexism. Cerinta de a obtine un certificat medico-legal inseamna o mare greutate pentru femeile rome carora deseori le sunt refuzate tratamentele medicale in spitale din cauza rasismului. Problema inregistrarii unei plangeri fara a avea acces la reprezentare legala gratuita inseamna o alta bariera pentru femei rome sarace, multe dintre care, pe langa faptul ca nu au o stabilitate financiara, nu detin nici capitalul social necesar pentru a naviga sistemul legal. Pe langa faptul ca sunt atat de putine adaposturi in Romania in general, numarul de adaposturi care sa fie accesibile femeilor rome este probabil zero, din cauza atitudinilor rasiste prevalente in societatea romaneasca. In plus, apelarea la politie inseamna o bariera cat se poate de serioasa, data fiind brutalitatea epidemica a politiei impotriva comunitatilor rome. Cand femeile rome suna la politie, de multe ori politia refuza sa vina in zone populate de romi – mai ales in ghetto-uri…

… O abordare de jos in sus a acestei probleme ne-ar obliga sa luam in considerare femeile rome sarace, care de multe ori se tem sa dea telefon la politie din cauza brutalitatii acesteia fata de comunitati rome, carora de multe ori le este refuzat tratamentul medical la spitale si care nu au acces la tribunal si la sistemul legal, sau slujbe care sa le permita sa paraseasca situatii abuzive. Folosirea acestor experiente ca fundatie pentru cercetarea pe violenta domestica din Romania ar avea ca rezultat un discurs mai aproape de realitate.

din pacate, chiar informatiile-stas oferite ca ajutor de organizatii altfel pozitive ca artemis (si chiar si aceasta brosura in care noi am preluat acele informatii) se fac vinovate de trecerea cu vederea a diverselor circumstante in care se pot afla persoanele agresate. subiectul este de maxima importanta si actualitate: pe langa faptul ca aplicarea legii 217/2003 privind combaterea violentei domestice lasa in continuare foarte mult de dorit, anul acesta asteptam imbunatatiri si sa fie introdus ordinul de restrictie [ca fapt divers, Moldova tocmai a promulgat si ea o lege anti-violenta] si in acelasi timp “deputatii cer masuri europene pentru stoparea discriminarii romilor”. insa asa cum arata alexandra, numai o abordare de jos in sus si luand in considerare factori ca genul, etnia, statutul economic etc. impreuna ne poate fi de vreun folos daca vrem sa rezolvam ceva si sa existe ajutoare reale pentru toti cei care se gasesc in situatii vulnerabile!

(un articol recent, de asemenea util aici: “Rom European – Discriminare la medic?”)

Reimaginarea justitiei sociale de jos in sus: Includerea femeilor rome

O traducere integrala a lucrarii “Re-envisioning Social Justice from the Ground Up: Including the Experiences of Romani Women” de Alexandra Oprea (link la fisier PDF) – cu multumiri Crinei pentru editari

Lucrarea de fata se concentreaza pe excluderea femeilor rome din discursurile feministe si anti-rasiste dominante (in mainstream) in Europa. Aceasta excludere este atribuita intersectionalitatii si politicilor de identitate problematice. Lucrarea discuta invizibilitatea femeilor rome perpetuata de programe si rapoarte ale organizatiilor ne-guvernamentale (ONG-uri) si explica absenta femeilor rome din discursuri rome si feministe, privirea ne-critica asupra culturii rome si vulnerabilitatea femeilor rome din Romania la violenta domestica. Textul pune accentul pe faptul ca analiza problemelor sociale trebuie facuta de jos in sus, luand in considerare experientele celor care intampina greutati multiple, cum ar fi femeile rome sarace. In concluzie, lucrarea discuta importanta recunoasterii privilegiilor ca fundatie a unor discursuri si a unei cercetari atotcuprinzatoare.

International Roma Day

8 aprilie a fost adoptata ca Zi Internationala a Romilor in 1971, in cadrul Primului Congres international al romilor de pretutindeni, care a avut loc la Londra. Tot atunci s-au stabilit imnul (Gelem, Gelem, compus de Jarko Jovanovic) si steagul international al romilor. Romii din tarile blocului comunist nu au celebrat aceasta zi, pana spre finele anilor 90’. In ultimii ani, semnificatia zilei de 8 aprilie a inceput sa fie recunoscuta la nivel mondial. Pe 28 martie 2006, Plenul Camerei Deputatilor a adoptat, cu majoritate de voturi, proiectul de lege privind declararea zilei de 8 aprilie drept “Sarbatoarea etniei romilor din Romania”. (info de la Romani Criss)

Vienna, 7 April 2008

“European Union needs common action to make equality a reality for the Roma”

Statement by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) on the occasion of International Roma Day
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from worldwatch on global population

The average woman worldwide is giving birth to fewer children than ever. Nonetheless, an estimated 136 million babies were born in 2007, bringing the global population to about 6.7 billion. Governments must improve access to good health care and family planning to see further declines in childbearing and increases in life expectancy…

More: Population, Nature, and What Women Want

For the Worldwatch Institute, human population has always been a sustainability issue. Our earliest writings confirmed a stable balance between population and the environment as an essential ingredient of the equitable and enduring society our mission advances. And over the years we have highlighted the polices needed in all nations to encourage this balance through healthy reproduction, voluntary family planning, gender equality, and the free decisions of women and couples about childbearing.

Since our founding, however, the issues surrounding population have become ever more sensitive and delicate, discouraging many environmentalists and policymakers from taking on the topic. Now, Worldwatch Vice President for Programs Robert Engelman, a 16-year veteran of the population and reproductive health field, has broken new ground in his own fresh take on this perennially difficult issue. In More: Population, Nature, and What Women Want, Engelman leads readers on a journey from humanity’s first steps on two feet to the 21st century and beyond to explore whether women want more children or more for their children, and how their childbearing intentions have fared in a male-dominated world. The answers he finds not only surprise but offer new hope for real and lasting global sustainability.

Rich in historical detail, contemporary stories, and provocative ideas, More is the keystone of a new initiative at the Worldwatch Institute to return population and women’s reproductive decision-making to their critical role in the environment, the economy, and human rights.

Vital Signs Update: Fertility Falls, Population Rises, Future Uncertain.