basescu ramane avertizat pt. rasism

Curtea de Apel il considera responsabil pe Basescu pentru ce spune oriunde si oricand
de Iulius CEZAR | 19 DECEMBRIE 2007

Prezentarea publica a inregistrarii de catre ziaristi a fost legala

Presedintele Traian Basescu primeste lectii de comportament de la judecatori. Potrivit Curtii de Apel Bucuresti, seful statului, in calitate de persoana publica, trebuie sa fie responsabil pentru declaratiile pe care le face indiferent de locul in care se afla.

“Reclamantul (Traian Basescu –, in calitate de persoana publica, are obligatia, indiferent de locul in care se afla, sa manifeste responsabilitate si moderatie in exprimare”, se arata in motivarea comunicata ieri de instanta.

Este vorba de motivarea hotararii de respingere a recursului formulat de sefului statului la decizia Consiliului National de Combatere a Discriminarii (CNCD) de sanctionare cu avertisment a acestuia pentru folosirea expresiei “tiganca imputita” la adresa unei jurnaliste de la Antena 1.

postare precendenta: “rasismul si sexismul ok, doar sa fie nepublice”
postare recenta @ pumukli

women of early 80’s postpunk

The following women are the mothers of most rocker grrrls today. All of this music was too intense for the times and ignored, but now is the soundtrack of the current generation. Whether they know it or not. From these pioneers we get The Breeders, Bikini Kill, Bratmobile, Hole, Elastica, Cibo Matto, Garbage, Sleater-Kinney, Ladytron, Chicks On Speed, Lesbians On Ecstasy, Erase Errata, Boyskout, Peaches, Electrocute, the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, and Metric.
The architects: LENE LOVICH (US/UK) and NINA HAGEN (Germany), updating Yma Sumac for the new wave; ARI UP and THE SLITS, exploring the wilds of world dub (UK); LiLiPUT, the best PostPunk band you’ve never heard of and equal to any (Switzerland); FATAL MICROBES, a teen band featuring two kids of Vi Subversa from the Poison Girls (UK); STINKY TOYS, who played the first all-Punk show ever with the Pistols and newcomer ‘Suzie and the Banshees’ (France); the minimalist robot synth of FLYING LIZARDS, featuring PATTI PALLADIN of Snatch(NY/UK); TINA WEYMOUTH and the TALKING HEADS, the fountainhead for indie dress, PunkFunk, and more styles than we’ve caught up with (New York); the collective PULSALLAMA, with Wendy Wild and Ann Magnuson, bringing polyrhthmic fun (NY); THE BLOODS with funky punk; LIZZY MERCIER DESCLOUX making dissonant guitar clang danceable (France/NY); THE MODETTES modeling impossibly catchy pop with reggae bounce (NY); JILL KROESEN with rhythmic skronk and chant (NY); The BUSH TETRAS, a funky punk band whose influence covers Romeo Void to Kim Gordan (NY); the brilliant spartan funk of E.S.G. by the Scroggins sisters (South Bronx); Her Mercurial Majesty of Goth and so much more, SIOUXSIE SIOUX (UK); the stripped edge of Young Marble Giants, whose ‘Credit In the Straight World’ was covered by Hole (Wales); Y PANTS forecast the bratty casualism of Bratmobile (NY); UT rode tribal drums and fuzzy chords through alien synths (NY); TINA WEYMOUTH and Chris Frantz of TOM TOM CLUB spun the NY scene’s punkfunk through hiphop and reggae to conquer the world with ‘Genius Of Love’ (NY); …while KIM GORDAN and SONIC YOUTH channeled the scene’s No Wave noise into a startling career (US); the punkfunk priests GANG OF FOUR converted bassist SARA LEE to the cause in their second revolution (UK/US); VANESSA BRISCOE emitted the bent transmissions of PYLON (Georgia); Throbbing Gristle had split nicely into the fresh folds of CHRIS & COSEY, with conceptual and sexual artist COSI FANNI TUTTI (UK); The SELECTER sure picked it right with lead singer PAULINE BLACK kicking tough ska (UK); EDITH NYLON made the synth pop and kick (France); ALICE BAG of the Bags now crusaded with the CAMBRIDGE APOSTLES (L.A.); SU TISSUE cut an askew swath through SUBURBAN LAWNS (L.A.); Native American DEBORAH IYALL serenaded in the ROMEO VOID (San Fran); DOMINATRIX predated Lords of Acid and Peaches with sexual dance music (NY); and LAURIE ANDERSON made the avant-garde fun and grooving (NY).

song: LiLiPUT, “Eisiger Wind”

Sarbatori ECO-fericite!

Bucuresti, 6 decembrie 2007, Comunicat WWF – Semnificatia religioasa deosebita, frenezia cadourilor, momentele petrecute cu cei dragi, bucatele traditionale si datinile stravechi fac din sarbatorile de iarna un prilej de bucurie pentru fiecare dintre noi. Acestea presupun insa si o crestere impresionanta a consumului, intr-o mica masura corelat cu nevoile reale si cu spiritul sarbatorilor. Rezultatele? Tone de deseuri, milioane de brazi taiati si o mare risipa de energie.

La nivel mondial, raportul dintre consumul de resurse si cantitatea de deseuri generate, pe de o parte, si capacitatea de regenerare a mediului, pe de alta parte, este ingrijorator: consumam resursele a 1.2 planete. Stilul de viata de pe continentul Nord-American duce la un consum echivalent cu resursele a 5 planete, iar cel din Europa de Vest la un consum echivalent cu resursele a 3 planete. In Romania, consumam resursele a 1.5 planete, iar tendinta este in crestere.

In conditiile unui consum din ce in ce mai ridicat, corelat cu reducerea dramatica a resurselor naturale, este important ca fiecare dintre noi sa constientizeze ca activitatea cotidiana, stilul de viata si chiar modul in care alegem sa ne petrecem sarbatorile de iarna contureaza viitorul planetei noastre. Continue reading

Women Climate Activists Blockade the Department for Trasport (UK)

Dec 7 8am

Women have this morning blockaded the Department for Transport preventing staff from getting to work and carrying out their policies which are catapulting us towards dangerous run-away climate change. This action comes in response to the Transport Secretary Ruth Kelly confirming the government’s intentions to build a third runway and a sixth terminal at Heathrow and co-incides with the opening of their first ‘consultation’ exhibition.

This protest is part of a growing direct action movement against climate change inspired by the Camp for Climate Action (1). On Wednesday over 30 climate activists including the columnist George Monbiot invaded and occupied Britain’s biggest ever open-cast coal mine at Ffos-y-fran in South Wales. On 28th November, protesters from climate action group Plane Stupid disrupted the proceedings of the Transport Select Committee who were hearing evidence from BAA boss, Steven Nelson and Aviation Minister, Jim Fitzpatrick in protest at the Heathrow expansion plans. This weekend thousands of people will march on the streets of London to protest about climate change. This protest is a call to all to stand up and take action against the governments and corporations who are fueling climate chaos.

Why the DfT?

Transport is the fastest growing source of climate change gases in the UK, now accounting for 26% of emissions (2). In a time when we desperately need to reduce emissions, the DfT plans to build more roads and more airports encouraging us to drive and fly more. The DfT was targetted during the Camp for Climate Action in August, and women have returned today to re-emphasise the role of our government in dangerous transport expansion plans. Groups will continue to return to the DfT until the government reviews its policies.

Why women?

Women have acted today in solidarity with the residents of Sipson, especially the women who continue to campaign to protect their homes, despite bullying and pressure from BAA, and the women all over the world who fight everyday to survive in the face of increasing climate chaos. …
[the full press release]

The Camp for Climate Action

eu-wide study on domestic duties and jobs

Childcare locks women into lower-paid jobs

· Europe-wide study reveals entrenched lifestyle divide
· Domestic duties prevent females pursuing top jobs

December 6, 2007
The Guardian

British women are working in lower paid and lower status jobs than their male counterparts because they still shoulder the responsibility for housework and childcare, a Cambridge University study reveals today.

A “lifestyle divide”, in which women take on the burden of domestic duties, creates a vicious circle as they are then less able to work the long hours needed to win top jobs. They then earn less and are reinforced as responsible for household tasks, says the Europe-wide research.

The divide also leaves women with a longer working day, despite earning less, according to the study. The average working week for a woman in Europe is 68 hours, including paid and domestic work – longer than the average of 55 hours for a man in full-time employment.

The study, the first of its kind since EU members joined from the former eastern bloc, suggests efforts to reduce the workplace gender gap in the UK and the rest of Europe have made little progress since the early 1990s. It reinforces the warnings of several British studies that part-time working, now more accessible in the UK thanks to a right to ask to work flexibly, can lock women into low-paid jobs. more

About the study – University of Cambridge

pozitivi cu hate speech-ul

nu stiu de ce obsesia cu desteptaciunea lor (in contrast cu prostia altora) e o trasatura atit de caracteristica bully-ilor… cu cit mai mai egoist, macho si pus pe hate speech e cineva, cu atit mai des pare sa faca declaratii despre “cretinitatea” din jur; mai mult, cu atit mai convins pare sa fie ca astfel de declaratii/acuzatii sint argumente. hm…

despre parazitii, ultimul lor album “slalom printre cretini” si un interviu in care isi etaleaza atit non-cretinitatea sclipitoare cit si atitudinea “pozitiva” @ pumukli:

Rasisti, misogini, homofobi, dar pozitivi!

Chiar daca nu imi plac, fac parte din a noastra mandra cultura si au influenta – probabil mai mare decat un clip antidiscriminare dat la TV de nici nu apuci sa il vezi – si, ma rog, confirma simtamintele multora dintre romani. E vorba de Parazitii si al lor album Slalom printre cretini. Din pacate, multi tineri rebeli si probabil entelectali ii asculta…. Iata neste versuri si explicatii date de ei.

“Ma pis pe gay si nu-i normal ca copiii sa vada homosexuali lingadu-se pe strada ()Sa trimitem bulangii in pachet la Barcelona”. Explicatie Parazitii : Este o gluma. Daca as putea sa-i trimit pe toti la Barcelona , i-as trimite si n-ar mai fi o gluma. Eu nu vreau sa-mi cresc copiii printre barbati care se saruta in fata lor”.

Noi romanii, “nu cersim cu handicapul la vedere si nu ghicim in palma in dughene mizere”. Explicatie Parazitii : De ce nu avem voie sa spunem ceea ce credem? De ce trebuie sa protejam atat ideea de minoritate?

Iar femeile, ia ghici? sunt proaste si curve. Explicatie Parazitii : Si pana sa facem noi piesele nu se simteau? Inseamna ca aveau o problema…. Insa exista si exceptii.

Si cireasa de pe tort: “Mesajul nostru este absolut pozitiv!” Really??? Tot interviul aici. O piesa aici.