(see also “Prostitution… give them all a share of it!” from the blog archives/lf zine — & in romanian: “Prostitutia… dati fiecaruia partea lui!” “MAI promite legalizarea prostitutiei?”, “Prostitutie I”, “Prostitutie II”)
*Not For Sale*
Women speak out about sexual exploitation in prostitution and trafficking
A video by Marie Vermeiren
The film (23 min) challenges the traditional views and myths on prostitution and sexual exploitation of women’s bodies. It includes interviews with women survivors of trafficking for sexual exploitation and prostitution, women sharing their life experiences and demanding governmental action and responsibility to combat violence against women, including trafficking and prostitution. The film is part of the joint project EWL-CATW on trafficking in women for sexual exploitation.
To see the film online:
‘It’s like you sign a contract to be raped’
If you believe their PR, Nevada’s legal brothels are safe, healthy – even fun – places in which to work. So why do so many prostitutes tell such horrific tales of abuse?
— The Guardian, Friday September 7, 2007
There is only one place in the US where brothels are legal, and that’s Nevada – a state in which prostitution has been considered a necessary service industry since the days when the place was populated solely by prospecters. There are at least 20 legal brothels in business now. Not so many, you might think, but these state-sanctioned operations punch above their weight in PR terms.
full article