ziua barbatului care se dispretuieste, se pare

de citit: “leapsa: ziua femeii, ziua barbatului” de jo @ the essential bystander [link transmis de cristina]

din arhive:

un post de anul trecut in care propuneam ca daca tot ne intereseaza sa cream zile-de-militare-pentru-dreptul-barbatului-de-a-nu-lasa-capacul-de-la-wc-si-alte-trasaturi-masculine-definitorii de ce nu facem si o “zi a barbatului de origine europeana” sau “o zi a dictaturii comuniste” si tot felul de alte “zile” hilare prin care sa sarbatorim regresul si backlash-ul impotriva miscarilor anti-opresiune?! e ce zice si jo si e bineinteles un punct foarte simplu. (dar ma indoiesc ca cei vizati de leapsa vor pricepe ceva.)

si inca un post in care eu chiar celebrez o “zi a barbatului” si ma solidarizez cu barbati care au nevoie de sustinere pentru ca pricep si rezista presiunilor patriarhale (si reclamelor la bere s.a.m.d.).

International Roma Day

8 aprilie a fost adoptata ca Zi Internationala a Romilor in 1971, in cadrul Primului Congres international al romilor de pretutindeni, care a avut loc la Londra. Tot atunci s-au stabilit imnul (Gelem, Gelem, compus de Jarko Jovanovic) si steagul international al romilor. Romii din tarile blocului comunist nu au celebrat aceasta zi, pana spre finele anilor 90’. In ultimii ani, semnificatia zilei de 8 aprilie a inceput sa fie recunoscuta la nivel mondial. Pe 28 martie 2006, Plenul Camerei Deputatilor a adoptat, cu majoritate de voturi, proiectul de lege privind declararea zilei de 8 aprilie drept “Sarbatoarea etniei romilor din Romania”. (info de la Romani Criss)

Vienna, 7 April 2008

“European Union needs common action to make equality a reality for the Roma”

Statement by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) on the occasion of International Roma Day
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women in the city – plenty

Barbara Kruger, “Plenty”

Women in the City

“Women in the City” is a viral public art exhibition spread throughout the streets of Los Angeles that will start in February 2008.

The work of four seminal women artists, who began to emerge on the international art scene at the beginning of the ’80s within the feminist movement, will penetrate the urban and social geography of the city.

Jenny Holzer, Barbara Kruger, Louise Lawler and Cindy Sherman disseminate their work in various locations in on-the-road billboards, video screens, storefronts, a movie theater and even propagation through widely distributed stickers.

Why “Women in the City”? One of the fundamental achievements of the historical feminist movement was the appropriation of the streets: thousands of women were invading the cities of the western world fighting for their rights. Now that those rights have been asserted and women have begun to fully permeate and influence politics, culture and the art system, “Women in the City” can showcase the art of women in empowered position.

European Roma Rights Center Complaint against Bulgaria declared admissible by the Council of Europe’s Social Rights Committee

Dear All,

With support from OSI’s Roma Health Project, the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) has filed a complaint with the Council of Europe, charging that Bulgaria systematically excludes Roma from access to health care. The ERRC is calling on the Bulgarian Government to take immediate action. The complaint specifically charges that Bulgaria is in violation of health-related Articles 11 and 13 of the Revised European Social Charter, and Article E on nondiscrimination.
On February 5, 2008, the Council of Europe’s European Committee of Social Rights declared the complaint admissible, paving the way for further independent review of the Roma health situation in Bulgaria. The Bulgarian government has until March 31 to submit a written response to the complaint.

According to the complaint, large numbers of Roma are unable to access health care services because they lack health insurance. Furthermore, the Bulgarian government has failed to put in place effective government policies to address the disproportionate health risks affecting Romani communities, or to eliminate widespread discriminatory practices against Roma in the provision of health services. The ERRC has received many complaints from Roma who are denied medical assistance as a result of discrimination, including pregnant Roma women who are frequently kept segregated from other women in maternity wards.

For further information, please contact ERRC Programs Coordinator and Senior Projects Manager Tara Bedard at tara.bedard@ errc.org or visit the ERRC website for the full text of the complaint.

Best wishes,
Eva Foldes
Program Coordinator, OSI Roma Health Project

fwd: Anche a Torino: 8 MARZO di lotta!

Tra la festa, il rito e il silenzio, scegliamo la lotta!

Il 23 e 24 febbraio in più di 400, femministe e lesbiche, ci siamo incontrate a Roma per dare un seguito al percorso nazionale iniziato con la manifestazione del 24 novembre contro la violenza maschile sulle donne.

Oggi le sommosse di Torino (dlfto @ inventati. org) accolgono e rilanciano l’appello alla mobilitazione delle donne di Torino per l’autodeterminazione:

In questo clima di continui e generalizzati attacchi ai diritti delle donne e di precarizzazione della vita di native e migranti.

Scendiamo in piazza come in molte altre città 8marzo.jpg

Per l’autodeterminazione delle donne cioè libera scelta di decidere su ogni aspetto delle nostre vite
Contro ogni forma di violenza sulle donne
Contro l’eterosessualità obbligatoria e la violenza sulle lesbiche
Giù le mani dalla 194!
Libere di decidere su sessualità, maternità, contraccezione, aborto

ORE 15,30

Portiamo le nostre idee senza bandiere di partiti o sindacati!!!


more march 8th in the uk

[other events worldwide here and here]


Million Women Rise
raise your voices against violence against women

International Women’s Day has passed largely unnoticed in this country for many years except for local events and protests organised predominately by refugee and migrant communities.

This year a coalition of individuals and women’s organisations (see www.millionwomenrise.com for list of supporters) are co-ordinating a national march to raise the issue of gendered violence against women.

Violence against women happens everywhere, and takes many forms. Women and girls of all ages, from all classes, from all ethnic backgrounds, regardless of their immigration status, their colour, their sexuality or their disability, experience it.

Violence devastates the lives of women, their families, and their communities.

We call on women to come together to raise our voices, join forces, gain strength from each other and create an immovable force for change that challenges the oppression of women in its most brutal manifestations. It is an opportunity to remember, to celebrate and to plan for the future.

How to support the event
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Un studiu realizat cu putin inainte de Ziua Internationala a Femeii, moment de bilant pentru miscarile feministe europene, arata ca inegalitatea dintre sexe ramane o problema.

“Profesional, femeile nu castiga teren in fata barbatilor” (Curentul, 26.2.2008)

alte studii/campanii/pozitii institutionale (en):