Disney, Casino Capitalism and the Exploitation of Young Boys: Beyond the Politics of Innocence

“Disney, Casino Capitalism and the Exploitation of Young Boys: Beyond the Politics of Innocence”"Disney is in the forefront of finding ways to capitalize on the $50 billion dollars spent worldwide by young boys between the ages of 6 and 14." (Photo: Thomas Hawk / Facebook)
by Henry A. Giroux, t r u t h o u t | Perspective

[…] As a group, young people are vulnerable to corporate giants such as Disney, who make every effort “to expand inwardly into the psyche and emotional life of the individual in order to utilize human potential” in the service of a market society.[4] Since children’s identities have to be actively directed toward the role of consumers, knowledge, information, entertainment and cultural pedagogy become central in shaping and influencing every waking moment of children’s daily lives. In this instance, Disney, with its legion of media holdings, armies of marketers and omnipresent advertisers, set out not to just exploit young boys and other youth for profit; they are actually constructing them as commodities and promoting the concept of childhood as a saleable commodity.

[…] Children are increasingly exposed to a marketing and advertising pedagogical machinery eager and ready to transform them into full-fledged members of the consumer society. And the amount of time they spend in this commercial world defined by Disney and a few other corporations is as breathtaking as it is disturbing. […]
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despre masculinitatea moderna

ce este apreciat la “masculinitate”? la Sociological Images: ERROL MORRIS MILLER ADS avem citeva exemple de reclame, ca cea de mai sus, care raspund acestei intrebari (“real men have to restrain themselves while they listen to women, “Real men know how to back up Suburbans pulling boats”, “real men drink beer and don’t worry about stupid things like their diet or health” mai ales ca, sa nu uitam, barbatii adevarati nu sunt niciodata vegetarieni, s.a.m.d.).

(in aceeasi traditie: “ziua barbatului care se dispretuieste, se pare”)

march 8th: women and climate change

“Women and Climate Change: Vulnerabilities and Adaptive Capacities” by Lorena Aguilar
from State of the World 2009: Into a Warming World

— “Celebrating International Women’s Day and 35 Years of Gender Work” from Worldwatch Institute
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I’m a Roma Woman, I’m a European Woman, I’m a Woman

via carmen

Budapest, 6 March 2009

TheRomediaFoundation, a Budapest-based civil organization (www.mundiromani.com), and Amnesty International (www.amnesty.hu) initiated a video campaign on Roma women with the support of Duna Television (www.dunatv.hu) and the Decade of Roma Inclusion (www.romadecade.org).

The 4-minute spot, produced for International Women’s Day 2009, features flashes of the personal history of five Roma human rights activists from all over Europe along with footage from Roma settlements across the continent. In these times of crisis, as social cohesion is greatly endangered by the multiplication of acts of extreme violence against Roma in Hungary and elsewhere, the campaign exhorts the public to respect Roma in all their complexity.

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when racist and xenophobic hatred prevail

from EveryOneGroup

Feb. 8th: “Criminalization of the Roma people in Italy. Attacks in Rome spark off another witch hunt”

Feb. 9th: “With an emergency decree Italy authorizes racism, spying and ethnic persecution.”

Feb. 9th: “Racism in Italy. The hunt has begun”

Feb. 28th: “Anti-rumanian sentiment and racial laws in Italy”


and a typically xenophobic Romanian response to anti-Romanian xenophobia: Rusine pentru mass-media manelizata din Romania! [ro.] vs. a somewhat more thoughtful approach: “Mandru ca sunt roman?” [ro.]

about not walking on eggshells

“Walking on eggshells”: an excellent, profoundly thought-provoking essay @ The F-Word

Where’s the liberation in walking on eggshells? Where’s the empowerment in feeling equal only to adolescent boys and women?

So what happens if I not only leave the realm of object, if I focus on men but I’m not deferential, submissive or flirtatious either? I have stopped walking on eggshells as much as I can bear to. I follow my fear into situations of potential male violence and disapproval: situations where passivity, acquiescence and submission feel safer or more appealing than taking control. I take note. […]

To be treated as an equal I need to say what I want, express all the things I feel about men, even if some are critical, do what I want, and above all stop walking on eggshells and start tackling men. All that and accept – welcome – his disapproval and anger because it means I’m finding something out about him. I’m finding out if he wants a human or an object. And when I don’t get control, disapproval and anger I know I’ve found equality.

by Alex Brew, author “Asking for It” project, cofounder FemAdLib Kolektiv

The Evil Behind The Smiles

Published: December 31, 2008
PHNOM PENH, Cambodia 

Nicholas D. Kristof/The New York Times
On the Ground

Western men who visit red-light districts in poor countries often find themselves surrounded by coquettish teenage girls laughingly tugging them toward the brothels. The men assume that the girls are there voluntarily, and in some cases they are right.

But anyone inclined to take the girls’ smiles at face value should talk to Sina Vann, who was once one of those smiling girls. Continue reading

A Feminist Criticism of Exchange

“For-Giving, a Feminist Criticism of Exchange, is an analysis of the values of gift giving seen as an economic mode of distribution based in maternal practice, and opposed to the self-reflecting and ego-oriented values of exchange on which the market economy is based. The values of Patriarchy entwine with those of Capitalism to create an economic system of domination, while a maternal economy would provide for everyone and promote a community-oriented subjectivity which would also honor Mother Nature. This book gives an eco-feminist based perspective on the gift economy as a basis for social change.” (text reappropriated from other sources)

book available online for free: http://www.for-giving.com/

five sexist trends the advertising world just can’t shake

This was a big year for women: The first serious female presidential candidate, the first predominately female state senate, the first female Top Chef. Yet the advertising world has not caught up to the advances of half our population and continues to use stereotypes and violence to prey on our most vile desires. Here are the worst of them–the trends that won’t die despite our cultural outrage, and personal boredom.

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16 days: women of zimbabwe arise!

WOZA AND MOZA commemorate Human Rights Day in the streets of Bulawayo – no cause for celebration

OVER 1,000 members of WOZA marched through the streets of central Bulawayo today to the offices of the state-owned Chronicle newspaper. The peaceful group distributed flyers calling on the so-called government to stand aside to allow the United Nations to deal with the humanitarian crisis. Other flyers distributed by the group demanded the immediate release of Jestina Mukoko, Violet Mupfuranhehwe and her two-year old baby and the other pro-democracy activists abducted in the last few weeks. They also sang custom-composed songs to portray their message. No arrests have been reported at the time of this release.

The peaceful protest also commemorated Human Rights Day and the 60th anniversary of the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights under the theme – Human Rights of Women – Human Rights for All. Zimbabweans – stand up for the TRUTH and it will set you free of this regime.

see also: “A High Court judge in Zimbabwe has ordered police to launch a search for a human rights activist Jestina Mukoko abducted from her home last week”, “Women refuse to be silenced by Robert Mugabe”

via lfn