against violence: “How do “we” Keep a Social Movement Alive?”

women of color organizing in the u.s.:

Document the Silence

In October 2007 people all over the United States gathered physically and in spirit to speak out against violence against women of color. Some of us wore red all day and explained that we were reclaiming and reframing our bodies as a challenge to the widespread acceptance of violence against women of color. Some of us wrote powerful essays about why we were wearing red and posted them on the internet. Some of us gathered with bold and like-minded folks and took pictures, shared poetry and expressed solidarity.

This year, on the first anniversary of the Be Bold Be Red Campaign, we invite you to make your bold stance against the violence enacted on women and girls of color in our society visible. In D.C., Chicago, Durham, Atlanta and Detroit women of color will be gathering to renew our commitment to creating a world free from racialized and gendered violence, and this time, we’ll be using a new technology called CyberQuilting to connect all of these gatherings in real time. To learn more about CyberQuilting, which is a women of color led project to stitch movements together using new web technologies and old traditions of love and nurturing, visit

The Cyber-Quilting Experiment – stitching movement together

locuri comune ale tranzitiei/commonplaces of transition (video)

[en version]

de la dmedia:

“Locuri Comune ale Tranzitiei” e un proiect video realizat de D Media (Romania), in colaborare cu Ak-Kraak (Germania), Interspace (Bulgaria) si K:SAK (Moldova), care cauta sa reprezinte tranzitia dinauntru, spre deosebire de istoriile ei dominante, care o fac dinafara. Titlul exploateaza intelesul dublu pe care ‘locurile comune’ [commonplaces] il au in engleza: proiectul se concentreaza literal asupra locurilor sau spatiilor geografice ale tranzitiei si, in al doilea rand, examineaza ‘banalitatile’ sau lucrurile stiute ale tranzitiei, cu alte cuvinte acele reprezentari care populeaza taramul ideologiei. Intentia proiectului este aceea de a initia un dialog critic cu privire la semnificatia tranzitiei si a altor posibilitati care sa inlocuiasca simpla ‘ajungere din urma’ a pietei globale. Partenerii au produs 8 lucrari care exploreaza impactul tranzitiei asupra retrasarii frontierelor, transformarea caracterului muncii si diferitele forme de activism. Cele 3 filme produse de D Media [ro cu subtitrare en] sunt:

  • “In tranzit” este jurnalul unei calatorii prin spatiu si timp, alcatuit din impresiile subiective ale prezentului si amintirile copilariei trecute. Povestirea acestei calatorii prin Romania in anul intrarii sale in UE, mediteaza la sensul tranzitiei postcomuniste, la rescrierea istoriei si la relatia dintre imagini si memorie. 30 min, 2008.
  • “Vieti precare” monteaza imagini de arhiva infatisind munca femeilor in secolul trecut cu zece portrete de romance care muncesc din zilele noastre. Lucrarea polemizeaza cu discursul dominant despre precaritate si indiferenta acestuia la diferentele de sex si disparitatile economice intre tarile din lumea intaia si a treia a Europei. 43 min, 2008.
  • “Doua sau trei chestiuni despre activism” e un contradocumentar despre activismul din Romania care chestioneaza deosebirea dintre a face un film despre politica si a face unul in mod politic. In vreme ce diversii protagonisti isi discuta angajamentul militant, comentariul din fundal reflecteaza la motivatiile din culisele filmului. 73 min, 2008.

Pentru informatii suplimentare: jori [at] riseup [dot] net
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fwd: Eclectic Tech Carnival has started!

The seventh Eclectic Tech Carnival is happening from Sunday the 25th
until Saturday the 31st of May in Amsterdam.

Inviting All Women.
Including gender minorities and female-identified persons.
(The evening programme is open for men, also)

The /ETC is a unique tech skill-share that has been held annually since
2002. The emphasis has always been women sharing their experiences,
knowledge and skills around free software, open hardware and universal
interoperability of systems in a fun way.

*Programme* Continue reading

must reads

“Who determines our ‘most important ideas’?” (on marketing, propaganda, anti-racism, and conversations about social justice) @ Theriomorph

… Marketing is selling ideas/products (you sell the product by selling the idea). It is advertising; manipulation and fundamental brainwashing to achieve an end. The insertion into the minds of the masses the ‘spin’ on reality we want them to take to benefit our wallets, our status, our social power, or our issue.

As more and more social-justice-oriented and political activists of whatever-labeled progressive stripes begin to embrace the tools of marketing to fight back against the increasing destructive power of extreme conservatism and fundamentalism and Nationalism in this country, I’ve been thinking a lot about whether or not this tactic can be made to work well for the ‘Left.’

Propaganda in and of itself is a value-neutral word.

The history of propaganda in usage, however, is anything but value neutral, as any number of examples from global history show (I will use this example not for shock value or direct conflation, but because the propaganda of this era shows the clearest quick-reference link I know of between the marketing of ideas, socio-behavioral modification, the rewards for collaboration, and the punishments for resistance, which is also how marketing works).

I continue to feel profound unease about this adoption of marketing/propaganda strategies even as – perhaps especially as – more and more people who identify as politically progressive are doing it. …

On the pure-mind level, it’s not complicated at all. Propaganda = defocusing manipulation to achieve and retain power. Marketing = lying. Lying and abusing power becomes a self-perpetuating habit.

On the actual-life and solutions level, it gets complicated fast.

I want to see progressive people concerned with social justice in positions of power to effect change.

I want to see feminists publishing feminist books that a lot of people read.

I want to see members of targeted and oppressed groups achieving professional and personal success, and using their newfound social power to become institutional ‘gatekeepers’ – active allies to those who have not yet had the boot taken off their throat. …

[But] The big payoff comes in more for more, not more for few. …

Maybe that’s what we should be marketing, if we really think marketing can work: if we really are so dumbed-down all we can navigate are propaganda slogans, let’s do ‘More For More.’ …

…we live in a deeply damaged world which has shown very little capacity for handling complexity. In some very basic ways, just getting out the incredible notion that women are human is the major triumph.

But which women? The ones with the most privilege already?

If the 3% of feminism the people get continues to perpetuate disunity and active destruction of the alliances essential to real change, if ‘palatable’ means the same people saying the same things in the same way they have always been said, pocketing the pay, and leaving the majority to die, I want no part of it, and I do not call it social justice.

“One simple thing” @ A View from A Broad

… You won’t be popular as a feminist. You can’t prettify its message, make it palatable to those who use and abuse women, or convince people who don’t want to be bothered. Feminism is action instead of reaction, movement instead of cultural inertia, and thought instead of rote acceptance. Merely by demanding action it is threatening. Cultures by their nature, once established, tend to roll along until stopped. Feminism is the mechanism that stops a culture in its tracks and changes its direction.

Don’t expect to be liked for it. And don’t expect to educate people who claim to be looking for information. While feminism is a lot of things, they’re all very simple. Start at the bottom of the pyramid and look at the centuries of oppression and excuses and see how those inform today’s thought on women. Go to the next level. It all builds on itself. You can’t demand to jump ahead when you haven’t mastered the source material. Even so, the concept remains simple and threatening: Women have been denied their humanity too long. Women have been the scapegoats of society forever. If this threatens someone or confuses them, ask yourself why. But don’t expect it to be easy or popular.

“feeling like a macho man” @ la chola

Bloggers are in a position of relative privilege. … We have the time and the money to slow down and create a type of media justice movement that not only will last, but will center the needs of those who are the most marginalized in our communities. We have our history that teaches us we were at our strongest and our best when we were working in the community as a part of the community–that things went all to fucked up hell shit and back when we left OUR job as community builders in the hands of political advocates and interest groups. That things went to hell because political advocates and interest groups are not a part of our community no matter who they are or where they come from. They have a job that is dependent on finding ways to best market human beings to a mass consumer base.

We have all this knowledge, and yet over and over again we insist that the only way to go is up–even when we’ve been shown by people who know and have way more experience than us that from the bottom and to the left is a better road to follow.

… Whether it’s from spite or ignorance or hatefulness or fear, our communities are always looking in the wrong direction when it comes to women of color. And in turning our heads towards the power, we turn our hearts away from the woman in the corner–we leave her so alone the only thing she has left is her taunt, her macho man taunt.

Why is it so easy for us to look the other way? …

also see the rest of the texts Femostroppo Awards for 2007 @ Hoyden About Town

Invitation to the Eclectic Tech Carnival in May

Inviting All Women


The seventh Eclectic Tech Carnival will be held from Sunday the 25th until Saturday the 31st of May in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

The /ETC is a unique tech skill-share that has been held annually since 2002. The emphasis has always been women sharing their experiences, knowledge and skills around free software, open hardware and universal interoperability of systems in a fun way.

We are calling all women who are interested in the Eclectic Tech Carnival to register via the following form:

Registration closes at 23:59 on 1 April 2008.
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call for artists : queer zagreb festival 2008

Zagreb, Croatia

Crime, Sexuality and Gender – Queer Zagreb, October 2008.

Queer Zagreb is an international festival which has been taking place in Croatia since 2003 and has been presenting international and local artists, academics and activists to an audience of cca 3000 – 5000 per year. Queer Zagreb festival constructs its programme each year around a certain theme which is presented throughout its programme. So far we have touched such issues as -postsocialist queer identity-, -heteronormativity of childhoods-, -transgression of private into public- and -Balkans queer-. For our 2008 edition the main topic of interest is -Crime, sexuality and gender- to be presented in different forms during the event – visual arts, performance, film and an academic conference.
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Take Back the Tech 2007


What’s the issue

//Hundreds of women made private public by testifying about street sexual harrassment in the Blank Noise Project Blogathon in India.
In 2004, a multi-media messanging (MMS) clip of two teenage students engaged in a private sexual act was circulated and eventually put on sale by a third-party in a popular auction site.

//US: In New Mexico, the Domestic Violence Virtual Trial helps judges and court staff learn about issues and challenges in VAW cases, and compare rulings with colleagues.
In 2001, a man was charged with murdering his wife after he intercepted her email and learnt that she planned to leave him. Survivors of domestic violence search for support online and use untraceable, donated cell phones to ensure secure communication.
Best-selling video game, “Grand Theft Auto:San Andreas” encourages their millions of players to treat female sex workers as objects of aggression and murder.

//In South Africa, women survivors of violence gain skills in digital storytelling to share their experiences and courage.

//In Uganda, a SMS campaign called Speak out! Stand Out! is organised by WOUGNET to collect messages against VAW.

//In Quebec, feminists and communication rights activists are creating short video clips and comic postcards on VAW.

//In Malaysia, Burmese refugees are creating audiocasts on issues related to VAW and women’s rights together with Centre for Independent Journalism.

//Take Back the Tech UK: women’s organisations working to end violence against women tell their stories about using ICTs in their work.


Take Back the Tech Global
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