locuri comune ale tranzitiei/commonplaces of transition (video)

[en version]

de la dmedia:

“Locuri Comune ale Tranzitiei” e un proiect video realizat de D Media (Romania), in colaborare cu Ak-Kraak (Germania), Interspace (Bulgaria) si K:SAK (Moldova), care cauta sa reprezinte tranzitia dinauntru, spre deosebire de istoriile ei dominante, care o fac dinafara. Titlul exploateaza intelesul dublu pe care ‘locurile comune’ [commonplaces] il au in engleza: proiectul se concentreaza literal asupra locurilor sau spatiilor geografice ale tranzitiei si, in al doilea rand, examineaza ‘banalitatile’ sau lucrurile stiute ale tranzitiei, cu alte cuvinte acele reprezentari care populeaza taramul ideologiei. Intentia proiectului este aceea de a initia un dialog critic cu privire la semnificatia tranzitiei si a altor posibilitati care sa inlocuiasca simpla ‘ajungere din urma’ a pietei globale. Partenerii au produs 8 lucrari care exploreaza impactul tranzitiei asupra retrasarii frontierelor, transformarea caracterului muncii si diferitele forme de activism. Cele 3 filme produse de D Media [ro cu subtitrare en] sunt:

  • “In tranzit” este jurnalul unei calatorii prin spatiu si timp, alcatuit din impresiile subiective ale prezentului si amintirile copilariei trecute. Povestirea acestei calatorii prin Romania in anul intrarii sale in UE, mediteaza la sensul tranzitiei postcomuniste, la rescrierea istoriei si la relatia dintre imagini si memorie. 30 min, 2008.
  • “Vieti precare” monteaza imagini de arhiva infatisind munca femeilor in secolul trecut cu zece portrete de romance care muncesc din zilele noastre. Lucrarea polemizeaza cu discursul dominant despre precaritate si indiferenta acestuia la diferentele de sex si disparitatile economice intre tarile din lumea intaia si a treia a Europei. 43 min, 2008.
  • “Doua sau trei chestiuni despre activism” e un contradocumentar despre activismul din Romania care chestioneaza deosebirea dintre a face un film despre politica si a face unul in mod politic. In vreme ce diversii protagonisti isi discuta angajamentul militant, comentariul din fundal reflecteaza la motivatiile din culisele filmului. 73 min, 2008.

Pentru informatii suplimentare: jori [at] riseup [dot] net

from dmedia:

“Commonplaces of Transition” is a video project by D Media (Romania), in collaboration with Ak-Kraak (Germany), Interspace (Bulgaria) and K:SAK (Moldova), that seeks to represent postcommunism from the inside, in contrast to the dominant stories told from the outside. The title plays upon the double meaning of ‘commonplaces’: it explores both the common places (or geographical territories) of transition and the commonplaces (or ideologies) of transition. The aim of the project is to open up a critical dialogue about the meaning of transition and other alternatives than simply ‘catching up’ with the global market. Together the partners have produced 8 videos on themes including the remapping of borders and identities, the transformation of labour and the evolution of activism. The 3 videos produced by D Media [ro with en subtitles] are:

  • “In Transit” is a diary of a journey through space and time, composed of subjective impressions of the present and childhood memories of the past. While traveling across Romania in the year of its EU accession, the narrative reflects on postcommunist transition, the re-writing of history and the relation between images and memory. 30 min, 2008.
  • “Precarious Lives” mixes archival footage depicting women’s labour over the past century with ten portraits of Romanian women working today. The video challenges the dominant discourse about precarity and its disregard of differences based on gender and of economic disparities between the first and third worlds of Europe. 43 min, 2008.
  • “Two or Three things about Activism” is a counter-documentary about activism in Romania that simultaneously questions the difference between making a film about politics and making a film politically. While various protagonists discuss their views on activism, the voiceover reflects on the motivations behind the video . 73 min, 2008.

For more info, contact jori [at] riseup [dot] net.

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