Canada: Indigenous Women and Violence (in English and French)

FAQNW [en/fr]

  • “Indigenous Women and Violence”. A report presented to Yakin Ertürk, UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women, its Causes and Consequences
    Published in January 2008; View document
  • “Les femmes autochtones et la violence au Canada”, mémoire présenté à la Rapporteure spéciale des Nations unies contre la violence à l’égard des femmes, ses causes et ses conséquences.
    Publié en janvier 2008; Consultez le document

Studies have shown that indigenous women have a greater risk than any other group in Canada of being victims of domestic violence. According to the available evidence, they are also significantly more likely than non Indigenous women to report the most severe and potentially life- threatening forms of violence, including being beaten or choked, having had a gun or knife used against them, or being sexually assaulted. This study examines some of the possible reasons behind these figures, as well as providing some historical background on indigenous populations within Quebec. It notes that contributing factors include: systemic discrimination against Indigenous peoples, creating insecurities and tensions; economic and social deprivation; high levels of alcohol and substance abuse; poor, overcrowded living conditions; and the breakdown of traditional systems that granted indigenous women positions of equality and authority within their communities as a result of colonisation. Despite the problems faced by indigenous women, they often have restricted access to services such as women’s refuges because they cannot travel the long distances to reach them, or leave behind their jobs and families to do so. They are also often afraid their children will be taken from them by provincial or white authorities or by Indigenous child welfare workers. The report concludes that there is a need for better funded shelters and other services that indigenous women can access easily.

Violence Against Indigenous Women resources @ International Indigenous Women’s Forum [en/es]

h/t crina

RebELLEs [fr/en]

Manifeste du Rassemblement pancanadien des jeunes féministes [en below]

Nous sommes les jeunes RebELLEs qui ont répondu à un appel féministe et nous sommes fières de nous dire féministes. Nous reconnaissons qu’il existe de multiples interprétations du féminisme et nous célébrons et intégrons cette diversité. Nous sommes engagées à favoriser l’expansion continue de la pluralité de nos voix. Nous sommes engagées dans un processus constant de réflexion autocritique visant à alimenter et transformer notre mouvement. Nous reconnaissons qu’au cours de l’histoire, le mouvement féministe occidental majoritaire a exclu les femmes « altérisées » qui sont représentées comme « autres » ou extérieures à la norme blanche par l’idéologie colonialiste. Nous sommes déterminées à apprendre de notre passé, à honorer les luttes menées par nos prédécesseures et à nourrir nos rêves pour l’avenir. Nous apprécions le soutien de nos alliés qui appuient nos luttes féministes pour l’équité et la justice.

Nous sommes des femmes de diverses capacités, ethnicités, origines, sexualités, identités, classes, âges et « races ». Nous comptons parmi nous des femmes employées, sous-employées et sans-emploi, des mères, des étudiantes, des décrocheuses, des artistes, des musiciennes, et des femmes dans l’industrie du sexe. Nous pensons que les personnes trans, bispirituelles et intersexuées font partie intégrante de notre mouvement. Nous reconnaissons et respectons la fluidité des genres et appuyons le droit à l’auto-identification. Nos espaces non mixtes sont ouverts à toutes celles qui s’identifient et vivent socialement comme femmes.

On nous dit que le féminisme est dépassé. Si c’était vrai, nous n’aurions pas besoin de dénoncer le fait que :
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against violence: “How do “we” Keep a Social Movement Alive?”

women of color organizing in the u.s.:

Document the Silence

In October 2007 people all over the United States gathered physically and in spirit to speak out against violence against women of color. Some of us wore red all day and explained that we were reclaiming and reframing our bodies as a challenge to the widespread acceptance of violence against women of color. Some of us wrote powerful essays about why we were wearing red and posted them on the internet. Some of us gathered with bold and like-minded folks and took pictures, shared poetry and expressed solidarity.

This year, on the first anniversary of the Be Bold Be Red Campaign, we invite you to make your bold stance against the violence enacted on women and girls of color in our society visible. In D.C., Chicago, Durham, Atlanta and Detroit women of color will be gathering to renew our commitment to creating a world free from racialized and gendered violence, and this time, we’ll be using a new technology called CyberQuilting to connect all of these gatherings in real time. To learn more about CyberQuilting, which is a women of color led project to stitch movements together using new web technologies and old traditions of love and nurturing, visit

The Cyber-Quilting Experiment – stitching movement together

news and links from make/shift

  • The new issue of Utne Reader recognizes “50 Visionaries Who Are Changing Your World”—and three of them are regular contributors to make/shift! Coeditor/copublisher Jessica Hoffmann, writer brownfemipower, and columnist/reviews editor Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore all made the list.
  • EVENT: MAYRA SIRIAS: LEARNING FROM NICARAGUA, Saturday, November 1, 2008, 2 p.m, Southern California Library

    Mayra Sirias of La Red de Mujeres Contra Violencia is in Southern California for just a few events. In her only L.A. event, she will speak about Nicaraguan women’s work to end violence, reproductive justice, grassroots feminisms, and more. This is a bilingual (Spanish/English) … FREE event … cosponsored by make/shift and INCITE! LA.

  • The latest issue of make/shift magazine features “Without You Who Understand: Letters from Radical Women of Color” (a special section guest-edited by Alexis Pauline Gumbs); a multi-article spread on feminist/cooperative economics; an excerpt from Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore’s new novel, So Many Ways to Sleep Badly; notes on solidarity among queers and feminists in the U.S. and Nicaragua; report-backs from the WOC Lockdown at the University of Michigan and the gender-justice convening in Oakland; and much, much more. Continue reading
  • fwd: Proiect intercultural “Dialog fara frontiere”

    Asociatia Europeana pentru Apararea Drepturilor Omului (AEPADO) si Revista „Fisierele tinerilor” in parteneriat cu Primaria Municipiului Bucuresti organizeaza proiectul „Dialog fara frontiere” pentru a marca Anul european al dialogului intercultural – 2008.

    Proiectul contine 12 concursuri ce promoveaza tinerele talente si legaturile interculturale: eseuri, creatie literara, interpretare
    muzicala, streetdance, dansuri traditionale, improvizatie, teatru, film, grafica, fotografie, informatica si cultura generala.

    La concursuri pot participa, individual sau pe echipe, elevii claselor V-XII din Municipiul Bucuresti.

    Organizatorii si sponsorii proiectului pun la bataie 170 de premii pentru cei mai talentati concurenti. Toti participantii si profesorii coordonatori vor primi diplome de participare.

    Perioada de inscriere: 1 octombrie – 15 noiembrie 2008.

    Pentru mai multe detalii, ne puteti scrie la aepado [la] gmail [punct] com, revista.cnitv [la] yahoo [punct] com sau accesati: si

    Mult succes!

    Gabriel Brezoiu – Coordonator de proiect, AEPADO

    Upcoming screenings of “Trial of a Child Denied”

    “Trial of a Child Denied: An investigation into the coerced sterilization of Roma women in the Czech Republic”

    Document 6 Film Festival
    Friday 17th October at 9.30
    Centre for Contemporary Arts Sauchiehall Street
    Glasgow, Scotland

    The Frontline Club
    Preceded by a short feature – Sanctuary directed by Lovejit Dhaliwal
    Followed by Q&A with director and producer of Trial of a Child Denied, Michelle Coomber and Dana Wilson
    Tuesday, 21st October, 7.30pm
    13 Norfolk Place, London, W2 1QJ

    Golden Wheel Film Festival
    29th to 31st October (exact date TBA)
    Skopje, Macedonia

    fwd from c.

    Femeile rome împotriva segregării


    Asociaţia Femeilor Ţigănci „Pentru Copiii Noştri” demarează proiectul „Femeile rome împotriva segregării”, în parteneriat cu Inspectoratul Judeţean Timiş, Primăria Municipiului Timişoara, Consiliul Judeţean Timiş şi Direcţia Generală de Asistenţă Socială şi Protecţie a Copilului, susţinut de Roma Education Fund

    Astăzi, 10 octombrie 2008, în Sala de Consiliu a Municipiului Timişoara, Asociaţia Femeilor Ţigănci a organizat o întâlnire cu principalele instituţii partenere în vederea implementării proiectului „ Femeile rome împotriva segregării”. Rolul proiectului, prevăzut pentru anul şcolar 2008-2009, este de a facilita integrarea copiilor romi în grădiniţele şi şcolile din Timişoara şi de a combate segregarea, care este o formă de discriminare.
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    Fwd: DiversiFest

    Comunicat de presa: Fii diferit la DiversiFest!

    afisul-diversifest.jpgConcert la scena deschisa cu Vita de Vie, Connect-R, Sarmalele Reci si Amaro Del seara de la 6; biblioteca ad-hoc, proiectie de filme, fotografie si clipuri, rasismometrul, concurs de graffiti, Speaker’s corner de la ora 2 dupa-amiaza – toate in aceeasi zi, 6 septembrie 2008, in Parcul Tineretului din Bucuresti, intrarea Gh. Sincai, la DiversiFest.

    Potrivit Barometrului de Opinie Publica din octombrie 2007 realizat de Fundatia Soros, Romania, jumatate din populatia Romaniei nu doreste sa aiba vecini de etnie roma, iar “proportia celor care ii includ pe homosexuali in categoria vecinilor indezirabili (60%) este apropiata de cea a persoanelor care nu isi doresc vecini alcoolici (67%) sau care sunt dependenti de droguri (72%). Este surprinzator si numarul mare al celor care se refera la categoria persoanelor care au SIDA (42%)”. Continue reading

    HURDORRE – Alianta pentru Educatia si Protectia Copilului Rrom

    Alianta pentru Educatia si Protectia Copilului Rrom

    Aceasta campanie este organizata de Agentia pentru comunicare si gestionare crize “Aven Amentza”, pentru a gandi si pune in aplicare o strategie care sa deblocheze criza prelungita a situatiei copiilor de etnie roma, sa reduca dependentele determinate de ineficienta sistemului institutional romanesc si european.

    ref: “Cazul asistentei maternale capătă iz de ură rasială”

    Aven Amentza