eu-wide study on domestic duties and jobs

Childcare locks women into lower-paid jobs

· Europe-wide study reveals entrenched lifestyle divide
· Domestic duties prevent females pursuing top jobs

December 6, 2007
The Guardian

British women are working in lower paid and lower status jobs than their male counterparts because they still shoulder the responsibility for housework and childcare, a Cambridge University study reveals today.

A “lifestyle divide”, in which women take on the burden of domestic duties, creates a vicious circle as they are then less able to work the long hours needed to win top jobs. They then earn less and are reinforced as responsible for household tasks, says the Europe-wide research.

The divide also leaves women with a longer working day, despite earning less, according to the study. The average working week for a woman in Europe is 68 hours, including paid and domestic work – longer than the average of 55 hours for a man in full-time employment.

The study, the first of its kind since EU members joined from the former eastern bloc, suggests efforts to reduce the workplace gender gap in the UK and the rest of Europe have made little progress since the early 1990s. It reinforces the warnings of several British studies that part-time working, now more accessible in the UK thanks to a right to ask to work flexibly, can lock women into low-paid jobs. more

About the study – University of Cambridge

pozitivi cu hate speech-ul

nu stiu de ce obsesia cu desteptaciunea lor (in contrast cu prostia altora) e o trasatura atit de caracteristica bully-ilor… cu cit mai mai egoist, macho si pus pe hate speech e cineva, cu atit mai des pare sa faca declaratii despre “cretinitatea” din jur; mai mult, cu atit mai convins pare sa fie ca astfel de declaratii/acuzatii sint argumente. hm…

despre parazitii, ultimul lor album “slalom printre cretini” si un interviu in care isi etaleaza atit non-cretinitatea sclipitoare cit si atitudinea “pozitiva” @ pumukli:

Rasisti, misogini, homofobi, dar pozitivi!

Chiar daca nu imi plac, fac parte din a noastra mandra cultura si au influenta – probabil mai mare decat un clip antidiscriminare dat la TV de nici nu apuci sa il vezi – si, ma rog, confirma simtamintele multora dintre romani. E vorba de Parazitii si al lor album Slalom printre cretini. Din pacate, multi tineri rebeli si probabil entelectali ii asculta…. Iata neste versuri si explicatii date de ei.

“Ma pis pe gay si nu-i normal ca copiii sa vada homosexuali lingadu-se pe strada ()Sa trimitem bulangii in pachet la Barcelona”. Explicatie Parazitii : Este o gluma. Daca as putea sa-i trimit pe toti la Barcelona , i-as trimite si n-ar mai fi o gluma. Eu nu vreau sa-mi cresc copiii printre barbati care se saruta in fata lor”.

Noi romanii, “nu cersim cu handicapul la vedere si nu ghicim in palma in dughene mizere”. Explicatie Parazitii : De ce nu avem voie sa spunem ceea ce credem? De ce trebuie sa protejam atat ideea de minoritate?

Iar femeile, ia ghici? sunt proaste si curve. Explicatie Parazitii : Si pana sa facem noi piesele nu se simteau? Inseamna ca aveau o problema…. Insa exista si exceptii.

Si cireasa de pe tort: “Mesajul nostru este absolut pozitiv!” Really??? Tot interviul aici. O piesa aici.

glosar de gen, violenta, discriminare multipla

niste resurse institutionale (si info in plus):

de la CPE
“Intrebari frecvente”
– glosar de termeni “de gen”:
Ce inseamna actiune afirmativa (positive action)? / De ce avem nevoie de egalitatea de sanse pentru femei si barbati? / Ce inseamna gen social (gender)? / Ce sunt stereotipurile de gen? / Ce este traficul de persoane? / De ce sunt oamenii traficati? / Reprezinta oare prostitutia singurul scop pentru care oamenii sunt traficati? / Sunt oare femeile singura categorie de persoane traficate?/ Care este diferenta intre „Femeia in dezvoltare” si „Gen si dezvoltare”? / Ce este “Gender mainstreaming”? / Ce este “Empowerment”? / La ce se refera conceptul de „Balanta de Gen”? / Ce se are in vedere prin expimarea ca o initiativa/proiect/activitate este „Gender-Ignoranta”? / In ce consta conceptul de „Egalitate de Gen”? / In ce consta conceptul de “Echitate de Gen”? / Ce se are in vedere prin „Dezvoltarea Capacitatilor”? / Ce defineste conceptul „Sensibil din punct de vedere Gender”? / La ce se refera „Relatiile de Gender” / Ce este “Leadership”? / Ce inseamna violenta impotriva femeii? / Care sunt tipurile de violenta impotriva femeii? / Ce este violenta domestica? / Cine sunt victimele violentei domestice? / Ce este abuzul?
(alte definitii in glosarul lf-ro: Actiune afirmativa / Analiza din perspectiva (egalitatii) de gen / Androcentrism / Autoritate / Barbati homosexuali (barbati gay / faggot / fags) / Capitalism de consum / Coming out /coming out of the closet / Comodificare (sau obiectificare) / Constructie sociala / Cultura violului (rape culture) / Deconstruire / Determinism biologic / Diferenta / Discriminare / Dubla constrangere / Dublu standard / Dyke / Epistemologie / Esentialism / Feminism / Feminism: valuri / Feminism: tipuri / Gay / Gen / Gender mainstreaming / Genderqueer / Globalizare / Heteronormativitate / Heterosexismul / Homofobia / Identitate sexuala (sexual identity) / Ideologie dominanta / Ierarhie / (In)egalitate de gen / Institutie / Intersexual / Justitie sociala / Lesbiene (femei homosexuale / femei gay / dykes) / Lesbiana versus Feminitate / LGBT / Lumea a treia / Mainstream / Marginalizare / Misandrie / Misoginie / Opresiune / Opresiuni intrepatrunse (interlocking/intersecting oppressions) / Patriarhat, / Praxis / Privilegiu / Putere / Queer / Riot Grrrl / Sex / Sexism / Sexualitate / Sex worker / Studii de gen / Tokenism / Violenta sistemica / Transgender / Transsexual / Travestiti / Womanism)

de la ANES
“Violenta de gen”
– definitia problemei si oficial despre legea 217/2003
(o colectie de info privind problemele cu implementarea legii aici)

tot de la ANES, o stire recenta
Raportul “Discriminare multipla in Romania” (de Cristina Mocanu de la Institutul National de Cercetare Stiintifica in Domeniul Muncii si Protectiei Sociale/Laura Grunberg de la AnA SAF) a fost finalizat si lansat

informatii transmise de c.

h. da detalii despre concluziile raportului pe discriminare multipla aici

Five Colleges Women’s Studies Research Center


A collaborative project of Amherst, Hampshire, Mount Holyoke, and Smith Colleges and the University of Massachusetts, Amherst

The Center invites applications for its RESEARCH ASSOCIATESHIPS for 2008-2009 from scholars and teachers at all levels of the educational system, as well as from artists, community organizers and political activists, both local and international. Associates are provided with offices in our spacious facility, library privileges, and the collegiality of a diverse community of feminists. Research Associate applications are accepted for either a semester or the academic year. The Center supports projects in all disciplines so long as they focus centrally on women or gender. Regular Research Associateships are non-stipendiary. We accept about 15-18 Research Associates per year.
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Call for participation in European female photo exhibition

Tracing love 24/7 engagement
Belgrade, Serbia, June 2008

Exhibition is open for all female photographers.

Send us, please:
• your photos, digital, by e-mail and printed, by mail.
• we need up to 3 photos (in e-mail form, 300 pixels/inch resolution),
• your CV (up to 150 words), and
• your contact (address and phone number).

Photos will be selected by Cultural Centre DEVE, Belgrade, Serbia, and consultants, Ms Marian Bakker and Ms Ditte Wessels from Holland.

Application dead-line is April 1, 2008

All the works that will take part in exhibition will be published in monography Tracing love 24/7 engagement

Our contact:

Katiceva 2
11 000 Beograd

greenham common – the women’s peace camp

“…In December it will be 25 years since the 30,000 joined hands around the perimeter fence of a US army base in Newbury in Berkshire in protest at the proposed siting of cruise missiles there. In the years that followed, a permanent protest was established with groups of women camping outside the base. To make their point they repeatedly blocked the gates, penetrated the base, successfully organised mass demonstrations and generally poured joyful scorn on the authorities’ inability to keep them out or shut them up…” (“All our roads led there”, about the documentary)

more @ the f-word:

In 1981 a small group of women and children marched from Cardiff to Greenham Common to protest against the siting of cruise missiles at the U.S military base in Newbury, Berkshire. They were called “Women For Life on Earth” and they triggered the birth of a new non-violent direct action movement and the biggest women-only peace protest the world has ever seen.

Upon arrival at the base some women, in Suffragette style, chained themselves to the main gate. Legend has it that the base commander came out to greet the women and with a sneer informed them that as far as he was concerned, they could stay there as long as they liked. So stay they did, in their thousands, for approximately the next 12 years, long enough to see the last U.S soldier leave by the gates they had built.

In December 1982 30,000 women joined hands around the nine and a half mile perimeter fence at the base and followed this up the year after with an even bigger “Embrace The Base” protest. Women took direct action against the military machine that they saw as a direct threat to themselves and to the poorest women and children of the world. While the military boy’s games went on behind the razer wire, and trillions were being spent on weapons of mass destruction, women protested that so many die without clean water or food or medicine, that hospitals and schools were underfunded, that women’s refuges had to run on charity and mourned the many killed in war. It was clear to this re-emerging new Women’s Peace Movement that peace was a feminist issue, and while men were making decisions at that base every day that affected the lives of women and children around the world, women decided to take some power back, and were making their own decisions and taking their own actions, to stop the warmongers in their tracks.

Greenham Common has now been restored as a common. The local council is taking down the fence and reintroducing native trees, protecting and encouraging wildlife. The silos still stand, as an indication of what used to go on there, the huge bomb proof bunkers for soldiers on 24hr watch, practicing the launch of their nuclear weapons. Now nettles and birch trees are cracking the concrete and forcing their way up through the runway. As the common is reclaimed at last, new protests have been growing for many years at other military bases around Britain.

Greenham touched so many women, not just those who went there, but so many around the world who heard about it on the news, read about it in papers and magazines. Women from Greenham carried that spirit with them, to their local towns and cities, to their local bases. Some of those women turned their attention to Menwith Hill, the largest American military spy base in the world, in the middle of the North Yorkshire dales, seven miles from Harrogate. A permanent women’s peace camp was established there in 1993, and remained there, through various evictions, for the next five years.

and from protester rebecca johnson in a 1987 letter-to-the-editor:

I lived at Greenham for five years, from August 1982. When I first arrived there was only one gate, the Main Gate, with about 15 women living in the shadow of imminent eviction. Sure enough, the caravans were taken away, boulders were dumped near the entrance to restrict access, and it rained for 40 days.

Yet that small band of muddy women managed to organise one of the largest women’s demonstrations this century. Embrace The Base/Close The Base took place on a December weekend in 1982 with 35,000 women encircling the Greenham airfield.

In the five years since then, thousands of women have taken non-violent direct action – trespassing, blockading, painting, and cutting the perimeter fence. They have clogged the courts and prisons. There has been a High Court injunction and daily evictions. It has been an extraordinary saga. By 1983, eight camps had been established around the base (and one inside), and even today there are four surviving camps.

When I first went to Greenham, it was the ‘first use’ war-fighting strategy for the cruise missiles that had shocked me into action. But the women at the camp also raised challenges and discussisons on the many other faces of violence.

From the experience of Greenham, women’s networks arose to campaign against the military exploitation and destruction of the Pacific islands, and against the obscene waste of the food ‘mountains’ Greenham women painted porn shops and the offices of Barclays Bank and Shell, to draw attention to commercial collaboration in the violence of rape and apartheid.

Women from Greenham went out to Zimbabwe and Nicaragua, to the US and the Soviet Union, and linked up with other women struggling for peace and justice around the world and challenging militarism and violence wherever it manifests itself. Greenham women have been part of peace camps in Ireland and took part in Mines Not Missiles marches during the 1984 strike against pit closures.

We tried to establish ways of working that were feminist and non-hierarchical, non-violent, anti-racist and community-oriented. We sought to involve women who could not necessarily live fulltime at the camp, but whose experiece and participation was necessary and valuable to the struggle…