couple all grrl bands

zimbabwe, lithuania

siren, netherlands

cinica, brazil

skilla, sweden (who can’t make it to bucharest)

dj combustion, sweden (who sadly also can’t make it)
short film “combustion, 5 years of kicking ass”:

music by these artists in right order (they have played live at combustion)
—————————————- —-
trash can entertainment are

program ladyfest ro 07

Niste detalii despre programul din octombrie, mai multe in curand: 
(english below)

PENTRU REZERVARI (bilete si/sau cazare), foloseste formularul de AICI!
Evenimentele din cadrul festivalului se vor desfasura intre dupa-amiaza zilei de vineri, 12 octombrie, si sfarsitul zilei de duminica, 14 octombrie, cu ateliere, discutii, proiectii de film si actiuni pe timpul zilei si serii, si concerte de muzica/show-uri noaptea. Lucrari de arta vizuala vor fi expuse pe toata perioada festivalului.

Anul acesta, colectivul LF-Ro a decis sa colaboreze cu H.arta, un grup de trei artiste format in 2001. Grupul detine o galerie proprie, organizeaza expozitii, intalniri, dezbateri si ateliere si dezvolta proiecte in afara galeriei, implicand participarea unor artisti invitati sau a unor grupuri activiste si gravitand in sfera dialogului si atitudinii critice. In cadrul proiectului lor PROJECT SPACE, H.arta va gazdui portiunea din programul Ladyfest 2007 ce cuprinde ATELIERE pe teme variate – cum ar fi +++idei preconcepute: o zi in media, +++strategii anti-rasiste, +++vegan baking, +++identitati queer/(bi)sexualitate, +++maternitatea si implicatiile sale sociale si politice, +++un text colectiv despre teama, +++radical reading, +++gen si wikipedia/prezenta femeilor in spatii pe internet, +++activism video, +++corporalitatea noastra, +++feminist self-defense, +++intro to open source software, +++zine-making – precum si DISCUTII, prezentari si dezbateri pe teme ca +++femei si stiinta/tehnologie, +++comunicare ne-ierarhica, feminista, non-violenta si organizare in grup, +++prostitutie, trafic uman si violenta impotriva femeilor. In plus, festivalul va incorpora o serie de PROIECTII VIDEO si discutii organizate de Asociatia D Media/Joanne Richardson pe teme legate de post-comunism, tranzitie, munca femeilor, delocalizare si migratie, gen si precaritate. De asemenea, vor mai fi proiectate si cateva filme din biblioteca Ladyfest.
Continue reading

re: legalization of prostitution

(see also “Prostitution… give them all a share of it!” from the blog archives/lf zine — & in romanian: “Prostitutia… dati fiecaruia partea lui!” “MAI promite legalizarea prostitutiei?”, “Prostitutie I”, “Prostitutie II”)


*Not For Sale*
Women speak out about sexual exploitation in prostitution and trafficking
A video by Marie Vermeiren

The film (23 min) challenges the traditional views and myths on prostitution and sexual exploitation of women’s bodies. It includes interviews with women survivors of trafficking for sexual exploitation and prostitution, women sharing their life experiences and demanding governmental action and responsibility to combat violence against women, including trafficking and prostitution. The film is part of the joint project EWL-CATW on trafficking in women for sexual exploitation.

To see the film online:


‘It’s like you sign a contract to be raped’

If you believe their PR, Nevada’s legal brothels are safe, healthy – even fun – places in which to work. So why do so many prostitutes tell such horrific tales of abuse?
— The Guardian, Friday September 7, 2007

There is only one place in the US where brothels are legal, and that’s Nevada – a state in which prostitution has been considered a necessary service industry since the days when the place was populated solely by prospecters. There are at least 20 legal brothels in business now. Not so many, you might think, but these state-sanctioned operations punch above their weight in PR terms.

full article

video ladyfest vilnius/”gender sabotage”

from the Intergenerational Feminist Dialogue affinity group for the European Feminist Forum (happening in Poland, 13 -15 june 2008):
Click here to download and view the video from the women’s festival “Gender Sabotage” in Vilnius, which took place on May 10-12, 2007. The video includes clips from performances by various artists, clips of lectures and an interview with one of the organizers.
Ladyfest Vilnius ’07