Niste detalii despre programul din octombrie, mai multe in curand:
(english below)
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Evenimentele din cadrul festivalului se vor desfasura intre dupa-amiaza zilei de vineri, 12 octombrie, si sfarsitul zilei de duminica, 14 octombrie, cu ateliere, discutii, proiectii de film si actiuni pe timpul zilei si serii, si concerte de muzica/show-uri noaptea. Lucrari de arta vizuala vor fi expuse pe toata perioada festivalului.
Anul acesta, colectivul LF-Ro a decis sa colaboreze cu H.arta, un grup de trei artiste format in 2001. Grupul detine o galerie proprie, organizeaza expozitii, intalniri, dezbateri si ateliere si dezvolta proiecte in afara galeriei, implicand participarea unor artisti invitati sau a unor grupuri activiste si gravitand in sfera dialogului si atitudinii critice. In cadrul proiectului lor PROJECT SPACE, H.arta va gazdui portiunea din programul Ladyfest 2007 ce cuprinde ATELIERE pe teme variate – cum ar fi +++idei preconcepute: o zi in media, +++strategii anti-rasiste, +++vegan baking, +++identitati queer/(bi)sexualitate, +++maternitatea si implicatiile sale sociale si politice, +++un text colectiv despre teama, +++radical reading, +++gen si wikipedia/prezenta femeilor in spatii pe internet, +++activism video, +++corporalitatea noastra, +++feminist self-defense, +++intro to open source software, +++zine-making – precum si DISCUTII, prezentari si dezbateri pe teme ca +++femei si stiinta/tehnologie, +++comunicare ne-ierarhica, feminista, non-violenta si organizare in grup, +++prostitutie, trafic uman si violenta impotriva femeilor. In plus, festivalul va incorpora o serie de PROIECTII VIDEO si discutii organizate de Asociatia D Media/Joanne Richardson pe teme legate de post-comunism, tranzitie, munca femeilor, delocalizare si migratie, gen si precaritate. De asemenea, vor mai fi proiectate si cateva filme din biblioteca Ladyfest.
Pe langa EXPOZITII si CONCERTE prin care urmarim sa promovam implicarea femeilor si fetelor in crearea artei, precum si la etalarea si participarea ca parte integranta a scenelor culturale si sociale alternative/underground, festivalul va include si un mars Take Back the Night al carui scop este protestul impotriva status quo-ului care induce in femei teama de a umbla singure pe strada in timpul noptii si impotriva violentei asupra femeilor in general.
Vom face, de asemenea, si un “tur radical” al Bucurestiului, pe parcursul caruia vom furniza informatii despre putin cunoscuta istorie a locatiilor din oras care au relevanta pentru problemele legate de gen, LGBTQ sau justitie sociala.
In plus, festivalul va oferi spatiu pentru un “targ activist”, unde intentionam sa invitam grupuri activiste din intreaga tara, pentru a-si prezenta misiunea, activitatile, actiunile, precum si pe ei insisi, in ideea formarii de colaborari si impartasirii de informatii.
Some details about the program in October, with more to come:
FOR RESERVATIONS (tickets and/or housing), use the form HERE!
The festival events will take place starting Friday Oct. 12th, in the afternoon, and ending Sunday, Oct. 14th, at night, with workshops, discussions, film screenings and actions during the day and evening, and music concerts/shows at night. Visual art will be exhibited throughout the entire festival.
This year, the LF-Ro collective has chosen to work together with H.arta, a three-woman art collective formed in 2001. The group, with their own space, organizes exhibitions, meetings, debates, workshops, as well as develops projects outside the gallery involving the participation of visiting artists or activist groups, and revolving around dialogue and critical attitude. As part of their project PROJECT SPACE, H.arta will host the portion of the Ladyfest 2007 program that includes WORKSHOPS on a variety of topics – such as +++preconcieved ideas: a day in the media, +++ anti-racist strategies, +++vegan baking, +++queer identities/(bi)sexuality, +++maternity and its social and political implications, +++a collective text about fear, +++radical reading, +++gender and wikipedia/women’s presence in internet spaces, +++video activism, +++our corporality, +++feminist self-defense, +++intro to open source software, +++zine-making – as well as DISCUSSIONS, presentations, and debates with subjects such as +++women and science/technology, +++non-hierarchical, feminist, non-violent communication and group organizing, +++prostitution, human traffic, and violence against women. The festival will also incorporate a series of VIDEO SCREENINGS and discussions organized by D Media Association/Joanne Richardson on post-communism and transition, women’s work, delocalization and migration, as well as gender and precarity. Several films from the Ladyfest library will also be shown.
Besides the EXHIBITIONS and CONCERTS through which we intend to promote the involvement of women and girls in creating art, performing and being part of underground/alternative social and cultural scenes, the festival will include a Take Back the Night march of protest against women’s fear to walk alone at night and violence against women in general.
We will also do a “radical tour” of Bucharest, in which we will provide some info on the little known histories of physical locations around the city that have relevance for gender, LGBTQ, or other social justice issues.
Last but not least, the festival will also provide room for an “activist fair” where we intend to invite activist groups from around the country to make their missions, activities and actions available, present their groups in order to do some networking and info sharing.
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