comunicat: Ziua internaţională a femeilor – 8 martie 2009

Bucuresti, 08 Martie 2009 – Mesajul doamnei Thoraya Ahmed Obaid, Director Executiv al UNFPA, Fondul ONU pentru Populaţie

Astăzi, cu ocazia Zilei internaţionale a femeilor, haideţi să ne unim eforturile pentru a pune capăt violenţei îndreptate împotriva femeilor şi a fetelor. Continue reading

8 martie!

istorii, spatii libere, democratie participativa, justitie economica

8 martie – Ziua Internaţională a Femeilor!

Spatiul h.arta
Str. Zugrav Nedelcu nr. 11, Timişoara
(intrarea din Splaiul Tudor Vladimirescu)
si spatiul public al orasului

Ziua de 8 martie are o istorie legata de luptele pentru egalitate sociala, o istorie a eforturilor şi sacrificiilor depuse de femei obisnuite pentru drepturi in campul muncii. Aceasta istorie a unei zile care sa celebreze femeile care muncesc (facand atat munca salariata cat si muncile casnice neplatite, atat munca productiva cat si munca reproductiva) este acoperita de identificarea zilei de 8 martie nu cu o zi a femeilor care militeaza pentru drepturile lor ci cu o zi a femeilor pasive, care sunt, prin menire si destin doar mame si consumatoare.

Va invitam sa sarbatorim ziua de 8 martie avandu-le in minte pe femeile care s-au opus si se opun inegalitatilor de multiple feluri, pe cele care prin atitudinile si actiunile lor au participat si participa la construirea unei realitati mai echitabile.

Program Continue reading

Fwd: A fost lansata Campania Respectului pentru Femei

In Romania, in fiecare minut doua femei sunt victime ale violentei domestice[1]

Bucuresti, 4 decembrie 2008. Pentru a aduce acesta realitate dura in atentia opiniei publice, AVON Romania, cu sprijinul Centrului pentru Jurnalism Independent, a lansat astazi Campania Respectului pentru Femei. Campania are drept scop prevenirea violentei impotriva femeilor prin educarea publicului si prin sustinerea proiectelor sociale care combat acest fenomen. Continue reading

[Sibiu] Comunicat de presa: actiuni de combatere a violentei domestice

via c.

Evenimente publice cu rol de constientizare
„Prin indiferentã permiti violenta. Aratã cã îti pasã!”
martorele-tacute.jpg fotografie-robert-cziszer_un-nou-inceput.jpg fotografie-robert-cziszer.jpg
Pe plan mondial, Organizatia Natiunilor Unite a stabilit ca în fiecare an între 25 noiembrie si 10 decembrie sã aibã loc 16 zile internationale de combatere a violentei împotriva femeii. La Sibiu Asociatia pentru Libertate si Egalitate de Gen – A.L.E.G. organizeazã în 8-9 decembrie actiuni publice care au rol de constientizare si informare. Mesajul nostru este „Prin indiferentã permiti violenta. Aratã cã îti pasã! Continue reading

Action Research & Feminism Conference, Cluj


Location: Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences, Room 5, Floor 4, Str. G-ral Traian Moşoiu nr. 71

11:00 – 12:30 (public lectures)
Well-come talk by Gabriel Bădescu (head of the Department of Political Sciences)
Barbara Einhorn: Mass dictatorships and gender politics
Sue Thornham: Feminism, post-feminism and the academy
Jasmina Lukič: Problems of disciplinization of an ‘interdisciplinary discipline’

Location: Tranzit House, Str. Bariţiu nr. 16
15:00 – 16:30
Panel 1/ Interdisciplinarity and participatory research Continue reading

Conference “Post-socialism, neo-liberalism – old and new gendered societies and policies”

IGU Commission on gender and geography Conference
“Post-socialism, neo-liberalism – old and new gendered societies and policies”
*22^nd –24^th May 2009*

This conference will be held in the year marking the 20th anniversary of the East Central European political changes of 1989. In the past two decades the region has hosted international conferences on the post-socialist transition that were organised by and for feminist scholars of different disciplines. Reflecting the marginal position of gender studies within human geography in the post-socialist countries, Eastern and Central European feminist geographers had very low visibility in these discussions. For them (us) the most helpful supporters are feminist sociologists, anthropologists, political scientists etc. and feminist geographers living outside of post-socialist Europe. The former groups of social scientists are dealing already with the question whether post-socialism is still a relevant category for research, partly because of the strengthening process of neo-liberalisation that is also attracting the interest of geographers. Thus, it is time to put on the agenda comparing the similarities and differences in the systems of post-socialism and neo-liberalism through the prism of ‘gender’.

The primary *_aim_* of this interdisciplinary conference is

i) to provide a platform for critical evaluation of post-socialism and neo-liberalism from feminist perspectives;
ii) understanding women’s and men’s everyday experiences;
iii) revealing the particular geographies of the gender dimensions of these ‘models’.

Papers are invited on the following basic *_themes_*: Continue reading

fwd: III International Congress on Islamic Feminism

Third International Congress on Islamic Feminism
Barcelona 24th-27th October 2008

The Third International Congress on Islamic Feminism has been announced by Junta Islàmica Catalana (Catalonian Islamic Board) and will take place in Barcelona, 24th-27th October 2008.

The conference will be focused on the problems of Muslim women in the Global era. Many Muslim women today are facing a double oppression: economic (neo-liberalism) and political (religious fundamentalism). The Congress will consider the responses given by Islamic feminists to this situation, and their contribution towards the construction of a new civil society worldwide, based on a culture of human rights and Qur’anic values such as democracy, social justice, freedom of conscience and gender equality.

Distinguished Muslim personalities will be attending, such as Bouthaina Shaaban, Syria’s Minister for Refugees and candidate for Nobel Peace Prize; and Baroness Uddin, the first Muslim woman becoming member of the House of Lords in Britain.
