call for submissions

call for submissions


past forward

Exhibition and meetings: March 9 to March 31, 2007
Opening: March 8, 2007, International Women’s Day

past forward, cyber fems virtual real:
Exhibition of virtual works: Paper hangings and presentation of online
works as room installation projections.

past forward, cyber fems real saturday meetings:
Real appearance, presentations, panels, discussions, performances,
concerts, happenings, djane actings …


Dear Artists!

We would like to invite women artists working in the fields of
cyberfeminism and new media to an open exhibition starting on March 8,
2007, the International Women’s Day, in the rooms of the Austrian
Association of Women Artists, Vienna. The founding of this first artists
association in Austria in 1910 was a reaction to the general exclusion
of women artists from the artworld and resulted from the first women’s
movements and its international networking. We see feminisms today for
the most part as being depoliticized. Therefore, past forward focuses on
the question: how are depoliticizing aspects emerging today in light of
global politics?

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keep on living

le tigre, “keep on livin'”

(video creat in colaborare cu paper tiger television)

You hide inside, so not okay
(keep on, keep on livin’)
What if you remember more today?
(keep on, keep on livin’)
The phone rings but there’s too much to say
(keep on, keep on livin’)
You tell them to go when you wish they would stay
(keep on, keep on livin’)

You gotta keep on (keep on livin!)
You gotta keep on (keep on livin!)
You gotta keep on (keep on livin!)
You gotta keep on (keep on livin!)

Disprportionate reactions just won’t fade
(keep on, keep on livin’)
Every dude you see puts you in a rage
(keep on, keep on livin’)
Or stupid shit keeps making you cry
(keep on, keep on livin’)
Your friends are worried you won’t tell them why
(keep on, keep on livin’)

You gotta keep on (keep on livin!)
You gotta keep on (keep on livin!)
You gotta keep on (keep on livin!)
You gotta keep on (keep on livin!)

Look up to the sky sky sky
Take back your own tonight
You’ll find more than you see
It’s time now now get ready
So you can taste that sweet sweet cake and
Feel the warm water in a lake (y’know)
What about the nice cool breeze and
Hear the buzzing of the bumble bees
Live past those neighborhood lives and
Go past that yard outside and
Push thru their greatest fears and
live past your memories tears cuz
You don’t need to scratch inside just please
Hold onto your pride
So don’t let them bring you down and
Don’t let them fuck you around cuz
Those are your arms that is your heart and
No no they can’t tear you apart cuz

This is your time this is your life and
This is your time this is your life and
This is your time this is your life and
This is your time this is your life and….

You gotta keep on(keep on livin!)
Gotta keep on(keep on livin!)
You gotta keep on(keep on livin!)
Gotta keep on(keep on livin!)
You gotta keep on(keep on livin!)
Gotta keep on(keep on livin!)
You gotta keep on(keep on livin!)
Gotta keep on(keep on livin!)

Take back the tech! campaign

During the Know How conference held in Mexico City from August 23-26, the Association for Progressive Communications Women’s Networking Support Programme (APC WNSP) issued a call to all grrls, librarians, lecturers, writers, techies, geek grrls, bloggers, emailers, SMSers, advocates, trainers, storytellers, poets, writers, web managers, theorists, graffiti artists, photographers… to take control of ICTs and consciously use it to disrupt gender relations. To Take Back The Tech is necessary in order to reclaim women’s critical contribution to ICT development, as well as their SPACES and RIGHTS to move, shape, define, participate, use, share freely without harassment or threat to safety.


*What is the campaign about?*

It is simply a call for every person who uses online communications (ICTs), e.g. for chatting, emailing, blogging, doing websites or developing tools, to use ICTs for activism against VAW (violence against women) for 16 days [the 16 days of activism against gender violence].

Primarily, we are asking women and grrls to “Take Back The Tech!” But you don’t have to be female to disagree with violence faced by women and be part of the campaign to transform gender relations. Unequal power relations lie at the heart of VAW, and this is apparent from the streets to online spaces. So we’re now saying technology should be used for equality, not to perpetuate violence.

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Talibanism in Technology by Deepa Kandaswamy


The article examines the global phenomenon of “technological talibanism” and seven reasons why women in science and technology have remained invisible through out the ages.

Seven reasons why women in technology remain invisible…

Most of us have heard of the Taj Mahal, one of the seven wonders of the
modern world. We also know it was built in memory of Mumtaz Mahal.
But how many of us know of her aunt, Nor Mahal? She invented the
device to perform attar distillation from flowers to make perfumes.
Despite 4,000 years of contribution, we do not know about most
pioneering women in technology—like Empress Shi Dun, who invented
paper, Penthesilea, who invented the battle axe, and Catherine Green,
who invented the cotton gin (though Eli Whitney holds the patent).
Florence Nightingale, the famous nurse, was also a brilliant
mathematician, and her contribution as the inventor of the pie chart that
businesses, technologists, researchers and governments throughout the
world use today, is virtually unknown.

This continues even in this ‘Information Age’ where we boast of living in
knowledge-based societies. How many of us know of Helen Greiner, a
scientist and the only woman to run a robot company in the world or of
Vanitha Rangaraju who is the only Indian woman to win an Oscar for her
technical work for the movie Shrek?
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povestea mea despre etc06

eclectictechcarnival-orgbig.jpgin mai multe episoade

1. e prima seara in timisoara, suntem vreo 15 fete intr un restaurant cu specific romanesc, putin cam inghesuite (ca sa incapem toate, plus cativa rucsaci), din timp in timp cate cineva soseste de la gara, sau de la hotel, se vbeste in cel putin 3 limbi, se comanda mancare cat mai specific romaneasca si in general vegana, se primesc si se dau telefoane, este, deci, o oarecare agitatie, si cu toate astea la un moment dat realizez surprinsa ca nu facem zgomot aproape deloc! e destul de liniste… si linistitor…

2. prima dimineata la etc: lumea se aduna, spre mirarea mea, inainte de ora 9,30… amenajam spatiul… oare de cand nu am mai carat atat de multe mese si scaune?… iata ca mai pot!

3. dupa-amiaza primei zile: stam in cerc pe scaunele, donna a facut o prezentare a istoriei etc, urmeaza sa ne prezentam si noi; observ ca lumea e foarte relaxata, unele dintre fete sunt descultze (asta pentru mine inseamna libertate, incredere in tine si chill), eu tremur pentru ca stiu ca nu exista scapare, mai devreme sau mai tarziu tot va trebui sa spun 2 vorbe, asa ca ma descaltz, in speranta ca o sa ma simt mai bine… in minutul urmator, privirea donnei se indreapta spre mine, asa ca ma ridic desculta si incep sa vorbesc cu o voce gatuita despre cum am 10 de ani de cand ma ocup cu computere, si totusi ma simt intimidata de domeniu, si, da , am venit aici sperand sa depasesc inhibitiiiile… uff, am scapat, ma pot aseza la loc, celalalte fete se prezinta pe rand, si la un moment dat ma surpind lacrimand… ! pfui, numai eu puteam sa patesc asta… sper ca nu m a vazut nimeni :-)

4.dimineata celei de a doua zile: atelierul de audio al lui reni… n am vazut in viata mea asa aproape un mixer… cu siguranta m am aflat de cateva ori f aproape de asa ceva, dar n am indraznit sa ma uit la el, de teama sa nu par penibila in ochii celoralti sau ai zeului dj… de data asta ajung sa conectez un MiniDisc player (asa o fi numit?) la mixer si apoi la laptop, si prin firele alea sunetul chiar se transmite! uau! :-)
legat de atelierul lui reni de audio, am invatat sa compresez bine de tot un mp3 file,
transformandu-l in ogg, cu audacity!… micsoreaza de 10 ori, si n am observat nici o diferenta de calitate a sunetului!… pe cat ma pricep si eu…

5.dupa amiaza celei de a doua zile: de sub nasul nostru dispare portofelul cu actele donnei!… suntem in caldirea casei tineretului, la intrare exista cel putin doi portari, din incaperile pe care le ocupam se mai poate ajunge intr un birou unde sta un baiat de la nu stiu ce centru, dar in rest, suntem numai femei (deci orice tip suspect trebuie sa sara in ochi!), si cu toate astea un individ a intrat si a sustras portofelul..spun individ, pentru ca multe dintre noi l au si vazut, dar nimeni nu s a gandit ca un hot ar putea sa intre asa in spatiul ala, sa stea si sa ne studieze, pretinzand ca-l asteapta pe baiatul din camera vecina…
zic pretinzand, pentru ca baiatul nu l cunostea, de fapt… sunt absolut sigura ca individul era mana in mana cu careva din personalul cladirii, care stia de evenimentul nostru… cand s a intamplat asta, mi am zis: e clar, donnei n o sa i mai arda de etc, o sa fie prea ocupata sa alerge dupa acte, si cu siguranta asta va fi o pierdere… si cred ca a fost chiar asa…
donna imi pare a fi unul dintre acei oameni care coalizeaza si canalizeaza energiile…

7.atelierul de hardware: pun mana pe suruberlnita si desfac tot in bucati, anca face echipa cu mine dar, din fericire, trebuie sa vorbeasca si la telelefon (e dintre organizatoare), asa ca jucarica ramane pe mana mea… aham, deci coolerul sta pe radiator care sta pe procesor, si procesorul are cateva zeci de pinisori (din aur, zice sara) pe care tbuie sa ai grija sa nu i rupi cand ii pui la loc!

8. intalnirea de la gradina japoneza: sara face o scurta prezentare a etc, nita spune si ea cum a adus etc la timisoara, apoi toate fetele sunt poftite sa si dea cu parerea… si multe dintre ele chiar isi dau :-)… eu nu, fireste… filmul kathei despre femeile artiste in romania (“We are girls, but…Women artists in Romania between
everyday life and visions”) chiar imi place… se incheie cu o punere fata in fata a celor doua atitudini feminine la adresa feminismului: “i am in, il imbratisez si activez” vs “asta nu mai e necesar, e prea politic pentru mine, nu e suficient de personal, nu vreau sa ma asociez cu…”…

9.ultima seara impreuna: ca de obicei, ne despartim abia cand am reusit sa ne imprietenim… :-)…
turul barurilor din oras, ca sa o facem cat mai lata la final… pupaturi si imbratisari…

Eclectic Tech Carnival – about

Eclectic Tech Carnival 2006, a carnival of exchanging
computer-related skills, ideas and art. By women and for women.
/etc2006, 4-8 September, Timisoara, Romania

Since 2001, the network of women who help organize the
Eclectic Tech Carnival or /etc has grown both far and wide.
We are geographically some-what diverse and we have varied
experiences and expertise in computing, technology, art
and activism. We are an eclectic bunch. Since the northern
summer of 2002, we (or some subset there of) have successfully organized an annual Eclectic Tech Carnival.

To connect, to network in real life. The global village
has come at the price of community. We are interested in
tech things and like to play with it. We know there are
other women who are also interested. There is little
opportunity for us to get together. And there is even
less open space for women to learn new skills. It is
especially hard for those with little resources to make
a start.
We want to change that!
We want to help women feel confident enough to ‘hack’
their own way into northern and male domination of digital
We can do it!
We want to help women learn to use Free/Libre and
Open Source Software.

Why the name /etc?
Well, /etc is a directory of the linux file system. In
this directory called /etc (short for etcetera) are all
the important configuration files for your computer and
its networking (hostname, hosts, networks). We asked
ourselves, “If we were part of the linux file system,
what would we be?” The /etc directory seemed the best
place for a carnival of ideas and then the name Eclectic
Tech Carnival or /etc for short was born.

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