iblamethepatriarchy once again

haha, this is pure genius:

strawfeminism council meets,
brings strawfeminist goals into new millenium

…I met with the other strawfeminists to discuss your deep uncomfort. Guess what! We’ve decided to take a break from all the bra-burning, bloke-bashing, and make-up banning with which we have been obsessed to the exclusion of all else for the past 40 years. A good thing, too, because you know that enormous pink ash cloud enveloping the planet? The one resulting from the tons and tons of angrily incinerated spandex and cheap scratchy lace? Well, that cloud turned out to be the real culprit behind global warming.

Also, we were starting to get complaints from the hospitals. Turns out they were getting so jammed up with the bloodied corpses of all the blokes we’ve bashed that there was hardly any room left for the boob augmentation and labiaplasty cases.

Oh, and you’ll love this: as for the makeup, well, it’s mandatory now. Why? Oh, lots of reasons. For instance, we now believe that liberation has eluded us because our skin has not been glowing or radiant enough (I won’t lie to you; there’s been some pretty severe undereye puffiness and a few tragically enlarged pores, too). And, sure, we’re a little late to the party, but we have finally realized that in order to be taken seriously by liberal white males we must more closely resemble centerfolds. Not to mention that we just love how girly it makes us feel to have a beauty regimen! And you know what, we can no longer deny that real empowerfulness comes from participating as consumers in a $180 billion-a-year global industry that’s scientifically formulated to promote women’s insecurities and self-esteem issues. …

Strawfeminism. It’s not just for humorless feminazis who don’t shave their legs anymore.

more on the strawfeminist
[vine de la straw man]

nu sint feminista, dar… partea a 2a

– Femeile detin doar 1% din proprietatile lumii, sub 10% din venitul global, sub 7% din slujbele clericale.
– In clasamentul celor 300 de oameni bogati din Romania figureaza doar 8 femei (Supliment Revista Capital, 2003).
– Mai putin de 14% din pozitiile de conducere ale lumii (putere politica, strategica si economica) apartin femeilor. In Marea Britanie doar 17% dintre locurile din Parlament sunt ocupate de femei, in Parlamentul European femeile sunt in proportie de 24,5%, iar in Romania doar 10,7%.
– In toata lumea persista inegalitatile salariale intre femei si barbati, cele mai multe tari din Europa inregistrand diferente de pana la 20% intre salariile femeilor si ale barbatilor. In Romania veniturile femeilor in general reprezinta doar 50% din cele ale barbatilor.
– Astazi 2/3 din cele 876 milioane de analfabeti din lume sunt femei. In Romania desi numarul de elevi si studenti femei este de 50,1%, acest raport nu se regaseste pe piata fortei de munca, una din cinci femei romance neavand nici o sursa de venit.
– In lume, femeile sunt batute, oprimate, abuzate si torturate in fiecare zi. Cercetarile arata ca violenta domestica este raspandita pe scara larga in majoritatea societatilor si este o cauza frecventa a sinuciderilor in randul femeilor. In Romania femeile sunt victime ale violentei in familie in proportie de peste 30% iar o data la 2 zile / la fiecare doua zile o femeie este omorata in bataie (cf. Inspectoratului General al Politiei Romane, Bucuresti, 2003).
– 30% din gospodariile din lume sunt ingrijite de femei, 80-90% din cele mai sarace familii depind de femei pe tot globul, si tot ele au de obicei responsabilitatea de a creste copiii, de cele mai multe ori fara ajutorul tatalui, al familiei sau al comunitatii. In Romania femeile se ocupa de cresterea copiilor in proportie de 66%.
– Femeile muncesc in general cel putin 10-15 ore pe saptamana mai mult decat barbatii. Ele au de obicei o dubla zi de munca (serviciu si munca in gospodarie). 63,8 % dintre romani considera ca este doar datoria femeii sa se ocupe de treburile casnice.
– Segregarea in domeniul muncii este evidenta, atat in lume cat si in Romania (1998): femeile sunt majoritare in sectoarele bugetare (sanatate, invatamant, turism, comert) unde sunt salarizate cu pana la o treime sub media salarizarii pe economie, iar in ramurile predominate de barbati (constructii, energie, transporturi, etc.) salariile sunt mult mai mari.
– In Romania o conditie pusa uneori la angajare femeilor este de a nu ramane insarcinate. In Anglia, spre exemplu, in 2003, 1000 de femei au fost concediate de la locul de munca in anul in care au ramas insarcinate deoarece nu existau conditii de munca potrivite si nu existau alternative la munca intreprinsa de ele.
– Femeile nu au inca dreptul de a alege cu privire la drepturile reproductive. In Romania femeile rrome nu au acces la servicii medicale si acces la informatii privind sanatatea reproductiva; femeile cu deficiente sunt sfatuite sa nu aiba copii.
– Exista sexism (discriminarea sistematica a unui sex, de obicei femeile) in toate societatile: prezentarea femeilor in publicitate ca obiecte sexuale care trebuie sa arate bine si sa nu vorbeasca deloc, bancuri misogine, proverbe, cantece, povesti in care femeile sunt sistematic prezentate ca fiinte inferioare, proaste, slabe, rele, malefice care trebuie controlate, supuse, dominate.
– O analiza a 33 de jocuri video „Nintendo” si „Sega Genesis”, foarte populare actualmente, a aratat ca in 41% dintre acestea nu exista personaje feminine. Femeile sunt fie absente, fie apar in postura de victima. In aproape 80% dintre jocuri violenta si agresiunea sunt o parte necesara a strategiei. In aproape jumatate din jocuri violenta era indreptata spre alti oameni, iar in 21% era violenta impotriva femeilor.
– Violul si alte forme de violenta sexuala sunt in crestere. Multe violuri raman nedenuntate din cauza stigmatizarii si a traumei asociate acestora si datorita lipsei abordarii acestui subiect intr-un mod delicat de catre sistemele juridice. Estimarile procentelor de violuri denuntate la politie variaza. Violul este folosit sistematic ca tactica de razboi (ex. Bosnia-Hertegovina, Ruanda).
– In Romania 44% dintre tinerele cu studii superioare angajate au fost hartuite sexual la locul de munca.

Stop Violence Against Women: Romania factsheet
Raport pe (in)egalitatea dintre sexe in Europa de Sud-Est
Cartea neagra a egalitatii de sanse intre femei si barbati in Romania
Primul numar din RESpublica, Revista Egalitatii de Sanse


completeaza ca sa afli de cite tratamente ai nevoie: :)

The Hysteria Quiz


water massage treatment
for hysteria cca 1860.

e foarte important [pt. localizarea uterului – posibil s-o fi luat-o iar la plimbare, vezi.]!

sau citind-o pe jessica de la feministing,

“You can see just how many leeches on your vag you’ll need to cure you of your love of reading and bike-riding. Fun!”


ISTERÍE s.f. Boală nervoasă manifestată prin tulburări ale sensibilităţii, prin convulsii etc., nejustificate de existenţa unor leziuni. [Gen. -iei, var. histerie s.f. / cf. fr. hystérie < gr. hystera – uter]. Continue reading

iubire maximala

ia sa vedem. ma framinta la maxim, oare eu cit de “iubita pot sa fiu”?

Iubim femeile pentru ca au sani rotunzi, cu gurguie care se ridica prin bluza cand le e frig…

ok. pentru cei care nu stiu, insa, majoritatea femeilor nu au sini rotunzi.

…pentru ca au fundul mare si grasut, pentru ca au fete cu trasaturi dulci ca ale copiilor, pentru ca au buze pline, dinti decenti si limbi de care nu ti-e sila.

ca ale copiilor. hmmm…

Pentru ca nu miros a transpiratie sau a tutun prost si nu asuda pe buza superioara.

eu transpir pe buza superioara. cu cit e mai cald, cu atit mai mult. femeile sint oameni. oamenii transpira.

Pentru ca le zambesc tuturor copiilor mici care trec pe langa ele.

eu da, dar de fapt sint o exceptie printre prietenele mele apropiate.

Pentru ca merg pe strada drepte, cu capul sus, cu umerii trasi inapoi si nu raspund privirii tale cand le fixezi ca un maniac.

hm, oare de ce fac asta majoritatea femeilor? probabil pt. ca le place atit de mult cind “le fixezi ca un maniac”. eu personal “raspund” privirilor respective cu o incruntare sau citeva cuvinte ne-maniace dar ne-dulci.

Pentru ca trec cu un curaj neasteptat peste toate servitutile anatomiei lor delicate.

care anatomie delicata? anatomia mea nu e “delicata”. am probleme cu ea, insa ma astept sa am curaj – nu stiu de ce ar mira pe cineva ca am curaj.

Pentru ca in pat sunt indraznete si inventive nu din perversitate, ci ca sa-ti arate ca te iubesc.

da? sigur nu pentru ca vor sa simta placere si satisfactie, ca orice om?

Pentru ca fac toate treburile sacaitoare si marunte din casa fara sa se laude cu asta si fara sa ceara recunostinta.

eu nu fac toate treburile, dar cind fac ceva chiar ma laud si astept recunostinta din partea altora.

Pentru ca nu citesc reviste porno si nu navigheaza pe site-uri porno.

da? chiar?

Continue reading

revista maxim impotriva misoginiei. altora.

o reclama de pulafashion si revista maxim din campania “spune nu pedofiliei din showbiz” (“a fi barbat nu inseamna sa-ti cumperi trupuri de copile sarace ca si cum ai cumpara o bucata de carne dintr-un galantar”):

o imagine obisnuita din revista maxim:

mesajul campaniei “antisociale” pulafashion&maxim?

“a fi barbat nu inseamna sa-ti cumperi trupuri feminine ca pe o bucata de carne… decit cind ti le vindem noi.”


Protesting Maxim Girl Search [en]

Imaginea femeii in publicitate
“What’s the problem? Facts about girls, women + media” [en]
Center for Media Literacy: Sexist Ads
Media Watch Hall of Shame
Killing Us Softly

“No to sexist ads! An example of successful campaigning” [en]

de citit

“free to rock out”No fires at these summer camps for girls, but plenty of guitars, drums, keyboards and a whole lot of ambition.

un interviu cu katha pollitt despre feminisme (“‘Strident’ and proud”: Columnist Katha Pollitt blasts feminism’s new timidity and says, “This ‘girls just want to have fun’ feminism is a very shallow approach to life.)
+ un video in care “katha pollitt issues a challenge to the christian right”

“abortion is a basic human right”A doctor who was tortured for giving medical aid to Guatemalan rebels says a woman’s right to end her pregnancy must be considered an international human right.

“give me that old-time feminism”While Muslim women are being stuffed into burkas, American post-feminists are trying to stuff their feet into stilettos.

“climate change is a women’s issue”Some women’s advocates are demanding that new climate policies address the different ways men and women will be affected by global warming..

fete proaste, fete curve

un articol despre prevalenta si popularitatea imaginii de “stupid girl” in pop-culture-ul curent – explicatii, implicatii:

Return of the brainless hussies

From “American Idol” to Paris Hilton to an army of jiggly video stars, vapid females seem to be everywhere these days. Have we really gone this far backward, baby?

During the last week of April, Ellen DeGeneres welcomed Paris Hilton and her four Chihuahuas to her daytime talk show, ostensibly for a special episode about dogs. Once the host had the hotel heiress sitting down, however, she pressed her on a non-canine issue, asking whether she was hurt by Pink’s video for “Stupid Girls,” which mocks Hilton and her shopping-zombie peers for their essentially somnambulant behavior, and which two weeks earlier, DeGeneres had praised on her show. “I haven’t even seen it yet,” said the hotel heiress, in her flat monotone. “But I think … it’s just a form of flattery.”

Any thinking person who has seen Pink’s video, in which she sends up Jessica Simpson’s “These Boots Were Made for Walking” video by humping a soapy car, imitates an Olsen twin in Montana-size sunglasses and Wyoming-size handbag walking straight into the plate-glass door of a boutique, and savagely mocks Hilton’s appearance in a dingy night-vision sex tape, would not confuse the clip with any known form of flattery. Especially if that thinking person heard the “Stupid Girls” lyrics, which go, in part: “They travel in packs of two or three/ With their itsy-bitsy doggies and their teeny-weeny tees/ Where, oh where, have the smart people gone?”

But Hilton is not a thinking person. Or, if she is, she hasn’t let on.

[….] these new, varied and wildly threatening options help to explain and undergird a rejuvenated craze for dumb chic. Perhaps, as social progress propels women slowly but undeniably forward into public spheres of influence, baser human impulses — erotic desire, capitalist greed — dig in, summoning and then clinging to a dusty daydream of the fast-fading ideal woman of yesteryear.

Working on this story, I received an e-mail from a Harvard graduate student who told me that while he’d dated only smart girls, he “liked the ‘idea’ of dating a dumb girl.” The fantasy, the student explained, “is almost certainly formed for us by the media representations of … celebrities [like Hilton, Lohan, and Simpson]. Blonde dumb girls are sexy. And won’t talk back. Add in various shades of male ego/guaranteed superiority notions, and you’ve pretty much got it.” In a world in which male superiority is no longer guaranteed, it becomes a lascivious desire that can be gratified, performatively if need be, by willing women. As Pink trills, mockingly, “Maybe if I act like that/ that guy will call me back.”

But it’s time to put that transactional model for romance out of its misery, and make room in the pop firmament for examples that sound more like Pink’s self-assessment: “I’m so glad that I’ll never fit in/ That will never be me/ Outcasts and girls with ambition/ That’s what I wanna see.”

dupa parerea mea, analiza e rezonabila. (ma mira ca nu spune nimic despre pop-cultura (radical) feminista care exista si ea, reprezentata de le tigre si bust si stitch ‘n’ bitch si hip hop feminist si feminist-blogging si o gramada de alte chestii nu total underground printre care si ladyfest – si pentru care pink-ca-si-feminista este numai o foarte indepartata intruchipare din mainstream.) dar articolul este si mai bun citit in combinatie cu textul “I like Paris Hilton”, care explica de ce la un anumit nivel reactiile “feministe” la tipe gen paris hilton (“e curva deci e proasta si viceversa”) sint de fapt profund anti-feministe:

“More accurately perhaps, I don’t hate her.”

“I can like Paris and agree that some of what she does is Bullshit.”

“I’m not saying Paris Hilton should be the next poster girl for feminism. I am saying the reasons so many love to hate her seem steeped in sexism.”

“If I have a problem with Paris, it’s with celebrity obsession/worship in general and our ass-backwards media that force feeds them down our throat and successfully lulls so many Americans into a general lazy complacency – instead of thinking about or acting on The Real Issues.”

eu cred ca urmatorul punct este si foarte adevarat si foarte important: “attaching the ‘slut’ moniker to Hilton ultimately does feminists more harm than good. When a feminist mocks the so-called slutitude of another woman, she gives the misogynists a green light to do the same” (sau “1) much of the hatred of Paris reinforces anti-feminist norms in essentially deplorable ways, and 2) the hatred of Paris even for the better reasons is clearly over-the-top compared to other rich airheads because she’s an openly sexual young woman.”).

inca 1/2 cent

de pe “(s)hitlist”-ul revistei bitch, un post despre o discutie feminista despre porn:

“Porn on the Page
All this week, Slate’s book club features Laura Kipnis (Against Love), Wendy Shalit (A Return to Modesty), and Meghan O’Rourke discussing two new books on the sexualization of American culture, Pamela Paul’s Pornified: How Pornography is Transforming Our Lives, Our Relationships, and Our Fantasies and Ariel Levy’s Female Chauvinist Pigs: Women and the Rise of Raunch Culture. We’re psyched to see both these books—and the many questions about pleasure, gender, and agency they bring up—discussed by such provocative women. (Also, be sure to check out our own interview with Levy in the upcoming issue of Bitch.)”
+ comentariile la discutie

interesant de rasfoit!

pentru lectura, pentru distractie

Articol despre “beauty and power, fun and feminism” (si consumism): “Feminism for sale”
Citeva chestii de citit de la cap la coada:
Worse Than Queer
Exoticize My Fist
Synthesis zine #5
Umor subversiv feminist:
Ladies Against Women
Big Bad Chinese Mama
“Dykes to watch out for”
Guerilla Girls
alte linkuri: “other people do stuff better than me”