London Transgender Film Festival 08

London Transgender Film Festival Fundraiser

Since this festival is independently funded we need your support.
London Transgender Film Festival Fundraiser Sun Aug 24 2008
at Gasworks 155 Vauxhall Street London SE11 5RH
3pm- 6pm, £5/4
is a transgender community event for trans people and their allies, partners and friends
in order to raise money for the London Transgender Film Festival 2008


Travel Queeries focus group feedback session – Facilitated by Sid Peterson, Travel Queeries Associate Producer

Travel Queeries is a doc. film about the contemporary radical queer scene in Europe. Filmed in over 9 cities throughout Eastern and Western Europe from 2005-2007, the film covers the stories of different communities, personal identities, art/performance, festivals and activist events, and hopes to show the international queer connections that exist within this fringe culture. Premiering early 2009, we hope you can join us now for a focus group screening of the first rough cut of Travel Queeries, so we can get feedback on how to best develop the film. We are excited to present this screening in partnership with the fundraising efforts of the long awaited London Transgender Film Festival 2008 and hope to see you there!

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Feminist Midwifery Zine call out

A feminist midwifery ‘zine’:
Is midwifery a feminist issue? How do feminists practice midwifery? What are feminists currently thinking about childbearing? What do feminists think about midwives?

This is a ‘call out’ to feminists who would like to contribute to an upcoming ‘zine’ about feminism, midwifery, pregnancy and birthing. A ‘zine’ is an informally published / DIY magazine. If you’ve never seen one then imagine a cross between a leaflet for a local jumble sale, a comic and a text book.

This particular zine will be distributed free or for donations – via free PDF documents and cheap printed copies… contributors will retain original copyright but agree for ‘copy-left’. This means anyone is welcome to copy the zine as long as it’s not for profit and says where the info comes from.

[*Contributions deadline – first draft = 30th August 2008]

You can contribute anything printable to the zine – writing, rants, poems, cartoons, drawings, photos, quizzes and crosswords, origami birth plans, cut out and keep guide to your womb, birth in the NHS self defence tip cards… anything flat!

Please think about making your writing understandable to a wide audience – how you write is up to you, but it might be useful to avoid midwifery jargon or writing in a very academic style.

We are interested in the views of student and qualified midwives; doulas; mums and other parents; birth activists and feminist health folk – if you don’t want to use your name you’re welcome to use a nickname.

Some ideas so far…feminist midwifery: birth without borders? – refugee women birthing in the NHS; queer parenting; freebirthing; trans-men birthing; techno-birth ‘v’ ecofeminism; independent midwifery radical or elitist?; dykes midwives and homosexual panic; earth-mother consumerism; birth as power; birth crisis and birth trauma; sexuality and breastfeeding; dads in the labour room; babybonding – myth and reality; Where are the male midwives?; midwifery, horizontal violence and sexism… Continue reading

interview lf-ro: “how to intervene”

Ladyfest Romania contribution to the book:
Are you talking to me? Discussion on Knowledge Production, Gender Politics and Feminist Strategies,
eds H.arta/Katharina Morawek

How to intervene?
Practices of her-stories

A conversation between Veronika E., Regina W. and Andreea, Ruxandra from the Ladyfest Collective Bucharest.

“A grrrl from Timisoara—who is involved in the local “underground” scene there—decided to start a Romanian Ladyfest after attending the one held in Amsterdam in 2003. Impressed by the premise of a feminist festival showcasing woman artists and by her whole Ladyfest experience, she felt that it would be a good idea to also try something like that, infused with the riot grrrl spirit, at home. Finally, in late 2004, she started planning the festival together with a girlfriend of hers who is the bass player of a political punk band from Timisoara and a few other grrrls they knew; in time the two of them were able to spread the word and get more help from several Romanian girls and women living in different regions and even outside of the country. Ladyfest Timisoara 2005 was a small scale event, but it was a much needed action that brought together Romanian feminists of various ages and younger ones especially, and everyone involved felt that it should be kept going. Afterwards, the organizing collective decided to stay together to plan more events and ultimately a second Ladyfest in October 2007.” Ruxandra

Ladyfest is one example of (re)claiming feminist/queer spaces through a collective process where different structures enable self educational space. For us Ladyfest is an intervention which re-appropriates and re-claims (public) space to inscribe an anti-discriminatory space to secure a feministic queer space that is able to provide structures through which “counter” knowledge is transmitted and produced. It can and should work as a tool, backed by a big network. There are different Ladyfest events with local priorities which are shaped by the people who plan it.
Most of them have in common that they are self organised gatherings with non hierarchical structures working non-institutionalised and including workshops, bands, talks, performances, debates, films, marches to struggle together against homophobia, sexism, racisms, anti-semitism, capitalism, discrimination…

The first Ladyfest in Romania was in 2005 in Timisoara. The second Ladyfest was organised in 2007 and took place in the capital of Romania. We talked with Ruxandra and Andreea about their experiences organizing Ladyfest Bucharest 2007…
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Pride Now! This month, in Sofia, on 28 June

39 years after the Stonewall events

First LGBT pride parade in Bulgaria

Imagine now that today is not 2008, but about 10 years earlier. Leave aside that you are 10 years younger – besides now you are much more mature, you have broader perspective on life, gained quite some living experience, now you can say in a seriously manner “ten years ago the life was different…”

Imagine now that today is not 2008, but about 10 years earlier. Now the first gay pride in Tel Aviv, Israel, takes place. Fifteen years have passed from the first gay pride in Ireland. In 8 year will be organized the first pride in Moscow. The Europride has already taken place twice. There are only 3 years until the first and the most bloody till then pride march in Berlgrade, Serbia. The idea for holding Eastern European Pride is born and it will take place in June 2006, in Zagreb, Croatia. In only two years after today the first pride in Jerusalem will take place. Until the symbolic and unique first demonstration in Riga, when the march ended in a local church, there are 7 years pending. After just 4 years Poland will witness cruel violation of the humanity, when nationalistic groups throw stones and fired bottles towards the marching people in Cracow in 2003. The first pride in Bulgaria, with one of the best anti-discrimination legislations in Europe, will take place in 18 years. Or more.

The time is now.

The time is this month, in Sofia, on 28 June’s afternoon. The Pride starts at 16:30 at the National Palace of Culture in Sofia. We, gays, lesbians, bisexual and transgender people, have families. We dedicate this Pride to Our Families – we are fathers and daughters, mothers and sons. You don’t have to be gay to join us. You don’t even have to know someone, who is gay. But you must believe that we are all equal and we all have the right to live normal life with dignity!

Reimaginarea justitiei sociale de jos in sus: Includerea femeilor rome

O traducere integrala a lucrarii “Re-envisioning Social Justice from the Ground Up: Including the Experiences of Romani Women” de Alexandra Oprea (link la fisier PDF) – cu multumiri Crinei pentru editari

Lucrarea de fata se concentreaza pe excluderea femeilor rome din discursurile feministe si anti-rasiste dominante (in mainstream) in Europa. Aceasta excludere este atribuita intersectionalitatii si politicilor de identitate problematice. Lucrarea discuta invizibilitatea femeilor rome perpetuata de programe si rapoarte ale organizatiilor ne-guvernamentale (ONG-uri) si explica absenta femeilor rome din discursuri rome si feministe, privirea ne-critica asupra culturii rome si vulnerabilitatea femeilor rome din Romania la violenta domestica. Textul pune accentul pe faptul ca analiza problemelor sociale trebuie facuta de jos in sus, luand in considerare experientele celor care intampina greutati multiple, cum ar fi femeile rome sarace. In concluzie, lucrarea discuta importanta recunoasterii privilegiilor ca fundatie a unor discursuri si a unei cercetari atotcuprinzatoare.

movies for radical queer d.i.y. film festival

+++++++++++++++++++++++callout english+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Entzaubert radical queer d.i.y. film festival 15-18 May 2008 in Berlin on a queer squatted truck site.

for the second time we will create a space for queer films, their
directors and their audience. for 4 days the open air belongs to films,
which question heteronormativity and capitalism, promote diversity and
deconstruction of socially accepted constructions.

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fwd: Anche a Torino: 8 MARZO di lotta!

Tra la festa, il rito e il silenzio, scegliamo la lotta!

Il 23 e 24 febbraio in più di 400, femministe e lesbiche, ci siamo incontrate a Roma per dare un seguito al percorso nazionale iniziato con la manifestazione del 24 novembre contro la violenza maschile sulle donne.

Oggi le sommosse di Torino (dlfto @ inventati. org) accolgono e rilanciano l’appello alla mobilitazione delle donne di Torino per l’autodeterminazione:

In questo clima di continui e generalizzati attacchi ai diritti delle donne e di precarizzazione della vita di native e migranti.

Scendiamo in piazza come in molte altre città 8marzo.jpg

Per l’autodeterminazione delle donne cioè libera scelta di decidere su ogni aspetto delle nostre vite
Contro ogni forma di violenza sulle donne
Contro l’eterosessualità obbligatoria e la violenza sulle lesbiche
Giù le mani dalla 194!
Libere di decidere su sessualità, maternità, contraccezione, aborto

ORE 15,30

Portiamo le nostre idee senza bandiere di partiti o sindacati!!!

recent-ish news from all over

  • Peste 400 de tatici din Salaj au ales sa fie “mame” [5.2.2008]
  • Major feminist demonstration at Rafah border [2.2.2008]
  • Afghan Journalism Student Sentenced to Death for Reading About Women’s Rights [1.2.2008]
  • Indian Party Reserves Seats for Women [1.2.2008]
  • Birth Control Price Crisis Continues [31.1.2008]
  • Afghan Women Demonstrate Against Kidnapping of American Woman [31.1.2008]
  • Arizona Governor Rejects Federal Abstinence-Only Funds [30.1.2008]
  • Mexican Woman Challenges Voting Ban for Women [29.1.2008]
  • “The Greatest Silence: Rape in the Congo” Wins at Sundance [29.1.2008]
  • Wyoming Gender Wage Gap Widens [28.1.2008]
  • Sexual Violence in Kenya Continues to Escalate [28.1.2008]
  • Indigenous rights activist ends hunger strike [28.1.2008]
  • Senate Holds Hearing on Fair Pay [25.1.2008]
  • ‘4 Months’ Raises the Iron Curtain on Abortion [24.1.2008]
  • Feu vert pour l’adoption homosexuelle en Europe [23.1.2008]
  • Jumatate dintre romance nu isi planifica sarcina – studiu [16.1.2008]
  • Cum sa profiti de discriminare [15.1.2007]
  • Black, Minority ethnic and Refugee Women and Domestic Violence [14.1.2008]
  • Evaluarea drepturilor rromilor [ro/en] [14.1.2007]
  • Abused immigrant spouses may face deportation [7.1.2008]
  • Primul ghid de interventie in cazurile de violenta in familie [5.12.2007]
  • Roundtable with Romani Women Networks [2-4.12.2007]