adresind violenta normalizata

doua initiative importante:

  • Nothing But Red
  • “Because it’s no longer enough to be a decent person. It’s no longer enough to shake our heads and make concerned grimaces at the news. True enlightened activism is the only thing that can save humanity from itself. I’ve always had a bent towards apocalyptic fiction, and I’m beginning to understand why. I look and I see the earth in flames. Her face was nothing but red.” – Joss Whedon, May 20 2007,

  • UK feminists — protesting against rape, male violence and injustice to women
  • Yet more evidence as to why the newly devised Anti-Rape Demonstrations are so important when the legal system actively condones and promotes male sexual violence against women and girls. No clearer message than this can be sent to all men and boys that they can continue committing rape and sexual abuse with impunity. As regards women and girls – well, make-up, clothing, sexual precociousness etc. are the REAL RAPISTS not men. Yet another male judge believes and actively condones myths concerning male sexual violence against women and girls. Continue reading

    Libertatea cuvantului,totusi nu atat de libera

    Cu siguranta ziua de ieri (sambata,9 iunie) a fost o zi controversata,aglomerata si agitata,plina de incidente care au avut loc cu ocazia Gay Fest-ului.

    Probabil mai toata lumea s-a uitat la televizor si a vazut ce s-a intamplat in aceasta zi.

    Ziua de sambata a inceput pentru mine la 8 dimineata,nu am avut timp nici sa-mi beau cafeaua sau sa fac prea multe lucruri ca am si iesit in jumatate de ora pe usa.Nu,nu am fost sa sustin ideea Noii Drepte (hehe),al carei mars pentru “normalitate” a inceput la ora 10.Consider ca cele/cei care vor citi acest blog sunt informati in ceea ce priveste aceasta grupare de extrema dreapta,grupare ce promoveaza homofobia,rasismul,xenofobia,nationalismul si alte -isme,ascunzandu-le in spatele doctrinei crestine,toate manifestatiile si actiunile lor fiind “in numele lui Dumnezeu si pentru o viata morala,crestina”.
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    Radical cheerleaders need your help: fwd widely

    Dearest Ladyfest,

    Radical Cheerleading is often a part of workshops and performances at Ladyfests across the world and we were hoping for some help through your vast networks to get the word out about our project to document the last 10 years of Radical Cheerleading. Could you please post the following information on your myspace and/or pass the “call for submissions for the Radical Cheerleading Anthology” on to all those that you may think would be interested. Our first deadline for submissions is June 1st and is approaching fast.
    If you have any suggestions on how to get more publicity and involvement in our book through feminist networks we would most appreciate your advice. look fwd to your response.
    thanks so much.
    cheers, brackin firecracker, jeanne vaccaro, aimee and cara jennings
    please fwd/ post the following:

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    miss universe protest in mexico

    A group of women wearing white dresses splashed in fake blood, proclaiming themselves Miss Juarez, Miss Atenco and Miss Michoacan in reference to places in Mexico where women have been raped or killed protest beside the stage where the Miss Universe’s native dress fashion show was held in Mexico City, Sunday, May 20, 2007.

    (AP Photo/Eduardo Verdugo)

    Justice for the Women of Juárez and Chihuahua, more background

    zine symposium in warsaw

    – announcement via chaosXgrrlz zine

    Grrrlz and boyz!
    On 19th of May we organize first zine symposium in Warsaw, and we wanna invite you for that event.

    Basically, a zine (pronounced “zeen”) is a publication that is created by someone – or a group of like-minded people – who wants to express themselves in a cheap, personal, DIY format. As a zine editor (or “zinester”), you have complete control over the production, design, and content of your zine. It’s pretty fun. It may surprise you, but in Poland zine culture is quite strong, and the symposium will be a great chance to get know about it a little bit more.

    On the whole world there are regular meetings of zine makers and zine lovers. Our zine symposium will be a party by which we wanna present the zine culture, independent book and comic publishings, distributions and zine makers and other paper-art creators. Also it which be a chance to get to know lots of independent initiatives and political, non commercial ideas.

    We plan a whole day, free entrance party, during which there will be some workshops, lectures, presentations, as well as exhibitions, film presentations, freeshop, zine reading room and, last but maybe most important, zine and book fair
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    protest against the selling of “rapist doll” and other stores are currently selling a “toy” called “The Rapist No. 1 Doll,” modeled after a character in the new Tarantino/Rodriguez film Grindhouse, which is a torture porn film that shows graphic male sexual violence and sexualised torture against women. [more on the rising popularity of “gornos” here]

    For details on how to send protests to the companies, see this post; as mentioned there:

    The availability of the so-called toy Rapist Number One … demonstrates so clearly the links between the prevalence of rape and sexually violent films and pornography. The purchaser of the toy will not necessarily commit rape, but his acquisition legitimates rape. His action, and the availability of this toy, sustains a culture in which rape and sexual violence are not taken seriously; in which sexual violence is normalised and legitimated. We may not have the empirical evidence which clearly shows that watching violent porn makes someone commit rape, but the fact that this film has spawned this sort of merchandise, sold as a “toy”, should tell us all we need to know about the harmful nature of this sort of material.

    Rape Crisis England and Wales
    Rape Crisis Network Europe

    update: and are no longer selling the doll.

    When told that I will cancel my account because after their initial response to my complaint (response which was all along the lines of “our goal is to provide customers with the broadest selection possible so they can find, discover, and buy any item they might be seeking”), I

    *don’t* feel like my concern has been addressed and I don’t agree that Amazon needs to ‘represent a wide spectrum of opinions on a variety of topics’ when that ‘topic’ is normalizing rape. It’s not a freedom of expression matter, rape is a crime and material that promotes it discriminates against people, like material that promoted pedophilia would, for instance – and you wouldn’t invoke the same excuse for selling pedophilia promoting items, would you? says they’re “very sorry if offering the Grind House Rapist doll offended you in any way, shape, or form. Let me assure you that does not support or promote hatred or criminal acts and customer feedback provides us an opportunity for improvement. … we are no longer offering this product for sale in our catalog”; however, still lists the doll – they have renamed it but you can still search for it under “rapist.”

    And You buy now expresses the “hope that our apology for any rudeness [from customer service representatives who reacted inappropriately to complaints, suggesting rape isn’t a “real problem with actual, quantifiable effects on society”] and the removal of the action figure will satisfy those that we offended” but makes sure to stress the fact that the intent of the doll was misinterpreted by those who felt it was promoting rape.

    As we know, Whatever you do, don’t figure out that it’s systematic.”

    petition against honor killings

    SIGN the International Campaign against killings and stoning of women in Kurdistan petition:

    To: Kurdistan Regional Government

    Condemn the brutal stoning to death of Doa – a young girl whose only crime was to fall in love

    Doa was stoned to death in the centre of the town of Bashiqa in front of hundreds of people and the authorities did not prevent this crime from happening. On the contrary, they were present and paving the way for this horrific crime to be carried out. [moreover, onlookers captured it on video; and the Iranian and Kurdish Women’s Rights Organization site has more on how Islamist groups are trying to capitalize on the murder]

    Doa was a 17 year old girl from a family of Yazidi faith; she was snatched from her house by some Yazidi men who discovered that she was in love with a Muslim Arab man and had visited him. They stoned her to death in public on 7th April 2007 in the town of Bashiqa.

    It is known that women in Kurdistan and Iraq are oppressed. The few rights they do have are very limited and in most cases they are treated as sub-humans.

    Killings, suicide, and violence against women are an every day occurrence in this region. Although a crime of this nature is very new to Kurdistan, this is an indication that such crimes against women are now tolerated. Doa’s killers are still free.

    The government’s failure to protect women, and enforce laws against criminals, has created a situation where thousands of women become victims of so called “honour killings”. Violence has risen as result of patriarchal and religious traditions.

    We strongly condemn this barbaric act, and call upon all human rights and women’s rights organisations, political parties, and activists in Kurdistan and globally to condemn this crime.
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    Take Back the Blog! Blogswarm

    Take Back the Blog! Blogswarm in support of the rights of women to participate fully in all aspects of our society, including specifically online in the world of blogging but indeed everywhere and at all times, day and night, without fear of harassment, intimidation, sexual harassment, online stalking and slander, predation or violence of any sort.

    …and what exactly is a BLOGSWARM?
    A “blogswarm” is when a bunch of people blog about the same crap ON PURPOSE! It is a premeditated thing, as opposed to the usual randomness that tends to rule the Internet. Order from chaos. Entropy. Call it whatever you want.

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    campanie/info anti-trafic

    anunt pentru o actiune in londra – este o idee buna:

    Go on the town on Saturday, May 19, 11am – and help the fight against sex trafficking

    These days more and more lads’ nights out end up at lap-dancing clubs, ‘massage parlours’ and brothels. But how many of those lads know what’s really going on in these places?

    Thousands of women in the UK are manipulated and coerced into prostitution every year. Women like Ellen, who was abducted in Albania and sold to a brothel in London’s West End, where she was forced to have sex with up to 40 men every day. If she tried to refuse, she was beaten, raped and threatened with death. She was 15 years old.

    The Truth Isn’t Sexy
    is a campaign highlighting this brutal reality, using posters and beer mats, which we need to get into as many pubs and bars as we can. …

    We’d love you to join us on Saturday May 19, when our teams will be blitzing the watering holes of central London, to see if they’ll put up our posters and/or have our beermats on their tables. It’ll be a great way to spend a Saturday, and should get our message out all over central London. …

    foarte util si informativ: articol despre miscarea anti-violenta si anti-trafic in bulgaria, probleme general valabile in europa de est [en]

    recent: “Autoritatile romane: Victimele traficului o duc bine!”

    lista lf-ro de resurse anti-trafic