Category Archives: media
despre persecutia comunitatii lgbt
din articolul “Elita gay din Romania, in puscariile comuniste”:
Aproximativ 20 de persoane au fost inculpate pentru orientare homosexuala in 1959 si condamnate la ani grei de inchisoare. Cotidianul, cu ajutorul unuia dintre supravietuitori, reconstituie procesul si destinele citorva dintre homosexualii implicati.
informatiile sint foarte interesante si bine de stiut, iar articolul este excelent realizat, in afara de un punct important exprimat in comentariul de “hiddencop” pe site-ul
Sincere aprecieri pentru articol, pentru decenta si “raceala” cu care a fost scris: o fasie de istorie dureroasa, pe care nu o poate intelege decat un gay care s-a ascuns si a fost terorizat de gandul ca va fi pedepsit pentru ca viata lui privata, intima nu este identica cu a majoritatii. Sau, desigur, un heterosexual apropiat de ceea ce inseamna a fi gay. Mai bine zis “a fi fost gay in vremuri de teroare”. Pentru ca astazi lucururile stau cu totul altfel.
Ce mi-ar placea sa stie si sa afle cititorii Cotidianului este ca inchisoare pentru orientarea homosexuala au facut multi altii, nu neaparat oameni ilustri precum cei amintiti in articol. Ca membru al comunitatii LGBT, am cunoscut un respectabil domn care prin anii 80 a ajuns in puscarie pentru simplul fapt ca numele lui era inscris in agenda unui alt gay: maniera aceasta in sine este inspaimantatoare, dealtfel, daca ne gandim cum se facea “vanatoarea de homosexuali”.
Asadar, sper sa citesc in curand un articol SI despre suferinta gay-ilor care nu au fost persoane publice (desi inteleg foarte bine ca, pe cat de picant este subiectul pentru pesoanele straight, pe atat de putin probabil este ca el sa fie reluat atata vreme cat nu povesteste despre “VIP”-urile de altadata sau din ziua de azi…)
si ar mai trebui adaugat, la “gay care nu au fost persoane publice”, gay care nu au fost barbati. se zice “lgbt”, nu doar g(bt), pentru un motiv. sint multe de aflat inca si despre femei care au fost inchise sau persecutate pentru orientarea sexuala…
pe wikipedia, la “Drepturi LGBT in Romania” sau “LGBT rights in Romania” nu exista nici o informatie despre persecutia persoanelor lgbt in perioada comunista. “Legislatia romaneasca privind relatiile homosexuale” ofera citeva detalii si repere istorice.
festivalul underground timisoara
lf-ro va fi la ugtm cu biblioteca ambulanta! check it.
din pacate, dintr-un motiv necunoscut (mie cel putin) site-ul ugtm listeaza la link-uri minunatele cit si underground-urile si
freight train
elizabeth cotten (with pete seeger as fan) – watch the whole thing:
and more songs and stories here and here. and here.
… Cotten was born in Carrboro, North Carolina to a musical family; her parents were George Nevills and Louise Price Nevills. Elizabeth was the youngest of five children. She began writing music while toying around with her older siblings’ instruments, sometimes having to sneak into her older brother’s room to lay the hidden guitar across her lap and play. After more tinkering with these instruments she began playing the guitar upside down, since she was left-handed. This position required her to play the bass lines with her fingers, and the melody with her thumb. Her signature, alternating bass style is known as “Cotten Picking”. By age 8 she was playing songs, and after scraping together some money she bought her own guitar, which she named “Stella”.
She possessed the remarkable ability to play a song exactly after hearing it only once. By her early teens she was writing her own songs, one of which, “Freight Train”, would go on to be one of her most recognized. …
thanks to catalin for the heads up
protest against the selling of “rapist doll” and other stores are currently selling a “toy” called “The Rapist No. 1 Doll,” modeled after a character in the new Tarantino/Rodriguez film Grindhouse, which is a torture porn film that shows graphic male sexual violence and sexualised torture against women. [more on the rising popularity of “gornos” here]
For details on how to send protests to the companies, see this post; as mentioned there:
The availability of the so-called toy Rapist Number One … demonstrates so clearly the links between the prevalence of rape and sexually violent films and pornography. The purchaser of the toy will not necessarily commit rape, but his acquisition legitimates rape. His action, and the availability of this toy, sustains a culture in which rape and sexual violence are not taken seriously; in which sexual violence is normalised and legitimated. We may not have the empirical evidence which clearly shows that watching violent porn makes someone commit rape, but the fact that this film has spawned this sort of merchandise, sold as a “toy”, should tell us all we need to know about the harmful nature of this sort of material.
Rape Crisis England and Wales
Rape Crisis Network Europe
update: and are no longer selling the doll.
When told that I will cancel my account because after their initial response to my complaint (response which was all along the lines of “our goal is to provide customers with the broadest selection possible so they can find, discover, and buy any item they might be seeking”), I
*don’t* feel like my concern has been addressed and I don’t agree that Amazon needs to ‘represent a wide spectrum of opinions on a variety of topics’ when that ‘topic’ is normalizing rape. It’s not a freedom of expression matter, rape is a crime and material that promotes it discriminates against people, like material that promoted pedophilia would, for instance – and you wouldn’t invoke the same excuse for selling pedophilia promoting items, would you? says they’re “very sorry if offering the Grind House Rapist doll offended you in any way, shape, or form. Let me assure you that does not support or promote hatred or criminal acts and customer feedback provides us an opportunity for improvement. … we are no longer offering this product for sale in our catalog”; however, still lists the doll – they have renamed it but you can still search for it under “rapist.”
And You buy now expresses the “hope that our apology for any rudeness [from customer service representatives who reacted inappropriately to complaints, suggesting rape isn’t a “real problem with actual, quantifiable effects on society”] and the removal of the action figure will satisfy those that we offended” but makes sure to stress the fact that the intent of the doll was misinterpreted by those who felt it was promoting rape.
As we know, “Whatever you do, don’t figure out that it’s systematic.”
blasts from pasts
the selecter, “three minute hero” (too much pressure, 1980)
joan jett, “bad reputation” (bad reputation, 1981)
phranc, “bloodbath” (i enjoy being a girl, 1989)
l7, “mr. integrity” (bricks are heavy, 1992)
bratmobile, “cool schmool” (pottymouth, 1993)
cibo matto, “sugar water” (viva! la woman, 1996)
ani difranco, “in or out” (living in clip, 1997)
call for photos from feminist org
Fawcett (UK) needs YOU!
Stand up for feminism by sending in a photo of yourself wearing a “This is what a feminist looks like” t-shirt.
We want to show that feminists come in all shapes, sizes, races, ages and sexes. What we have in common is a commitment to real equality between women and men.
There’s a prize for the best picture and at a special event on 12 September there will be an exhibition of all the photos of supporters and celebrities. You could find yourself on the wall next to Patrick Stewart or Shami Chakrabarti – check out our online gallery now.
Take pictures with your friends, family and colleagues, the more unusual the photograph the better. So far we have received pictures from Nepal, Canada, Italy and Cambodia !
doua stiri diferite din america de nord
in statele unite dreptul de a alege este periclitat de decizia curtii supreme din 18 aprilie privind legea ce interzice avortul asa-zis “cu nastere partiala” semnata de bush in 2003 si ulterior contestata, in timp ce mexicul legalizeaza avortul in primele 12 secole* de sarcina.
prin alte locuri:
– in polonia, “Woman Wins Case After Denied Abortion”, “Court censures Poland for denying abortion rights”
– in portugalia, “Government Legalizes Abortion”
– in marea britanie, “Growing Number of Doctors Refuse to Provide Abortion Services”
– in kenia, “Unsafe, Illegal Abortion Leading Cause of Gynecological Emergencies”
si sa nu uitam: the global gag rule
*”corectat” ulterior, e bineinteles primele 12 saptamini (primul trimestru)
back to bed
boyskout, “back to bed” (school of etiquette, 2004)