An argument against the ‘Identity’ in Identity Politics by Torrance

This text appeared in the Aotearoa (New Zeland), Anarchist journal Imminent rebellion issue #9. I think it’s quite relevant so i’ve decided to paste it in here.

This is an argument against identity politics, but it is not an argument against feminism, or queer liberation, or anti-racism work. It is instead an argument that the oppressions usually combated through identity politics — a strategy based on the affirmation of Identity — could be better fought through its abandonment, or in the least through a radical destabilisation of existing Identities. —- I believe that Identity — always mythical and invented — is in itself oppressive, and that a politics founded upon one or another particular Identity is a dangerous strategy. These dangers are numerous, and include: the creation and policing of arbitrary boundaries of Identity, rigorous essentialism, the intensification of the norms associated with the Identity, the suppression and homogenisation of difference within, and the failure to recognise commonalities across boundaries of Identity.

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25 mai – eveniment paralel (bucharest biennale 3 )

May 25, 2008

“Are you talking to me?”
Live discussions on knowledge production, gender politics and feminist strategies.

In the context of the presentation of the book “Are you talking to me?”. Discussions on knowledge production, gender politics and feminist strategies, a program of presentations, discussions, screenings will take place on May 25, 2008, starting with 17:00 hours, at the National Center for Dance Bucharest (Piaţa Universităţii, National Theatre, floor 4).

The book Are you talking to me? Discussions on knowledge production, gender politics and feminist strategies, edited by Katharina Morawek and h.arta group, is a result of the collaboration between the Post Conceptual Art Practices (PCAP) department at The Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna/ Prof. Marina Gržinić and h.arta group at the invitation of Bucharest Biennale 3.

Amongst the texts published in the book are also two interviews about Ladyfest Romania.

Check out the program of events: Continue reading

Oaxaca, Mexico: 2 Indigenous Women Journalists Murdered

April 7th, 2008. Oaxaca, Mexico.


Two indigenous triqui women who worked at the community radio station La Voz que Rompe el Silencio (The Voice that Breaks the Silence), in the autonomous municipality of San Juan Copala (Mixteca region), were shot and murdered while on their way to Oaxaca city to participate in the State Forum for the Defense of the Rights of the Peoples of Oaxaca. Three other people were injured.
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Call for Papers : heterosexuality

Editor: Yasco Horsman
Book Series: Thamyris / Intersecting: Place, Sex, and ‘Race’
Publisher: Rodopi (Amsterdam / New York)
Series Editor: Ernst van Alphen
Deadline for Proposals: July 1, 2007

“Thamyris / Intersecting,” a book series on place, sex and ‘race’ seeks contributions to an upcoming volume on heterosexuality.

Heterosexuality has long been considered the norm, the unmarked category from which all ‘perversions’ deviate – in short, something that is in itself not in need of an explanation. With the emergence of queer theory in the 1990’s, and its insistence on the constructed and flux nature of all sexual identities, straightness itself was shown to be neither as monolithic nor as stable as had once been assumed. This opened the doors for a project that Calvin Thomas has recently dubbed ‘straight queer theory,’ a rigorous analysis of the cultural and social construction of heterosexuality that refuses to take sexual identity as fixed.

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call for submissions : women’s lives & gender relations in Eastern Europe

Collected Volume on Women’s Lives, Gender Relations and State Policy in Central and Eastern Europe under State Socialism

Deadline: June 15, 2007

Scholars working on gender and socialism in Central and Eastern Europe are invited to submit a 500-word abstract of an essay for a collected volume examining post-89 approaches to the study, research and analysis of women’s lives and issues of gender under state socialism.

The wealth of human and archival sources that have become available since the collapse of communism, combined with the increased use of cultural, social, gender, and oral history in studies of socialism, have provided crucial insight into gender in socialist societies — both as it was discursively represented and lived on an everyday level. This in turn has facilitated a more nuanced and complex understanding of women under socialism that challenges the bleak and homogenized portraits of women that were produced — in both feminist and non-feminist scholarship–prior to and immediately after 1989.

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Blogging Feminism: Websites of Resistance

You can check the S&F issue here!!!

About the issue

As blogging has more widespread interest, especially vis-á-vis electoral politics, feminist activity on the internet has remained marginal to the mainstream. Thus, we were thrilled when Gwendolyn Beetham and Jessica Valenti proposed “Blogging Feminism: (Web)sites of Resistance” as a Scholar and Feminist Online journal topic, as well as a theme for a Barnard Center for Research on Women panel discussion. As Beetham and Valenti point out in their introduction, all too much feminist activity exists in the blogosphere invisibly. This theme runs through many of this journal’s contributions, and is taken up directly by Clancy Ratliff and Tedra Osell in the section entitled “Women and Politics in the Blogosphere.”

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Ladyfest-Romania 2007 CAUTA designerE pt LOGO NOU!!!

Ladyfest-Romania (editia 2007 care va avea loc la Bucuresti in Octombrie) are nevoie de un nou logo. Cine este interesata sa vina cu propuneri poate trimite la:

DEADLINE : 14 Mai 2007

Designul castigator va fi ales pe baza de vot, si artista castigatoare va primi: 2 bilete pass-partout la festival si un tricou (sau pentru cele din afara bucurestiului ajutor cu costul transportului)

Logo-ul respectiv va fi folosit pentru: afisul festivalului, bilete/pass-uri, coperta brosurii, si pe website.

Trimiteti imaginile in format jpg, tif sau gif nu mai mari de 500Kb

Afisul editiei 2005 poate fi vazut aici :

Postgraduate Course in Dubrovnik: Feminist Critical Analysis: Race, Discourse, Biopolitics

Postgraduate Course in Dubrovnik
Feminist Critical Analysis: Race, Discourse, Biopolitics


May , 21st – 25th 2007

Call for Proposals

Rutgers (State University of New Jersey) Women’s and Gender Studies
Department and Belgrade Women’s Studies and Gender Research Center,
Belgrade University are pleased to announce the 8th annual postgraduate course in Feminist Critical Analysis: Race, Discourse, Biopolitics. The course will be held at the Inter-University Centre, Dubrovnik ( on May 21st – 25th, 2007. The course will be co-directed by Dasa Duhacek of the Belgrade Women´s Studies, Belgrade Universirty and Ethel Brooks of the Women’s and Gender Studies Department, Rutgers University.

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