8 martie!

istorii, spatii libere, democratie participativa, justitie economica

8 martie – Ziua Internaţională a Femeilor!

Spatiul h.arta
Str. Zugrav Nedelcu nr. 11, Timişoara
(intrarea din Splaiul Tudor Vladimirescu)
si spatiul public al orasului

Ziua de 8 martie are o istorie legata de luptele pentru egalitate sociala, o istorie a eforturilor şi sacrificiilor depuse de femei obisnuite pentru drepturi in campul muncii. Aceasta istorie a unei zile care sa celebreze femeile care muncesc (facand atat munca salariata cat si muncile casnice neplatite, atat munca productiva cat si munca reproductiva) este acoperita de identificarea zilei de 8 martie nu cu o zi a femeilor care militeaza pentru drepturile lor ci cu o zi a femeilor pasive, care sunt, prin menire si destin doar mame si consumatoare.

Va invitam sa sarbatorim ziua de 8 martie avandu-le in minte pe femeile care s-au opus si se opun inegalitatilor de multiple feluri, pe cele care prin atitudinile si actiunile lor au participat si participa la construirea unei realitati mai echitabile.

Program Continue reading

A Feminist Criticism of Exchange

“For-Giving, a Feminist Criticism of Exchange, is an analysis of the values of gift giving seen as an economic mode of distribution based in maternal practice, and opposed to the self-reflecting and ego-oriented values of exchange on which the market economy is based. The values of Patriarchy entwine with those of Capitalism to create an economic system of domination, while a maternal economy would provide for everyone and promote a community-oriented subjectivity which would also honor Mother Nature. This book gives an eco-feminist based perspective on the gift economy as a basis for social change.” (text reappropriated from other sources)

book available online for free: http://www.for-giving.com/

WILPF Statement for International Human Rights Day, 10 December 2008

Today, 10 December 2008, marks the 60th anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) by the United Nations General Assembly. The UDHR is a major achievement of the United Nations, setting a common human rights standard for all nations and peoples. Its legally binding International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and their Optional Protocols, as well as the many conventions and treaties to promote and protect human rights for all, form a remarkable body of international human rights law.

In this 60th anniversary year, the United Nations has undertaken an intensive programme of activities leading up to today’s commemoration, under the slogan “dignity and justice for all of us”. It culminates in sixteen days of action against gender based violence.

The implementation of accepted human rights norms remains a significant challenge. Although the international human rights standards and their oversight have been strengthened over the years, forces and trends (by States and private companies) continue to threaten and undermine their application. Too often under the false pretext of protecting women, women are denied the right to education, mobility, the right to their own body and the free choice to plan their own future. All over the world, women have to struggle for basic human rights in many aspects of their lives.

Since its inception in 1915, the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) has worked for all human rights to be respected. We have equally worked for the prevention of war and the eradication of militarism, believing that these conditions negate human rights. We are convinced that human rights cannot exist without peace and freedom.

Exercising the right to have an equal voice in international policy-making and the questions of war and peace, The Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom calls for: Continue reading

Fwd: A fost lansata Campania Respectului pentru Femei

In Romania, in fiecare minut doua femei sunt victime ale violentei domestice[1]

Bucuresti, 4 decembrie 2008. Pentru a aduce acesta realitate dura in atentia opiniei publice, AVON Romania, cu sprijinul Centrului pentru Jurnalism Independent, a lansat astazi Campania Respectului pentru Femei. Campania are drept scop prevenirea violentei impotriva femeilor prin educarea publicului si prin sustinerea proiectelor sociale care combat acest fenomen. Continue reading

[Sibiu] Comunicat de presa: actiuni de combatere a violentei domestice

via c.

Evenimente publice cu rol de constientizare
„Prin indiferentã permiti violenta. Aratã cã îti pasã!”
martorele-tacute.jpg fotografie-robert-cziszer_un-nou-inceput.jpg fotografie-robert-cziszer.jpg
Pe plan mondial, Organizatia Natiunilor Unite a stabilit ca în fiecare an între 25 noiembrie si 10 decembrie sã aibã loc 16 zile internationale de combatere a violentei împotriva femeii. La Sibiu Asociatia pentru Libertate si Egalitate de Gen – A.L.E.G. organizeazã în 8-9 decembrie actiuni publice care au rol de constientizare si informare. Mesajul nostru este „Prin indiferentã permiti violenta. Aratã cã îti pasã! Continue reading

Action Research & Feminism Conference, Cluj


Location: Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences, Room 5, Floor 4, Str. G-ral Traian Moşoiu nr. 71

11:00 – 12:30 (public lectures)
Well-come talk by Gabriel Bădescu (head of the Department of Political Sciences)
Barbara Einhorn: Mass dictatorships and gender politics
Sue Thornham: Feminism, post-feminism and the academy
Jasmina Lukič: Problems of disciplinization of an ‘interdisciplinary discipline’

Location: Tranzit House, Str. Bariţiu nr. 16
15:00 – 16:30
Panel 1/ Interdisciplinarity and participatory research Continue reading

Fw: call for papers European Roma Women’s Magazine

via crina

Timisoara, 03.11.2008.

Dear colleague and friend,

The Association of Gypsy Women ‘For Our Children’ from Timisoara and of Foundation Desire from Cluj, Romania, launches a new journal, entitled European Roma Women’s Magazine. This became possible due to the financial support of the Open Society Foundation’s Roma Participation Program.

The magazine will be published once in a year in English with Romani abstracts. We prepare and print out its first issue by the end of March 2009 (collecting its articles by the end of January 2009).

Our Magazine addresses the complex and complicated issue of “Roma women” at the intersection of their geopolitical position, ethnicity, social and economic status and age with the aim to represent the socio-cultural diversity of the European Roma women, seen in their immediate communities, and in the context of their relationship with both Roma men and non-Roma women. Crucial for us is the understanding of how they are subjected to multiple and intersectional discrimination, but also how they are acting as powerful agencies by fighting for the enhancement of the society within which they live, and for the changing into better the condition of their own, but as well as of other subordinated and disadvantaged social categories.
Continue reading

Staying silent

by Gwendolyn Albert
Nov. 28 2008

If the media is anything to go by, the neo-Nazi violence in Litvínov Nov. 17 has largely achieved the organizers’ aims of promoting nationalist hatred in the Czech Republic. Headlines referring to rasové nepokoje (“ethnic troubles”) have largely oversimplified what is actually going on: namely, the international neo-Nazi movement is targeting a hate campaign against this particular Roma community. The commitment of these neo-Nazis, the energy of the attack on the Roma community at the Janov housing estate and the neo-Nazis’ aggression toward the police are new and very dangerous developments.

Cyril Koky, a member of the Czech Government Council for Roma Community Affairs, said Czech Human Rights and Minorities Minister Džamila Stehlíková should consider resigning over the failure of her efforts to avert Nov. 17’s violence. As everyone following the developments in Litvínov predicted to the authorities, the Janov housing estate was turned into something resembling a warzone for several hours on a national holiday. The “troubles” were not between “ethnic groups” at all, but between members of the international neo-Nazi movement and the Czech police. Worse still, many non-Roma locals in Litvínov have made it clear in media interviews that they believe the neo-Nazis should be allowed to carry out their violent intentions without police interference.

Koky is correct that Stehlíková and other authorities are to blame. At a meeting last month at the Interior Ministry — which included various NGOs and government officials — to discuss security in Roma neighborhoods after October’s riot in Litvínov, the authorities’ responses bordered on the surreal. Czech Government Commissioner for Human Rights Jan Litomiský, as usual, sat through the meeting without opening his mouth during the free-ranging “discussion.” While the vast majority of those present complained about neo-Nazi violence and the lack of official action against it, officials kept reiterating how much money had been spent on “preventing crime” within the Roma community — a different issue entirely and totally unrelated to suppressing neo-Nazi violence. An Interior Ministry spokesperson even went so far as to say the ministry could not take steps to dissolve the National Party’s paramilitary National Guard “because it is not an officially registered organization.” I could hardly believe my ears — organized crime doesn’t “officially register” with the Interior Ministry either, but we still expect the police to try to stop it.

The Litvínov situation raises serious questions about the rule of law in the Czech Republic.
