articol interesant dar si mai si

Interesant, tot mai mult despre problematica de gen si in presa romaneasca…

Femeia aduce stabilitate sociala
20 Martie 2007
Andreea Romanovschi

Si mai interesante mi se par comentariile pe forum, si absolut savuroase in sensul foarte trist, insa si foarte echilibrate, unele si aducand informatii.

Cam asa se formeaza opinia “publica”, incet si cu multe eforturi. Avem nevoie insa de mai multe modele. Toate interventiile cu exceptia uneia (“cuviosul …”) sunt extrem de superficiale, extremiste, complet in afara subiectului, evidentand marturii ale “rezistentei” interioare vizavi de o gandire critica asupra subiectului.


mary (m…, 2007-03-20 01:00:39
femeia este principala si esentiala cauza a tuturor conflictelor, crizelor si razboaielor. cauzele de alta natura sunt cele vizibile de suprafata doar invocate de prosti.
tocmai feminizarea si favorizarea excesiva a femeii sunt cauzele care vor arunca terra in intunericul definitiv. grav e ca aceasta politica perversa a feminismului afecteaza in ultima instanta si conditia femeilor demne care stiu ca orice exces nu e bun, e doar o capcana pentru nelegiuite, pentru desfrau, o sursa de distrugere a familiei, credintei, armoniei, moralitatii si adevarului. e drept astazi prostituatele fac legea de la natalitate pana la politica. feminismulul a sporit si a alimentat toate aberatiile si deviatiile; homo-pedo-zoo-para-sexualitatea, suicidul, alcoolismele, consumul de droguri, crima. important e ca evz sa nu cada in abordari neobiective, profeministe care zapacesc lumea .all the best evz!!!”

Deci pentru noi care cautam cauzele conflictelor, crizelor si razboaielor – iata o noua directie de investigat! Suna foarte similar cu discursul inchizitiei din evul mediu pe baza caruia sute de mii de femei au fost persecutate cateva secole.

Ina C.

British women’s peace camper arrested for nuclear protest

At the start of the week that sees a vote on Trident replacement (14 March), Juliet McBride from Aldermaston Women’s Peace Camp was arrested on Saturday 10 March 2007, after spending over two hours on a high security fence surrounding the new Orion laser at the Atomic Weapons Establishment, Aldermaston.

Juliet was subsequently held for more than 10 hours and charged with Criminal Trespass under the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005. The Attorney General must now decide whether to proceed with a prosecution.

Her anti-nuclear protest was made just before parliament prepares to vote on the government motion on Trident Replacement: “That this house supports the government’s decision as set out in the white paper The Future of the United Kingdoms Nuclear Deterrent (CM6994) to take the steps necessary to maintain the UK minimum strategic nuclear deterrent beyond the life of the existing system and to take further steps towards meeting the UK’s disarmament responsibilities under Article VI of the Non-Proliferation Treaty.”

While the White Paper outlined its belief in the need for imminent decisions on replacing the submarine fleet and missile bodies, the government claims that decisions on future nuclear warheads will not be required until the next parliament. However, work is already well under way on the new Orion laser – before any decision is made in parliament, at an estimated cost of over £180 million (see building work in pictures). Orion will be able to replicate the conditions of a nuclear explosion, can only be needed and intended to design new nuclear warheads.


For more info contact 07887 802879.
For photos go to or

High resolution photographs available here:
(Note, free single use in print or web – with credit: Aldermaston Women’s Peace Camp(aign). For all other permissions please contact us)

A range of groups are organising events to say “no” to Trident replacement on 14 March. See
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International Women’s Day 2007

DON’T FORGET to: Blog Against Sexism Day (sign up here)

“8 martie – ziua femeilor militante” (2006) [ro]
“march 8th – day of women’s activism” (2006) [en]

Global Women’s Strike 2007
Celebrating International Women’s Day around the world

INVEST IN CARING NOT KILLING! Women & girls do 2/3 of the world’s work, most of it unwaged. $1 trillion/year is spent on the military worldwide, more than half by the US. 10% of this would provide the essentials of life for all: water, sanitation, basic health, nutrition, literacy, and a minimum income.
The Global Women’s Strike network, with national co-ordinations in 11 countries and participating organisations in over 60 countries, is demanding the return of military budgets to the community, beginning with women the main carers of people and the planet. Women, and men who support our goals, take action together on 8 March, International Women’s Day, and throughout the year. In this way each grassroots struggle is backed by our collective power. …

“Ending Impunity for Violence against Women and Girls”
Is the theme for International Women’s Day 2007

Learn more about how United Nations celebrate IWD

In 1975, during International Women’s Year, the United Nations began celebrating 8 March as International Women’s Day. Two years later, in December 1977, the General Assembly adopted a resolution proclaiming a United Nations Day for Women’s Rights and International Peace to be observed on any day of the year by Member States, in accordance with their historical and national traditions. For the United Nations, International Women’s Day has been observed on 8 March since 1975. The Day is traditionally marked with a message from the Secretary-General.

Why dedicate a day exclusively to the celebration of the world’s women?

In adopting its resolution on the observance of Women’s Day, the General Assembly cited two reasons: to recognize the fact that securing peace and social progress and the full enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms require the active participation, equality and development of women; and to acknowledge the contribution of women to the strengthening of international peace and security. For the women of the world, the Day’s symbolism has a wider meaning: It is an occasion to review how far they have come in their struggle for equality, peace and development. It is also an opportunity to unite, network and mobilize for meaningful change.

Read more about the International Women’s Day:
* History of International Women’s Day
* “Engendering the Global Agenda: The Story of Women and the United Nations”, a book by Hilkka Pietilä
* UN Cyberschool Bus page about International Women’s Day

Previous years and themes:
2006: Women in decision-making
2005: Gender Equality Beyond
2005: Building a More Secure Future
2004: Women and HIV/AIDS
2003: Gender Equality and the Millennium Development Goals
2002: Afghan Women Today: Realities and Opportunities
2001: Women and Peace: Women Managing Conflicts
2000: Women Uniting for Peace
1999: World Free of Violence Against Women
1998: Women and Human Rights
1997: Women at the Peace Table
1996: Celebrating the Past, Planning for the Future

Peace Women

The website has many useful resources on women, peace and security issues and women’s peace-building initiatives in areas of armed conflict. Two reports:

• • • • from the 1325 Peace Women E-Newsletter:

Psychosocial Challenges and Interventions for Women Affected by Conflict
– Critical Half, Bi-annual journal of Women for Women International, September 2006 Vol. 4 No. 1 –
The articles in this journal edition highlight the psychological and social difficulties encountered by conflict-affected women. The general hardship and trauma of conflict is often compounded further by gender-based violence, which takes a heavy toll on women’s mental health. Both during war and afterward, women may feel ongoing anxiety and fear as they worry about soldiers who might torture or kill them and their loved ones. Women who have been sexually violated can suffer humiliation and shame, and even become ostracized by those who consider rape to bring dishonour to a woman’s family and community. Women may also lack the social support that normally provides solace or assistance in grieving. The authors discuss ways to design effective psychosocial programs that facilitate healing and encourage women’s active participation in the reconstruction of their communities. Case studies from Sudan, Afghanistan, Indonesia, the United Kingdom, Gaza, Croatia, and Nigeria are provided. Read the full report (PDF)

• • • • from Women, Peace and Security Resources:

Action on Gender Based Violence and HIV/AIDS: Bringing Together Research, Policy, Programming and Advocacy
– Center for Women’s Global Leadership, January 2007 –
In response to the human rights and public health crises posed by both the HIV pandemic and the unabating levels of gender-based violence (GBV), policy makers, activists and programmers at international, regional and national levels have in recent years bolstered attention to the conceptual and methodological intersections of work in these areas. A small group of organizations and experts working at the intersection of GBV and HIV came together to share lessons learned from working from a variety of entry points, including human rights, gender, feminism, sexuality, and sexual rights, at global, national and local levels, using various methods and within different country contexts. This brief report summarizes discussions, outcomes, and recommendations from the consultation. Read the full report (PDF)

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

More about Peace Women: Continue reading

Some good international news

from Women’s eNews:

* Portugal, one of four European nations where most abortions are illegal, will vote next month in a referendum to liberalize its laws. The election occurs amid efforts to challenge Portuguese and Irish anti-choice laws in European court.

* Three hundred men have joined a Burlington, Vermont, U.S., campaign against domestic abuse, the Burlington Press reported Jan. 23. Members of the White Ribbon Campaign, which was formed last December, wear white ribbons to symbolize their commitment to challenging violence against women. Members agree to speak to at least one boy and man to raise awareness.

* A group of Israeli women has petitioned the nation’s high court to prohibit bus companies from telling women to sit in the back in Orthodox Jewish neighborhoods, Reuters reported Jan. 24. Some members of the Orthodox sects of Judaism follow teachings that ban any public contact between men and women. The Israeli government has recently backed transport companies that run gender-divided buses on 30 public routes.

* The United Nations will deploy its first all-female peacekeeping force to the conflict-torn West African nation of Liberia on Jan. 29, the Associated Press reported. The 103-member team, which has trained since September and is drawn from India, will help conduct local elections and assist with prison security.

* Under pressure from activists and eager for approval to join the European Union, Turkey has launched a major campaign against honor killings, the Los Angeles Times reported Jan 21. Pop stars and soccer celebrities have produced TV spots and billboard ads condemning violence against women, while Turkish imams have declared honor killings a sin.

* More than 500 international manufacturers of cosmetic and body care products have vowed to eliminate toxic ingredients from their products, the San Francisco-based Campaign for Safe Cosmetics announced Jan. 25. The pledge’s signatories have agreed to replace ingredients linked with cancer, hormone imbalances and birth anomalies with safer alternatives by 2010.

* Saudi Arabia’s most prominent princess, Lolwah Al-Faisal, said that she would allow women to drive if she were queen for a day during comments made at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, the Times of London reported Jan. 25. Al-Faisal is vice-chair of the board of trustees and general supervisor of Jeddah’s Effat College. Her remark was broadly received as a direct challenge to the nation’s driving ban, imposed by religious order in 1990.

* When Israel holds a high-level meeting on national security starting Jan. 21, Israeli women’s groups will meet on the sidelines to discuss the harmful effects of last summer’s war on Lebanon and recommend ways to defuse nuclear tensions in the region.

* A U.K. labor union plans to bring a barrage of cases that will test the significance for female workers of a recent European Court of Justice decision. Advocates hope it will ease the penalty for taking time out of the paid work force.

Anunt: Gender & Peacebuilding -Training la Cluj

Program international de training “Gender and Peacebuilding”

Institutul Roman pentru Pace (PATRIR) in colaborare cu reteaua TRANSCEND pentru Pace si Dezvoltare anunta programul international de training “Gender and Peacebuilding” ce se va desfasura in Cluj Napoca, intre 29 ianuarie si 2 februarie, 2007.

Programul ofera o introducere in studiile de gen si o analiza a complexitatii relatiilor dintre gen si constructiile sociale, dintre gen, rasa si privilegii de clasa. Pe parcursul cursului se vor explora interdependenta dintre gen si relatiile de putere, cu accent pe teoria si practica rolurilor de gen in diferite societati. Cursul va explica cum intelegerea constructiilor sociale de gen poate contribui la abordarea inegalitatilor de gen si la promovarea unei culturi a pacii. Cursul va aborda si notiuni de militarism, pace si sisteme de razboi – ca expresii ale unor constructii sociale de gen. Va demonstra o conexiune directa intre militarism si violenta bazata pe gen, pozitiile sociale ce au la baza diviziunile de gen si societatile violente, prin exemple din Orientul Mijlociu, Asia de Sud-Est, Europa de Vest si de Est, cu un accent pus pe SUA si zona balcanica.

Costurile cursului sunt acoperite de organizatori, participantii fiind responsabili de drum, cazare si masa pe perioada trainingului (5 zile). Organizatorii pot aranja cazarea si masa participantilor contra unei sume de 180 Euro (cazare pentru 6 nopti si masa pentru 5 zile). Limba de desfasurare a programului de training este engleza.
Trainer: Gal Harmat, Israel.

Cei interesati pot trimite un CV si o scrisoare de motivatie pe adresa pana joi, 25 ianuarie, 2007.

Informatii suplimentare: 0264-420298

–> the info in english: Continue reading

nu sint feminista, dar… partea a 2a

– Femeile detin doar 1% din proprietatile lumii, sub 10% din venitul global, sub 7% din slujbele clericale.
– In clasamentul celor 300 de oameni bogati din Romania figureaza doar 8 femei (Supliment Revista Capital, 2003).
– Mai putin de 14% din pozitiile de conducere ale lumii (putere politica, strategica si economica) apartin femeilor. In Marea Britanie doar 17% dintre locurile din Parlament sunt ocupate de femei, in Parlamentul European femeile sunt in proportie de 24,5%, iar in Romania doar 10,7%.
– In toata lumea persista inegalitatile salariale intre femei si barbati, cele mai multe tari din Europa inregistrand diferente de pana la 20% intre salariile femeilor si ale barbatilor. In Romania veniturile femeilor in general reprezinta doar 50% din cele ale barbatilor.
– Astazi 2/3 din cele 876 milioane de analfabeti din lume sunt femei. In Romania desi numarul de elevi si studenti femei este de 50,1%, acest raport nu se regaseste pe piata fortei de munca, una din cinci femei romance neavand nici o sursa de venit.
– In lume, femeile sunt batute, oprimate, abuzate si torturate in fiecare zi. Cercetarile arata ca violenta domestica este raspandita pe scara larga in majoritatea societatilor si este o cauza frecventa a sinuciderilor in randul femeilor. In Romania femeile sunt victime ale violentei in familie in proportie de peste 30% iar o data la 2 zile / la fiecare doua zile o femeie este omorata in bataie (cf. Inspectoratului General al Politiei Romane, Bucuresti, 2003).
– 30% din gospodariile din lume sunt ingrijite de femei, 80-90% din cele mai sarace familii depind de femei pe tot globul, si tot ele au de obicei responsabilitatea de a creste copiii, de cele mai multe ori fara ajutorul tatalui, al familiei sau al comunitatii. In Romania femeile se ocupa de cresterea copiilor in proportie de 66%.
– Femeile muncesc in general cel putin 10-15 ore pe saptamana mai mult decat barbatii. Ele au de obicei o dubla zi de munca (serviciu si munca in gospodarie). 63,8 % dintre romani considera ca este doar datoria femeii sa se ocupe de treburile casnice.
– Segregarea in domeniul muncii este evidenta, atat in lume cat si in Romania (1998): femeile sunt majoritare in sectoarele bugetare (sanatate, invatamant, turism, comert) unde sunt salarizate cu pana la o treime sub media salarizarii pe economie, iar in ramurile predominate de barbati (constructii, energie, transporturi, etc.) salariile sunt mult mai mari.
– In Romania o conditie pusa uneori la angajare femeilor este de a nu ramane insarcinate. In Anglia, spre exemplu, in 2003, 1000 de femei au fost concediate de la locul de munca in anul in care au ramas insarcinate deoarece nu existau conditii de munca potrivite si nu existau alternative la munca intreprinsa de ele.
– Femeile nu au inca dreptul de a alege cu privire la drepturile reproductive. In Romania femeile rrome nu au acces la servicii medicale si acces la informatii privind sanatatea reproductiva; femeile cu deficiente sunt sfatuite sa nu aiba copii.
– Exista sexism (discriminarea sistematica a unui sex, de obicei femeile) in toate societatile: prezentarea femeilor in publicitate ca obiecte sexuale care trebuie sa arate bine si sa nu vorbeasca deloc, bancuri misogine, proverbe, cantece, povesti in care femeile sunt sistematic prezentate ca fiinte inferioare, proaste, slabe, rele, malefice care trebuie controlate, supuse, dominate.
– O analiza a 33 de jocuri video „Nintendo” si „Sega Genesis”, foarte populare actualmente, a aratat ca in 41% dintre acestea nu exista personaje feminine. Femeile sunt fie absente, fie apar in postura de victima. In aproape 80% dintre jocuri violenta si agresiunea sunt o parte necesara a strategiei. In aproape jumatate din jocuri violenta era indreptata spre alti oameni, iar in 21% era violenta impotriva femeilor.
– Violul si alte forme de violenta sexuala sunt in crestere. Multe violuri raman nedenuntate din cauza stigmatizarii si a traumei asociate acestora si datorita lipsei abordarii acestui subiect intr-un mod delicat de catre sistemele juridice. Estimarile procentelor de violuri denuntate la politie variaza. Violul este folosit sistematic ca tactica de razboi (ex. Bosnia-Hertegovina, Ruanda).
– In Romania 44% dintre tinerele cu studii superioare angajate au fost hartuite sexual la locul de munca.

Stop Violence Against Women: Romania factsheet
Raport pe (in)egalitatea dintre sexe in Europa de Sud-Est
Cartea neagra a egalitatii de sanse intre femei si barbati in Romania
Primul numar din RESpublica, Revista Egalitatii de Sanse